DVD shrink Data Error (cyclic redundancy check)
24. January 2008 @ 23:29 |
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Pete, you da man!!! Thank god for hackers like you!!! The disk was just a little dirty. After I did the whole baking power thing, I was able to use dvd shrink with slysoft anydvd.
Thanks for the info, keep up the good work.
AfterDawn Addict
25. January 2008 @ 08:24 |
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Add a little flower and yeast and the biscuits should come out fine. :) For discs that are badly scratched I use a resurfacing tool.
25. January 2008 @ 09:40 |
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Mr. Pacman...thanks for the heads up. Those biscuits came out just like mama use to make 'em. I will have to get a scratch removal kit sometime soon. Thanks
On another end, I received another error which is common. I don't have the exact error in front of me but it is one I've seen before. Reauthoring the disk in dvd shrink and only using the main movie worked but I wanted the whole disk.
Error: Parameter is invalid
I was able to correct the issue and thought I might share my information. When you get ready to backing the disk up, there is a menu that comes up with tabs/options. Change the priority from: Backup in low priority. Just simply uncheck the box. It's in one of the tabs but I don't have the exact tab name in front of me. This process took a long time but worked without any problems. The dvd plays just fine in my player as well.
Hope this helps someone.
AfterDawn Addict
25. January 2008 @ 15:48 |
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That's a fairly common occurrence. When the copy protection is removed the file structure can get changed. Programs like DVD Shrink will make minor repairs. Some of the newer copy protection removal software helps correct structure while cleaning out the copy protection and decryption. On occasion the decrypted files are too small to be transcoded. When Nero goes to burn I've gotten the warnings about flawed files and they may not be playable. To date I've not gotten one that won't play. The biggest problem I've had is a few with the subtitles playing, which turn off at the flick of a button on the remote.
The best plan is to use the lastest updates for the decryption programs and learn to use FixVTS. Making sure the files are structurally compliant before trying to burn is the best solution.
25. January 2008 @ 16:03 |
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Thanks, I'll take a look at the software. So far I've been able to burn at 100% with no problems. I've done quite a bit...I prefer to use Roxio instead of Nero. I use less time worring and have had less problems.
AfterDawn Addict
25. January 2008 @ 16:16 |
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Some people have no problems running Roxio with other backup software. However, there's a large group that do. As long as it doesn't bother your system, no problem. If you start developing problems, Roxio is usually the first thing most users say to check.
25. January 2008 @ 16:27 |
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Thanks I'll keep that in mine. I didn't know that. I actually got version 6.3 of Roxio and it works fine. Got a fam member who's gonna send me version 10. Any suggestions??? I just notice my version doesn't burn at the selected speed which is 18x. I have a 20x burner and 16x cd's so I'm not sure why it burns between 4x-12x!!! It's not that slow but if I can make it faster then it would be pretty sweet.
Check it out to shot the shit
18. February 2008 @ 02:45 |
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Originally posted by ScubaPete: Hi weehawk, welcome to aD,
A "CRC" error is most often caused by bad media - it could be any of the following:
1. A dirty disc,
2. A scratched disc
3. A poor quality disc (cheap media if it happens during the "Burn" section of your work)
4. A bad disc from the Mfgr.
It can also be from a bad optical component in your drive. At this time I don't believe it's your drive at all.
If you recently purchased this disc new from a store, I would return it as defective if just cleaning and the proper use of DVD Decrypter doesn't get the job done.
I'd like you to check your DVD Decrypter's settings. First, it should be version Go to "Tools", "Settings", set everything to "Default". Then in the "General" tab change, "Removal Method" from "Normal" to "Aggressive", in "File Mode", "tick" Remove PUO's." For ripping in the "ISO Read Mode", "tick" "Remove PUO's" there also. in the "CSS" tab, under "CSS Cracking Method", choose "Brute Force ~> I/O Key Exchange" and "On Failure" choose "Yes". . IMPORTANT: In the "I / O" tab, in the bottom right, "tick" the box which says, "Ignore read errors". This is an excellent setting for dealing with scratched discs which may cause ripping problems.
Some people like ripping with DVD Decrypter using the "File" "Mode" BUT, especially for episodel-type DVD's, I feel that nothing can beat ripping the DVD using the "ISO", "Read", "Mode". After you've ripped your disc using the "ISO" "Read" "Mode", open DVD Shrink go to File", "Open Disc Image " to locate your ISO image - after allowing DVD Shrink to load up the image, just process it as usual then burn to disc using your burner of choice.
HINT: If you are going to burn with DVD Decrypter, DON'T FORGET TO - go back to DVD Decrypter after ripping, to reset the "Mode" from "ISO - Read" to "ISO - Write".
Here are some other little "tricks" which may or may not help -
The "Magic cleaning" technique: Try cleaning your DVD discs. Yea, I know they're new and clean but do it anyway. Do it a few seconds before inserting it into your DVD tray, use a disc cleaner, eyeglass cleaning solution or 99% Isopropyl Alcohol and a soft cotton cloth and rub-a-dub, dub. As soon as you're finished, "Pop" it into your DVD tray and fire up your program
Begin by playing your DVD with your PC?s player. Play for two or three minutes then open your DVD Shrink, DVD X Copy or your weapon of choice - as soon as you begin your rip turn off your player so it doesn?t interfere. The playing before hand is only so that your ripping program can ?Find? your DVD.
"Dr. ScubaPete's, too cheap to buy the professional stuff, Recipe Book for Scratch Repair."
To help with those small "Kiddie Scratches" on your DVD's -
TO BE USED AS A FINAL RESORT to retrieve scratched DVD's.
Materials needed:
A soft cotton cloth
Toothpaste w/Borax (Arm & Hammer may be added)
(Brasso metal polish may be used as a substitute for toothpaste)
Isopropanol Alcohol
Orange Juice and Vodka
Method: "If this doesn't work it's into the "Circular File" (an Americanism meaning "The Garbage can") with you -
1. Place the disc on a firm soft surface.
2.Apply a small amount of toothpaste with a small amount of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda to a clean, soft cotton cloth and apply to your DVD. Rubbing very firmly in even strokes from the center outwards towards the edge. Repeat 10 to 15 times. Do this over the entire disc turning the disc slowly in a circular manner, always going from the inside to the outer edge.
When Finished ?
3. clean it either with a commercial unit (available at "Radio Shack" OR your local electronics store) OR clean the disc thoroughly with a clean cotton cloth moistened with Isopropanol Alcohol, Contact lens cleaner OR in a bind, you may use some Windex (Windex has some additives, coloring and the like). Clean by using a firm even rubbing motion from the center outwards towards the edgeClean the disc thoroughly with a clean cotton cloth moistened with Isopropanol Alcohol, Contact lens cleaner OR in a bind use some Windex, using a firm even rubbing motion from the center outwards towards the edge.
4. Using a clean piece of cotton cloth, apply Pledge to the entire disc in the same manner as the toothpaste was applied above.
Attempt to play disc.
5. If the disc refuses to play, take 1 large 12oz. glass, add just 3 Ice cubes, too many ice cubes will "water down" the mixture rendering it unsuitable for usage, then add 70% Orange Juice and 30% Vodka. The contents are to be shaken, NOT STIRED. The glass's contents are to be liberally applied internally.
Steps 2 through 5 may be repeated as required to recover disc.
After 2 complete passes, step 5. may be repeated PRN. (PRN is medical lingo for "As needed" OR "Whenever you want.) :P)
Give it a try weehawk and let me know how you made out -
Big Thanks for this I was able to rip my DVD (Blue in the Face) with your directions .
Big Thanks.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. February 2008 @ 02:46
18. February 2008 @ 08:51 |
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I'm getting the same message on 3:10 to Yuma in DVD Shrink so I tried DVD Decryter / Image burn and got a message that the disc was copy protected. I'm simply trying to back up a copy of the movie. I am also useing the latest version of Imageburn.
What is this new error message about saying the movie is copyright protected?

AfterDawn Addict
18. February 2008 @ 10:22 |
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18. February 2008 @ 11:02 |
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Thanks, I was not aware the search engine would do that.
Again, thanks and I was not per say trying to hijack it just get some help since this thread was still going strong.

AfterDawn Addict
18. February 2008 @ 11:31 |
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Not a problem, mpenney. I just wanted to point out some Afterdawn features to you. It's always best to do a search first and then if what you find doesn't apply or you don't understand what's being offered as a solution, start a new post. Most people don't follow older threads like the one where your post appeared so it could have been overlooked very easily. Welcome to Afterdawn.
18. February 2008 @ 11:45 |
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Thanks for the welcoming, I have definatley learned alot from the members here at AfterDawn. Any other tips??

AfterDawn Addict
18. February 2008 @ 14:19 |
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Actually if you just check-in and read through some of the posts in your spare time, you'll be an expert problem-solver in no time. It's quite amazing how much knowledge can be obtained.
18. February 2008 @ 14:50 |
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And how is it that your title get's "promoted"?

AfterDawn Addict
18. February 2008 @ 17:31 |
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Hi again. I'm not sure what you're asking. Are you asking how one goes from newbie to member to senior member, etc.? If so, it is somewhat based on # of posts, tempered by the discretion of the powers that be.
AfterDawn Addict
27. February 2008 @ 03:44 |
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I got here a bit late for the last part of the discussion.
Copy protection changes can effect the different programs in the backup process. If the decryption/copy protection software doesn't clean up the files, then it can cause errors with the transcoding and/or burning software. That can include CRC errors because the recording software can have problems reading the files and time out. However, if the decryption/copy protection software does it's job properly, the processed files should work with about any transcoding/encoding, and burning software. 3:10 to Yuma had another of those problematic copy protections. Once DVDFab and Slysoft got their updates out, there was no problem. With good decryption software, programs like DVD Shrink and ImgBurn have few problems. They're like most of the other available transcoding and burning programs, they have to rely on updated decryption programing to bypass newer copy protections.
Decryption software that isn't supported with updates becomes obsolete as soon as a copy protection pops up that it can't handle. The decryption software in DVD Decrypter, DVD Shrink, and RipIt4Me are notable programs that have suffered from lost support. The programs can still handle a lot of DVDs without additional, newer programs. Not all the new releases have the heavier copy protection. As a sidenote for newbies, the burning software from DVDD is still supported by LUK as ImgBurn.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. February 2008 @ 03:57
21. March 2008 @ 20:20 |
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Hello guys, Scubapete thanks for the great help in this thread. I have got a really scratched music video dvd I would like to copy/backup. I'm trying scubapetes method right now on the 2nd post here. Is there a way to skip the really bad sections and just keep going? I did everything you said, I clicked both the PUO section things, in both tabs. I hope this makes sense.
Junior Member
21. March 2008 @ 21:39 |
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I had all the problems you had.. I have DvDFab HD Decryptor 4 now and have not any trouble at all. Good luck
AfterDawn Addict
22. March 2008 @ 00:47 |
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Sounds like it's time to use a resurfacing tool. If you don't want to try that, go with some rubbing compound and polish the disc. As long as the scratch isn't too deep or gouged into the inner layer, there's a chance of saving the disc.
Suspended due to non-functional email address
27. March 2008 @ 23:14 |
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Hi. My names Willy. First time poster, Long time pirate. I have a problem with Dvd Shrink encountering a cyclic redundancy check when i try ripping certain DVDs to my HD. Mostly new releases. Decrypter also runs into an error. I don't know if they are that awesomely encoded or what. I tried using Petes method and still nothing. I'm at a loss and need to return these movies in like a week. What should i do? Or is there another program that i can use that would be better?
Junior Member
28. March 2008 @ 00:08 |
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Hey Willy:
Personally I've had good luck with DVD Cloner and DVD Fab Dycryter HD
I still use DVDShrink but when I run into the 'cyclic' error, I use one or both of the previously mentioned apps. DVD cloner is always updating their decoding codecs plus they have live support
Good luck
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. March 2008 @ 00:12
AfterDawn Addict
28. March 2008 @ 01:09 |
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You need to check out the rules. None of my business, but I hate to see folks get in trouble with the staff simply because they weren't aware of the no pirating clause.
If you have a problem backing up one of your purchased DVDs you may want to check into the decryption software. Several of the newer releases can't be processed by DVD Decrypter or DVD Shrink. Check out the free DVDFab HD Decrypter.
Suspended due to non-functional email address
28. March 2008 @ 02:07 |
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I apologize and retract my last statement about being a pirate. Just a good ole fashion law abiding citizen :D. Thanks BKM669 for the advice about getting DVD Cloner. I have it but i can't burn it to a DVD cause it's to big a file. I have tried accessing it with DVD Shrink but it gives me an eror saying invalid data in file. Any ideas on what i shoud do?
Junior Member
28. March 2008 @ 11:11 |
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Yea use dvd cloner to decode it to a file, That will create/decode your video_ts and audio_ts folders. then open up dvdshrink, find the video_ts folder you just created using dvd cloner and burn that using dvd shrink. Or simply buy a dvd9 disc and do a 1:1 copy w/ dvd cloner