Emule Sucks
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25. November 2003 @ 13:32 |
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I'd have to agree with the topic. Ive tried Emule and unless you have a fucking degree in using it, it sucks. End of.
25. November 2003 @ 20:36 |
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-Sigh- Close minded people :-(
Staff Member
26. November 2003 @ 04:24 |
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Quote: I'd have to agree with the topic. Ive tried Emule and unless you have a fucking degree in using it, it sucks. End of.
It sucks? it has the most legit files on the net over any other p2p! Nothing has more than the donkey network, not even kazaa cause its full of fakes and cheap rips! Wheras Sharman dont seem to really care what is happening their users, servers on the Donkey Network do care, and try their best to keep the enemy's of p2p away. Whats the biggest falling p2p? Kazaa, Biggest growing? Donkey Network, the numbers speak for themselves. What did techtv recommend? eMule! Where do most files on eMule come from? IRC! where do most files on kazaa come from? the people who use it, 128kb/s mp3 and their idea of a cd image is copying the entire cd into a zip file, and yes they do do that! Now im not saying u cant find real shit on kazaa, im just saying that if u use ed2k sites, the only shoit u find on eMule, is real!
But everyone has their taste and their limit of how much they are gonna work for what they get so thats your opinion! I just put through my argument!
26. November 2003 @ 19:07 |
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This one thread has been going on for weeks now...lets all agree that P2P is the devil and the best thing since sliced bread..ok?
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27. November 2003 @ 01:01 |
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27. November 2003 @ 12:01 |
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kazaa is much better for movies and games, whereas on overnet, full cd archives are cool
27. November 2003 @ 12:08 |
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yeah if you want TMD movies, go to kazaa, enjoy.
http://www.Lonero.net - friend of the forums, great guitar player
#afterdawn (well i have no idea where it is anymore)
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28. November 2003 @ 01:05 |
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Below is a quote from bestboot at VcdQuality.com commenting on the quality of The.Haunted.Mansion.SVCD.TS-loGisTic
Quote: Video~7.5
Movie~? waiting for kazaa to get it
Watchable Movie
and here is a response he got.........
Quote: thats gonna go down in the history of awful comments
Quote: Originally posted by BestBoot
Movie~? waiting for kazaa to get it
the real funny thing is that he's waiting to get it on kazaa, yet he went a head and rated the audio a 6.5 , how can he rate it if he can't get the release lol ... this is a good release, decent video and audio isn't that bad, can understand everything, props for speed.
Quote: im not going to say anything but ha!
any way...
Kinda speaks for itself exactly what the movie scene and the users who know how it works properly think of KaZaa :P
12. January 2004 @ 20:27 |
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Emule is a complete piece of garbage. Been using it for a week now and all it does is upload and upload and i get nothing. Eeeeevery once in a while a small trickle of download comes up, im tired of sharing all my files all and not get anything in return. I have a high ID, no connection problems and doing it by the book. Ive uploaded hundreds of megs and ive got like 30 megs in return, give me a break.
I'm kicking this mule in the balls. Piece of crap.
13. January 2004 @ 06:58 |
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{Hums the Theme song of the Neverending Story} topic just goes on and on and on and on kinda like Simon and Garfunkle song lol ..
Here's a small tip : if you dont like eMule - DONT use it.. nobody putting a gun to your head forcing you to use it.. sheesh.. bitching and moaning how awful eMule is doesnt do anything.. use something else then.. eMule isnt your only option..
kay done ranting.. let the flames come pouring down {snickers}
13. January 2004 @ 11:03 |
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It does do something. Posting my opinion could help potential users decide if they want to use it or not. And it's just my opinion, wich is as good as yours like it or not.
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14. January 2004 @ 18:50 |
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I agree with DavidX. Wow, I just checked this thread again and i must say im pretty impressed with all the ruckus i have caused!
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14. January 2004 @ 23:48 |
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hahahaha keep using kazaa and see if u can get any of these releases as fast as u can get them on eMule-
Those sites list offical, working, releases on the movie scene, software scene etc etc you wont find a real copy of any of the vcdquality releases on kazaa (you'll find tmd re-encodes, with 75% less quality!) as for nforce, the software etc etc on that, u might find on kazaa after 6 months or so!
p2p as a whole cant stand up to distro access, 0-day ftp access, dump access, IRC, newsgroups etc etc but eMule and the donkey network are the only ones that get respect from real release groups. You ask someone who has been in this for years and say, kazaa rules and the laughing he will do, will never go out of your head!
You see, to get thoings u must do things. For example, distro access, be a member of a release group, 0-day ftp, help out on an IRC channel someway, dump access, pretty much the same as 0-day ftp, only reason i put both in is because a dump aint always an ftp dump, IRC, needs you to break away from the ignorance that u must not have to work to get what u want, its not like p2p so people dont bother with it and call it shit even though u know they have no clue how to download from IRC!
Same with eMule, its a system and it works a specific way. You dont just upload any old file. if you desire the thousands of divx/xvid dvd rips on eMule, then u download and share those files, that way, the people you are sharing with, are pretty much the same people who are gonna be sharing the next dvd rips, so if you've uploaded to them, congrats, uve scored some credit with their client and now your download speed is on the increase. But people dont know this, so what they do is try it, upload files they got from kazaa, that no1 except clueless people on eMule want (the people who believe that u search on eMule just like on kazaa) and then realise they are not scoring any credit with people who share the files they are trying to download and call it shit cause they dont understand it and are just not able to use it. Wanting everything without working for it has a word tied to it, what is it? oh ye, ignorance!
So for anyone who wants a tip on eMule to get speed, go to the sharereactor forum, to dvd rips (or music, or pc games or whatever it is u want) and the newest releases there, add em to your download queue and upload what u get, keep doing that and ull notice a steady increase in download speed! Dont be like the people you hear here who say that everything should be really easy and complain because they are asked to work for files that are far superior quality than those they are currently getting, and oh yes, the fact that BigChampagne monitor p2p downloads and then sell the logs to the RIAA and Universal and other companies! So ojne way or another your information is in the hands of these people. Same with all p2p but less severe other places than kazaa.
Actually what am I saying? for those of you who want to break away from kazaa, check out IRC! its not hard at all, its just some people are too lazy to learn, and there is no upload! (unless u want to serve, which u would be seriously well treated for!!)
Anyway, rant over, this post is not here to encourage piracy, but to encourage people to work for what they get and actually try shit properly before rating it! Thos ewho did have a very different opinion on kazaa, and actually on p2p itself. I havent used p2p in months! I dont see the need for it!