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DVD shrink Data Error (cyclic redundancy check)
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AfterDawn Addict
26. October 2006 @ 15:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
They probably do not play because they are not region 1 DVD's. Asian DVD's are a different region
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26. October 2006 @ 20:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I started playing a pc store bought game called Empire Earth last year. I quit playing it, and now, when I try to reinstall it, I get a Data Error (cyclic redundancy check). I noticed that this whole thread started on DVD Shrink Data Errors, but considering that this is a CD, I was wondering if someone could give me some tips on getting it to work.

I have already tried deleting all old Empire Earth files (although not sure if they are all deleted), downloading ErrorKiller (, and of course trying with no avail to install it over, and over again.

I have spent many long nights fumbling over this, and finally had the sense to ask for help!

Looks like an intelligent, and bustling forum, so help me out please!

PS. I have tried playing this game with the same CD on a different pc, and it worked fine.

PPS. Although I have had the CD for a couple years, there is only a minimal scratch on the surface.

Computer illiterate.
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26. October 2006 @ 21:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
By the way, I also installed a Componenttransfererrorfix.exe for InstallShield DevStudio 9 Hot Fix 1. I tried this, and it didn't make a difference.

Also forgot to mention that I cleaned the disc with a micro fiber cleaning towel, and it still did not work on the home computer, even though it did work on the work computer, therefore I dont see the difference in the disc.

The home pc is a new Windows XP Dell and the work pc is a new Gateway.


Computer illiterate.
16. November 2006 @ 16:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am sort of a newbie, I have burned a few DVD's before but recently i ran into a problem when trying to burn the new movie "Davinci Code" on DVD. I got this "cyclic redundancy check error" Is there any way around this so I can copy this movie? I have a few different softwares, I have Any DVD, DVDshrink 3.2, DVD decryptor, DVD2One and Nero startsmart but still cant seem to copy this movie. What do I need to do??? thanx.

1 product review
16. November 2006 @ 16:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
In this case your problem is due to the protection on the disc and not the typical cause of a CRC error...

5. February 2007 @ 05:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi guys!

My problem: "DVD Shrink cyclic redundancy check"

My conclusion: Copy protected DVD ("The Wild" and "Madagaskar").

My solution: Used "DVD Decrypter" first,
then "VobBlanker" (on the result of Decrypter)
and "DVD Srink" in the end (on the result of VobBlanker)
without any problem.
Good luck!

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7. February 2007 @ 13:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

This is surely a lot of nonsense ... I understand that when you get cyclic redundancy, Decrypter will painfully copy blanks across for every error it finds. Therefore the results will contain 'empty' files. I fail to see how VobBlanker is going to fix the problem from there. I fix a damaged DVD that way and the result is blotchy in parts with sections missing which is obvious to me!!

Any comments?
8. February 2007 @ 09:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Two weeks ago I was given a copy of some film on an Infiniti DVD and watched it on my PC. A few days later I made a copy for a friend using Nero 6 and he watched it. Now it will no longer play on my PC with CRC errors in a VOB file.
I have tried most of the suggestions on this forum but to no avail and I am going to bin the DVD. CD Check reported hundreds of unreadable sectors in the one bad VOB file.
My question is what can have caused the DVD to go bad when it is visually perfect and has only been run twice, both times successfully?
Can the DVD writer or Nero have physically corrupted the original during copying? TC ..

AfterDawn Addict
8. February 2007 @ 09:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What blank media did you use as that is usually the culprit?
8. February 2007 @ 10:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The media was Traxdata made by Ritek, 4.7gb, -R, 8X. TC ..

8. February 2007 @ 10:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry, I should say the first original DVD was an Infiniti which now won't play or copy to the HD, the copy which I believe still plays was a Traxdata. That's why I'm binning it cos my mate still has the OK copy I did for him so I'll re-copy that one. TC ..

AfterDawn Addict
8. February 2007 @ 11:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you can find some Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden Blank DVD's as they are way better than either brands you quoted
Junior Member
11. February 2007 @ 01:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Being a newbie, the great info from forums such this, are helpful but sometimes a scoach overwhelming. But I attribute that to my impatience to want learn everything(yesterday). To date, I have used DVDDC/Shrink(Scuba Pete's tutorial is in My Favorites) and, at times, 321. How effective will my DVDFab Platinum work as opposed to the DVDFab Decrptr with VobBlanker? I recently got DVDFab Plt, which was bundled with my PC's software. I am anxious to try out the Alkhol's tutorial.
From an appreciative "Apprentice Newbie", thanks ladies and gents.
AfterDawn Addict
11. February 2007 @ 09:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
DVDFab Decrypter is the same decryption software that is part of the DVDFab Platinum and other DVDFab programs. Using VobBlanker allows correcting and repairs for struture induced errors caused by copy protection. With the newer and heavier copy protections the decrypted files are needing to be processed for VTS structural errors. Some of the software is updated quickly to handle particular releases, but often VobBlanker or FixVTS are needed. FixVTS is an easy little app I like to use and it's often easier and faster than VobBlanker (though VobBlanker has more options).

I've started using RipIt4Me for the new releases. It incorporates DVD Decrypter, DVD Shrink and FixVTS for a seamless decryption, cleanup and compliance processing of the files. 1-Click does the intire job without user input.
AfterDawn Addict
11. February 2007 @ 09:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I forgot to mention. At the end of the process RI4M uses the Shrink quick analysis for a compliance test. If the quick analysis works, it's a good bet you have good files. That leaves the files loaded in Shrink for you automatically. How much easier can it get? LOL
Junior Member
11. February 2007 @ 22:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you PACMAN 777, I appreciate the input. I was trying it out on Costner's THE GUARDIAN but was not having any success. The disc is DL. Is it the characteristics of DL discs to only open up to (in this video's case) 7 VTS files? At first, I thought it was just my usage of DVDDC/SHRINK(a week ago) and then FAB/VOBB. Finally, I finally "explored" while the disc in drive,...only 7. In the interim, I am going to follow up on your suggestion and experiment with RIPIT4ME. Oh, by the way, for a long time when using DVDDC/SHRINK, I was inadvertently processing in the reverse order...Shrink first, then DVDDC. My burn percentage, in retrospect, on an +RW disc was about 80-90%(Note: When using +R,50-60% successful burn.) the burn would "complete", but no movie. I changed media, used +RW burn rate improved. That may explain some of the sticky frame effects I had previously and ocassionaly experience, during playback. I went back and reviewed and painstakenly applied Pete's tutorial, step by step. My burn rate inproved some, but less playback problems, all things considered. From reading threads at this fprum going back to 2004, alone, I have a greater appreciation that what we have are different tools for different conditions and that sometimes when they don't work, I use my stand alone and an inline device bought over the counter at one of the big box stores.
As the little robot said in the movie: "Need input":)....always. That how us humans learn and grow.
AfterDawn Addict
12. February 2007 @ 04:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Shrink decryption software was obsolete even when it was under support. The author said to use DVD Decrypter when problems cropped up. Shrink remains a good transcoder, but was never great at decryption and even less able to handle the new copy protections. So Shrink shouldn't be used alone except with older titles and it's not 100% even then.

You can now throw most of those guides out the window. When some of those guides were written (circa 2004) Arccoss had not yet arrived and DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter (DVDD) were still being supported. When CSS cracking and Region Codes was all that needed cleaning it was much easier. Nowadays there's a number of added copy protections. Their main function is to confound the recording software. Without proper handling the files read VTS structure errors, missing files and the like. DVDD won't handle some of the new titles on it's own. The constant changes and increased copy protection is the cause for the constant software updates and new methods for handling the decrypted files. With some of the decryption software the files still have to be processed for compliance after decryption. FixVTS and VobBlanker are the programs commonly used. FixVTS is easier, but VobBlanker has more options. For this type cleanup I use FixVTS. It's incorporated in my current favorite, RipIt4Me. It's a macro that includes DVD Decrypter, DVD Shrink, and FixVTS in a system that works seamlessly to decrypt, clean up, process for compliance, and test for compliance. All the user needs to do is use the 1-Click mode and the program does all the necessary work. With the new heavier encryption it has been more successful than the other methods and software. When you know you have an older movie and don't want to do the FixVTS fix, you can use the Wizard mode and skip FixVTS. This program has given DVD Decrypter a new lease on life and gets DVD Shrink back in action, if for nothing else, the compliance analysis. Just remember the last Shrink and Decrypter are to be loaded before using the Ripit4Me installer (it installs the Ripit4Me and FixVTS). Browse the user guide at . The only other guide you'll need is for your transcoding software and burner.

I think alkohol may have done a "set up" and user guide for RipIt4Me. He often simplifies things so beginning users can understand better. That may be another guide you want to use. Those older guides on DVD Decrypter may be interesting as an insight into how the program functions, but with RI4M the DVD Decrypter function is handled by the RI4M macro.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. February 2007 @ 04:24

Junior Member
12. February 2007 @ 09:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Wow, Pacman 777,what a great mini-lecture class you give.
Thankyou, indeed, for the info. Be advised that it WILL BE cut and pasted and put in my information folder. I have a friend, fellow old G.I.,who WAS happy with the former Ripping/Burning combo. When I introduce him to it, it was the greatest thing since sliced him. Well sir, The Guardian is playing 1:1 on my player. RIM4M is for me. It took care of the "cyclic redundancy check" problem previously experienced with DVDDC/SHRINK. I went the long way instead of One Touch. I am getting ready to move my friend up from slice bread to croissants:). He's gonna balk 'cause he has gotten comfortable with the relative 'get in get out', but I can testify the extra steps and the wait is sooo well worth it. It was a great homework exercise for me. My 9300 Dell is now, also, updated.
Alkoholic's tutorial was ideal, for us beginners. As he mentioned, if one did not make it through the whole process, the operator did not do something right.
How can I, now, effectively save these videos to my external hdd for veiwing on my 9300 in my entertainment center. I'm really trying to cut down on discs. Thank you again.
AfterDawn Addict
12. February 2007 @ 11:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
As I mentioned in my "mini lecture" the 1-Click mode is the best route to take with Ripit4Me (RI4M). Wizard does the same thing except you have the option to skip parts of the process. Unless you know for sure you don't need FixVTS, it's best to let RI4M do the entire process in 1-Click mode. The FixVTS processing takes about 5-10 minutes. If interested in exact times, just watch the program and time it. It's a short period to insure the outcome of your job.

RipIt4Me is fairly new on the scene. It's outstanding for a freeware program. I hope support is kept up for this one and it doesn't go the way of DVD Decrypter.

A family friend is a semi-retired doctor. He likes using computers but isn't into how things work. With his semi retirement he's had time to start backing up his DVDs. One of his patients gave him Shrink and Decrypter along with the warning it wouldn't do Sony movies. That was Arccoss, Puppetlock encryption and on some there other types. Lionsgate and Disney are a couple more who add heavy copy protection. Once I heard of his problem I introduced him to some programs so he could see the options available. With heavy copy protection (it's more than just the old CSS encryption) the DVD compliance needs doing, as you noticed. You can decrypt the movies and then process them or you can use RI4M and let it do the entire job seamlessly. My friend opted for the RI4M. Plus with the settings in Shrink preset, it's no problem finishing the job once RI4M is done. The only thing the user has to remember is to delete the files when through. He was proud to go back and instruct his patients on how to copy the "Sony" movies. Over the years, I believe the line between patients and friends has become blurred. ;)

Glad you got the Guardian copied. I don't think it will be too difficult to get your friend to upgrade to RipIt4Me once he sees it does the job when others fail. Just let him know what it did for you. Old GIs should know to get out of the foxhole when a grenade is tossed in. That's what Sony did when they added the Arccoss protection. It's a "grenade" they intended to use to "blow" users away when it comes to copying DVD videos. LOL You can use the analogy to psych your buddy out. LOL

One thing we have to remember is to be flexible. Last month I was using AnyDVD for most of my decryption. This month it's a resurrected DVD Decrypter with the rest of the RI4M macro setup. You need to keep your eyes open for change. I'm not throwing anything away just in case. If RI4M falls by the way (and none of the programs have been 100%), it pays to have a backup plan. (Sometimes those puns just reach out and grab me. LOL)
Junior Member
12. February 2007 @ 12:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Aren't you just the "punny" one:). You validated my thinking on flexibilty and not "throwing" anything away. It's better to have to many tools and widgets and than to have to little.
Oh, I will use the 1-click mode. I'm still getting into the late 20th century, when it comes to the techno stuff alround us. So I get mentally stimulated when gathering new info and seeing how well I can apply it.
Oh, by the way, any input on how best to save videos to an external hdd for later viewing through home entertainment system via my laptaop? Is there a way to set the files up so that a movie will run seamlessly?
AfterDawn Addict
12. February 2007 @ 12:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Recording to the external hard drive should be easy since most software have the option to record to the hard drive. Laptops aren't a good choice for a home entertainment PC. There are compact units built for those purposes, but they're larger and often more powerful than most laptops and have better ventilation. The heat factor is a key. Small towers also look good with home entertainment systems. You will need a good graphics card with video out that will work with your TV. Most laptops are lacking there as well. Laptops aren't really cut out for the job. However if you get it to meet the needs I pointed out, it may work, if it doesn't fry in the process. InterVideo has some good player software you may be interested in.
AfterDawn Addict
12. February 2007 @ 12:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Aren't you just the "punny" one:).
LOL I try.
Junior Member
17. February 2007 @ 10:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey Pacman777,
Been ripping/burning my tail off all this week plus working in between. EVERYTHING, so far has burned w/o a hitch.
I do have IMG loaded on the
I referred my friend to RI4M, without the need of a grenade:). I also sent him this link to save and read later. He's going to send copies of the files to a another friend who has no on line access at this time.
Did I understand from one the websites, that RI4M is looking to have some type of working realtionship in the are a Blue laser? Personally, even if decryption is available at some point, I don't think I will be ready, yet, to throw down the kind of dollars that is being asked for the new hardware.
For the time being, at my entertainment center, I use the the Targus cool pad under my laptop to keep it cool, when I use. The cool pad goes everywhere the laptop goes anyway. So for the time being, I got the flexibility to go this route. As time passes and my usage might actually increase, I would like to go to something biggger. But we be cool and making sure the only things that fry ore in the kitchen with cooking oil only.
AfterDawn Addict
17. February 2007 @ 12:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I do have IMG loaded on the

Say what?

Glad to see you've gotten your buddies squared away. Lets hope things stay as easy. As for Blue Ray and HD DVD, I have no idea right now what the plans ro RI4M are. Like you though, I'm not throwing down the cash for those high priced units yet. Plus there's more to it with computers than just a drive.
Junior Member
18. February 2007 @ 16:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry PACMAN77,
Regarding a mind slip during my 15:50 17Feb response. I meant to say I have IMGBurn on my computer, along with DVDFabPlatinum, Nero 6 Version 66015, DVDCC and Shrink. Question for you and/or anyone else that can help me for clarification: Will I have any concerns about program conflicts? Another question: My daughter does not have any burning software, at this time. I referred her to download DVDDC, DVDSHRINK, and RI4M? Any thoughts that could improve on those recommendations? And lastly, I just got a dialogue message when DVDDC was running:
Devicelo Control(FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME) Failed!
Device:(Note:My Sony +-RW drive)(ATA). Unable to lock volume for exlusive access. Reason: Access is denied.
Whew! I'm done.
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Download DVD Shrink from here.
Read our DVD Shrink guide from here!
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