DVDFab Official/Beta release thread (post updates here)
AfterDawn Addict
17. November 2008 @ 07:57 |
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LOL That would be Office Depot not Home Depot. Good one. And refers to their house branded OFFICE DEPOTs, not the other cheap Ativas that they sell.
Senior Member
17. November 2008 @ 08:31 |
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Originally posted by garmoon: dr_ml422
LOL That would be Office Depot not Home Depot. Good one. And refers to their house branded OFFICE DEPOTs, not the other cheap Ativas that they sell.
LOL. Still a lil under the weather w/this bug that's going around. So the OFFICE DEPOT branded are pretty good. That's great to hear as I have to also start having something on the side as giveaways. That info on their Ativas I appreciate also. They were pushing those strongly a while back and I almost pulled the trigger.
Junior Member
17. November 2008 @ 10:40 |
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Originally posted by dr_ml422: @garmoon When you said anything +R Home Depot are you referring to their own brand? I got thrown off there a bit and thought you meant buying different media at Home Depot.
Good point. I myself referred to the Office Depot BRAND.
Originally posted by dr_m1422: @Mor How could you tell something's missing if everything seems ok, and the info is not being sent to 1680 x 1050? My Acer Monitor is 1680 x 1050, though I haven't seen any videos on here. Have to put in MPC or Quick Time Alternative n check it out. Though the graphics on the screen and from the web are great. I have a ATI Radeon HD 2600XT 512MB IceQ Turbo which I still haven't pushed to its full potential.
Hmmm. That's an interesting suggestion: that the image is some sort of BEST CASE construct that can accomodate environments capable of displaying some theoretical maximum amount of information. UNUSED INFORMATION. Can it be?
Originally posted by dr_m1422: As far as your quality being great even at 67%, it prolly has to do more w/the proggie you're using to compress, and a lil of your card as well. DVDFab just updated their Platinum to get better compression and clean up the discs more thoroughly also.
I use AC/DC and Fab exclusively. They both appear to give roughly equivalent results. I wish DC (CD2) had better preferences. Fab allows you to select 4472 as the dvd-5 size which produces a larger image than DC's dvd-5--right up there against the 4,700,000,000 +R BYTE limit. Right around 4,690* consistently. I want ALL the information I can get.
Senior Member
17. November 2008 @ 11:21 |
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Originally posted by Mordaunt: Originally posted by dr_ml422:
Originally posted by dr_m1422: quote]Hmmm. That's an interesting suggestion: that the image is some sort of BEST CASE construct that can accomodate environments capable of displaying some theoretical maximum amount of information. UNUSED INFORMATION. Can it be?
Originally posted by dr_m1422:
I use AC/DC and Fab exclusively. They both appear to give roughly equivalent results. I wish DC (CD2) had better preferences. Fab allows you to select 4472 as the dvd-5 size which produces a larger image than DC's dvd-5--right up there against the 4,700,000,000 +R BYTE limit. Right around 4,690* consistently. I want ALL the information I can get.
Hi mor. The fact is that we don't get the whole 4.7gb anyway. Has to do w/the quality of the media and also true parameters when transferring as opposed to the blank itself. For DVD-R blanks try setting Fab at 4489mb, and for DVD+R blanks try 4483mb. Good DVD-R media will accomodate the 4489mb w/excellent results. If it tells you not enough space just shoot it to the 4483mb. This has been tested and tried so don't worry. Any cleaner w/the most info and quality then you could run the files through VOB Blanker, there's a guide here just in case. It'll clean up any unwanted/not needed cells. Fab is great on it's own for compression. I have to check out AC/DC haven't heard of it. Another option is to rip and clean the whole DVD using Fab n VOB and then compress w/shrink using the above output settings. I like creating an ISO and then letting ImgBurn do it's magic. Both Fab n Shrink have implemented it, although I back up 6 or so DVDs and then Queue it w/ImgBurn to let both my burners work on the files.
Basically what you leave in or take out is what you'll see, unless like you stated the resolution comes into play, which I can't see happening if you backed up in widescreen format. I could be wrong though. The only time resolution should affect anything is if your monitor can not support what your GPU is sending out.
The statement by that graphics card IMO can only if at all be attributed to the unwanted cells still in the video file after compression etc... If they're not needed then it's all for naught.
Try those DVD-5 settings w/some TYs or Verbs you'll see what I mean. Then try w/some other media. You'll see the difference in allotted space required/and or needed.
Junior Member
17. November 2008 @ 11:44 |
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Quote: Hi mor. The fact is that we don't get the whole 4.7gb anyway. Has to do w/the quality of the media and also true parameters when transferring as opposed to the blank itself. For DVD-R blanks try setting Fab at 4489mb, and for DVD+R blanks try 4483mb. Good DVD-R media will accomodate the 4489mb w/excellent results. If it tells you not enough space just shoot it to the 4483mb. This has been tested and tried so don't worry. Any cleaner w/the most info and quality then you could run the files through VOB Blanker, there's a guide here just in case. It'll clean up any unwanted/not needed cells. Fab is great on it's own for compression. I have to check out AC/DC haven't heard of it. Another option is to rip and clean the whole DVD using Fab n VOB and then compress w/shrink using the above output settings. I like creating an ISO and then letting ImgBurn do it's magic. Both Fab n Shrink have implemented it, although I back up 6 or so DVDs and then Queue it w/ImgBurn to let both my burners work on the files.
I'll try those compression settings. I'll try VOB Blanker. AC/DC is just my way of referring to Slysoft's AnyDVD/CloneDVD2.
Senior Member
17. November 2008 @ 11:48 |
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Oh ok. Thnx. I thought I missed the boat on some new proggie.
AfterDawn Addict
17. November 2008 @ 14:33 |
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Quote: X8 TY TO2s. Those plus the Verbatim +R 004 X16 and anything +R Office depot X16 are the discs I am using now and have no issues with them.
Just to clarify what I meant above, was any of the Office Depot branded +R X16 blanks which come in several flavors (not any discs they sold)- DVD identifier codes them as follows: Ricohjpn, Ritek 03 , and Ritek 05-all of these have been trouble free.
Senior Member
17. November 2008 @ 15:11 |
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So as long as they're branded OFFICE DEPOT, and except for those Ativas those are the ones that been pretty good correct? Different flavors I presume you mean colors?
AfterDawn Addict
17. November 2008 @ 16:28 |
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The Office Depot brand blanks +RsX!16 all come in the same colored package. At different times Ricohjpan or Ritek make the discs that are in the stack. These are the ones you want!!! Do not buy the Ativas. You can buy Verbs there WHEN on sale which is not often. Verbs are usually on sale 50/$15 or les at Best Buy. TYs get online! Sony media is also pretty good at any store.
If you download this program-free-it will tell you who manufactured the discs.
DVD Identifier
Senior Member
17. November 2008 @ 21:36 |
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I got it garmoon. I know the Ativas are garbage. The Office Depot branded ones like you said, DVD+Rs X16 are the ones to look for. Only thing is that you can't know the manufacturer until you use DVD Identifier or put it in Imgburn. I presume that for the most part they'll be made by Ritek and Ricoh like you mentioned? Otherwise one is stuck w/w/e you purchased.
Junior Member
18. November 2008 @ 11:45 |
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Originally posted by garmoon: Do not buy the Ativas.
I recently went through a spindle of Ativas and didn't have any problems. I'll buy Ativas.
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
18. November 2008 @ 12:14 |
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Originally posted by Mordaunt: Originally posted by garmoon: Do not buy the Ativas.
I recently went through a spindle of Ativas and didn't have any problems. I'll buy Ativas.
Let us know in about 2 years how well those puppies play back.
Senior Member
18. November 2008 @ 13:03 |
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Good one 7. Experience best teacher. About a year after some HPs I went to check one out and it had disintegrated. TYs n Verbs for me n maybe the Sonys too. Still to venture any Ritek/Ricoh or the OFFICE DEPOT ones suggested by garmoon.
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
18. November 2008 @ 14:18 |
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I burn quite a few of the RICHOJPN's and have been very pleased with the outcome. Those are the ones i burn for my son's movies. I use TY's or Verbies for mine.
Senior Member
18. November 2008 @ 15:23 |
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Originally posted by 7thsinger: I burn quite a few of the RICHOJPN's and have been very pleased with the outcome. Those are the ones i burn for my son's movies. I use TY's or Verbies for mine.
No way though of telling the MID until you put them in the identifier or ImgBurn. Are you referring to the OFFICE DEPOT ones that garmoon suggested come up RICHOJPN, or are there some that for the most part will be RICHOJPN straight from RICOH/RITEK? If so where do you usually go or can find them? Supermedia...? Thnx.
Don't like the tape wrapped, unless you could point something out that'll negate them not being bad. They'll usually be all dusty and after opening no where to properly store them.
AfterDawn Addict
21. November 2008 @ 05:55 |
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DVDFab Beta is out (November 21, 2008):
What's New: Beta (November 21, 2008)
New: Profile can be changed in "Tast List" window now. (DVDFab Mobile Option)
New: Updated VSO burning engine.
New: Updated language files.
New: Some minor improvements.
Fix: Log file is not saved for VSO burning engine.
99% of all problems are between the computer and the chair.
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
21. November 2008 @ 09:14 |
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Many thanks for posting bro!
I'll be updating as soon as i get home.
Senior Member
21. November 2008 @ 09:28 |
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Thnx also dialysis. Fab working like a charm. How soon between finished release usually?
Senior Member
21. November 2008 @ 14:45 |
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A hardy "Thank You", dialysis :)
Senior Member
22. November 2008 @ 02:33 |
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Thanks for the update. I had downloaded it earlier in the morning, and just now decided to post my thanks.
Senior Member
22. November 2008 @ 20:19 |
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Hi dialysis. Just backed up WALL.E, ZOHAN, and THE ZOMBIE DIARIES w/the latest beta you posted and couldn't unclick the audio on the director's comments and all the ac3 audio channels. It did it on my 1st back up which was RAISING JEFFREY DAHMER. Figure I post this so it could be passed on to FAB and commented on here as well. Any input appreciated as always.
AfterDawn Addict
28. November 2008 @ 02:59 |
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DVDFab products is out (November 28, 2008):
DVDFab (Platinum/Gold/HD Decrypter) (Option: Mobile)
What's New: (November 28, 2008)
* New: Improved transcoding speed of "DVD to DVD" mode.
* New: Profile can be changed in "Tast List" window now. (DVDFab Mobile Option)
* New: Improved selection of recommended write speed. DVDFab will use 16x when writer recommends 18x or 20x, and will use 8x when writer recommends 12x or 16x. If you want to use highest possible write speed, you can specify it in "Write Speed" of "Settings -> DVD -> Write" window.
* New: Updated VSO burning engine.
* New: Added support for "AUTO" and "MAX" write speed of ImgBurn.
* New: Updated language files.
* New: Some minor improvements.
* Fix: A crash problem when copying "Wall-E" (US).
* Fix: A problem for "Clone" of "Wall-E" (US).
* Fix: UOPs protection is not removed completely when using "Main Movie" mode.
99% of all problems are between the computer and the chair.
Senior Member
28. November 2008 @ 08:36 |
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Many thanks dialysis. Going to download now.
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
28. November 2008 @ 08:37 |
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Thanks for posting Dialysis. I got mine updated this morning. I'm hoping Fengtao and Ting get The Dark Knight sorted by the time it hits the shelves.
Senior Member
28. November 2008 @ 10:12 |
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Thnx also dialysis. Will download asaic as well. I had no problem w/WALL-E. Maybe others were trying in some other mode like full disc or something. Main Movie only went through like butter w/path player always enabled.