PS3 vs Xbox 360
Senior Member
16. December 2005 @ 13:19 |
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Quote: LOL, not ergonomically dude. i've held the 360 controller today, i ddint find it that much confterble than the xbox controller.xbox360 controller may look good, but the ps3 controller is ergonomically better.
Sorry, you wasnt saying the 360 controler wasnt good, you was implying it.
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16. December 2005 @ 13:24 |
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I said didnt find it that much, the tow are almost the same. I wasnt implying that it was bad, gosh, it's still a good controller.
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Senior Member
16. December 2005 @ 13:42 |
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Ok. I believe you. But I dont see how you think its the same as the xbox controler. Maybe similar to the contorler S a bit.
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16. December 2005 @ 13:47 |
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alrite bro, for that i apologise.. i agree wiv ya tho, PS3 controller is better in the way you say it is.. before anyone says im not kissin your a*! i have the same view..
16. December 2005 @ 21:00 |
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Well I got no complaints with the 360 pad, of all the pads ive felt its the best quality, most comfortable and best thought out, but thats what I expect from next gen. As for ps3 pad, when I saw an animation showing how it fits the hand I can see it being good + sony haven't ever been crap in the pads department, but to start saying it's better from just having a look at a pic and not actualy feeling it is stupid. Also when you played with the 360 pad for the first time you may have disliked it because you might have had a negative opinion of it even before you touched it and like most pads it takes time to get used to a new one, not just a few mins. Ime not saying that is the reason, it just may be the case.
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16. December 2005 @ 21:26 |
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I dindt have a negative oppinion on it, it looks rather nice.
AfterDawn Addict
16. December 2005 @ 21:54 |
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as i played the 360 my right thumb started to ache from the angle it was at compared to the other thumb. the offset is n00bul4r!
17. December 2005 @ 07:16 |
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KooKoo, i hate to say it but your a PS3 fanboy...
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17. December 2005 @ 07:42 |
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And i've got nothing to say but your nothing but a 360 fanboy. I perfer ps3 over 360, doesnt mean im a fanboy.
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17. December 2005 @ 11:12 |
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Fanboys? isn't t possible t critisise both console and still like one more than the other?
Senior Member
17. December 2005 @ 12:31 |
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Getting back to the controler's quickly.
Somthing just occured to me about both controlers.
Describes how he percieves symmetry is important.
Quote: what do you mean you dislike the analog sticks? they are symmetrical therefore being more
comfortable and sustaining to the mind over time. i hate having my thumbs off-center with
the xbox controller. symmetry pwnz
He also expalins that due to this unsymetrical placement of the analog sticks:
Quote: as i played the 360 my right thumb started to ache from the angle it was at compared to the other thumb. the offset is n00bul4r!
Before I go on. The fact that your thumbs are a bit offline doesnt feel uncomfortable as you sugest on the 360 controler.
Anyway moving on to what I am to say.
The PS3 controler has both analog joysticks symetrical with one another, right? That means when I place my thumbs on both analog joysticks they are symetrical with one another which is that little more comfortable than having my thumbs off set, right?
However when I have my hands in the other position with my left thumb on the analog joystick and right thumb on the buttons, my thumbs then become off set which is slightly more uncomfortable than having the thumbs symetrical, right?
The 360 controler has both analog joysticks unsymetrical with one another, right? That means when I place my thumbs on both analog joysticks they are off set with one another which is that little less uncomfortable than having the thumbs symetrical, right? (I am sure anubis66 agree's with this as his quotes do)
However when I have my hands in the other position with my left thumb on the analog joystick and right thumb on the buttons, my thumbs then become symetrical which is slightly more comfortable than having the thumbs unsymetrical, right?
Senior Member
17. December 2005 @ 12:39 |
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Okay. From what I said there no one can disagree as we have all seen both controlers.
Now my next question is:
Besides FPS games the rest of the genre's use the buttons more than the right analog joystick, right. So RPG's, Platformer's, Racing games, Sports games, etc.
So you can see my point. For nealry all genre's of game you have your right thumb over the face buttons than the analog joystick, so you see Microsoft have thought correctly placing the buttons symetricaly with the left analog joystick rather than the placing the right anaolg jostick symetricaly with the left analog joystick.
Therefore anubis66 if symetry pwnz then you would technicaly prefer the 360 controler to the PS3 controler.
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17. December 2005 @ 13:12 |
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Very true there, I never thought of that one, for most genre's of game your hands will be symetrical on the 360 pad and unsymetrical on the ps3 pad.
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17. December 2005 @ 14:57 |
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Your thumbs are still point up, both of them, and they will be semetrical beause of the ps3's controlers handle with, you just simply slide one thumb up.
Senior Member
17. December 2005 @ 15:32 |
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Well in that case Kookoo with the 360 controler you simply slip one thumb down.
Senior Member
17. December 2005 @ 15:51 |
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One more thing. I was talking about symetry. If you look it up in the dictionary it means perfectly aligned. The buttons on the 360 are perfectly aligned to the left stick.
The right stick on the PS3 is perfectly aligned to the left stick.
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17. December 2005 @ 15:53 |
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You forgot that you dont have to use the anilog stick. Why do you think the handles on the ps3 controller is so big? Thats not the point, i dont care if its symetrical, the other dude does. My ps2 controller does'nt do anything to make me uncomfterble, makes me feel very confterble. and the ps3 is suppose to have better ergonomics than the dual shock.
Senior Member
17. December 2005 @ 16:07 |
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I dont get what you say by you dont have to use the analog stick? I was saying that most games use the face buttons more than the analog stick so it makes sense to have the face buttons paralel to the right stick.
Anyway, I would very much imagine that the new PS3 controler is more ergonomical than the Duel shock otherwise Sony wouldnt have changed the design.
AfterDawn Addict
17. December 2005 @ 19:10 |
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to zelda about me.
how often of a ps2 to you hover over the buttons to creat and ofset? with games like medal of honor and call of duty most thinks are dont with the sticks and triggers, and subtlties with the buttons. this is tru with many games. your fingers and mostly on the sticks and any given moment and most peple would agree.
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17. December 2005 @ 19:18 |
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Quote: I dont get what you say by you dont have to use the analog stick?
well the arrow buttons, up down left right, forgot what there called but yea, you can se those to.
Senior Member
17. December 2005 @ 20:49 |
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@ anubis66
What are you talking about? If you read what I just said previously you would have seen that I said 'besides fps (First Person Shooters)'.
All the other genera of computer games the face buttons are used more than the right analog joystick.
For example when playin Grand Tourismo (you have to forgive me if I get the controles wrong but I havent played GT for 2 years) x is accelerate and square is brake with the left analog joystick being used for steering.
Another example would be Metal Gear solid (you have to forgive me with the controls here too, I played Snake Eater 6 months ago and have a bad memory) where x is used for crouch, square for fire and so on. The right analog joystick was used for quickly zooming in or out of Snake or looking around corners. All in all I remember using the right analog joystick for about 15% of the game.
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17. December 2005 @ 20:53 |
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this thread should be called "ps3 controller vs xbox360 controller"
17. December 2005 @ 22:25 |
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Well, halo 2 sucks, so i don't think hao 3 will help out th 30, you know unless they go back to making the game fun...
Senior Member
17. December 2005 @ 22:31 |
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Halo 3 is the only game coming to the 360 by the way.
17. December 2005 @ 23:02 |
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Thanks for your input there AFreak, your name just say's it all. anyway back to the question at hand, now ime not kissin zelda's ass but he has a point, most games except for those of the fps genre do use one analogue stick and the buttons therefore the 360 pad is better symetricaly thought out as you will be mostly using just one analogue stick unless u only have fps games. Now i don't care about symetry the old xbox pad was fine on my hands when playing halo for god knows how long, but for the sake of anubis your thumbs will probably end up aching less with a 360 pad if symetry is what u desire.