Upgrading HD on Softmodded Xbox Tutorial
13. July 2006 @ 14:59 |
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when do you think i would need to press the key to get to bios setup like before the pentium 4 logo, or at the black screen w/ writing on bottom or what?
GT: S0uless N1nja / Senceless Ninja / S N Krunk Juice / S N ImARealBoy
Bridger / Standbyer / Team Standbyer / Modder / Circle Booster / All Around Cheater
13. July 2006 @ 15:02 |
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As soon as you power on your computer hit the key that will get you in the BIOS .. Like keep tapping the key
Core i7 2600k 3.4ghz @4.5ghz
ASUS P8P67 Deluxe
8gb G.Skill SNIPER DDR3 2200 mhz
Evga GTX 570 SC @ 902/2000
Samsung 1TB HDD
13. July 2006 @ 15:18 |
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OK I got to the menu and the only bios thing i saw was:
Advanced BIOS Settings
so I entered that and these were the options:
Quick Power On Selftest [Enabled / Disabled]
1st Boot Device [Floppy / LS120 / Hdd-0 / SCSI / CDROM / HDD-1/HDD-2 / HDD-3 / ZIP100 / USB-FDP / Card Reader / USB-CDROM / USB-HDD / LAN / Disabled]
2nd Boot Device [Floppy / LS120 / Hdd-0 / SCSI / CDROM / HDD-1/HDD-2 / HDD-3 / ZIP100 / USB-FDP / Card Reader / USB-CDROM / USB-HDD / LAN / Disabled]
3rd Boot Device [Floppy / LS120 / Hdd-0 / SCSI / CDROM / HDD-1/HDD-2 / HDD-3 / ZIP100 / USB-FDP / Card Reader / USB-CDROM / USB-HDD / LAN / Disabled]
Boot Other Device [Enabled / Disabled]
Boot Up Floppy Seek [Enabled / Disabled]
Security Option [Setup / System]
OS Select For RAM>64MB [NON-OS2 / OS2]
HDD S.M.A.R.T. Capability [Enabled / Disabled]
Is this the right place that I need to be in? If so... what options should I select so I dont screw up my comp?
GT: S0uless N1nja / Senceless Ninja / S N Krunk Juice / S N ImARealBoy
Bridger / Standbyer / Team Standbyer / Modder / Circle Booster / All Around Cheater
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13. July 2006 @ 16:00 |
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1st Boot Device [Floppy / LS120 / Hdd-0 / SCSI / CDROM / HDD-1/HDD-2 / HDD-3 / ZIP100 / USB-FDP / Card Reader / USB-CDROM / USB-HDD / LAN / Disabled]
1st Boot Device is the only one to change . Set it to "CDROM" for now. Save the configuration , Then put the xbhdm Disc In the CD ROM . and Power off your computer. Restart your computer and the Disc should load
Core i7 2600k 3.4ghz @4.5ghz
ASUS P8P67 Deluxe
8gb G.Skill SNIPER DDR3 2200 mhz
Evga GTX 570 SC @ 902/2000
Samsung 1TB HDD
13. July 2006 @ 17:35 |
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Ok i got the disk to load finally after playing around with the settings for a while and when I go to lock the HDD and it looks for a password (eeprom im guessing)it says that there isnt one on the disk! Is it absolutely necessary to get it to lock or can I load it up and lock it from the dash I have on? I am almost completely positive that I put the eeprom from the backups folder in the hdm, but if i didnt, I guess i am kind of screwed because my old hdd got fucked up and it gives me error 13 and i cant figure out the hotswapping crap. what should i do?
hook up the pc hard drives again and make a new copy of the oot disk?
leave it unlocked and try to lock from xbox? plz help... im going out to dinner, but ill be working on this for the rest of the night probly so ill check back when i get back.
GT: S0uless N1nja / Senceless Ninja / S N Krunk Juice / S N ImARealBoy
Bridger / Standbyer / Team Standbyer / Modder / Circle Booster / All Around Cheater
13. July 2006 @ 17:37 |
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Put the eeprom.bin on a floppy disk ,If you have one. If not your gonna have to make another CD . But if you have a floppy use that to lock it
And you can usauly fix any drive that has a error code. error code 13 is fixable I think ... i have to go for a bit , just Private Message me so we don't put to many posts on this thread .
Core i7 2600k 3.4ghz @4.5ghz
ASUS P8P67 Deluxe
8gb G.Skill SNIPER DDR3 2200 mhz
Evga GTX 570 SC @ 902/2000
Samsung 1TB HDD
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. July 2006 @ 18:11
13. July 2006 @ 22:03 |
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Well thanks very much Pittfan... I figured it out though, I just went into # 6 I think and it told me the password, so I just typed that in and It locked and now I have 400 gbs for my xbox muahahahaha
lol j/k but you were a big help in this confusing crap so thanks again.
GT: S0uless N1nja / Senceless Ninja / S N Krunk Juice / S N ImARealBoy
Bridger / Standbyer / Team Standbyer / Modder / Circle Booster / All Around Cheater
14. July 2006 @ 04:53 |
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Your Welcome and 400 GB's is Goooooooooooooooood :)
Core i7 2600k 3.4ghz @4.5ghz
ASUS P8P67 Deluxe
8gb G.Skill SNIPER DDR3 2200 mhz
Evga GTX 570 SC @ 902/2000
Samsung 1TB HDD
Junior Member
14. July 2006 @ 07:36 |
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ok never mind i didnt see the other posts glad you got it workin
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. July 2006 @ 07:39
19. July 2006 @ 03:31 |
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I have softmodded several xbox's now to use with XBMC and backup games so I have successful experience in that.
I have also used the faq in this thread to upgrade the 4gb HDD to 120GB (drive was listed in a compatible list). After some tweaking I got it to work, I needed to reapply the softmod after creating the HDD using the linux image and it all works great.......until it randomly locks up at boot......or when using evox or even in xbmc.
The HDD has since been used in a PC and has been checked and works without fault. I reverted to using the original HD (unchanged ofcourse).
Has anyone experienced a similar issue, in that the hd upgrade was successful but random freezes occur?
19. July 2006 @ 19:27 |
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I checked to see if my hardrive is lockable and it is. when i try to lock it it says
Master drive is frozen
Cannot change security status of a frozen drive!
Try to disable 'Automatic Detection' on the primary
ide channel in your PC BIOS and reboot
I dont know what that means or how to fix it. can someone please explain? Thank You.
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20. July 2006 @ 11:36 |
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I recently purchased my 320Gb WD hard drive and I installed everything with the xboxhdm and when i put my hard drive in my xbox i get your xbox requires service please call blah blah blah but when i put in my old HDD it boots up normally and nothing goes worng. BTW my cpmputer iam using to install the new hard drive is kinda old and can only read CDr/cdwr so i only have 700 mb of storage on the disk and everything on my C and E folders are 2 big but i deleted all the aplications and emulators so that everything could fit and yes i did put the eeprom in the eeprom folder
ps2 slim v12 magic swap/usb advance wd 160gb
20. July 2006 @ 16:38 |
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I checked to see if my hardrive is lockable and it is. when i try to lock it it says
Master drive is frozen
Cannot change security status of a frozen drive!
Try to disable 'Automatic Detection' on the primary
ide channel in your PC BIOS and reboot
I dont know what that means or how to fix it. can someone please explain? Thank You.
20. July 2006 @ 19:05 |
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growling: when you first boot up your PC, get into the bios settings(I had to tap F1 to get it to go there in start up, but all PCs are different.)somewhere in there is the auto detection things just go and disable the primary one and reboot like it says. (Ill try to figure that out for you when I reboot next time.)
xodome: try deleting all the stuff in E\TDATA + E\UDATA... that might cut the size down a bunch, dut those are also your game saves and downloads so dont delete if you really want those. If you want to keep them, you need to buy a dvd drive/burner.
lunatic76: I am not sure about that, but i think earlier in the post there are things on freezing, not really sure if they are the same kind of freezing prob, but I would look anyways.
Hope this helps :)
GT: S0uless N1nja / Senceless Ninja / S N Krunk Juice / S N ImARealBoy
Bridger / Standbyer / Team Standbyer / Modder / Circle Booster / All Around Cheater
20. July 2006 @ 20:40 |
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Yeah i have the same problem as growling.......and i tried to find the 'Automatic Detection' on the primary and had no luck.....i am still tryin tho....will tryin to lock the hdd on another computer work.....thanks DarkTekno
21. July 2006 @ 13:59 |
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I got my hard dirve locked and put it in my xbox, but it always freezes.Ill start it for about a minute and then it frezzes. can i fix this?
21. July 2006 @ 17:38 |
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I tried signing into xbox live with my new 80gb hard drive and it said could not connect to live. so i put my old hard drive back in and now i cant connect to live with that hard drive. Is there any way to fix it so i can connect to live with my original hard drive? I love xbox live and this realy sucks now.
21. July 2006 @ 18:12 |
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buy a new xbox lol. thats what i did, but idk 'bout that. sorry
GT: S0uless N1nja / Senceless Ninja / S N Krunk Juice / S N ImARealBoy
Bridger / Standbyer / Team Standbyer / Modder / Circle Booster / All Around Cheater
21. July 2006 @ 21:38 |
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growling how did you get your hdd to lock.........
22. July 2006 @ 00:37 |
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ok my cousin modded my xbox i just learned how to do every thing on it like ising FTP stuff like that but i can not put xbmc on it and it is making me mad and then i put the msdashboard.exe and patched then is was showing error 21 theni fixed that but now it wont let me play my emus. or load any skins anplay my music so i would love for any one to help me out. thank you
22. July 2006 @ 10:29 |
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hey operkins I used a different computer and it locked my hard drive. For some reason it wouldnt work on my computer. Good Luck!
22. July 2006 @ 14:10 |
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>>>>>>>>>>growling, thanks i have just tried two computers so far....mine:got the same mess. that you got and my cousins and it kept rebooting.....but i feel lucky today....have to new computers to try.......keep your fingers cross..............
23. July 2006 @ 09:22 |
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Hi, just wanna say fantastic tutorial and i had pc issues too, i got 5 and only the amd 2000 on a elitegroup mainbord all the rest either froze or did'nt boot the hard drive correctly, morral is, keep trying other pc's
23. July 2006 @ 18:03 |
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i finally got it.....thanks everyone..............yessssirrrrrrr!!!!!
23. July 2006 @ 21:11 |
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okay i think i made a mistake....not gettin all of my gigs.....only showing like 20 out of 120 gigs......any suggestions......thanks........