Emule Sucks
10. October 2003 @ 03:21 |
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LOL child... why do you refuse to learn?
Quote: so i couldn't care less
So why post at all? You're intentions betry you.
Staff Member
10. October 2003 @ 07:35 |
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He's probably too proud of the kill bill release by fasttrackmovies to post, well listen to this
1. it should have been SVCD, its 2003!
2. they didnt block out the serial so the leaker wasnt protected and is facing jail time, how careless
3. they left in the 8 second count between reel change!
4. they released it as a 1.2gb mpg file?? whatever happened to cd images!!
5. why wasnt it an official scene release? at least if it was, the professionals could have blocked the serials out since it was so hard for fast track to do (well a group did but its a bit late now).
6. EVERYONE who went to get this movie, now i mean everyone who knows what they are talking about are disgusted with the speeds they got.
So that release was apparently nice enuff quality but just not a proper release at all :P
Senior Member
12. October 2003 @ 15:45 |
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300 - 400kbs on Kazaa. (No Lite) I thought Kazaa (No Lite) reported false speeds. :P I'm actually quite pleased with my 70kbs on Overnet!!! :D
Everyone is entitled to their own true opinion. Either respect that or don't.

12. October 2003 @ 15:48 |
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Quote: So that release was apparently nice enuff quality but just not a proper release at all :P
So thats what you were ranting and raving about the other night on irc :P
15. October 2003 @ 08:30 |
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Kazaa and kazaa Lite , WinMX are all just plain garbage! Bunch of leechs leeching off your bandwidth while you are forced to sit there twiddling your thumbs waiting for your download to ever complete.. Pfft with that. at least with IRC, you get a decent pretty much stable steady bitrate.. true the bot/ server's bandwidth is going hiccup and flucate abit but the send keeps on going.. which is more then I can say for Kazaa/Kazaa Lite / WinMX..
as for that kill bill snafu.. that was pathetic! I was reading on vcdquality lastnite about how some of the rls groups have gotten soo pathetically desperate to rls first that their stealing moovies off p2p ~ shudders gags ~
Staff Member
15. October 2003 @ 17:08 |
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Quote: as for that kill bill snafu.. that was pathetic! I was reading on vcdquality lastnite about how some of the rls groups have gotten soo pathetically desperate to rls first that their stealing moovies off p2p ~ shudders gags ~
That makes no sense whatsoever. Any movie releases on p2p came from release groups (with the exception of the bad release of kill bill by fasttrackmovies) and all that was done there is it was re-released without the serials or 8 second count down, took a release group to properly release it!
15. October 2003 @ 18:06 |
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im sorry...but i used to use IRC...BLAH! i dont know if i was doing somethig wrong..but I found myself waiting in lines for HOURS!I would get speeds of about 10-20Kbps...i dont know if i was doing something wrong...but it wasnt very convient....then...just out of the blue....the server I was downloading off of would give me an error message...and my download was cut off! what the hell?!
16. October 2003 @ 05:43 |
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Quote: just out of the blue....the server I was downloading off of would give me an error message...and my download was cut off! what the hell?!
Netsplits... it happens.
Quote: i dont know if i was doing somethig wrong..but I found myself waiting in lines for HOURS
Quote: it wasnt very convient
I'm *sure* there are more effective servers available :P just do som research.
16. October 2003 @ 05:58 |
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Dela, it has happened where as a release group will download a moovie off a p2p network, a moovie released by another group, turn around reencode the moovie then rerelease it as their own.. Hell some release groups are purposely dumping their releases onto p2p right off the bat just to be first to release given moovie
16. October 2003 @ 06:06 |
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Quote: just out of the blue....the server I was downloading off of would give me an error message...and my download was cut off! what the hell?!
as Dela said, the IRC network/server may have xperienced a netsplit.. cant be helped.. Tho a good many IRC networks/ channels serving moovies, music etc for download use bots whcih are usually hosted on some poor slub's system w/o their knowledge.. a so if that person turns off their puter, the bot vanishes thus killing whatever downloads it was sending at the tyme.
as for why you were waiting to get your download.. you were placed in a queue along with how many other people were requesting the same item for download.. cant even say this doesnt happen on Kazaa/Kazaa Lite.. Ive been stuck in queue for days on Kazaa and even lost the download completely.. on IRC, read the channel's MOTD or channel topic to see if the channel is seeking certain positions filled.. be amazed at what you get when you assist a channel a network.. No more waiting in queues, access to the newest additions to the collection
Staff Member
16. October 2003 @ 06:28 |
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Quote: as Dela said, the IRC network/server may have xperienced a netsplit.. cant be helped.. Tho a good many IRC networks/ channels serving moovies, music etc for download use bots whcih are usually hosted on some poor slub's system w/o their knowledge.. a so if that person turns off their puter, the bot vanishes thus killing whatever downloads it was sending at the tyme.
I didnt say anything, it was praetor said it
Quote: Dela, it has happened where as a release group will download a moovie off a p2p network, a moovie released by another group, turn around reencode the moovie then rerelease it as their own.. Hell some release groups are purposely dumping their releases onto p2p right off the bat just to be first to release given moovie
Name 1? I cant think of one credible release group who would be stealing their shit off p2p! OIts p2p steal from release groups man! Individual users who take credit for the movie!
16. October 2003 @ 06:41 |
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Quote: it has happened where as a release group will download a moovie off a p2p network
Are you talking about TMD? They dont count.
16. October 2003 @ 11:06 |
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when I said convient..i ment very INconvient...not really thinking at the time.
Staff Member
17. October 2003 @ 18:01 |
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you have to find some good channels then!
19. October 2003 @ 13:57 |
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I don't use kazaa anymore
I use emule with lsd12c
A few weeks ago i searched for something on the kazaa network
i found alot but after a few days of waiting nothing was downloaded.
Now when i do the same on the donkey network it almost starts direct.
It's important that you upload alot to get more credit.
I also download alot from the newsgroups
Now when something new is released i almost got it direct.
Sometimes i use irc to get music
5. November 2003 @ 08:04 |
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You all sound like nerds, all p2ps programs are great and you're all taking it for granted.
Wow, btw, Kazaa isn't the same program it was 2 years ago. I NEVER get corrupted/missing files and I download at least a gig a day.
Yet that seems to be the main argument, that with Kazaa or Kazaa-lite one only receives corrupted files. You don't believe me? All the tutorials I have read on ed2k have stated remarks against Kazaa.
Which brings me to my next point?!!! Why the hell does a p2p program need a tutorial for faster dl speeds, etc?!!!!! Shouldn't p2p programs be user-friendly in the first place?
I use Emule, I get speeds like 20-30 kB/s. It's a decent program, I just disagree with the flamers on this board.
But still, NONE of these programs can compare with BT.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. November 2003 @ 08:25
5. November 2003 @ 08:09 |
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Btw Dela, I didn't get hit by the Blaster Worm either, oh but everyone with Xp got hit right? So I'm lying? Riiight.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. November 2003 @ 08:10
7. November 2003 @ 05:40 |
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and your point being? P2P still sucks IMHO.. go ahead, download away but dont go bitching and moaning when the RIAA/MPAA sends you a lovely lawsuit in the mail..
I personally despise almost every P2P app out there.. doesnt require any skill any thought well none too much to use any of the P2P apps/networks.. I'll stick to dedicated to private IRC and FTP servers.. Good luck RIAA suing something they cant find and/or access in the first place
9. November 2003 @ 15:21 |
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What do you mean with private irc?
Are you only sending to and receiving from a few friends?
11. November 2003 @ 04:44 |
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private IRC meaning by invite only.. Network is hidden, doesnt show up on any of the IRC search engines nor does the channel.. you dont get invited you dont get onto the network period.. Keeps leechs and those pesky FBI/RIAA/MPAA folks at bay as well :)
12. November 2003 @ 09:02 |
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Kazza to Download "Painted Black" (Rolling Stones"
Emule to download the complete Rolling Stones Discography (1.7 Gb)
Kazaa to download a Terminator 3 Trailers,
Emule to download the movie in English, French, or German if you want.
Kazaa for the amateurs
EMule for the Pros
12. November 2003 @ 17:33 |
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Lean: you're a lippy ass n00b aren't ya?
Quote: You all sound like nerds, all p2ps programs are great and you're all taking it for granted.
And you sound like a lippy ass n00b tryin to make a statement without saying anything explicit because... well.. you tell us. Wow... you can fire off a criticizm that somehow is targeted at everyone and provide no proof... damn child, way to go say something without saying anythin.
Quote: Wow, btw, Kazaa isn't the same program it was 2 years ago.
No shit. Thats why they update their programs and release newer versions. By definition of 'new' it isnt the same as the 'old'. Again you say something without really saying anything.
Quote: I NEVER get corrupted/missing files and I download at least a gig a day.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.... oh how could i forget... our very own l33t haxor. Ooooooooohhhh 1GB.... wow.... are we to be impressed with your technical prowress?
Quote: Yet that seems to be the main argument, that with Kazaa or Kazaa-lite one only receives corrupted files. You don't believe me? All the tutorials I have read on ed2k have stated remarks against Kazaa.
LOL child. There is a reason those guides say so. Again you say something without saying something.
Quote: Which brings me to my next point?!!!
1. You havent made a point. There is no "next"
2. The answer to your question is NO.
Again you say something without saying anything.
Quote: Why the hell does a p2p program need a tutorial for faster dl speeds, etc?!!!!! Shouldn't p2p programs be user-friendly in the first place?
1. Ahhh... an inkling of truth.... that, ladies and gentlemen, is the opinion of a clueless noob who thinks Kazaa is king of the world.
2. Still.. you havnt made a point... questions... empty statements... no point...
Quote: I use Emule, I get speeds like 20-30 kB/s. It's a decent program, I just disagree with the flamers on this board.
1. Aside from FrankTank's post over a month ago, you are the 1st flamer to grace this thread. Way to go disagree with yourself. It really validates your "point" -- which you havnt made or proven.
2. Nobody other than FrankTank and perhaps you, have said anything against the Mule.
Quote: But still, NONE of these programs can compare with BT.
Hmmmm..... damn... almost a point... except its not substantiated... close... but no cigar. Oh and by the way:
IRC, Newsgroups and my favorite.... FTP all will kick the living snot out of BT for speed.
Quote: Btw Dela, I didn't get hit by the Blaster Worm either, oh but everyone with Xp got hit right?
Oh you silly n00b... OBVIOUSLY not everyone with XP got hit with Blaster ... I dont know how much formal education you have but to say "everyone got hit by blaster" is something called a "figure of speech". It's like saying "I download at least a gig a day" .. of course you dont... you dont have that kinda of storage space..... oooooooh wait.... loophole... damn... you're good... you setup an FTP server on your computer... and download to your computer.... damn.... ok... I retract my statement. I'm almost done going through everything youve said... and still no point. You did come close once though I'll give you that...
Quote: So I'm lying? Riiight
Maybe. Maybe not. All I can say is you've come, you've flamed ... and made absolutely no point whatsoever. Good job kiddo.
13. November 2003 @ 06:06 |
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Remind me not to get on Praetor's badside ~ laffs ~ But he DOES have a point.. Dont say something less you have something valid and worthwhile to say .. oh yea, knowing what the hell your talking about helps too :)
Im not going bicker over whether P2P is good or not.. I dont use P2P at all or if I do, its a rare rare occassion to pick up a rare album/song I couldnt find elsewhere. But I will say this : P2P is drawling way way too much unwanted attention to the whole scene ( DIVX/mp3/svcd/vcd/dvdr etc). with P2P being avaible for the public, the scene gets exposed more then really desired.. at this rate, the scene can and most likley will sink down below the radar below the knowledge of the general public and we are going see a sharp drop in the release of the goodies offerered by the scene.
13. November 2003 @ 11:43 |
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Quote: P2P is drawling way way too much unwanted attention to the whole scene ( DIVX/mp3/svcd/vcd/dvdr etc). with P2P being avaible for the public, the scene gets exposed more then really desired.. at this rate, the scene can and most likley will sink down below the radar below the knowledge of the general public and we are going see a sharp drop in the release of the goodies offerered by the scene
A very valid point indeed, true, Kazaa (and to a degree, Napster) has enlightened the general populace regarding P2P - perhaps for the overall good in some sense but it really has brought the spotlight on P2P and official p33ps dont like that. Like I mean, it's way too much attention when you hear about Kazaa on something like CNN. -Sigh-
13. November 2003 @ 12:22 |
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and you never heard of IRC before any of the attention was drawn to the p2p's. so all you p2p guys out there, thanks alot! (note the humorus sarcasm) - :)
http://www.Lonero.net - friend of the forums, great guitar player
#afterdawn (well i have no idea where it is anymore)