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PS3 blu-ray drive dead
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16. October 2008 @ 12:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The 2 lasers I bought from USA company had a ribbon cable that was different than my original also. The difference was the end were it plugged in. The original had 8 small wire traces and the replacements had only 4. I was curious about this, I checked out under a scope and the four wires actually split into 8 smaller contacts on the original, but the connections were the same. Not sure if that helps.

Did your USA purchase come from Cal. Maybe the same supplier.
16. October 2008 @ 12:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi this is my problem:

Some time ago I was downloading Ratchet and Clank: QfB and suddenly there was a short power.

After that my PS3 doesn´t recognizes bluray media. I can play DVD media without problems, and I can play games from the HDD.

Last week I took my PS3 where a technician, he changed the laser lens, but when we test the PS3 still not working, so I pretty sure that the problems isn't the laser lens.

He said me that the problem is the mainboard of the bluray drive, but he doesn't have a bluray mainboard that match with my PS3 yet, we test two diferents drive boards and none work.

I alredy did a master reset to the PS3 and like I said before I can play DVD media and games form the HDD without problems.

Somebody have another idea that could be the problem?

Maybe the BD7956FS?


PD: sorry for my english but my native lenguaje is the spanish
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16. October 2008 @ 15:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by romeronj:

Somebody have another idea that could be the problem?

Maybe the BD7956FS?


PD: sorry for my english but my native lenguaje is the spanish
Could be something on the controller board, but not that IC. If that IC chip were the problem, no formats would work because it wouldnt be able to mount the media in the first place.
16. October 2008 @ 18:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by dridella:
The 2 lasers I bought from USA company had a ribbon cable that was different than my original also. The difference was the end were it plugged in. The original had 8 small wire traces and the replacements had only 4. I was curious about this, I checked out under a scope and the four wires actually split into 8 smaller contacts on the original, but the connections were the same. Not sure if that helps.

Did your USA purchase come from Cal. Maybe the same supplier.
I don't know what his name was? jimmystore on ebay or keygame.

I received the second laser from Spain and installed it in the 40GB, I have been running it for about 1 hr and 15min so far and no problems.

I will post pics of the different lasers.
16. October 2008 @ 19:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Here is a picture of the two lasers side by side.
Left one is replacement from Spain and Right one is Original.

It's now about 3 hours and replacement is still working.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. October 2008 @ 19:48

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16. October 2008 @ 21:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by dex4:
Here is a picture of the two lasers side by side.
Left one is replacement from Spain and Right one is Original.

It's now about 3 hours and replacement is still working.
Mine didn't come from Spain, but my two lasers look exactly the same. The old dead one had the white clip, the new working one has a brown clip.

Frankly I don't know if the laser still works because I havent played a Blu-ray game in at least a month, but it still plays DVDs at least.
16. October 2008 @ 22:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I would probably guess that there are only a couple of companies that are making these.

Interesting that yours had the brown clip and works too. I would guess that your laser is still good, because when they go out they will read nothing.
16. October 2008 @ 22:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

On my ps3 60 gig , the original laser looks like the one on the left ( brown clip ). The replacements looked like the one with the white clip. ( The ones that did not last.)

In my other post were I refered to the cable being different, I purchased the laser and motor assembly. The cable that was different was the drive motor cable not the cable that connects to the laser head. That really doesn't help or matter to these.
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17. October 2008 @ 17:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by dex4:
I would probably guess that there are only a couple of companies that are making these.

Interesting that yours had the brown clip and works too. I would guess that your laser is still good, because when they go out they will read nothing.
I understand that it is possible for just one of the formats to go with a faulty laser assembly. Kind of like with the PS2 when the the DVDs would just stop reading; whilst it could still read CDs. So the problem can still be with the assembly.

@ romeronj, from reading these posts I'd suggest you may have received dud replacements- as that possibility seems really high.

Readers may try adjusting the calibration of the lasers. We used to do that with PS2s with varying degree of success. However, it always meant the laser was on it's way out as no degree of adjustment would help eventually. We used to use a disk in poor condition as the tester - if we could get it to read that then it would be ok for normal use.

This thread is great btw, and kudos to all those who contribute to it. More names of where peeps are getting stuff please- I'm sure because this is a word-of-mouth thing it's cool and doesn't constitute spruiking.

Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

DSE VZ300-
Zilog Z80 CPU, 32KB RAM (16K+16K cartridge), video processor 6847, 2KB video RAM, 16 colours (text mode), 5.25" FDD

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. October 2008 @ 19:55

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17. October 2008 @ 19:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Anyone off here willing to sell some parts they may have such as ribbon cables.I've been looking all over and can't seem to find a place that will sell just the cables by themselves.I'm in the process of repairing a PS3 60GB system that has the enigma chip for backward compatibility,so its worth the investment.I thought about buying a broken PS3 system,but all I really need is some cables.

...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
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18. October 2008 @ 04:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
While I really should just do an ebay store for this, when I thought my problem was the ribbon, I purchased an 8-pin 2" flex cable from Digipen for ~4 dollars (HFF-08U-02-ND). Didn't find a 60-pin supplier though, and it'd probably be expensive.

Jemborg: Yeah, seems Sony's been having some reliability problems, although the scale of which it's happening seems minor if they're not issuing a recall. Most of these replacement lasers are also probably not tested / used as vigorously as they would be in a sealed system.
While I don't know if that would work, that sounds like it's on a model with the twin laser. It's almost always a problem with the Blu-ray laser as well. If people want to try re-calibrating the laser, post some instructions on how to do so, but from what you're saying, it's like putting a bandaid on a mortal wound. Thanks for the praise!

Mostly I've gotten my laser assemblies from ebay through the Hong Kong market, takes a long time to get in (going on a week and a half now), and many of the people I deal with in that are usually out of it in a couple weeks (my most recent one is no longer registered on eBay).
If anyone wants to list their supplier it would be greatly appreciated, it beats paying 60 dollars for the laser and 80 on the laser assembly.
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18. October 2008 @ 09:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello everyone,

I've been working on a PS3 for quite a while now, and have had some success, but I'm pretty baffled by the state it is in now.

Cliff notes: My disks will not spin.

Here's the long (very very long) run down of what I've been through.

In April of this year I picked up a disassembled PS3 off of feebay for about a hundred bucks that supposedly wouldn't play blue ray anymore. After reading up, I figured it would be an easy fix and I picked up the KEM-400AAA tray assembly. I put it in and to my surprise, it didn't work. Now, before everyone starts thinking it was another faulty part, it turns out that the nut who sold it to me had put the blue ray drive controller board into a ziplock bag with some other heavy parts and one of the coils had been knocked off (I purchased a dead motherboard/drive control combo and compared them to discover that). During my time with the dead controller board, I had gone online and downloaded demos but when I tried to start them up I would get the playstation 3 splash screen then nothing. After I jury-rigged a coil onto the controller board I was able to play demos, but the disks were a no-go. After much mucking around I realized I had done a system update while the controller board was in a dead state, and it had never updated. I had to wait a while for a new udpate to be released, but once it did and I applied it, whammo, I was in business.

That lasted about 5 weeks. At the beginning of August, I had to insert disks multiple times before they were recognized by the system. I was pretty bummed out. I bought another used blue ray drive on feebay and pieced together another working drive between the two. Then, at the end of September, nothing again. This time, when I ripped the blue ray drive apart, I realized the disk wasn't spinning. My laser is moving and it does the disk check (lights up blue then red), but the disk itself never moves, even when it's powered up with a disk in the drive. So it sat for a bit. When update 2.43 came out I decided to update again, and to my huge surprise, after a second reboot after the udpate, it started reading games again. That lasted until about two weeks ago. I had loaded GTA IV, the game started normally and I exited a building out onto the street when the environment stopped responding. I exited the game, rebooted, tried ejecting and reinserting the disk but I would get the accursed bubble in the top right corner of the screen. No love.

After ripping the drive apart again, I found the disks were not spinning at all. I've replaced the spindle motor, tried the other drive I have with various laser combinations I'd accumulated, and nothing. The disk just sits there.

Now, during my parts purchasing I happened to come across another drive controller board with the same revision (both are an A 4). I wanted to finally, once and for all, determine if the boards are indeed married to the motherboard.

Since update 2.50 just came out and I wasn't getting anywhere with my jury-rigged controller board, I figured now was the time to try. I put the other controller in and just finished a system update from 2.43 to 2.50. I went to the playstation store and downloaded a demo (remembering if the system recognized the controller board it would play demos, if not then black screen). The verdict:

Black screen. The controller boards do indeed seem to be keyed to the motherboard. So if these online companies are selling them there must be some other way to, how was it put....'virginize' them.

I figured since others were having similar problems I'd share some of my accumulated experiences.

Now, if anyone has any suggestions on getting my freaking disk to spin I would be in your debt. Otherwise this on is off to ebay and I'll try to get a system that actually works :)

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18. October 2008 @ 21:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Its fairly simple how they do it they just swap the nands out,but its not really an easy process.In your case you could use the new controller board you bought,but the problem is you need to know how to reball chips in order to fix it.The problem is swapping the nands from the boards,but it can be fixed not the easiest solution if you know what I mean.If you can't perform that and need a professional to do it you might as well sell it or better yet sell the internal parts seperate so I can buy the cables I need from you so I don't have to buy a broken system for two cables.

...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
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19. October 2008 @ 02:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Or at that point have Sony repair the unit for 130 bucks. For all the money that's been (and will be) dumped into it I'm sure it would be worth it at this point.

It almost sounds like it's a loose connection or a faulty sensor, if it's giving that kind of performance...

EDIT: Another thought... has the entire laser assembly or just the laser been replaced? It may also be something wrong with the controller to the drive motor...

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. October 2008 @ 02:42

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19. October 2008 @ 08:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by me262:
Or at that point have Sony repair the unit for 130 bucks. For all the money that's been (and will be) dumped into it I'm sure it would be worth it at this point.

It almost sounds like it's a loose connection or a faulty sensor, if it's giving that kind of performance...

EDIT: Another thought... has the entire laser assembly or just the laser been replaced? It may also be something wrong with the controller to the drive motor...
I've replaced the entire laser assembly and just the laser at various points through this one. I am probably giving up on this unit as spending $130-150 through Sony would really put me over the the cost of a working used one and closer to a new one (although listening to some people, claiming a software update caused it to stop working has gotten them nice units in return).

I honestly just hate giving up on something that's >| |< close to working, but I may have to throw up the white flag soon.

20. October 2008 @ 01:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok i finally got my ps3 working (well almost) I finally got it to spin discs, it has a slight delay but they start spinning after a few seconds, so far it has read all the games I tested. before it make more clicking noises than normal, and would freeze up a little while loading games. I greased the rods and now that problem seems to be solved.

Now the only thing is that when I turn the ps3 on, the disc drive automatically wants to accept a disc (blue light flashes and the motor runs to try to grab a disc and mount) if I put the disc in at this time, it mounts fine and runs the game. however after the ps3 initially starts up and the blue light stops flashing, the drive no longer wants to accept discs. seems like a simple fix, but everytime something small like that goes wrong, I end up really screwing something up somehow.

can anyone suggest anything? i'm going to continue, CAREFULLY, trying to tweak it so it will work properly, but if someone knows exactly whats up I would greatly appreciate it.
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20. October 2008 @ 07:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ballagrl:
ok i finally got my ps3 working (well almost) I finally got it to spin discs, it has a slight delay but they start spinning after a few seconds, so far it has read all the games I tested. before it make more clicking noises than normal, and would freeze up a little while loading games. I greased the rods and now that problem seems to be solved.

Now the only thing is that when I turn the ps3 on, the disc drive automatically wants to accept a disc (blue light flashes and the motor runs to try to grab a disc and mount) if I put the disc in at this time, it mounts fine and runs the game. however after the ps3 initially starts up and the blue light stops flashing, the drive no longer wants to accept discs. seems like a simple fix, but everytime something small like that goes wrong, I end up really screwing something up somehow.

can anyone suggest anything? i'm going to continue, CAREFULLY, trying to tweak it so it will work properly, but if someone knows exactly whats up I would greatly appreciate it.
What did you do to get the disks to spin? Was it greasing the laser assembly rods?

20. October 2008 @ 15:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ballagrl:
ok i finally got my ps3 working (well almost) I finally got it to spin discs, it has a slight delay but they start spinning after a few seconds, so far it has read all the games I tested. before it make more clicking noises than normal, and would freeze up a little while loading games. I greased the rods and now that problem seems to be solved.

Now the only thing is that when I turn the ps3 on, the disc drive automatically wants to accept a disc (blue light flashes and the motor runs to try to grab a disc and mount) if I put the disc in at this time, it mounts fine and runs the game. however after the ps3 initially starts up and the blue light stops flashing, the drive no longer wants to accept discs. seems like a simple fix, but everytime something small like that goes wrong, I end up really screwing something up somehow.

can anyone suggest anything? i'm going to continue, CAREFULLY, trying to tweak it so it will work properly, but if someone knows exactly whats up I would greatly appreciate it.
i have the same problem after i open the blu-ray drive, when i turn the ps3 on, the blue light flashes and the motor start for take discks, the problem was the sensor that detect if you put discks in (the one with a red and black thin wires) and not only this, when i put discks in a have to push them a litle for the motor to start swalow the discs. if the sensor works ok you dont need to push the disc for the ps3 to load it, as soon as you put the disk in the drive the sensor checks that and start the motor for load disk, PS: sorry for mi english
21. October 2008 @ 01:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by oxbullsey:
Originally posted by ballagrl:
ok i finally got my ps3 working (well almost) I finally got it to spin discs, it has a slight delay but they start spinning after a few seconds, so far it has read all the games I tested. before it make more clicking noises than normal, and would freeze up a little while loading games. I greased the rods and now that problem seems to be solved.

Now the only thing is that when I turn the ps3 on, the disc drive automatically wants to accept a disc (blue light flashes and the motor runs to try to grab a disc and mount) if I put the disc in at this time, it mounts fine and runs the game. however after the ps3 initially starts up and the blue light stops flashing, the drive no longer wants to accept discs. seems like a simple fix, but everytime something small like that goes wrong, I end up really screwing something up somehow.

can anyone suggest anything? i'm going to continue, CAREFULLY, trying to tweak it so it will work properly, but if someone knows exactly whats up I would greatly appreciate it.
What did you do to get the disks to spin? Was it greasing the laser assembly rods?
naw I had to get 2 new lasers (first was bad) and a new blu ray-drive (sold broken off ebay) before I got it to spin. I accidentally broke the blu ray causing it to be misaligned beyond repair (I think) and somewhere in the process of handling the laser assembly rods so much, it was making some scratching noises when I finally got the discs to spin and load. (if you are familiar with the ps2 DRE it sounded like a quieter version of that scratching and clicking) so I greased the rods and so far so good. except for that other problem i've had of course with the discs not bein taken in properly.
21. October 2008 @ 02:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by federicob:
Originally posted by ballagrl:
ok i finally got my ps3 working (well almost) I finally got it to spin discs, it has a slight delay but they start spinning after a few seconds, so far it has read all the games I tested. before it make more clicking noises than normal, and would freeze up a little while loading games. I greased the rods and now that problem seems to be solved.

Now the only thing is that when I turn the ps3 on, the disc drive automatically wants to accept a disc (blue light flashes and the motor runs to try to grab a disc and mount) if I put the disc in at this time, it mounts fine and runs the game. however after the ps3 initially starts up and the blue light stops flashing, the drive no longer wants to accept discs. seems like a simple fix, but everytime something small like that goes wrong, I end up really screwing something up somehow.

can anyone suggest anything? i'm going to continue, CAREFULLY, trying to tweak it so it will work properly, but if someone knows exactly whats up I would greatly appreciate it.
i have the same problem after i open the blu-ray drive, when i turn the ps3 on, the blue light flashes and the motor start for take discks, the problem was the sensor that detect if you put discks in (the one with a red and black thin wires) and not only this, when i put discks in a have to push them a litle for the motor to start swalow the discs. if the sensor works ok you dont need to push the disc for the ps3 to load it, as soon as you put the disk in the drive the sensor checks that and start the motor for load disk, PS: sorry for mi english
so do I need a new sensor then? the red and black wires appear to be intact
21. October 2008 @ 13:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ballagrl:
Originally posted by federicob:
Originally posted by ballagrl:
ok i finally got my ps3 working (well almost) I finally got it to spin discs, it has a slight delay but they start spinning after a few seconds, so far it has read all the games I tested. before it make more clicking noises than normal, and would freeze up a little while loading games. I greased the rods and now that problem seems to be solved.

Now the only thing is that when I turn the ps3 on, the disc drive automatically wants to accept a disc (blue light flashes and the motor runs to try to grab a disc and mount) if I put the disc in at this time, it mounts fine and runs the game. however after the ps3 initially starts up and the blue light stops flashing, the drive no longer wants to accept discs. seems like a simple fix, but everytime something small like that goes wrong, I end up really screwing something up somehow.

can anyone suggest anything? i'm going to continue, CAREFULLY, trying to tweak it so it will work properly, but if someone knows exactly whats up I would greatly appreciate it.
i have the same problem after i open the blu-ray drive, when i turn the ps3 on, the blue light flashes and the motor start for take discks, the problem was the sensor that detect if you put discks in (the one with a red and black thin wires) and not only this, when i put discks in a have to push them a litle for the motor to start swalow the discs. if the sensor works ok you dont need to push the disc for the ps3 to load it, as soon as you put the disk in the drive the sensor checks that and start the motor for load disk, PS: sorry for mi english
so do I need a new sensor then? the red and black wires appear to be intact
i dont think that the sensor is the problem, the most common problem is the wires, in mi case the wires looks ok too, but there are cut inside, to check this you have to use a tester to check continuity in the both ends of the wire, and couse the connector is so small in my case i have to cut the wires and solder directli to the controller board, but the ps3 works ok without the sensor, the onli problem is the blnking blue light when power on and you have to pushe te games for teh ps3 to load them.
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21. October 2008 @ 13:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ballagrl:

so do I need a new sensor then? the red and black wires appear to be intact
No, not that sensor anyway. The one with the red and black wires only pulls the disk out of your hand, if it is dead/broken, all you have to do is push the disk in a little further to activate the mechanism.

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21. October 2008 @ 23:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't know if you've totally debunked the front sensor. When I had mine apart and the sensor was loose, it would actually automatically turn itself on and wanted to accept a disc, the front sensor was the only thing out of place at that point.

Onto my problem. I got the laser assembly in today and hooked it up. Works so far, but now I've run into another issue:
I got a letter from the postmaster about loosing items. Sure enough, it was for the magnetic hub that sits a top of the drive. The envelope had ripped apart somewhere along the line, and the magnet and all the screws spilled out of it, leaving me with an empty letter envelope.
I am now in need of one of these magnetic discs, and preferably for this Saturday. The screws I can get at a local hardware shop. PM me, or reply here.
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22. October 2008 @ 11:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by me262:
I don't know if you've totally debunked the front sensor. When I had mine apart and the sensor was loose, it would actually automatically turn itself on and wanted to accept a disc, the front sensor was the only thing out of place at that point.

Onto my problem. I got the laser assembly in today and hooked it up. Works so far, but now I've run into another issue:
I got a letter from the postmaster about loosing items. Sure enough, it was for the magnetic hub that sits a top of the drive. The envelope had ripped apart somewhere along the line, and the magnet and all the screws spilled out of it, leaving me with an empty letter envelope.
I am now in need of one of these magnetic discs, and preferably for this Saturday. The screws I can get at a local hardware shop. PM me, or reply here.
Well, if you still had that sensor plugged in, it was probably sensing whatever it was near as a disk, which is why it was turning itself on. I made sure mine was positioned with the sensor side facing up, and it functioned normally.

Sorry about the magnets, I've been hearing more and more packages getting ripped open lately..... I don't know of any replacements for them, either :(

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22. October 2008 @ 13:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by oxbullsey:
Sorry about the magnets, I've been hearing more and more packages getting ripped open lately..... I don't know of any replacements for them, either :(

It's odd too. Can find the PS2 ones (which don't work btw) for 5 bucks. I managed to contact a few sellers on ebay and I'm getting one for 10 bucks, hopefully for this weekend.
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