Emule Sucks
13. November 2003 @ 17:07 |
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Ahh too true. Although i think IRC may escape the majority of the "blast radius" .. i sure the hell hope so :|
Staff Member
13. November 2003 @ 20:47 |
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Quote: You all sound like nerds, all p2ps programs are great and you're all taking it for granted.
No they are not all great! You would know that if u really knew how to use them all!
Quote: Wow, btw, Kazaa isn't the same program it was 2 years ago. I NEVER get corrupted/missing files and I download at least a gig a day.
UYou've been using kazaa for 2 years?? jesus christ man, move on, and ur telling me a gig a day? 365gigs a year? Unfortunately for the average IRC/FTP leecher 365gigs a year is BAD!!!
Quote: Yet that seems to be the main argument, that with Kazaa or Kazaa-lite one only receives corrupted files. You don't believe me? All the tutorials I have read on ed2k have stated remarks against Kazaa.
No tutorial on this site said u only get corrupted files, they said its FULL of corrupted files! Read properly, and that is true!!
Quote: Which brings me to my next point?!!! Why the hell does a p2p program need a tutorial for faster dl speeds, etc?!!!!! Shouldn't p2p programs be user-friendly in the first place?
And thats why I lose more respect for people like you everyday, want everything on a silver plate. What do you need, someone to hold your hand to download a file? In the good days and still now in the best ways of leeching, downloading actually requires some knowledge and skill at it, someone who wants the same stuff and wants it EASY is just plain ignorant!
Quote: I use Emule, I get speeds like 20-30 kB/s. It's a decent program, I just disagree with the flamers on this board.
20-30?? i get 100-120 usually! See I put my work in, i didnt forfeit at the site of a lot of uploading!
Quote: But still, NONE of these programs can compare with BT.
BT is good but has many many flaws! First of all, it relys on trackers, if the tracker is down, tough!! eMule has many servers, if one goes down, no1 fucken cares! BT also can only keep a download alive for so long, if its showing less activity its not on the tracker anymore, and also, you will never see things hang around on BT like they do on the donkey network! Although it is a good approach to someone who wants everything for minimal work!
Quote: Btw Dela, I didn't get hit by the Blaster Worm either, oh but everyone with Xp got hit right? So I'm lying? Riiight.
Well good for you, only thing i'll say is, that thing was such a vicious little bitch that no hacker in the world would have been able to prevent infection unless they had patched up before it hit, it worked on infecting computers by scanning for the RPC vulnerability, so unless u have an IP address thats really far out from everyone else, there would have been nothing u cud do, now something as simple as windows update probably prevented it for you because the RPC vulnerability would have been fixed!!
and finally
I had to laugh when I read your post (nothing compares to BT??). Anyone, who knew anything about this, would know that the very best places would be IRC, FTP and Newsgroups. A movie is released by a release group, hits p2p in about 2 days (and no dont say, no only a day after vcdquality posts it, vcdquality doesnt usually post a release the second it appears!) Now afyter it hit in 2 days, tonnes of leechers try to grab it without uploading so they choke it up and the download could take easily 12 hours. On IRC, in a good channel, u could get that movie when it was released at a very high speed! I mean, where the hell do u think these movies come from? it sure aint p2p (well with the exception of the first kill bill release). And it is true that p2p has the entire movie scene on the net in serious trouble! Obviously the MPAA knew about IRC, shit there have been arrests made for years now, but they didnt do much about it cause it wasnt talked about, the group of people was huge but no1 at home getting an internet connection knew this all existed, until one day, Napster appears! And for some odd reason so many people think that napster was the birth of it all, now that is very funny! But because of programs like kazaa now, the RIAA and MPAA are trying to tackle IRC, not getting very far though so far. I mean they can go subpeona some ip address they got from an xdcc bot but whats the point? the ip address will most likely be something like a shell provider! Not to mention the major disclaimers on all the channels call for the authoritys to leave due to the Internet Privacy act sign by Bill Clinton! Now I'm just going on and on here but I'm trying to prove the point that if u knew enough to be an expert, u wouldnt be using kazaa, now im not saying im an expert, im young! its people like darthnip have been around b4 i was born, they are the experts, they know whats going on! But to praise Kazaa and say nothing beats BT is crazy, and to say shouldnt all programs be user friendly and easy etc etc is just ignorant!!!
Have a nice day!
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20. November 2003 @ 14:42 |
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The only advantage i see with emule is the fact that u can get entire cds with one download from an archived file. The disadvantage is waiting 6 days in line to get a measly 2kbit/s speed. Emule is ridiculously gay. I can download infinitely more stuff with kazaa (150-200kbit by the way). so u get a few bad files. who cares. download again. u guys who diss kazaa because of corrupt files. look at you. your getting free shit and still complaining. grow up for godsake. oh and all you friggin pros, get a life. how many posts have responded to dela? seems to me your time can be better spent than at a friggin computer screen. there is such a thing as fresh air, you know, that unfamiliar outside. im sick and tired of all you people that think you are better than everyone else by talking in their nerd talk with other egotistic losers.
20. November 2003 @ 18:47 |
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Well said Dela.
Frank - jeez man, calm down. get a life? Dude i got 4 kids and work 60hrs a week minimum, you get a life. If you cant find a way to be helpful and keep your jealous fits to yourself, kindly STFU! I "diss" kazza for 1 reason, and 1 reason only, because it sucks.
Junior Member
20. November 2003 @ 19:23 |
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Man I used to rely on Kazaa Lite for all my downloads and was always pissed about bunk files, a virus every couple of days, not to mention the inconsitency of what you can find. I discovered sharereactor.com and the overnet program, these coupled with my 1.5mbps download speed and my intuitivness on how to tweak the settings to my advantage has left me in awe of emule/edonkey/overnet community. You have complete websites with lists of full. I consistently maintain at least a 100kbps download with full function of browsing the internet. KaZaa was like training wheels for me, once you take them off and learn to ride the bike you never want them back on again.
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20. November 2003 @ 19:32 |
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Frank what the fuck are you talking about? You really dont want to take this to a personal level, so you get a fucken life, I'm barely at my computer anymore while ur kissing your kazaa lite logo. Dont you read the fucken news? BigChampagne have been selling kazaa logs to the Recording Industry so that includes Downloads + the IP of the downloader, not just uploaders anymore, HAHA, hope u like getting sued for downloading your crap!
Quote: how many posts have responded to dela? seems to me your time can be better spent than at a friggin computer screen. there is such a thing as fresh air, you know, that unfamiliar outside.
My post count 8919. And spending my time helping people to find the best solutions on a wide variety of issues is a lot better than spending my time in my room downloading crap off kazaa and being logged and having my ip address passed around from corporation to corporation. What the fuck have you done man? answered on a few threads saying that kazaa is the way to go, then what happens to the guy u answered? probably on the RIAA hit list now, just like you. And to be quite clear, I don't spend all day at home on my computer, that outside may be unfamiliar to you but not me.
Quote: im sick and tired of all you people that think you are better than everyone else by talking in their nerd talk with other egotistic losers.
better than everyone else? No-one here ever said that, we dont like people being sued and attacked my industries so we send them to safer and in fact a lot better solutions than fucken kazaa, and u know it. And nerd talk? you only say that cause u dont have a clue what we're talking about, we're using too many complicated fucken words for your cheap brain. And nerd talk is a lot better than your disgusting BULLSHIT talk. Where the fuck would you be without people like us? In case you dont know it dick, everything u used to type that message to us was made by guys who you would call nerdy, guys who have jobs, wives, girlfriends, kids etc etc but still have time to come and give you this free MASSIVE source of information, but thats not enough for you cause you're an ignorant fuck like i said before. Oh and yes, your precious kazaa was written by very intelligent people too who you would call nerds, and massive respect to them for offering a free service like that, its just not my choice because of whats been going on on it for a looooong time now and i try to help people by warning them about this, and also tell them that better solutions are availible if they are willing to not be lazy!
Oh and lets get another thing straight, I buy a lot of cd's and dvd's, im not a mad leecher like you man, and most people here arent. And you know what the funny thing is? since i went on the net I have been buying more from being able to see something before I buy it, and why buy it? cause cd quality is superior to mp3 at a high volume, ok maybe not so superior to Musepack or any lossless compression format but nothing beats an original. So your comment on us getting free stuff? fuck you, look in the mirror while you say that. You're the fucken loser, you have no respect for anything and you are probably about 20 years older than me! It's your time to grow up, I had more respect than that when I was 10! and about ego's, that made me laugh, because we like to help people out, we all have major ego's ye? what about you? the big "expert" on all of this??
all you pro's get a life?? You really are a fucken idiot arent you? your computer was made by a pro in that area, the chair you are sitting on was, the fucken house you are in was, everyone is a pro at something, so everyone needs to get a life i assume? I have my life, yopu get one and while your at it, a bit of respect wouldnt be a bad idea!! ___
EDIT: that1dude You said it man,l you got to the stage where you knew it was time to move on. Now if someone wants to stick to kazaa thats fine, their choice but Im sure you see no harm in anyone here recommending other solutions? Of course you don't, you took some of those recommendations and you appear to be quite happy with it. Thnx for putting your 2 cents in here, i think we might need an army to prove our point man!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. November 2003 @ 19:42
20. November 2003 @ 19:38 |
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Quote: I just started to use emule
You have one thing right so far :-) .... you just "started". As a n00b, you obviously have not mastered nor even understood the inner workings of P2P let alone how eMule or even Kazaa works.
Quote: compared to Kazaa lite, it is absolutely horrendous. Sure, you get a few dud files on kazaa, but at least you connect within 3 days!
Not bad.... 3 days.... wow... you must feel all l33t now. If you had correctly setup eMule you would have connected right away -- or been able to figure out why you weren't. And I wont even bring up the slight understatement about a "few" dud files. A liar know when he is lying -- even if (s)he is just a child.
Quote: It is absurd that people continue to use this program.
Stop and think..... let's just say you are right... eMule dumb, Kazaa cool. Now from that perspective you say "why would people ever use emule???!!" .... now let's be matrue and open-minded and consider the converse, that eMule is cool and Kazaa is dumb, the people who have that perspective will be saying: "why on earth would people ever use Kazaa???!!". And now for a quick lesson in Combinatorics and Logic:
- Let A be the statement "Kazaa sucks. Use Emule"
- Let B be the statement "Emule sucks. Use Kazaa"
- There exist people who chant A and people who chant B. Logically, it is always true (aka a tautology ) that both are true. That is A and B are bound with a logical AND operator. If one sub-statement is false then the whole statement is false. Suppose, in your benifit, statment A is false. This means that everyone falls under the class of B.
- Since it is not the case that everyone falls under B then it must be the case that both A and B are true concurrently for the set of all people.
- Now that I have formally proven that; realize that it is always wiser to approach something with an open mind rather than a closed one. It also helps to be able to backup one's views.
Quote: I mean what the hell. Maybe once u get up and started on emule its good, but i dont have the patience.
Ahhhh and ounce of truth. The root cause is that you want to be able to get something without doing any work for it even though the only work is ... well... leaving the computer there and doing nothing.
Quote: Uploading to others is good and all, but not being able to download is frankly just gay.
Well if the set of A and B encompases all people and there are gay people and given any statistical distribution, some gay people will fall under "B".
Quote: Whatever im still using kazaa and getting shit way faster than you, so i couldn't care less what you use, mate.
Can you outdo a 44.45 Mbit/sec T3? How about an 8Mbit/sec ADSL? Or even a cracked out 16Mbit cablemodem? (which should only be 1.5Mbits but its cracked out -- an i'm not complaining hehe). When you grab yourself a nice OC8 or something and get it to work properly with Kazaa (or Kazaa Lite or K++ or whatever), then come brag to me. And I'll take it like a man too. My cracked out cablemodem will out-speed you anyday, anytime. Oh... and did i mention the 1.2Gbit/sec private LAN setup? Oh wait... you dont care. Except you keep posting. Contradictory behaviour there 'mate'.
Quote: The only advantage i see with emule is the fact that u can get entire cds with one download from an archived file. The disadvantage is waiting 6 days in line to get a measly 2kbit/s speed.
Well at least you see some light. LOL CHILD why must you insist on carrying the Kazaa flag like an uneducated, immature kid who sees something else but doesn't accept it because it isnt what he uses. Were you even slightly more educated or open-minded you would perhaps try to figure out WHY you are waiting 6 days for ¼ KB/s. However this is not the case; I've seen this type of approach many times -- on the playground -- where one kid starts to put down another's because of a few flaws and not giving that other kid a chance. Ruthless but without style, in short, childish .
Purly from a technical point of view, if you are waiting six days for a download to start then there are two potential 'reasons' for this: (1) you are trying to download a file that is really "hot" (congratulations). (2) You have lowid and unlike virtually every other user here, you dont try to discover the source of the problem to criticize that but instead criticize eMule itself. Take a lesson from me for instance: I dont use eMule, I dont like eMule. I use Overnet. However the difference between you and me is that I have reasons:
- eMule has to manage servers (I dont like that because it is yet another thing to keep track of)
- lowID is such a common problem and there can be so many different causes (with overnet it comes down to exactly one source)
- i dont particularly like the interface, eMule's IRC client (an aestheical perspective of little bearing)
You see, when I criticize something, I actually cirticize it but you on the otherhand, you simply fire off criticisms one after the other with no logical foundation whatsoever
Oh and.... waiting for 3 days versus waiting 6 days.... for a song... well... Now of course if you are getting a cd image or soimething... that would be a different story -- but then again you have already acknowledged that eMule is better for that and it would be even more contradictory to use eMule now wouldnt it?
Quote: Emule is ridiculously gay
Unbased crtiticsms coming from a youngin who doesnt know any better.
Quote: Frank - you're getting a consistant 300-400K from kazaa????
Quote: I can download infinitely more stuff with kazaa (150-200kbit by the way)
OOooooohh wow..... 18.75-25 KB/sec..... I'm so impressed. I guess you failed to meet up to IRC's benchmarks. There is no way in hell you will match a private FTP (70-100 Megabytes/sec) Let's compare with eMule/Donkey network... of course we can't compare CD images or big stuff like that because you have admitted eMule is better. So lets zoom down and do another formal analysis:
- Average MP3: 3 - 5 Megabytes
- Sample Kazaa Speed: 18.75-25 KB/sec
- Fastest download time for Kazaa: 122.88 sec - 204.80 sec (2 min 2 sec - 3 min24 sec)
- Sample eMule speed: 140 KB/s (for advanced users who have been around for some time)
- Fastest download time for eMule: 21.94 sec - 36.57 sec
- Sample eMule speed: 20 KB/s (for n00bs)
- Fastest download time for eMule: 153.6 sec - 256 sec (2 min 33 sec - 4 min 16 sec)
- Not faster
- Given that you are waiting 3 days for Kazaa to start .... it doesnt seem like a speed benifit (even assuming you meant to write KB/s)
Quote: so u get a few bad files. who cares. download again.
And wait another 3 days? Please you must be joking.
Quote: u guys who diss kazaa because of corrupt files. look at you. your getting free shit and still complaining. grow up for godsake.
"You guys diss eMule because it's slow. look at you. getting free shit and still complaining. grow up for godsake"
Seems to be a repetition of this "I'm too impatient theme" Gotta wonder why you dont use FTP, IRC or Newsgroups.... oh right... instead of getting viruses slower... you want to get them faster. LOL CHILD you amuse me.
Quote: oh and all you friggin pros, get a life.
- Full Time Student: Software Engineering, University of Waterloo, top of my class (6 courses)
- Part Time Studen: Statistics, University of Waterloo, top of my class (2 courses)
- The normal courseload is 5 courses.
- Job 1: 20 hours a week: Digital Photography
- Job 2: 20 hours a week: Digital Film Production
- Hobby 01, helping people who want to learn
- Hobby 02, trying to show children like you right from wrong from a technical perspective
Why dont you get a life and contribute something to society rather than becoming a waste of a human being a whole lotta waste of potential.
Quote: Frankly I never use antivirus software. It slows down your pc one hell of a lot
Quote: seems to me your time can be better spent than at a friggin computer screen.
Would you kindly show us? What do you do for a living? Or are you still freeloading from your parent's basement running an antiquated computer -- one that chokes and gags on antivirus software. Again we approach the theme of "getting stuff for free and complaining".
Quote: there is such a thing as fresh air, you know, that unfamiliar outside.
Whoa whoa... logical arguments have basis and dont make numerous blatent assumptions.
- To goto school I have to walk outside
- To go home from school I walk outside
- To goto work i walk outside
- To home from work i walk outside
I get plenty of fresh air -- and I want none of it. As for the outdoors, I neither need nor care for it -- of course you're possibly cozied up in your parents home arent you? Well, once you grow up and realize that not everyone (a) is a millionaire and (b) not everyone freeloads from their parents and there is this thing known as WORK ... yes yes, that stuff you have to do to pay BILLS oh wait... you dont have to worry about that until you graduate from highschool dont you?
Quote: im sick and tired of all you people that think you are better than everyone else by talking in their nerd talk with other egotistic losers.
- If this is nerd talk and you are sick and tired of it... then you understand it .. which means you are a nerd and just have disrepesected yourself. Good job child.
- I dont think I am better than anyone else -- just you for the moment and the more you type the more superior I become. I should kill you, pack you into a little crystal and carry you as a self-motivation device. It reminds me that there are n00bs out there who think they know everything to the point that they can make criticisms without basis and not accept anyone else's opinions ... oh wait... thats... egotistical.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. November 2003 @ 20:32
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21. November 2003 @ 05:23 |
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21. November 2003 @ 11:59 |
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damn guys!! you shooting for the longest posts in aD history or what! :)
very well said though, on both. We know who we are, what we do, just like we know that there are some people out there that simply cant be helped.
http://www.Lonero.net - friend of the forums, great guitar player
#afterdawn (well i have no idea where it is anymore)
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21. November 2003 @ 13:35 |
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you said it
21. November 2003 @ 17:15 |
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Sad to see that some ppl go on and get agressive on a personal level...
Dont worry Dela cuz I know ya helped a lot of ppl out with yer eMule-tutorial and stuff.. ;)
What I really think is quite strange though is the fact that everyone here is using P2P but it is forbidden to mention anything about so called "copyrighted" files...
Then I wonder what the hell ya guys here are downloading ????
Just curious about it cuz it would be interesting to know what non-"copyrighted" files there are out there...
Any1 ?
Btw, the 1ns who use Kazaa Lite are supporting Sharman-stinking-parasite-ad-network-client as much as if ya were using the original Kazaa Media Desktop...
Suspended due to non-functional email address
21. November 2003 @ 17:19 |
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just started to use overnet and love it. download instantly at 50-60kb/s for now, and keeps getting better. archived files are a plus too. like it better than kazaa already, and way the hell better than emule (yes i know theyre similar but whatever). oh and non-copyrighted files u ask? patches for games, drivers ...etc yeah right haha
21. November 2003 @ 17:24 |
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Btw, Praetor, what do ya mean by cracked out modem?
Have ya manipulated it somehow?
I got ADSL modem too so I would be most interested if its something to do?
21. November 2003 @ 17:59 |
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Before RIAA hit Kazaa network Rocked!!Not cuz of the great anti-virus support,rare file.ect.Because movies,mp3 where fast to dl.I got around 250 kB/sec - 400kB/sec.And Yes most files have virus thats why you get a antivirus.
Now this days you have to go with other apps.BT,eMule,DC++,IRC.
All this apps have a great use!!BT is great for Movies,Tv Shows.eMule w/sharereactor ROCKs azz!!DC++ has the most rare file you can ever find.Hit connect to the best hub that has what ur looking for.
I trust what I download from all thise networks axcept Kazaa.
You can't just choose one network to get what you want.A combination of all these network is a must to get the maximum experience.
Kazaa is dying very fast, every day most ppl switch to different networks.Im not surprice if by the end of this year - early next year kazaa is not gotting to get as much users as it once have in it's early years.!!!
Intel D875PBZ - P4 w/HT 3.0GHz 800MHz FSB 512KB Cache - 2GB DDR PC3200 - 760GBs [1x500GB - 1x160GB -1 x60GB +x40GB] - GeForce FX 5700 Ultra 128MB - Sony Dru-510a
Staff Member
21. November 2003 @ 23:50 |
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Quote: Sad to see that some ppl go on and get agressive on a personal level...
If the occasion calls for it.....
Quote: damn guys!! you shooting for the longest posts in aD history or what! :)
very well said though, on both. We know who we are, what we do, just like we know that there are some people out there that simply cant be helped.
Ye true man! I think the longest post though in history was a post of ipfilter.dat, that's pretty long! :-)
Quote: What I really think is quite strange though is the fact that everyone here is using P2P but it is forbidden to mention anything about so called "copyrighted" files...
Then I wonder what the hell ya guys here are downloading ????
Just curious about it cuz it would be interesting to know what non-"copyrighted" files there are out there...
Any1 ?
The rules are kinda odd at the moment, basically you could come along and say, oh i downloaded a movie from eMule and your not breaking the rules at all. It's more like saying Oh i got Matrix Revolutiuons from eMule, now you're breaking the rules, you have mentioned the movie and the source. And as you might have guessed these "digital video" sites wouldnt be looked on favourable by the MPAA and other such corporations, therefore some kind of rule system to hold them off is required. It's still kibda strange though because in some countries its perfectly legal to leech all day, finland being one of them. And what kind of files are on p2p that arent copyrighted?? a helluva lot!! try indie music. Not even indie music, try music by bands that are the most famous oin the world, songs they had before they got their record deal are more than likely not copyrighted, and if you pick out examples, linkin park have tonnes of songs they had before they got their record deal! p2p is also a source of information, people actually write guides and put them on p2p, try searching for a divx guide! There's a lot more to p2p than ya would think.
Quote: just started to use overnet and love it. download instantly at 50-60kb/s for now, and keeps getting better. archived files are a plus too. like it better than kazaa already, and way the hell better than emule (yes i know theyre similar but whatever). oh and non-copyrighted files u ask? patches for games, drivers ...etc yeah right haha
Thought nothing was comparable to kazaa lite? and now u love the donkey network, weird! I thought on your expert opinions u would have tried all these programs at least first, but whatever!
Quote: Before RIAA hit Kazaa network Rocked!!Not cuz of the great anti-virus support,rare file.ect.Because movies,mp3 where fast to dl.I got around 250 kB/sec - 400kB/sec.And Yes most files have virus thats why you get a antivirus.
True, it used to actually get a lot more respect than it did for its rare files. The early versions though had some severe problems, including being able to just browse through someones HDD hehe, and full of buffer overflow vulnerabilitys. The RIAA however, were all over kazaa since the day it hit the net. Ever since napster they had hatred for p2p and are pretty much on all of them now, including the donkey network but being blocked out by most of the servers so most of the copyright infringing problems on the donkey network comes down to Universal Studios. The RIAA are also showing their face now on IRC, bad bad idea, concidering the mad IRC freaks like Darthnip dont fuck around, u fuck with them, they fuck right back, but in a larger number of people and on IRC its easier to target one user. And the RIAA's campaign on IRC is dumb anyway, the best IRC networks are hidden, they'll never find them, and even if they do, trying to subpeona an IP address off an xdcc bot is very funny, since about 80% will just lead back to a shell provider, a workplace or some rich guys fast internet connection was hacked and he doesnt even know he's serving files!
Quote: Now this days you have to go with other apps.BT,eMule,DC++,IRC
IRC aint an app though, its a bunch of networks and IRC has been here since, well, before the internet as u look at it now basically. I dont agree with what you said because you will never find a full release on kazaa, and if you do, its because some guy has his eMule incoming folder or something shared and he'll be the only source. A full movie release is usually 2 cd images, VCD or SVCD (for a telesync). Now you might find DVD-Rips on Kazaa easy enough but i wouldnt go near them if i were you, think of who are monitoring them, BigChampaign, Vivendi etc etc.
Quote: All this apps have a great use!!BT is great for Movies,Tv Shows.eMule w/sharereactor ROCKs azz!!DC++ has the most rare file you can ever find.Hit connect to the best hub that has what ur looking for.
I trust what I download from all thise networks axcept Kazaa.
Ye nothing like an invite to a good private DC hub :-) DC has the RIAA baffled, they just dont understand it. See how private filesharing can save peoples asses?? Same as on IRC really, DC++ is the closest p2p app to be comparable to IRC because it looks a lot the same, its what it's modelled on!
Quote: Kazaa is dying very fast, every day most ppl switch to different networks.Im not surprice if by the end of this year - early next year kazaa is not gotting to get as much users as it once have in it's early years.!!!
It's already losing! What were the figures again? before subpeona's, 9,000,000 average, after subpeoonas, 3,000,000 average! All this time, the donkey networlk has been picking up record amounts of users, more servers are required for it now than ever before!
22. November 2003 @ 05:39 |
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Well I'm glad things worked out kinda :-0
Quote: just started to use overnet and love it. download instantly at 50-60kb/s for now, and keeps getting better. archived files are a plus too. like it better than kazaa already, and way the hell better than emule (yes i know theyre similar but whatever). oh and non-copyrighted files u ask? patches for games, drivers ...etc yeah right haha
FrankTank, I'm glad you gave it the chance. As I have said to all too many people about my opninions towards eMule -- try Onet out and good gosh, most of the people who do give it a shot love its simplicity, lack of server crap and ease of troubleshooting -- heck only 2 ports to check for and 99% of the time its just a matter of forwrdiing the UDP port.
Quote: Btw, Praetor, what do ya mean by cracked out modem?
I havnt manipu;lated it in any way whatsoever. The model they gave us originally was getting 80+ % packetloss for like 2 months so i complained to the manager... and to his manager and his manger and so on... 5 levels up and then they shipped out a fancy new model (the same one they use in corporate environments).The service was QUITE louse beforehand -- couldnt even stay on a 2KB/s bot without gettin dropped because i would only make 1.4KB.
But yes this new model ANNIHILATES almost everything Ive seen (except the T3 of course). I usually start at 300-500KB/s and as people goto sleep (which i typically dont), i can rocket well past 700KB/s and make incursions into the 1Mbit+ territory.
Quote: I got ADSL modem too so I would be most interested if its something to do?
Are you absolutely sure that is it a formal ADSL modem (i.e., 4Mbits/s or 8Mbits/s) .. when I said ADSL i really ment corporate ADSL -- that shit is expensive ($800/month) -- which is why I only went for 2 months -- with a bunch of friends too.
Quote: Just curious about it cuz it would be interesting to know what non-"copyrighted" files there are out there...
You looked at game demos? Patches man? Holy christ that shit will accumulate ... yes I know i have the ful lversion anyways but I am a collector of sorts. I collect shit -- never use it.... just collect it. You never know when someone wants something Hehe its a long standing joke where I live that if the world's computers died, they could all be ressurrected using my collection -- FFS I have virus definitions all the way back to McAffee 3.14 hehe. Every single game patch out there ive come across ive kept -- no use throwing it away -- never know if someone needs it 3 years from now.
22. November 2003 @ 08:06 |
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I tried to install Overnet and choosed to not have any third-party program installed with it...
However, when I scanned with AdAware after the installation it still found that some spies/bloat been installed...
Since I make installation-logs of every soft-installation I do (with INCTRL5 and Evidence Eliminator Eliminator from radsoft.net to remove it) it was easy to restore it to the way it was b4.
I would never trust or support an app that behave in that way or even suggests installing third-party programs since there are alternatives which dont.
eMule for instance only installs one single registry-key (the rest is kept in ini-files) and thats the way it should be.. ;)
One must be careful since in my opinion it is already a privacy problem if an app without letting ya know it installs files in yer private area i.e System-folder since it often leads to trouble and most often the app wouldnt even need it since it can make those calls through the registry.
And even worse if it overwrites some of yer original files...
Mainthing is performance...
CheerZ !
22. November 2003 @ 09:00 |
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AAAhheem - hey P - yours isn't the only collection that could "jump-start" the world. i could prolly take care of my hemisphere with what is just laying around on my desk!! then we could open up the closet and dive in my "jurassic" section and take care of a few more planets :)
http://www.Lonero.net - friend of the forums, great guitar player
#afterdawn (well i have no idea where it is anymore)
22. November 2003 @ 09:06 |
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LOL Darthnip :-) I'm glad to see that I'm not just the only one archiving the computer data floating around in the world :-)
22. November 2003 @ 09:41 |
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hi everyone, u people seem to know a lot, so i was wondering if u can help me. i dont know much about p2ps and stuff and the technical info given is a bit over my head, but heres the issue; im trying to download the beatles anthology dvds,
kazaa-lite doesnt have many available to download, just constantly stuck on "more sources" mode.
i tried bittorent, but either the conncection speed is really low or once the download is complete the movie doesnt work.
finally, after reading a lot about it, i tried emule, its really great but the speed is a bit slow.
my questions are
1)shall i just stick with emule and bittorent and be patient?
2)is there any way to speed up the downloads
3)is there anything better than emule thats easy to get the hang of?
4)whats this newsgroups and irc business? -or is it only for pros? lol!
much obliged if u can help
22. November 2003 @ 10:58 |
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well man, it's like this. you wont find any help for downloading specific things like that becuase thats piracy and not discussed here. as for the rest, find the system that suits you, everyone likes different stuff, yoiu gotta find whats right for you. and for IRC, this is just a myth, there is no IRC, >>insert Jedi mind trick here<< You dont belive in IRC, It's all just a rumor. :)
http://www.Lonero.net - friend of the forums, great guitar player
#afterdawn (well i have no idea where it is anymore)
22. November 2003 @ 15:18 |
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*There is no IRC*
Junior Member
22. November 2003 @ 23:41 |
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FrankTank (and anyone else that is a noob with overnet), I have a cable connection that allows me to have a maximum of 1.5mbps dl and 750kbps upload. I am not sure of what you have but if it is cable or DSL, I am sure it is close. I found that if you change the settings a little in overnet you can get faster dl speeds without sacrificing net surfing speed. Go into option in overnet, click network and change max dl to 300, max ul to 10, line down to 0 and max connections to 60. This way has improved my overnet dl speed and gave me back my full net surfing speed while using overnet while having more connections than they originally suggest. Now, this worked great for me but it may not for everyone. Just play around with those settings a little and see what works best for you.
As far as IRC, I have only begun to use it within the last month or so. Seems like a busy place to get files but I haven't quite learned all the tricks of the trade. In time...
What I'm Dealing with:
Dell Dim. 8200 2.53Ghz P4 533Mhz FSB
ATI 9700 Pro 128mb 8x AGP (Catalyst 4.10)
Plextor Premium (1.05)
Lite-On 166s (DS1C)
Philips 2.4x DVD+RW D28(1.68)
Windows XP SP2
23. November 2003 @ 07:22 |
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Hehe or better yet, ste your max connects to 900. :-)
24. November 2003 @ 05:07 |
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Sheesshhh I dont check my afterdawn account for a few days and I wind up missing all the fun ~ laffs ~
I see people still bickering/arguing over which P2P is better.. again I say, use whichever one you feel comfortable with using that YOU understand.. Knowledge is power so if you dont how to use eMule/eDonkey/Overnet etc then dont go bitching and moaning ohh blahblah this sucks doesnt work blahblah.
As far as speed is concerned, factor in the fact that not everyone on the Net has broadband ie dsl, cablemodem etc.. your going come across users still on slower dialup connections , hell even come across slow broadband connections. Cause for me with my cablemodem, my connection flies in the late late hrs of the pm to the midafternoon then slows down when people start to get home from work, school etc and go online.. more users = more load on the network.. DEAL with it.
ohh did I see mention of the RIAA attempting to make their prescene known on IRC? ~laffs ~ Good luck! as mentioned many many tymes already in this thread - IRC isnt an app itself, it is a network of servers all over the world which makes it very difficult to pinpoint exactly where filesharing going on. Most if not 99% of bots on IRC are running on hacked edu machines or some poor slob's broadband connection.. RIAA can have a field day attempting to sue a user that never had any idea the bot was there in the first place.
and with that said, Im done.