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PS3 blu-ray drive dead
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29. October 2008 @ 12:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks, I will check for the post and get back with you on the details later...
Thanks again
29. October 2008 @ 15:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
OK I got a broken 40gb PS3 that wouldnt read blu ray games or movies but would read dvds and cds Im a computer tech so i figured I could fix it I took it apart and cleaned everything out and tested game it read for a minute then got ? it was a bit hot so i put it in fron of fan for 30 min and tried blu ray movie it played like 10 min then locked up i thought maybe its overheating but i played thru full dvd just fine so i decided to try some free demos played them all day no issues so I concluded that it was the laser diode overheating for some reason and ordered a replacement and installed it ...tried game first MGS4 installed it and played it for a while played just fine no issues ...then I tried a blu ray movie apocolypto and i just get loading bubble nothing else cleaned disc still nothing dont have any other movies to try atm still plays dvds just fine and played MGS4 for 8 hrs strait no issues ..although fan does crank way up a lot it never locks up at all has latest firware which was the first thing i updated when I got it 2.50 i think ...its just weird cuz it played that same movie for like 10 min before it locked up so i was sure it was the laser ..anyone else have any suggestions??? I will post back when I try some other BD movies

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29. October 2008 @ 16:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've seen some blue ray movies not play on certain PS3's, if your games play I would bet you're fine.

The fans will kick up when there's an intense game being used, as you tax the hardware more the cooling systems ramp up as well. Some people were reporting in an earlier update (2.43 I think) that their cooling fans never sped up, even after hours of intensive gaming.

So that's probably a good thing for you. I wish I knew why some blue ray movies didn't work, but you're not alone. Maybe you can rip it to a computer or laptop and stream it to the PS3 over your home network?

29. October 2008 @ 17:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ya Ive read that certain BD movies wont play on PS3 ..but the weird thing is i got it to play on old laser before i replaced it for like 10 min I wonder if the replacement laser is different somehow the ribbon cable connector was brown instead of white ..I guess as long as it plays games im happy still just a weird issue

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29. October 2008 @ 17:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by oxbullsey:
I've seen some blue ray movies not play on certain PS3's, if your games play I would bet you're fine.

The fans will kick up when there's an intense game being used, as you tax the hardware more the cooling systems ramp up as well. Some people were reporting in an earlier update (2.43 I think) that their cooling fans never sped up, even after hours of intensive gaming.

So that's probably a good thing for you. I wish I knew why some blue ray movies didn't work, but you're not alone. Maybe you can rip it to a computer or laptop and stream it to the PS3 over your home network?
I think my PS3 has been using the fan less lately.

But also you have to consider that everyone is using PS3s with different hardware. The original 20GB and 60GB units had 90nm chips. Mine is a 40GB, meaning that the Cell in it is 65nm while the RSX is still 90nm. The consoles on sale now have both the cell and RSX at 65nm, meaning they produce a lot less heat than anything else, so there'd be less of a need to kick the fan into high gear.
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29. October 2008 @ 18:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
There's a few movies that I've had an interesting time getting to work in my 40GB. I solved mine by launching a PS3 game, then quitting and launching the BD movie.

That must have been one of those parts that spilled out of the broken envelope then.
I'm more than likely going to get a screw and nut at the nearby hardware store, super glue the nut to the inner lid, and screw it together that way.

I've only heard my fans kick up when I have my entertainment center door closed, or when I'm playing Metal Gear Solid 4... ^_^

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. October 2008 @ 18:20

29. October 2008 @ 18:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Metal Gear Solid 4 is the only game I have right now lol

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29. October 2008 @ 19:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Surfaced:
Originally posted by oxbullsey:
I've seen some blue ray movies not play on certain PS3's, if your games play I would bet you're fine.

The fans will kick up when there's an intense game being used, as you tax the hardware more the cooling systems ramp up as well. Some people were reporting in an earlier update (2.43 I think) that their cooling fans never sped up, even after hours of intensive gaming.

So that's probably a good thing for you. I wish I knew why some blue ray movies didn't work, but you're not alone. Maybe you can rip it to a computer or laptop and stream it to the PS3 over your home network?
I think my PS3 has been using the fan less lately.

But also you have to consider that everyone is using PS3s with different hardware. The original 20GB and 60GB units had 90nm chips. Mine is a 40GB, meaning that the Cell in it is 65nm while the RSX is still 90nm. The consoles on sale now have both the cell and RSX at 65nm, meaning they produce a lot less heat than anything else, so there'd be less of a need to kick the fan into high gear.
Very true. The issue someone (earlier in this thread I think) was reporting that on games he/she used to notice the fan speed kick up on weren't doing it anymore once they updated to 2.42 or .43 or something.....

Mine (when it worked) certainly spun up faster when I was playing GTAIV. Excellent point about the fabrication process changes, though, thanks!!

30. October 2008 @ 07:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for the info. I swapped the drives again and kept the controller boards that were married and everything worked fine , the bad drive does show the loading bubble now.
Therefore I do believe it is just a laser problem, I will order one and get back with the details....thanks again
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31. October 2008 @ 03:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Which is odd, because all the computers I've been around and worked on are usually temperature-trigger based. After I dropped a faster processor in my laptop fans were going faster and louder than before to keep up with the additional heat. My sister even commented that no laptop should ever sound like that.

MGS4... it may kick up the fans, but it's just sodamn good isn't it?
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3. November 2008 @ 17:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey everyone this is my first time posting here but I been on the site before as a lurker. So here is my problem

I purchased a 40gb ps3 a few days ago for 75 bucks so i can't complain. now when I insert any type of disk into it the bubble would not come on, but the system accepts the disk and ejects it with no problem. So I already have other PS3 which is a 80gb model. So here is what I do I open up both PS3. I take the drive from the 40gb ps3 out but making sure the controller board stays and put it in my 80gb ps3 and guess what the drive works. So I know my 80gb drive works so I put that on in my 40gb ps3 and again it does not work.

Although I did not try to switch the controller boards since I read that they are keyed to the motherboard. So I atleast know I do not need to buy another laser. So will getting this chip? fix the issue? I havent seen a post on this thread to see if this help. I have someone who is a pro at soldering to take on this task. Thanks for taking the time to read this any help would be appreciated.
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3. November 2008 @ 17:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Rich,

I was a lurker for a while like you :)

Here are the possible causes for your drive not giving you that 'bubble'.

1) As you already indicated, the BD57xxxxxxx chip. That is a very likely cause.

2) Cable failure.

3) Bad firmware update. If the motherboard is on one revision and the blue ray controller card is on another I do not believe you'll get anything other than disks going in and being ejected.

You do not need to be a soldering expert to remove the chip, although having some experience is definitely a must. If you're not comfortable doing it I would consider going to a local laptop repair shop and seeing if they have a certified solderer on the premises.

Since you have a good 80gb system, maybe you can try moving that large drive to motherboard cable to the 40gb and see if that works.

If you haven't already updated the 40gb system, I would do so and try again. I personally experienced an out of sync controller board/motherboard firmware issue.

Good luck and post up what finally works!

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3. November 2008 @ 18:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by oxbullsey:
Hi Rich,

I was a lurker for a while like you :)

Here are the possible causes for your drive not giving you that 'bubble'.

1) As you already indicated, the BD57xxxxxxx chip. That is a very likely cause.

2) Cable failure.

3) Bad firmware update. If the motherboard is on one revision and the blue ray controller card is on another I do not believe you'll get anything other than disks going in and being ejected.

You do not need to be a soldering expert to remove the chip, although having some experience is definitely a must. If you're not comfortable doing it I would consider going to a local laptop repair shop and seeing if they have a certified solderer on the premises.

Since you have a good 80gb system, maybe you can try moving that large drive to motherboard cable to the 40gb and see if that works.

If you haven't already updated the 40gb system, I would do so and try again. I personally experienced an out of sync controller board/motherboard firmware issue.

Good luck and post up what finally works!

Thanks for the info oxbullsey I did update the 40gb right now it is at version 2.5 which did nothing to fix the issue.

regarding moving the large drive? do you mean take my harddrive from the 80 and put it in the 40gb model?

an regarding number 3 on your list, the disk never ejects by itself. I tested a few times and the disk does not even change position when i press the eject button.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 3. November 2008 @ 18:31

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3. November 2008 @ 18:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by RichDomi:
Hey everyone this is my first time posting here but I been on the site before as a lurker. So here is my problem

I purchased a 40gb ps3 a few days ago for 75 bucks so i can't complain. now when I insert any type of disk into it the bubble would not come on, but the system accepts the disk and ejects it with no problem. So I already have other PS3 which is a 80gb model. So here is what I do I open up both PS3. I take the drive from the 40gb ps3 out but making sure the controller board stays and put it in my 80gb ps3 and guess what the drive works. So I know my 80gb drive works so I put that on in my 40gb ps3 and again it does not work.

Although I did not try to switch the controller boards since I read that they are keyed to the motherboard. So I atleast know I do not need to buy another laser. So will getting this chip? fix the issue? I havent seen a post on this thread to see if this help. I have someone who is a pro at soldering to take on this task. Thanks for taking the time to read this any help would be appreciated.
Hi man, I fixed my PS3 in this thread a few months ago, just stopping by...

The person who replied to your post gave 3 possible problems. The first, about the IC chip you are considering replacing, can be ruled out by running your PS3 blu-ray drive without the cover on, as shown in this video. If the laser carriage moves when the console starts up, the IC chip is fine.
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3. November 2008 @ 18:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
umm if the chip is not the problem, I know the drive is not the problem either cause i left the working 80gb drive in the 40 gb model and it is experiencing the same problems. So it is best to change the whole board and swap the nand chip.
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3. November 2008 @ 18:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

The large ribbon cable that goes from the drive to the motherboard is what I was referring to.

And even if you get laser movement I wouldn't rule out the BD chip. You have a good opportunity to try a few no-cost parts (which you've already done by proving the blue ray drive is functioning), next try the ribbon cable.

If that cable doesn't do it I would definitely buy that IC and swap it (or have it swapped).

After that, well, you're in my boat, possible blue ray drive controller board failure.....

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3. November 2008 @ 18:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i gotcha I did not think about the ribbon cable I will give that a try
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3. November 2008 @ 20:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by oxbullsey:

The large ribbon cable that goes from the drive to the motherboard is what I was referring to.

And even if you get laser movement I wouldn't rule out the BD chip. You have a good opportunity to try a few no-cost parts (which you've already done by proving the blue ray drive is functioning), next try the ribbon cable.

If that cable doesn't do it I would definitely buy that IC and swap it (or have it swapped).

After that, well, you're in my boat, possible blue ray drive controller board failure.....
Well i tried the cable and it works fine so my only thing is to change the board or just the chip alone. Are there any site that are better than others?
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3. November 2008 @ 21:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The psxboy site you linked before has been reported as being pretty good more often than not (one person in this thread said they got a corroded laser?!?!?). I hope that fixes your issue dude, I was hoping it was just a silly cable, but......

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4. November 2008 @ 17:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
OK. Here is where I am at.
As mentioned way earleir I bought a broken ps3 of ebay. Dvd drive not reading disc as expected. I have updated it to 2.50 firmware and everything works fine with the one exception of the drive.

I have taken this beast apart and opened up the dvd drive. Every time the disc is take in the laser moves in from the back ( i pushed it back to make sure it moves) and i hear the unit move up/down 3 times. Also looking very carefully through top i see a faint blue laser "dot" on part of the disc. The disc is not spinning at all. and the ps3 has the little bubble in the upper right hand corner.

so based on this who thinks I should but a KEM-400AAA and pop it in there? Should I run any other types of test to make sure I am not missing something? If more info is needed to answer my questions let me know.

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4. November 2008 @ 17:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
More often than not replacing the laser assembly (or the entire tray) fixes the no-spin issue.

I'm one of the unlucky ones that it didn't help, but I also haven't figured out what is actually wrong :(

Good luck, I would definitely give it a shot, the odds are in your favor for sure! :)

6. November 2008 @ 00:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ediamonds:
OK. Here is where I am at.
As mentioned way earleir I bought a broken ps3 of ebay. Dvd drive not reading disc as expected. I have updated it to 2.50 firmware and everything works fine with the one exception of the drive.

I have taken this beast apart and opened up the dvd drive. Every time the disc is take in the laser moves in from the back ( i pushed it back to make sure it moves) and i hear the unit move up/down 3 times. Also looking very carefully through top i see a faint blue laser "dot" on part of the disc. The disc is not spinning at all. and the ps3 has the little bubble in the upper right hand corner.

so based on this who thinks I should but a KEM-400AAA and pop it in there? Should I run any other types of test to make sure I am not missing something? If more info is needed to answer my questions let me know.

It's good that your laser is working, and that you get the icon in the corner of the screen! But it sounds to me like it could still either be the little motor that spins the disc, or the controller card itself. I don't know of any other way to test it other than to swap the drive onto a known working controller card (meaning different PS3).
6. November 2008 @ 00:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've always been a believer in the statement that the controller cards were somehow linked to the motherboards (ok since last year about this time). But with the newer models coming out and with controller cards showing up on the market I had to do some tests to verify for myself once more. I did see the post back a couple of pages that confirmed this, but there was no real data to back it up so I guess i can add some for any other skeptical people (like myself). I swapped drives/controller cards between the following systems and it did not work - after swapping I no longer got the disc-insertion icon on the screen. Both models had rev 001 controller cards and the same firmware 2.52. I'm also sitting here looking at rev 002 and 003 controller cards and of course mismatching doesn't work either.

system 1:
40GB - CECHG01
Serial CE505XXXXXX
manufactured: September 2007
controller board revision: 1
firmware version: 2.52

System 2:
40GB - CECHG01
Serial CF205XXXXXX
manufactured: November 2007
controller board revision: 1
firmware version: 2.52

Does anyone know is it possible to decode the serial number to figure out the plant of manufacture (similar to the xbox I think?)Does it matter?
6. November 2008 @ 00:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Also, I read where a poster had a system that was freezing during movie/game play back, to which someone else responded that it must be the laser. This gave me hope, only to find out that these lockup problems can be many things, including the laser (on my 40gb) or the controller board (on my 80gb). I'm really tempted to order this drive controller chip and break out the heat gun even though I have yet to see someone fix one this way.
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6. November 2008 @ 07:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That was me who tested the controller board swap. I can tell you without any doubt on my part, that the darn things are keyed to the motherboard.

I had heard about some people being able to use the same revision boards, and I actively went out and bought one with the same rev as mine. I put it all together and nothing, no indicator on the XMB (the blue disk-in light did work, though).

Through my earlier problems I had found out that without a working controller board (whether the blue ray drive was working or not), you could *NOT* play any demos or downloaded games. This was my test for the controller board swap. I did a system update to 2.50 with the replacement controller board in the unit, then downloaded a demo and it did not work. When I put the old board back in, the same demo worked fine.

As far as decoding the serial number stuff, I don't know. I had been considering swapping some IC's between the two boards until I found the one that has the information the motherboard was looking at, but I haven't had the time to give it a go.....

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