WARNING: Rumors of more PS3 downgrades
Senior Member
17. June 2006 @ 18:26 |
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Yeah there will be software and firmware upgrades.Similar to 360 and psp.What's cool about ps3 is online service is free as where the 360 you have to pay.
17. June 2006 @ 18:30 |
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Ah, but will all of it be free. I mean Xbox 360 Silver (for downloads such as patches) is free to all, but Gold (to play games) costs a service fee. Wouldn't be surprised if Sony caught you all off guard with that one. Besides if PS3 online pales in comparison to 360 online the way PS2 online did to Xbox Live, then it should be free lol.
Senior Member
17. June 2006 @ 18:36 |
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true xbox live is the best right now but from what I hear ps3 online will be completely free even to play.This comes right out of the mouth of the president of scea ken keturagi (or wtf his name is lol).If that's true it will be popular and may even surpass xbox live.Of coarse xbox live could always make their service free :)
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17. June 2006 @ 18:49 |
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Yeah they could for the sake of competition. But is it such a smart move by Sony considering they're making such a loss on each sale of their console. It's marketable because its free - no doubt about that - but Sony may end up making less profit than MS on the basis of some strange decisions...
Senior Member
17. June 2006 @ 18:54 |
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yeah true.I wouldn't even give sony's online service a second look if it were not free.I would just get xbox live.But anything that's free and will be in millions of homes is bound to pick up steam.
as far as losses sony think that knocking off xbox live will result in lackluster sales in the long run for MS after all xbox live is really all xbox had to offer over the ps2.And if you take that....well you know.
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AfterDawn Addict
17. June 2006 @ 18:59 |
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knocking off xbox live?, Sony's online service is not even out yet. It could be totally differant
Senior Member
17. June 2006 @ 19:01 |
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not saying they will but that's what sony's aiming for.
17. June 2006 @ 19:04 |
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Yeah. My argument is not what they aim to do, but how they will try and make some profit out of the loss on the sale of each console. They have free online services, so more consoles are bought, and more loss is made. They would only make up profit in software by small increments. Surely an online service fee would be a wise way to make up for some of the loss. Running an online service must have a large cost (It's worldwide!) of maintenance etc, and therefore it's just another loss. So the only way that Sony will make a profit is from Software sales? (until of course the PS3 becomes profitable). Just doesn't seem quite right...
Senior Member
17. June 2006 @ 19:08 |
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true but they know that the more consoles they sell the more people will be buying games and bluray.Sony makes a cut on each game or movie licensed.Plus They only take a loss per console knowing they will make a profit when the technology comes down.After that they make up the losses and start making profit.
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17. June 2006 @ 19:13 |
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Yeah, but Software won;t be as accesible to people at such a price tag. Maybe they could have made the games a little cheaper and had a similar online fee to MS? Regardless I guess they must know what they're doing by now... They've been infront by the end of the last two generations of consoles by a mile.
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18. June 2006 @ 02:02 |
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if its upgradable then they dont need to make a new PS they can keep it as Ps3 and upgrade the games while you upgrade the consol just like computer - if u think bout it - u dont need to waste hundreds of dollor to by a new consol every single time
Senior Member
18. June 2006 @ 02:43 |
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what? Dude you would still be spending even more trying upgrade every 2 seconds.
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18. June 2006 @ 03:59 |
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oh! oops! >_< my bad maybe ur rite but if there is lot of new consol then ur room will be full no place to sleep wen ur 50years old or something
Senior Member
18. June 2006 @ 04:12 |
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Well I dont keep every console forever lol.When those bi***es get old I can em or sell on ebay or trade em for games.But retro consoles are kinda cool.
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18. June 2006 @ 04:38 |
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well i only hav ps1 (since i was 8)
and i got psp last year i like to keep them man, they will be ancient
like keeping the history of sony playstation consols
18. June 2006 @ 05:17 |
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I keep my consoles too FFXTidus - I have 7 consoles, heaps of old school sh!t. I can't bring myself to sell them : You get nothing for them anyway right?
Senior Member
18. June 2006 @ 05:37 |
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You get nothing if you wait to long but if you sell your ps2 right before The ps3 comes out you can get some money.Anyways consoles are backwards compatible now so I don't need the old one.But in 20 yrs I might would want to take that crusty bastard outta the closet and show my kids.
18. June 2006 @ 05:41 |
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Lol crusty bastard. Nice. I think when the next console comes out is when you get the least money. You either sell in advance (a while before release of Next Gen) or ages after, when the console is harder to get hold of and becomes a collectors item of sorts. Though with the vast amounts of PS2 units out there, it's doubtful they'll be worth anything for a long time. Lets face it the things are as common as dog sh!t...
Senior Member
18. June 2006 @ 05:48 |
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Thought you'd like that.Yeah the prospects of a ps2 becoming a collector's item soon looks dim.But the commodor and atari are considered rarer nowadays.If you had an atari in the original box brand new it may fetch a descent price.
18. June 2006 @ 05:51 |
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Yeah. The longer you hold onto things, the better the price people will pay. This guy was trying to sell a SNES copy of a rare RPG called Lufia for $50 (Ebay) and it was cartridge only, and my oh my what a crusty bastard that was. I have mine mint in the cardboard package with the book and everything, all schmick! I reckon I could get bout 100-120 bucks maybe, but I like it too much lol...
Senior Member
18. June 2006 @ 06:01 |
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I never understood the rare game thing.I know that if they are rare they will be harder to find therefore more sought after but if they were rare they probably sucked back then and didn't sell anything.
18. June 2006 @ 06:07 |
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Yeah. Well Vagrant Story is an awesome RPG by Square, nobody bought, then everybody realised how awesome it is, and now everyone wants it. The price rises due to excess demand and a small supply. Glad I picked my copy up on Ebay (Great condition!!) for 11 bucks including postage then hey? ;) Anyway dude, I need a couple hours sleep before the Socceroos play Brazil lol, catchya round the forums, and I like the abstract man!
Senior Member
18. June 2006 @ 06:11 |
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Me too Im tired.Any game made by square should be ok.Glad ya liked the abstract.Goin to sleep nighty.
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18. June 2006 @ 07:04 |
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well my friend and i wanna brake open the 'stomach' of the ps1 and see the 'intestine' for fun because no one wanna buy it
Senior Member
18. June 2006 @ 21:53 |
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Why? What's so fun about that? Playing something on it would probably be funner than destroying it.If you do, It will be hard because of the casing.It's not like something you can just unscrew.I would look on the internet for a guide with pictures before I do anything I may regret.
But who am I to tell you what to do with your stuff?Go for it lol.