P2P users are nothing but common criminals!!!
Junior Member
1. June 2003 @ 06:37 |
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WOW!!!! Preach it Xhadow....Amen.....LOL.
You got it. I use P2P for music, but I also buy CD's. Sometimes I just want the actual CD. I'm not trying to make a political statement by using P2P. I buy them used and I NEVER pay $20.00.
None of these artists are going hungry. In fact I seen a show on MTV that showcased artists homes.. They live like kings..
But, as Xhadow said, sooner or later they will loose there Empire, just like all the rest.
I'm sure they will continue there fight, who knows maybe they will make a CD that explodes when you rip it. Or that damages your CD drive.
It will be harder for the people to stop these "kings of cash" than any others in history, becasue technology is a fast changing world. As soon as they come up with something, so will we....
and so on, and so on, and so on...
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2. June 2003 @ 23:21 |
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Just a little footnote to my last post. I need all of you P2P haters out there to answer a question for me. When was the last time you
-taped a Pay per view movie
-taped a song off the radio
-took a picture off of a web page
-cut and pasted from an article or a fourm the web
-taped a TV show
-Used Tivo
the list goes on... these two are illiegal under the copyright act but ignored due to mass acceptance.
Just FYI
3. June 2003 @ 09:00 |
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People should consider p2p networks as testdriving a new vehicle, at least when it comes to music. Do musicians, especially struggling ones, want their music on the radio? Obviously they do, so that people will hear them that can't see them live and want to purchase their music. This is the beauty of the internet. For musicians it is a radio station that is always on the air playing their song. Embrace it, support it and if you are worth a damn, you will reap the fruits of your labor. I would never purchase a new car without knowing all their is to know first hand. I would never purchase a CD in which I haven't heard all that is on it. Simple as that.
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3. June 2003 @ 23:23 |
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That is exactly the point I was trying to make.
3. June 2003 @ 23:40 |
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You guys are still missing the point. No matter which way you slice it if you don't own it and you don't have the rights to it then you DO NOT have the right to distribute it freely. Plain and simple.
I've said enough on this board it's like preaching the gospel to a bunch of hookers and drug dealers.
4. June 2003 @ 13:39 |
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actually it's more like preaching to a teenager that's not allowed to buy cd's labeled explicit material, or how they keep the hustler's behind the counter at the store. it will still be had by anyone who wants it. any true artist would be more concerned that his music be heard instead of "how" it was heard. i've been a musician for over 20 years and i fully support p2p's even though i rarely use them. There are countless bands that never would have been heard had it not been for people swapping tapes before the internet came along. I seriously doubt that if some son of a record company executive happens to download one of your songs and loves it, that you'll turn down a record deal because the song was "shared" to get you there. I'm not saying this is the situation, but it seems like you must be a struggling artist trying to make a living and it may not be going so well so your frustration needs to be taken out on the only outlet you can lay blame on. maybe p2p's are hurting you, then again, maybe your big break will come from someone sharing your music with the right person. like i said, any true artist would be more concerned that the music gets heard, rather than "how" it was heard.
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5. June 2003 @ 06:02 |
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the artist's are not exactly screaming poverty are they? besides a lot a people can't afford the price from the shop but i'm sure if they had the money they would purchase original.
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5. June 2003 @ 08:16 |
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Actuall artist make about 20,000 a year and thats if they only make one platnuim CD (if you don't belive me check the May edition of the Source)... which ain't much for the lifestyles they portray and the BS they have to go thru but to most artist their fan base means more to them than any amount of money. I know one artist personally and she said she likes the fact that her CD was on the internet because her groups label "Real Deal Records" wasn't promoting them at all and the internet got their sales moving. Oh by the way their CD didn't go platnium and they barely saw checks from their CD. But you know to each his own.
Oh by the way I am a 24 year old DJ living in germany who looks on P2P for recent Remixes that I can't get immediately here in Germany. As a DJ I work almost like a promoter for Artist and if I "stole" a song to get it promoted for someone else so they can make money then I aplogize to anyone I am hurting. You see people come the the club if I play the newest U.S. stuff or I just play stuff that just recent to Germany. Then I end up with the same remixes a couple of days later with my paid subscription to a record pool. But DJ's like myself help overseas promotions so that artist like Dru Hill can come over here and show up 5 hours late for a concer people paid $45 to get into, then they gave a half a$$ preformance and left without doing any of the things they promised to do. But who do you think is the criminal?
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5. June 2003 @ 13:07 |
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At times, p2p is good. for example, people but their records on kazaa to get their name out. Also, my friends and I put our homework on kazaa, and that does everyone a lot of good.
5. June 2003 @ 13:09 |
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Hey Xhadow, you live in Germany? Me Too! When your saying Dru hill, do you mean that Sisqo and Dru Hill concert? Which city do you live in?
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5. June 2003 @ 22:31 |
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I live in Heildelberg and it was the Dru Hill concert in Darmstadt. where are you from?
6. June 2003 @ 12:51 |
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I live in Darmstadt, but im an american. Are you an american too?
Junior Member
7. June 2003 @ 12:00 |
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Piledrive says he doesnt care about the money, so why does he care if ppl download music? anyway im a guitarist and i believe that if you download an album, its crap because you dont have the nice box or the inlay or nice artwork like whats on 'Yes' album covers or the story written by neil peart in the inlay for '2112' by 'Rush' i say if you like an album buy it before the music companies totally die out
Staff Member
10. June 2003 @ 20:36 |
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Ye thats what i believe too. An album aint just music, its artwork too, a lot goes into it!!
However, i believe as i stated earlier that p2p can be a good thing and why i think it can! If you would like to read it, its like the first few posts!!
I'd also like to say that the RIAA's little war on p2p is only going to fall back on them! Look how much they are hated now? think of how much they will be hated when they start going after kids who download music on a 56k connection instead of the guy on the 2mb line who releases all the music in the first place!! A lot of people like to hear music before they buy it and if the bands website dont offer that then u gotta go to p2p to hear it. Since i started using p2p i've bought way more cd's than i ever did before because now i dont have to think, oh wait what if it's no good? and then decide not to risk it or wait till i know someone who has it and listen to it with them!
Now i understand people use p2p to download entire albums and album covers. I dont agree with that at all because if you like it you should buy it but buying it is becoming a problem! How much for my last cd here?? 28 euro!! yes you heard me 28!!!! for 11 songs! Thats crazy!! the prices need to be lowered! Its like now some country's government is telling people not to buy dvd's and cd's because they are too dear (i cant remember where exactly but go to the news section and you will see it!). I will from now on buy off the net instead since the prices are more realistic!
A good comment was made earlier about how the tape trading brought some bands right to the top. That includes Metallica!! I'm a big Metallica fan but my respect has really dropped for them lately, I own all their cd's all legally purchased, all cost me a lot of money!! So what is it guys? if i download 2 songs off st. anger to sample them will you threaten my isp??
Piledrive, am i a common criminal?? cause u said p2p users were common criminals! yet i have spent way more on cd's than i ever did b4 p2p and i dont mean blank cd's i mean retail cd's! You must be a pretty big artist if a lot of people are downloading your music!! And if its so big that it has this effect on you then you must be a big artist!
Another point i would like to make and i dont know if i already did make it but cd sales dropped 7% last year, guess what the RIAA blamed?? thats right, p2p! However, in the same year dvd sales grew about 42% i believe! So lets think for a second!! a dvd is dearer than a cd!! but a cd is very dear now! people's money is limited so they have to choose what theya re going to buy! The RIAA dont understand this since they are all mostly rich and can buy whatever they want! So last year more people decided to buy the dvd instead of the cd!! Tough luck!! Maybe they did because the cd was rediculously priced like most of them are now?
Also what has been soooo big lately?? NOTHING!! through the 90's we saw punk rock grow and fall a bit, pop music grew huge RAP died a bit and then exploded back to life and Rock music was always big from day 1! Right now as in 2003, nothing much has sprung up has it?? its the same old stuff over and over, the talentless bands and the terrible pop stars (of course i dont mean all pop stars are terrible!! but we all know a lot are!!) so what is there to buy now?? Metallica's new album seems like a big one!! Linkin Park - Meteora seemed like it would be due to their massive success on hybrid throry but then people saw the price tag which was $20 for 36 minutes of music! I bought it for 14 euro off the net but a lot of people cant pay by credit card and the store is their only place to buy it! Marilyn Manson's new album is big but besides them, what is the massive new thing now?? there is none!! So RIAA, understand that for a lot of people there is nothing left to buy!! Instead of blaming p2p for your every little problem, look at the facts and shut the f..k up! lol sorry just had to end it like that :P
Junior Member
11. June 2003 @ 02:16 |
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A-men to that last paraghraph dela, most of the pop shit that is rolled off the conveyor belt today isnt worh the cd its burned on (at the factory of course) pop music has even demonstrated how talentless it is because you can now WIN a popstar's lifestyle on a gameshow
The only way to stop P2P is to NUKE THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!
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11. June 2003 @ 15:12 |
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I currently live in Heidelberg.
I agree with that pop crap. But that has more to do with the media and even the record labels forgetting what pop actually stands for.
First off Pop isn't a genre of music it just means popular music which is usually "top 40" at least that what it meant 5-10 years ago, before Atmoic Kitten, Backstreet Boys, and all those other boy/girl bands (actually groups since most of them don't play instruments) came onto the scene. Now pop stands for white musicians which basically doesn't want to get classified as R&B or Rap and people who crossover from one genre to another but don't want to piss either genre off (i.e. Shaggy) If pop lived up to its name then you should be able to go into a store and get a CD from the pop rack and be pretty satisfied with your purchase. But the way things are looking all genres will eventually merge into one again. I'm going to stop here before I open up a series of off topic post. Its just I am getting annoyed by the mislabeling of genres just because someone wants to identify with the crowd. (ok time to rope this red herring back in) This is where CD sales have gone south, and where P2P and services like it can help. obviously you can't trust pop to be popular music anymore hell sometimes you cant trust any genre, because sometimes you buy a R&B cd and half of its Rap or a Country CD and most of its R&B ect ect ect. Now that people can get music before its released and sample CD's I seriously doubt that its going anywhere soon, because as soon as the RIAA finds a way to shut down Kazaa 3 more P2P's will pop up in its place and will find a way to block the RIAA out for a while... and the battle will continue...
Staff Member
11. June 2003 @ 18:16 |
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Jesse Jordan - Forced to give his savings of 12,000 to the RIAA because his search engine was capable of finding mp3's on a college network! He likened it to google but the RIAA said it was more like Napster! They sued him and he had to hand over his savings!!
I dont think the RIAA realise they are playing with peoples lives!! One of these days they are gonna fuck up someones life and he/she is going to snap and walk into their headquarters with a gun!
Junior Member
11. June 2003 @ 19:56 |
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Look at the general attitude of piledrive (should be pile of sh_t). He's calling all P2P users "drug dealers and hookers", those are his own words. My guess is this piledrive also loves the death penalty and would support it for all P2P users.
Dela, When did this all happen to Jesse Jordan?
11. June 2003 @ 21:22 |
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damn dela, i just love when you go off on these crazy rants! justified, and fully supported by me and my beliefs, but very entertaining too. i wish piledrive would post the name of his band so we could search the p2p's and see if he is being effected at all or if he's just a struggling artist looking to lay the blame on something for his misfortune.
Staff Member
12. June 2003 @ 02:07 |
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The news about Jesse Jordan is only new!
Darthnip, lol, glad you enjoy it ;-)
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14. June 2003 @ 07:48 |
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I download songs, other audio mp3s and software. I buy CDs, way too many, but not lectures or audio books and I can?t remember the last time I bought any software. Some of the CDs I?ve bought because of something I?ve downloaded but most I would have bought anyway. I download the stuff I download because I can. But I can also see that it is theft. It has to be. How much of the cost of a CD goes to the artist or the percentage that the software programmers end up with is irrelevant. You can?t argue that the artists get next to nothing from each sale and that, anyway, they?re all rich. Even if it made sense it still wouldn?t be the issue. My Mum always said you shouldn?t take what doesn?t belong to you and she was right. This peer to peer stuff has just made it so easy, too easy. I think my point is that just because you do it doesn?t make it right. We can at least be honest about what we?re doing. We?re all thieves. Mea culpa.
There?s a song on the latest Gillian Welch album, Time (The Revelator), that made me think a bit about, and cut down on, the number of songs I download. It?s called Everything Is Free and goes, in part, like this:
Everything is free now
That?s what they say
Everything I ever done
Gotta give it away
Someone hit the big score
They figured it out
That we?re gonna do it anyway
Even if it doesn?t pay
Every day I wake up
And break into song
But I don?t need to run around
I?ll just stay at home
Sing a little love song
My lover and myself
If there?s something that you want to hear
You can sing it yourself
I don?t want to sing it myself. I want Gillian to sing it to me. And Gillian isn?t rich but deserves to be.
I shouldn?t have put the song in really as you?ll all download/steal it now. I know I would :-)
Let the bonton roulay?
Let the bonton roulay...
Staff Member
14. June 2003 @ 13:36 |
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Quote: We can at least be honest about what we?re doing. We?re all thieves. Mea culpa.
Speak for yourself mate!! I aint a thief and im sure that other users who participated in this thread aint gonna be happy that thats what you would call them!
Staff Member
14. June 2003 @ 13:36 |
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edit, sorry got some error message!!
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14. June 2003 @ 13:58 |
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Right. What about software then? Pretty much everybody who uses file sharing applications gets their software that way. And if it needs a serial number or a crack/patch we all know where to get them. And so we do. We do it for the £1000 plus DTP package because it?s a silly price and for the latest Microsoft offering because Bill Gates can afford it. But we also do it for the bit of useful shareware that would only cost $10 to register legitimately and whose writer could do with the money. Because we can. And for no other reason. And I apologise profusely to those very few of you to whom this doesn?t apply. But they are few and far between and most of us behave as I do. We shouldn?t but we do because we can, we know how to and it?s very easy. How is this not theft? How am I and the majority who behave like me not thieves?
Let the bonton roulay...
14. June 2003 @ 14:07 |
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Bravo Bonton...Bravo. (Clap, Clap) and The Crowd Goes Wild!!!!!!!!
Finally someone on here sees the truth instead of hiding behind the majority factor.