Mobile PhoneTools v3.0 US
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2. April 2005 @ 08:51 |
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Hi guys....
Well my MPTs is finally working the way it should. I have to delete the 3.11 version and go back and start with a 2.0 version and use live update from there.It even has my phone's skin. Thanks for everyone's help.
Now I did find out that the v265 does not support Mp3 ringtones, even thought the liturature said it did. It only supports midi and "real tone" rintones. Does NE1 know anything about these "real tone" ringtones? NE sites to learn? Thanks again.
3. April 2005 @ 16:38 |
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HELP PLEASE! i've been at this for days... trying every which way, reading all [10/bold] pages of this forum, btw, and still cannot beat this beast! I've gotten the infamous "initializing" error. I've tried selecting the port/modem but when i click on the one you more experienced people have so kindly provided for us morons, it sends me to a page that has an "all ports" tick greyed out and a "selected ports" tick selected, but no ports to select from, therfore the "next" button is greyed out. THis has to be one of the most frusterating things i've ever set out to accomplish, but i'm still determined to master it. I'm using a USB cable connected DIRECTLY, i have a motorola v180, and i can't download version 1.23 so i have 3.11. I've exhausted my knowledge and am so bewildered! i've tried restarting, both the computer and the phone, i've tried everything mentioned here, except only to the point it stops me at (mentioned above) somebody PLEASE help ME! I'll be eternally grateful since this is driving me nuts!
3. April 2005 @ 21:40 |
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I tried most of the tips you all gave, though, I couldn't upgrade to 3.19e, the files didn't seem to download with LiveUpdate 2.16. My dad has the same phone as I do (Motorola V220), after hours of trying to get mine to be detected by both Mobiledit and MPT, I decided to try connecting his phone to my USB cable (directly into the PC) and his worked, but not mine, what could cause that? I tried connecting mine the same way I did his, in the same order and stuff but nothing. Sorry if this has been said before I couldn't find it.
4. April 2005 @ 01:43 |
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I was wondering why i cant even isntall version 3.11
I have winrar but when i click on t he setup.exe it says theres something that cant initialize or something to that extent.
8. April 2005 @ 13:31 |
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Hi everybody just want to say that this forum have been a lot of help.
I was wondering if anyone can put up a link of where I can get """PST Phone Programmer""" that you need in order to download games on to your phone.
I would appreciate it if anyone can help. I use a v505.
Thanks. Bye
Senior Member
8. April 2005 @ 18:56 |
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u can find PST on the stickie threads....
So MuCh TiMe YoU wAsTeD, ThAtS wHy I hAd 2 RePlAcE YoU....
9. April 2005 @ 07:27 |
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Thanks for the reply, but i'm new to this, but what exactly is the """stickie thread"""?
9. April 2005 @ 17:06 |
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I have a Dell laptop with internal Bluetooth and I just got a Motorola V3. I had trouble getting MPT, which I downloaded from,
to detect my phone over Bluetooth. The following is what worked for me after quite a few hours of frustration:
1) Use the Bluetooth install wizard, from control panel>printers and other hardware>Bluetooth Devices>add, to establish initial connection. Make sure phone's "find" mode is initiated when required.
2) Download and install MPT. Press "Ignore" if any errors come up during installation.
3) Launch MBT if not already launched. Proceed as far as you can until you can get the phone interface to display.
4) From the phone interface, select menu >setup >general setup >communication>change modem
5) You should see and option to select modem over Bluetooth. Select this option and proceed. You should have connection now.
6) If there is no Bluetooth option in "change modem", select what is available for now and complete process. Restart MBT and repeat steps 4 & 5.
Hopefully this helps someone.
Senior Member
9. April 2005 @ 19:48 |
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stickie threads r on the top with the Bold font....
So MuCh TiMe YoU wAsTeD, ThAtS wHy I hAd 2 RePlAcE YoU....
11. April 2005 @ 21:29 |
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thanks fof the help mossyy
Senior Member
12. April 2005 @ 17:47 |
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no problem :D
So MuCh TiMe YoU wAsTeD, ThAtS wHy I hAd 2 RePlAcE YoU....
20. April 2005 @ 12:18 |
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I need help. I have been trying to download the mobile phone tools vs3.11 .rar file that was posted in earlier threads and am getting an error that that site is down. Can anybody send me that file so I can use it for my V180 Motorola phone?
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21. April 2005 @ 00:49 |
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As has been mentioned in other earlier threads the best place to look is on a P2P client app. :)
21. April 2005 @ 10:04 |
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Thank you OmegaWolf your method worked great for me and my v180. This is such a great and awesome forum. Thanks to everybody who gave advice and for helping all of us that needed it.
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21. April 2005 @ 17:00 |
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Hey this is a messgae for anybody who knows about my problem. I want to download mp3s and wallpaper onto my moto v180. CAn anybody send me a link that I can use to download some kind of driver or program that will let me do that ..Thanx
I am a big moto fan
28. April 2005 @ 16:37 |
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hmmmmmmmmmmmm guys i dont know who compressed that mobile phonetools
rar file but, i tried too unrar it a few times and it always had a problem when it was unraring, it even had a dianostic window that shows u the errors maybe this is way most of you guys cant install phone tools, whova compressed it did it directly from their harddrive, it was in installed on their computer, and the last time i checked you cant take a program that was installed on a pc and use it on a nother its has too be a fresh program that has too install it self on to the harddrive, if u look inside of the rar file u will find directorys from their computer, (program files, windows,) the outside of those folders was the executable files, to run the program but from what i've seen its not all their, the only way too do that rite, someone who has phonetools, and copy the whole cd to a folder and then compress it, or use WinRAR and rar the whole cd to a folder then link it where ppl can get it, i also found a nother link to where phonetools was but that didnt work either, <--- i tried this one a few times and i'm real good with software, i've cracked many programs but i can figure out why this one dont work, the funny thing about this one at least your see the motorola start up page, but it does not install to the drive. if i find a good link i will post it..
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1. May 2005 @ 14:51 |
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I just installed phonetools. When i go to transfer a mp3 to my motorola v600 it say unsupported "format - no conversion possible" I tried several mp3s and wav files. Could someone please help me with this error message.
1. May 2005 @ 18:19 |
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I have used MPT on my old computer, but now I have a new lap top with Windows Xp SP2. I am using a wireless conection to the internet. I have MPT v3.o, and it will not detect my phone. I have my phone connected by a usb cable. I have read alot of the forums, even though there are a ton and a half to read, and i still really havnt found a fix. Can someone please help me?
1. May 2005 @ 18:25 |
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I am using the V220 Phone.
12. May 2005 @ 15:20 |
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I have a problem getting MultiMedia Studio to open. MPT connects to my phone fine and I see my battery status, signal strenght, carrier, etc on the app. I can also dial calls and sync my contacts. When I click on Multimedia Studio the phone says "Initializing.." and eventual stops and nothing happens. Any ideas? I have a v635 and have XP service pack 2
13. May 2005 @ 17:03 |
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I can't open mpt. When it opens i get an error at the end of setup. Someone plz help
16. May 2005 @ 02:04 |
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i have an update on phonetools Motorola.Mobile.PhoneTools.v3.11
here is the link down a new version of WinRAR and open up mpt's open the file then open up the setup folder then highlight all the files in side of the setup folder then click on extract and create a folder called mpt setup, when down go too mpt folder and click on the setup file and it installs like a dream FYI, when downloading the mpts hightlight the link and click on save to, thats it
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17. May 2005 @ 12:01 |
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Hi all..i have been having a hard time also with getting my comp. to find my phone, i have read and tried everything on here. I have a V265. I have tried to install on both of my computers with no luck..I have xp home edition on mine, and windows pro. on the other..
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17. May 2005 @ 12:38 |
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ANN - have u tried all of my steps????
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17. May 2005 @ 13:10 |
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lol...I've tried so many i really don't remember..been at it since yesterday...i've dl'd previous versions and tried to upgrade...i've been to so many web sites and nothing.....