PS3 blu-ray drive dead
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24. September 2008 @ 21:16 |
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Originally posted by Vektr: Looks like my last reply got some people confused. Let me explain the situation all over again: My BR drive accepted disks, but refused to read them. As I said the loading bubble popped up in the upper right of the screen, but that was all that happened. The disks were able to be mounted and vice versa. So hoping to get that fixed, I ordered a replacement laser. After the laser arrived, I began taking the BR drive apart (as I said the disk was inside, and obviously I took it out before putting replacing the laser). While taking it apart, I accidentally cut/ripped the small, fragile red and black wire that connected to the driver board. So now, with the BR drive connected to the PS3, it refuses to mount disks or respond at all. When pressing 'eject', a blue light just blinks a few times and stops.
So I was just trying to make sure that the ripped red & black wire is the reason for that kind of behavior, and not something else. Also, I really need to know where can I get a replacement wire like that. Only place I thought of was a faulty/defective BR drive of Ebay...
Have you fixed this problem yet and have you gotten your replacement wire ?
25. September 2008 @ 19:28 |
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ok, so I bought another ps3 laser (this time not from hong kong) and to my amazement, my ps3 drive started spinning up discs, I was almost to the point of celebration (its been a long time i've been trying to fix this ps3) however it was making these weird scratching sounds, it sounds like a really quiet version of the scratching from a ps2 disc read error, and it is causing the ps2 games ive tested to lag a little bit more than usual on the loading, and the ps3 games to skip really bad (no scratches at all on the disc)
I am 95% sure it is the rods and the part on the lens that moves along the rods while the laser attempts to read a disc. does anyone know the best substance to lubricate these rods?
In my experience with the same problem on the ps2 i tried lubricating with cooking oil and wd-40, both which worked great for a little while, then ended up making the rods sticky and made the problem worse... should I try motor oil next or is there something better for this purpose out there? this would also help me greatly in fixing my ps2 as well even though I would only play it for 2 games..
Junior Member
26. September 2008 @ 03:01 |
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Originally posted by ballagrl: ok, so I bought another ps3 laser (this time not from hong kong) and to my amazement, my ps3 drive started spinning up discs, I was almost to the point of celebration (its been a long time i've been trying to fix this ps3) however it was making these weird scratching sounds, it sounds like a really quiet version of the scratching from a ps2 disc read error, and it is causing the ps2 games ive tested to lag a little bit more than usual on the loading, and the ps3 games to skip really bad (no scratches at all on the disc)
I am 95% sure it is the rods and the part on the lens that moves along the rods while the laser attempts to read a disc. does anyone know the best substance to lubricate these rods?
In my experience with the same problem on the ps2 i tried lubricating with cooking oil and wd-40, both which worked great for a little while, then ended up making the rods sticky and made the problem worse... should I try motor oil next or is there something better for this purpose out there? this would also help me greatly in fixing my ps2 as well even though I would only play it for 2 games..
Glad you asked. Don't use any of those things. What you want is a grease. Oil is too liquidy for this application. Like gear grease is good. Somewhere like The Home Depot or Lowe's would surely have it, maybe even a Walgreens? I don't know. Just know that you want grease.
26. September 2008 @ 17:33 |
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Ok I had a question. I have a 40gb PS3 after doing plenty of research and testing I was able to get my blu-ray drive to flash the laser a few times when you put in a disk, but then it doesn't spin the disk. Any help would be appreciated.
27. September 2008 @ 00:27 |
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The other night, I was playing Call of Duty and noticed some of the sound cut out. It froze, and I had to turn my PS3 off using the switch. I turned it back on, and it wouldn't read blu-ray discs, but did read dvds and ps2 games. I left it off for the night, and the next morning I could play about 15 minutes before the same thing happening again. If anyone knows what specifically I need to replace, I'd appreciate it,
30. September 2008 @ 10:02 |
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for review
Well I too can share my PS3 laser expirence
I have a 60 gig launch model, Worked perfectly till one day it wouldn't read any discs. Checked out many forums and decided that the laser was the problem. Recieved my kes-400a laser assembly and installed it. Plug in and turned on the Ps3 worked fine again. Threw a Blu-ray movie , picked up the movie fine , sat down to enjoy.Great , till about a half hour into the movie , it froze. So i pull out the disc , it had a couple of finger prints on it so I cleaned it, re-inserted it and boom same problem. Wont read any discs.
I got about a half hour out of the new laser.
I going to contact the seller they have a 30 day warranty. My question is , is there somthing in my PS3 that caused this or is it a bad refurbed laser. Seems to be a bad refurbish laser from what I read in the previous threads. Like I said it worked fine for 1/2 an hour.
If anybody has any question feel free maybe I can contribute to the solution to this problem.
Well I recieved my new laser asssembly and installed. We ran the ps3 for about another 1/2 hour . so far so good. I guess I got one of those bad laser the first time, but I still have my fingers crossed. I'll keep everybody informed.
It seems that there are more and more laser problems showing up. I wonder If $ony will try to do anything about it. Well its to late for me now, but I have a few friends that were shocked when I told them my PS3 went down already. This is not good for the PS3, less than 2 years out of a system that is suppose to last 10 years. My son actually has 80gig model also, I haven't heard too many issues with them but its still under warranty.
Junior Member
30. September 2008 @ 15:04 |
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Originally posted by smetz: The other night, I was playing Call of Duty and noticed some of the sound cut out. It froze, and I had to turn my PS3 off using the switch. I turned it back on, and it wouldn't read blu-ray discs, but did read dvds and ps2 games. I left it off for the night, and the next morning I could play about 15 minutes before the same thing happening again. If anyone knows what specifically I need to replace, I'd appreciate it,
Laser lens. Did this on the 40GB model. The reason you can still read DVD and PS2 games is that you probably have the twin lens design. the 410A.
Junior Member
30. September 2008 @ 15:13 |
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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. September 2008 @ 15:37
30. September 2008 @ 20:44 |
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got some grease today for the rods, we'll see how it works, but until then i get to have fun trying to put back all the hopelessly small and frail springs that have managed to fall out of place throughout the drive. I can hardly contain my excitement...
1. October 2008 @ 21:46 |
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Hey everyone, thanks for the stream of tips on the old ps3 laser problem, all very much appreciated! Finally found a local shop, new laser was needed. Everything all said and done, $110 even with a fix half cost should anything else go wrong. Works great, no problems since. Paid a little more to get rid of the headache, worth it.
Junior Member
2. October 2008 @ 03:32 |
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Got a 2nd one on the way.
60GB to replace my 40GB that doesn't have backwards compatibility.
Thinking it's a problem with the lens.
Hoping it's a drive mechanics problem.
Praying to God it's not an IC issue.
5. October 2008 @ 11:49 |
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Well bad news this weekend. The ps3 hung up on a blu-ray movie. Ejected the disc and re-inserted and here we go again . won't read anything again. This is the second laser now , but this one lasted about 26 hours of game play/movie watching. We were keeping track. First one was about a half an hour.
Is there somthing wrong with this ps3 or is this still crappy laser replacements?
I tend to think its the replacement laser. If it was the ps3 , I think failure would be sooner and would be more consistant.
I'm getting frustrated now , thinking of contacting $ony. any suggestions for a good source of laser or repair other than $ony.
Junior Member
5. October 2008 @ 15:24 |
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I'm not an electrical engineer, I make no claim to be.
However it seems that there could be something slowly degrading the lens, like it's getting too much or not enough power to operate properly.
Can someone grab power specs for the laser and give instructions on using the voltmeter so we can correlate this?
Does the fan begin to come on when this starts happening? Perhaps starting the fan could cause a power spike/surge/brownout.
My 40GB I fixed I got the laser assembly (the complete assembly, all I needed was to replace the rubber holders) from ebay from e_bidhk out in Hong Kong (not selling lasers anymore by the looks of it).
I'd suggest looking for new replacements, as the used system pulls could exhibit the same problem (regardless of testing it seems if these are burning out after a short time).
Senior Member
5. October 2008 @ 19:31 |
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I've gotta warn people about what they clean these lenses with- they are coated with special chemicals you don't want to dissolve or wipe off.
Also because the optical drive unit in the PS3 is not discretely enclosed it is more vulnerable than you might think to airborne contaminates. Especially cigarette smoke, which will permanently damage that coating.
Its a lot easier being righteous than right.
DSE VZ300-
Zilog Z80 CPU, 32KB RAM (16K+16K cartridge), video processor 6847, 2KB video RAM, 16 colours (text mode), 5.25" FDD
6. October 2008 @ 08:38 |
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Originally posted by dridella: Well bad news this weekend. The ps3 hung up on a blu-ray movie. Ejected the disc and re-inserted and here we go again . won't read anything again. This is the second laser now , but this one lasted about 26 hours of game play/movie watching. We were keeping track. First one was about a half an hour.
Is there somthing wrong with this ps3 or is this still crappy laser replacements?
I tend to think its the replacement laser. If it was the ps3 , I think failure would be sooner and would be more consistant.
I'm getting frustrated now , thinking of contacting $ony. any suggestions for a good source of laser or repair other than $ony.
I am almost in the same boat as you. Same issue on a older 80gb using KES-400a. First laser lasted half an hour and right now I am on my second one, which I have about 20 hrs on it, hoping this will last. I also have a 40GB with the same problem and I am just waiting for the other laser to arrive to test.
6. October 2008 @ 19:54 |
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Originally posted by dex4: Originally posted by dridella: Well bad news this weekend. The ps3 hung up on a blu-ray movie. Ejected the disc and re-inserted and here we go again . won't read anything again. This is the second laser now , but this one lasted about 26 hours of game play/movie watching. We were keeping track. First one was about a half an hour.
Is there somthing wrong with this ps3 or is this still crappy laser replacements?
I tend to think its the replacement laser. If it was the ps3 , I think failure would be sooner and would be more consistant.
I'm getting frustrated now , thinking of contacting $ony. any suggestions for a good source of laser or repair other than $ony.
I am almost in the same boat as you. Same issue on a older 80gb using KES-400a. First laser lasted half an hour and right now I am on my second one, which I have about 20 hrs on it, hoping this will last. I also have a 40GB with the same problem and I am just waiting for the other laser to arrive to test.
6. October 2008 @ 19:59 |
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Originally posted by dridella: Originally posted by dex4: Originally posted by dridella: Well bad news this weekend. The ps3 hung up on a blu-ray movie. Ejected the disc and re-inserted and here we go again . won't read anything again. This is the second laser now , but this one lasted about 26 hours of game play/movie watching. We were keeping track. First one was about a half an hour.
Is there somthing wrong with this ps3 or is this still crappy laser replacements?
I tend to think its the replacement laser. If it was the ps3 , I think failure would be sooner and would be more consistant.
I'm getting frustrated now , thinking of contacting $ony. any suggestions for a good source of laser or repair other than $ony.
I am almost in the same boat as you. Same issue on a older 80gb using KES-400a. First laser lasted half an hour and right now I am on my second one, which I have about 20 hrs on it, hoping this will last. I also have a 40GB with the same problem and I am just waiting for the other laser to arrive to test.
pressed wrong button
Good luck I read that only 3 out of 5 are good. With my 2 bad ones and your first make three, there all good now , Right??
6. October 2008 @ 20:04 |
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I give up , I meant 3 out of 5 are BAD. anyway you get.
Junior Member
7. October 2008 @ 22:29 |
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Then in that case I'm all good.
Now if I can just get the thing to accept a disc...
Some nasty plastic clicks coming from this 60GB here.
8. October 2008 @ 08:39 |
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The first time I took my Blu-ray drive apart I missed the part about removing the disc first. When I lifted the cover I heard and saw a couple of the loading mechanisms snap out of place. What a nightmare.I tried 3 times to get it back together properly without a disc. everytime It would just click and refuse to take the disc. The way I finnally had success was when I install a disc before I put the top on and moved the arms to the proper positions ( guessing ) .The disc seemed to make it easier ( still tricky ) for me anyway. and I finally got it right. Good luck! I always remove the disc before shutting down to repair. Learned the hard way.
Junior Member
9. October 2008 @ 14:52 |
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Yeah. Figured that out a few hours after posting.
Got it by putting the drive loader gears in the "loaded" position.
Got that part working, but now I'm waiting on the replacement laser assembly to get the discs spinning again.
Can't believe how small that top sensor wire is. No wonder you people are breaking it.
As far as ruining discs, that's why I use one I don't have a particular attachment to (a Dave Matthews Band CD). When I'm confident that it's working, then I'll move to a long multi-hour stress test with a Blu-Ray movie.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. October 2008 @ 15:11
10. October 2008 @ 09:59 |
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my ps3 has stopped reading disks now, first of all it was loading playing for a bit then crashing now the 'bubble icon' shows and the disk icon then when i click on it all i get is a black screen then nothing, i have to restart the ps3, so would this be the blu ray reader has broke ? i dont have a clue how to attempt to take apart and fix but is it fairly easy to do
10. October 2008 @ 11:46 |
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Do a search on the net , many tutorials and even u-tube vids. Just make sure you eject the disc before starting. It makes the reassemble go a lot smoother, also watch small wires and be very careful. You should be comfortable with electronics and mechanics before you attempt.
Another factor is getting a reliable source for the laser. Somtimes this is the hardest part. Seems that alot of laser are bad imports and the reliability is terrible.
There are a few companies other than $ony that offer guarantees and are cheaper. Also try searching the net.
16. October 2008 @ 11:31 |
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Originally posted by federicob: i have the following problem, i have a ps3 with a drive board with some problem on it (couse dosent load disks but the firmware chip is ok, couse games in the HDD works) and i swap it with a working board but dosent work in mi ps3 (this one load disks in but the games doesen work, even the HDD ones, i think couse it doesnt have the correct firmware on it) do you know any way to solve this?? can i just desolder the BGA chip with the right firmware from one board and resolder it to the other working controller board to macke mi ps3 work?? any info or help will be apreciated, thankso, federico.
PS: sorry for mi english
Man I need to get in touch with you, I think I have the same problem with my PS3, I live in Costa Rica so in here we don't have sony support.
My MSN is
16. October 2008 @ 11:54 |
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UPDATE: My second laser I installed in the 80GB is still working with no issues. This laser came from Spain.
First laser I installed was from a US dealer. Now I just received the replacement for the defective one, so I installed in my other PS3 40GB with the same problem. This laser lasted same amount of time as the first one, which was about 30 min.
Breakdown on Lasers.
USA Supplier: 2 out of 2 Defective
Spain Supplier: 1 out of 1 Good
*Note the Laser I had received from Spain had a differenct ribbon connector latch than the original. Both of the Laser's I received from the USA Supplier were identical to the original. Don't know if this means anything.