DVD shrink Data Error (cyclic redundancy check)
AfterDawn Addict
12. July 2007 @ 13:43 |
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Originally posted by CRXPanda: quote=PacMan777,
thanx for the updated info, but scubapete's settings helped me on a new (Anchor Bay) release. I thought it was a bad burn, but after using a disk recovery program (for HDD but will work on DVD and CD too) I found the file sructure to have a lot of bogus data on that one episode (3 of 5), so maybe they tried to copyguard it in a spoilsport sort of way... anyhow, the dvdshrink version burned nicely and plays on every player I have. the decrypter version was too large so I just saved it as a backup if anything goes wrong with the disc.
If the DVD drive in my notebook fails to recognize a disk, then the disk has some new copyguarded whatsit on it...but it will play thru the external dvd burner I have, but I have to re-author on dvdshrink. The only disk with problems outside the norm was the TV show one (came out in 2006) I haven't had any other setbacks from my outdated dvd back-up software (even the original Star Wars trilogy copied, but it was the crappy re-re-re-release so I deleted it and bogught the original theatrical versions)
DVD Decrypter has long been known for it's ability to rip problematic files. However, if DVD Decrypter is ripping the files and removing the copy protection, then it would have to be the older copy protection. Possibly with your problem DVD it was something to do with file structure, but it wouldn't have anything to do with the newer copy protections that can defeat DVD Decrypter. Many of us have seen cases where the DVD Decrypter fails when being used alone. It is simply due to the software being obsolete because of needed updates. That's all I was saying. I'm sure Scubapete's settings were better than the default settings at the time he wrote the old guide. Nowadays most of those still wanting to use DVD Decrypter use it with RI4M or AnyDVD. With AnyDVD you need to turn of the decryption portion of DVDD and use it only for ripping and let the AnyDVD do the bypassing of copy protections.
Last I checked, the installer program for RI4M 1710 was available at Softpedia. It is an installation program and not an exe file. You only need to download to wherever you keep your downloaded files and run the installation from there. Of course the latest DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink should already be loaded. delete the old RipIt4Me from the ADD Remove in the Control Panel. I'd suggest manually checking to make sure the files are deleted in Program Files.
If you have any problems, just let me know and I'll try to help.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. July 2007 @ 13:47
20. July 2007 @ 04:24 |
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I am the newest.Actually I was surfing to find a solution for CRC for myself.There are such interesting and informative views posted here.May I put in my penny's worth.I had spent days trying to copy a movie without result.In my quest I came across DVDFab Platinum.Very skeptically and as a last hope I tried this progamme.Lo an behold it worked.Hope this can help some of the people in this forum.
20. July 2007 @ 04:28 |
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I forgot to mention if anyone is using AnyDvd, you have to uninstall it because there is a major conflict between DvdFab Platinum and AnyDvd.
AfterDawn Addict
20. July 2007 @ 11:02 |
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Originally posted by Izma: I forgot to mention if anyone is using AnyDvd, you have to uninstall it because there is a major conflict between DvdFab Platinum and AnyDvd.
You don't have to uninstall AnyDVD to use DVDFab, just turn it off.
Junior Member
29. July 2007 @ 11:42 |
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With RI4MVersion on this computer, I was ready to burn a movie when I got the following message:
?You?ve only selected 1 folder, containing just DVD Video files. Does the ?SHOOTER? folder represent what should be a ?VIDEO_TS? folder in the root directory of the image?(Otherwise, the ?SHOOTER? will be visible in the root directory of the image."
I do have a total of 10 files including Video_TS, Video_TS.BUP AND Video_TS.IFO files. It seems that I have taken myself out of ?One Click? operational mode to having a little something extra to do. I do have the ImgBurn guides, with screenshoots, regarding how to burn from this point. I don?t mind the learning experience for awareness and input, but I?m trying to troubleshoot what I did. I did ?Remove? RI4M?(prior version) from the Control Panel as well as ImgBurn, DVD Shrink and DeCrypter. Oh, you did direct me to do just RI4M, but I took it a step(or 2) further to give myself the experience of Removing and (re)installing these items. As the AIO will no longer install, I manually reinstalled in the following order: DVDDC, DVDSshrink, IMGBurn, and last, RI4M ver1700. Harkening back(and who ?Harkens? anymore) to Scuba Petes guide, will it be necessary for me to create a Video_ts folder and process my burning in that fashion?
Is it at all possible to copy the AIO(with ri4m ver1700), from my laptop to this computer? As always any help from this forum is always appreciated.
1 product review
29. July 2007 @ 12:01 |
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Quote: ?You?ve only selected 1 folder, containing just DVD Video files. Does the ?SHOOTER? folder represent what should be a ?VIDEO_TS? folder in the root directory of the image?(Otherwise, the ?SHOOTER? will be visible in the root directory of the image."
This looks like dialogue from Imgburn in build mode...if you choose yes at this point an ISO and MDS will be created, or you can burn directly to disc.
Quote: Harkening back(and who ?Harkens? anymore) to Scuba Petes guide, will it be necessary for me to create a Video_ts folder and process my burning in that fashion?
This is the preferred method IMHO...but you can rip in ISO mode, but you may get some nasties with it and you've already discovered the build mode of Imgburn with is the way I like to do it.
Is it at all possible to copy the AIO(with ri4m ver1700), from my laptop to this computer?
You should be able to simply burn the disc as data with the AIO and whatever else you want to, to a disc and install from there.
AfterDawn Addict
29. July 2007 @ 16:52 |
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First off I'd suggest updating the software to You can pick it up at Softpedia.
FixVTS is incorporated in and RI4M doesn't need the external version in the folder. If you have FixVTS, I'd suggest keeping it as a standalone program, it's still useful outside the RI4M program. This is where cleaning out the entire old folder and doing a clean install would come in handy. Another nice option is that it indicates when you can go direct to Shrink. It's telling you the copy protection is so light you can process with most anything.
I'll go along with LOCOENG, use the Video_TS file system until it's time to burn. Then you use the build mode with ImgBurn or use a burner capable of burning in file mode. There's plenty of good burners that burn one or both ways. I do it each way and there's no difference in playback. ImgBurn has the advantage of being good and free.
30. July 2007 @ 19:54 |
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Ok i have one question to ask. Why on earth would my computer restart when i try to back up a dvd on my computer. It just randomly started to do this.
AfterDawn Addict
31. July 2007 @ 01:04 |
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Originally posted by dukebd13: Ok i have one question to ask. Why on earth would my computer restart when i try to back up a dvd on my computer. It just randomly started to do this.
The things that normally make a PC crash. Is the program overloading the system resources? Normally, as we use PCs, we gradually increase the system load. Do you still have enough extra RAM and memory to handle the job? File corruption. Did you try deleting the program, running a system cleanup and reinstalling the program?
We're in the dark here. We know nothing about your PC, its programming, or the programs and versions you're using to do your backups.
LOL If that doesn't apply, remember, you said one question. ;) Just kidding.
edit: If the suggestions didn't help, feel free to give us some info on what you've got going and we'll see if we can help you get things straightened out.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 31. July 2007 @ 01:08
AfterDawn Addict
31. July 2007 @ 11:53 |
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It could very well be your system is getting to hot also. try checking your fans and make sure they are working properly and clean.
My Guides--------->http://webpages.charter.net/bacitup/
Software ------->http://webpages.charter.net/bacitup/software.htm
AfterDawn Addict
31. July 2007 @ 15:09 |
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bbmayo makes a good point and keeping the dust bunnies under control is a must. Other things can cause system overheating. Try one of the programs that the overclockers use to test their systems. OCCT, Orthos, and Prime 95 are good programs for checking a system under load, they're free. If you load it up and it crashes, you know you have a problem. A word of caution, if you have weak components, loading them may cause them to fail much sooner.
Junior Member
4. August 2007 @ 09:56 |
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hi can some1 help me please i have a dvd disc with movies on it but they are in data format so i cant watch them on a dvd player only on the computer but is there a programme that can change this so i can copy them 2 a disc that i can watch them on a dvd player
marty b
AfterDawn Addict
5. August 2007 @ 03:32 |
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Your question would get more people looking at it if you started your own help thread. Your question is on file conversion and this thread is about CRC errors.
Sorry I can't help with the problem, I've not encountered that one before. For other type conversions I use Nero Vision or ConvertXtoDVD. I don't know if they'd work in your situation though. For most conversions I use ConvertXtoDVD and Nero Vision, but I've never tried anything with a data format. As you're finding out, most programs require video files as the source, in at least one of the formats, AVI, MPEG or whatever.
3. September 2007 @ 05:48 |
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hi all just thought i'd reply to a bit o help o recieved by reading through the threads on other peoples problems they were having with shrink that were simular to mine. scuba pete ty the advise you gave about decryptor is great. thanks a million.
AfterDawn Addict
4. September 2007 @ 01:15 |
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Originally posted by JJGOOBER: hi all just thought i'd reply to a bit o help o recieved by reading through the threads on other peoples problems they were having with shrink that were simular to mine. scuba pete ty the advise you gave about decryptor is great. thanks a million.
Old articles on DVD Decrypter are out of date. DVDD will do a lot of the older movies and some of the new. When it comes to ARccOS protection and some of the other new protections, it's out of date. The only good way to use DVD Decrypter now is with RipIt4Me (which also lost support but isn't obsolete yet).
Junior Member
8. September 2007 @ 20:04 |
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A quick thank you, to the forum, for the followup postings to my questions. I just hadn't been able to respond sooner. Since installing the ri4m from Softpedia I'm still not able to "One Click" my rip and burns and I am not getting a .iso file, in my targeted folder. to burn the movie(s).
Regarding the posting of:
August 2007 @ 13:56 Link to this message
hi can some1 help me please i have a dvd disc with movies on it but they are in data format....
I experienced the same problem burning, in my case, with Memorex. I pop the completed burn into any of my players, I get a "data files" message and it does not play on my computer. I burn with a Verbatim or a Maxell, no problems. Go figure.
AfterDawn Addict
8. September 2007 @ 20:55 |
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If you can burn without problems with Verbatim and Maxell and not Memorex, that shows your problem is simply media compatibility. Not an uncommon problem as it happens fairly often. Sometimes it's from firmware issues and others it's just poor media. You can update the firmware if newer is available, but as far as the media goes, use what works best. Memorex has been reported by many to cause problems, remember the "Memosux" started when Memorex switched to CMC Magnetics for most of their product line. Pay attention to the media forums and use good media.
The only thing I can think of with RI4M is that you've made a setup error somewhere. You use One Click, but it isn't just one click to get the job done. Open files in RI4M, use One Click, files go through Decrypter and RI4M (with FixVTS incorporated) and open in Shrink (at this point RI4M is done and the rest of the backup process is comprised of using DVD Shrink and a supported burning program), enter Backup, with burn options selected click and do the burn. (One of the selections in Shrink is the program you wish to burn with.) If you want an ISO, you'll need to look at your Target settings in Shrink. You can create an ISO and burn, or just create the ISO (the ISO location is in the bottom box of the Target Device settings. I've still got RI4M installed and when I use it, that's the way it works.
Junior Member
12. September 2007 @ 19:09 |
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Nooow I get One Click's roll. When I get to Shrink, what I do instead is browse and find the Target folder. Next, I double click it and sometimes I have to add .ISO to the file name in the Destination line, hit "ok" and Shrink does it's thing. Before I got to this forum, I used to get a "ISO file not found" message. Just for the heck of it, I typed in the .ISO after attempting to "look" for an ISO file, on several rips. I don't know what, exactly the heck I was(and am)doing but this particular methodology has, thus far, been working. See what happens when a newbie gets a keyboard in his hands?:) Sometimes I can get Shrink to do its thing without the .ISO showing in the destination. Any thoughts and/or input are, as always, appreciated. Regarding firmware, the last available firmware I could find for my NEC is about 3 years old.
AfterDawn Addict
12. September 2007 @ 23:21 |
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Seems you've found media that will work with the NEC, so use it instead of the problematic Memorex. I'd ID the Memorex with DVD Identifier just to make sure which manufacturer is causing the problems. Off hand, I'd suspect CMC Magnetics.
In Preferences set the Rip Mode to what you prefer, Full DVD, Movie + menus, or Movie only. At this point, don't use ISO. Ripping in ISO locks the files in an ISO folder which isn't accessible by the FixVTS programming when necessary. You can get your ISO later if you need it. Seems your issues are in your Preferences settings. Here's a quick run through.
Open DVD in RI4M,
Use the 1-Click mode,
Files are ripped and open in Shrink,
(No need to look for files, they're already open.)
You can uncheck languages you don't need to lower compression.
Click Backup.
Set your Burn Settings
(Here you can select Create ISO and burn with DVD Decrypter (ImgBurn if set up for it) or Create ISO
(Note where Shrink puts the ISO or create a folder to send it where you want)
If set to Create and Burn, just have a DVD in the burner drive.
If burning manually, you'll need to open the ISO in the burner ware from the folder where it was created.
Sounds like you were using ISO as your Rip Mode in RI4M. As I mentioned, not exactly a good idea. Check your settings and make sure they're what they should be.
Junior Member
13. September 2007 @ 06:09 |
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Thanks for the "fine tuning" input. I will follow through.
AfterDawn Addict
13. September 2007 @ 10:09 |
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You're welcome. If you run into any more trouble, I can post the Preferences settings I've been using. I've not changed them for a long time and they've not failed yet. Without support, it's bound to happen sometime.
Junior Member
13. September 2007 @ 18:24 |
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Although I am not having any immediate problems, at least with my laptop, my I take you up on that offer and have you send me your Preferences settings?
AfterDawn Addict
14. September 2007 @ 12:33 |
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No problem, just in case others may be interested, here's a scan of the Preferences settings I use. They've not failed me, even on the most difficult backups. They're not written in stone though and there are a few mods that won't make a difference as far as quality output is concerned. I still suggest not using ISO as a rip mode.

Account closed as per user's own request
19. October 2007 @ 14:12 |
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Originally posted by PacMan777: No problem, just in case others may be interested, here's a scan of the Preferences settings I use. They've not failed me, even on the most difficult backups. They're not written in stone though and there are a few mods that won't make a difference as far as quality output is concerned. I still suggest not using ISO as a rip mode.

First off thank you all for your help.
I did exactly what you recommended above (settings, and all) it will not allow me to shrink, Dycript, Ri4M, or clone a specific file called VTS_01_4.vob I have received the CRC error, an I/O error, Copy write error, and a Dirty disc error depending on what software I am using. Yes I have cleaned it. Yes the disc looks like pretty good condition.
Disc in question is OZ - Season 4 Disc 2
It will not allow the read, or rip to take place.
Please advise
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. October 2007 @ 14:13
1 product review
19. October 2007 @ 14:45 |
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I would think you have a badly pressed disc from the factory as Oz is old news and should be no problem what so ever. Return for exchange.