DVD2One vs. DVDShrink
22. March 2004 @ 11:59 |
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FREE is the best way to go why pay for the same concept!!
3 product reviews
22. March 2004 @ 17:38 |
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...DVD2One being the easiest to use for complete newbies was my main reason for suggesting it in the past , but as & when Shrink came out ...I suggested either of the the two to ppl : )
I am still not bias about one or the other software , but I knew this thread would turn out that way as soon as I saw it started (lol).
Will let the madness continue forthwith !!
[ Please read: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/75048 ]
23. March 2004 @ 03:54 |
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I use DVDSHRINK with CloneDVD and have never had a problem burning DVD's. I also own Nero ULTRA 6 but mainly use that for CDs. I also own DVD X COPY PLATINUM (what a mistake spending money on that program) and have used it only once. After buying the program and not getting it to work until the final update came out, I discovered this forum. I have a slow machine by the standards we use to measure machines today (PENTINUM III - 500MHZ, 120GB harddrive and 256MG of memory so I run two sessions of DVDSHRINK at the same time when I go to bed and the DVDs are ready for burning in the morning. I only actually ran DVD X COPY PLATINUM once after the final update at which time I discovered it was finally working.
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24. March 2004 @ 12:04 |
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Hi there - I've been lurking around these forums for some time and finally decided it was time to write a post. And by the way it is pronounced GROWGEE not GROGGY!! LOL Thought I'd better include that as most people seem to think my nickname comes from my ability to imbibe alcohol.
I just want to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! Just reading all your posts in the various forums has filled my head with soooooo much information I think I'm going into overload!! hehehe
But seriously, what I've gleaned from you wonderful people has been fantastic.
I live in the bush in Central Victoria and as wonderful as the lifestyle is - there ain't much available on-hand when it comes to technology - infact they are only just installing the receivers for colour television!
Special thanks to ScubaPete - you are such a charmer and give your knowledge and experience soooo freely!!
Better stop before this becomes a novela
My best advice for NEWBIES is: "use the search function.
Aim for Charm not Perfection

AfterDawn Addict
24. March 2004 @ 13:55 |
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(Iffin grogey be of de female varity, de ScubaPete could be in love. So many just pick on littl ole me, sob, sob)
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24. March 2004 @ 18:41 |
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There you go Pete - yes I am of the female variety!!
My best advice for NEWBIES is: "use the search function.
Aim for Charm not Perfection

AfterDawn Addict
24. March 2004 @ 18:58 |
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Thank you so much, I was worried for awhile. -
I'll sleep soundly tonight :P)
3 product reviews
25. March 2004 @ 01:51 |
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Hey , you two...get a room !! lol
P.S. Welcome to the club grogey , I replied to Ritek In Oz thread btw ;-)
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25. March 2004 @ 02:37 |
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Thanks Herbsman!! I'll go check out that post right now! Mmmmmmmm a room...... the mind boggles......
My best advice for NEWBIES is: "use the search function.
Aim for Charm not Perfection

AfterDawn Addict
25. March 2004 @ 13:43 |
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Hah !
(The herbsman's jealous :D)
You just never mind that silly ole herbsman, he had his fuzzy bear stolen when he was just a little thing and has been looking for a replacement ever since -
Iffin he upsets you, you just come on over here and we'll do some backups together :0
I'll show you some of my programs :P)
your "Uncle, Snuggle Bear", ScubaPete
(nice Heart there herbs -
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. March 2004 @ 13:48
Suspended due to non-functional email address
25. March 2004 @ 21:18 |
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You guys just made my day!!!!
Its been a while since I had two fellas duelling over meself lol..... Goodness me head just had trouble fitting through the doorway.........what can I say?
My best advice for NEWBIES is: "use the search function.
Aim for Charm not Perfection

26. March 2004 @ 02:42 |
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Hey all! Im rather new to DVD writing too. At the moment I'm just trying to copy a dvd movie with the programs suggested in here. All I've done at the moment is decrypted the dvd using DVD Decrypter. There was one question I had though. What are 'DVD5', 'DVD9', etc etc. Are these important terms when burning dvd's? Thanks :)
Sony PCG-FR700 Laptop, Athlon 1800+ (1.53GHz), 256MB RAM, 150GB (2 drives: 30GB internal drive 7200 & Maxtor 120GB 7200),
Sony DRX-510ULK External DVD±R/±RW Writer, Windows XP Home, Firewire & USB 2.0.
XBOX - no mods
AfterDawn Addict
26. March 2004 @ 12:51 |
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Well, I'm tellin ya there djsteen, this had to be a special DVD ta cum (Oooopps, did I say that?) between a heart throb of Ole" ScubaPete ESPECIALLY since that last I heard she was looking at rooms (pitter, patter goes de ole man?s heart).
BUT, since you asked so very nicely, Will you excuse me for just a moment Sweetness ? Thank you so much - (God, isn't she just so sweet an nice it'll break your heart ?)
(catching my breath, Wheeeew, slow down ya pitter patteren lil blood pump you -)
OK, Here goes, A DVD-5 is any DVD less than 4.36 GB in size, the actual amount that will fit on a 4.7 GB DVD blank. Hence, a DVD-9 is larger than 4.36 GB. - Pretty simple, Huh ?
Part 2. Yes it's important. If an original DVD is a DVD-5, you can back it up by ripping it with Decrypter in the "ISO Read" mode. Once it's burnt to your HD you can switch Decrypter to "ISO Write" mode and burn it to your disc:-)
Let's see now - I was gonna tell ya about DVD-9's but, lookin' at me wrist time thingie, I see it's almost time for my favorite TV show - best we watch that together -
Ok, let?s just sit down and get comfy in front of the Big screen TV cause in just a minute or so the ?Uncle ScubaPete Show? will come on the air -
?Brought to you this evening by AfterDawn, the ?Fat chewing? champion?s location of choice - and under threats by a crazed spear waving maniac, we are forced to present Mr. Brain-Dead, direct from his extend stay at the Happy Hills Institute of the Mentally Disabled and Disturbed Souls, and here he?ll be until it?s been discovered that he?s escaped yet again from that fine facility and here he is, live and unfortunately still disturbed, it?s Uncle ScubaPete - - - - ?
Ooooohh Boy, Ooohh Boy, The ScubaPete?s so happy I could spit fish !
Big fat finny fish !
And what?s soo great it could get Old ScubaPete (the original couch potato) excited ?
I know I run behind the times but this needs Shouting Out !
The New DVD Shrink version 3.1.7!
(Yea I know, it?s been out for awhile, like me, but I just found out how truly kool it was)
Soup to Nuts, with just 2 programs that we all have on our PC?s already !
DVD Shrink and Decrypter -
DID you know -
You can, as many of you do already, create a folder for your backup. Try to put it someplace where you won?t forget it -
Then go into DVD Shrink, click ?Edit?, then click ?Preferences? under the ?File I/O Tab? un-tick ?Enable burning with Nero? then click ?OK?.
Analyze your next DVD in the usual manner, do your editing (or re-Authoring) and do your compressing THEN when time comes to select ?Backup?, take just a second and under ?Target Device? go to ?Select target device? once there, select ?ISO Disc Image?. NEXT tick ?Launch DVD Decrypter to burn the output image? box. Finally, where it says ?Select target image file?, browse till you find your created folder for your Backup and place it there, That?s it ! Click ?OK? and DVD Shrink burns that ISO image there. - Believe it or not, that was as hard as it ever gets - Why is that you ask ?
Because the next time all those boxes you had to do this time are already done - ?Piiiishaaa,? you say. ?Naaah? says I. ?Tis the most honest truth ! :D REALLY !!
?OK, Ok, What now.? Says you. (OOOhh, Pooo, I gotta stop this ?says you, says me,) It?s wearing me fingers out) - - (Switching to regular typing mode - - clink, pop, -) - Done -
Well, Alrightie then, step TWO -
Fire up DVD Decrypter - and under ?Mode?, select ?ISO? then ?Write? - under ?Source?, select your folder that you had DVD Shrink put the ISO files in. Then, select ?Destination? as your Burner - holding your DVD media (and after all my efforts it had better be either Ritek G04 or Verbatim. Now is defiantly
not the time to put your crappy Cheap stuff in - ) If you don?t know what I?m talking about - you better go back to reading these forum threads and seeing all the crappy media complaints - OK, time to move on (switching to the moving on mode - click, %@# rattle - snap, - #%@-Ouuuch, S@it, that hurt - , OK, I got it -CRUnch$ ) - - Moving on -
Now click the HD to Disc icon that lets DVD Decrypter burn that ISO Image to your waiting blank media !!
And I KNOW you aren?t going anywhere that PC while it?s working cause you don?t want me a-smackin your knuckles wid my Nun?s ruler do ya ? Yea, I thought not - screwin? up the burn this late in the game would truly piss old ScubaPete off, causing me to choke on my finny fish dinner -
Now tell me, - - - Wasn?t that finer than frog hair, slicker than a French fried banana peel, yea, see I thought you?d say that -
Truly fine that backup was - - ?Hark, I heard BACKUP? - Aaauuugh, the officers in the white coats and armed with the Big Nets and straight jackets are here - - nice talkin with you, ScubaPete just remembered he has to be somewhere, anywhere (looking for the backdoor), as de ?Doc? would be a-sayin? Byeeeeeeeeeeee - - -
Enjoy youse selves an your backed up DVD?s - I?ll be a-seeeein? round the ?ole Chuck wagon -
(where are my quarters, and Where?s ol? Paint, me trusty Horsie - - - Gotta go, (jamming quarters in ole Paint?s neck) get?em, Gurttie, gotta go, click, clump, (feedin in more quarters, maybe Paint?ll go faster - )
Clippity, clippity, clippity clop - an we?re off - Seeeeeeeee ya - -
(Ooohh yea djsteel, -Welcome to the Club :P)
Be home soon grogey, you vision of devine sweetness - (Wonderin how she made out wid dat room ?)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. March 2004 @ 13:07
Senior Member
26. March 2004 @ 13:51 |
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here is my two cents! I have been a huge advocate of DVD Shrink for a long time now, but I been get some pixlation issues on some of my back-ups even when I condense to movie no more than 90% and while using ritek G04s. So since I already have Nero Ultra 6, I decide to give Nero Recode 2 a whurl. This program is great, easy, and EXTREMLY close to Shrink in UI. Not to mention, you can keep the menus working even if you edit out alot of the special features. I have also condensed a movie to about 70% and had little change it the quality of the movie.
So now this what I do:
I use DVD Decryptor to decrpt to HD, then I use Nero Recode 2 to condense and and burn movie.
This method is a little more legnthly compared to DVD Shrink, but there is a better result at the end and the end product is what really matters!
And a little side note: with Nero Recode 2, you can make MPEG-4 movies. in other words, you can put a 2 hour movie on to a 800mb CD with pretty good quality. The only draw back to this, is not many stand alone DVD players are MPEG-4 compatable yet. But, if you have Nero 6, you can play them with the Nero showtime player.
26. March 2004 @ 15:39 |
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Hey thanks for the info guys! I downloaded Nero 6 Ultra but it doens't have any DVD writing functions. Was it meant to come with Nero Recode 2? Because it didn't.
(EDITED by Mod : NO mention of piracy again , read Forum Rules)
You're pretty crazy ScubaPete. lol! Have a good one! OH and I notice you have a very much upgraded XBOX deezp1! Do you know how to copy Xbox/PS2 games? is it the same as DVD movies? thanks. caio
Ps. Do the dvd's that are burnt keep the same region setting the the original dvd? If so, can the dvd be made region-free?
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Suspended due to non-functional email address
26. March 2004 @ 18:58 |
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Oh Pete - how does a gold, purple and a splash of hot pink sound????
As for the topic at hand - I have been using DVDShrink for the majority of my backups and very rarely have a problem.
Mind you as I am saying that I've just had to do a disc copy through Nero because for some strange reason Shrink wouldn't recognise the video format of one I did today - yet it plays fine in the dvd standalone player.
Query for you Pete please? Oh god of the burner.....hunk of the hard drive........
What is the go with the ide channels please? I see you recommend to have your player and burner on different cables.......but as with most things I must find out more. (btw - I DOhave mine on separate ones) I'm never just happy knowing something works - I want to know WHY it works that way.
Blushing in anticipation
My best advice for NEWBIES is: "use the search function.
Aim for Charm not Perfection

Senior Member
26. March 2004 @ 19:38 |
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as far as getting Nero Recode, it is available on the nero vison download (or the download package 2) or here:
backing up PS2 games are easy, there are many ways of doing it, doing a search on the ps2 forum will give you many different options in doing this, BUT, you would either need to install a chip in your ps2 or add a flip-top and use a swap magic (together cost about $40). flip-top method is very easy to istall and is what I have.
As far as XBOX games goes, first you need a modded box, then network the xbox to your PC and file transfer the game files to your pc. Once this is done, all you need is to burn the files onto a disk, BUT, getting a big HDD, really makes backing up games pointless becauses your back-ups can be stored there.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. March 2004 @ 04:11
AfterDawn Addict
26. March 2004 @ 20:05 |
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Quote: Do the dvd's that are burnt keep the same region setting the the original dvd? If so, can the dvd be made region-free?
When you rip a DVD process it and then burn it the resulting copy comes out as a Region Free DVD. There's no way to assign a region to it then :-(
(Hangin' me head down in shame, nope, there's just no way - So sorry, it will play on any region player - can't do anything about it ya can't lock it up again :-(
Glad you're doing good - need any more help, stop on back - Ya know where to find me now, I'll be up in the room wid me main squeeze :P)
Quote: Pete please? Oh god of the burner.....hunk of the hard drive........
Oh Lord above, please give the strength to survive an evening of burning whatever she wants to burn -
(wondering what the title of this adventure is going to be called - )
(Gasping for air, I hope she doesn't kill me, the anticipation alone is killing me, that's for sure - - )
Ohhhh, goodness, gold, purple and a splash of hot pink, sounds like a room in a Penthouse spread - -
("Spread" did I say that ? Wow, that was me -)
What a woman, (pitter pat, pitter pat - )
The only thing that bothers me is she says -
Quote: been using DVDShrink for the majority of my backups
Not too much of the ScubaPete is shurnk :-(
Any way, --
We only deal with the location of someones burner if they complain of a backup taking too long, time wise that is - -
We also look at what people are using to burn their DVD's with, their processor or their memory - having their Burners running under DMA (a good thing) or being under PIO (a not-so-good a thing :-(
Gotta go, chatting with me friend in the U.K. - this computer phone stufff is kool :-)
Bye, bye :P)
26. March 2004 @ 20:23 |
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Thanks Scuba!
Here's what I've done.
I've decrypted the DVD9 (dual layer term, correct) to my HDD and I've tried opening the file(s) using DVD Shrink and Nero Recode 2, but they don't seem to want to open them. Recode also looks a bit like u make ur own menu's etc?? Can it just be used to compress/burn whatever. Sorry I'm soo clueless about this. I've learnt heaps from this thread but I just want to get the process right. Thanks y'all!
Sony PCG-FR700 Laptop, Athlon 1800+ (1.53GHz), 256MB RAM, 150GB (2 drives: 30GB internal drive 7200 & Maxtor 120GB 7200),
Sony DRX-510ULK External DVD±R/±RW Writer, Windows XP Home, Firewire & USB 2.0.
XBOX - no mods
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26. March 2004 @ 23:03 |
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Pete, calm down please - don't want you getting over-excited before the main event!
Anywhoose - yes one of my favourite movies is The Grinch :-) I have a AMD Duron processor 1.3GHz and 512meg Ram. You'd probably freak if you saw what was inside - I think I really need a bigger case! I have 2x 80gig HD, 1x 40gig HD, 1x 20gig HD, a Liteon DVD Player and a Liteon DVD Burner (LDW-411s).
I don't have any complaints with the speed - it was not that long ago poor me only had a 400mhz processor and a 6gig HD. I've been able to backup a DVD9 in a reasonable time (compared to the 12 hours it used to take to make a VCD! Aaaaarrrrgggghhhh - puts shivers up my spine just thinking about it.)
What I'd like some information on though - is why when I have DVD5 and tried the Decryptor ISO read & ISO write method - the movie would play absolutely fine until the last chapter or two and it would then start jumping and sticking? It didn't seem to matter which media I used.......did it on them all. That was when I started hanging around here trying to find the answers.
Even now I get really frustrated because I can't seem to get even results all the time. I close all my other programs down and don't go near the puter while it is encoding or burning. I do realise that on many occasions it has been poor media (I'm never buying a Datastream disk again!!)
And see that is another thing I don't understand (but haven't started researching yet). I have 2 DVD players. One (Celestial) plays anything I put near it and seemingly on any quality media. The other is a bit more fussy on the media side but plays 95% of stuff (hates Datastream though). I had 4 discs that were going in the trash can today but on the off-chance took them to a friend's house and tried them and they worked beautifully (Centrax). So at least they won't go to waste.........
Crikey - better stop my rambling and get back to the patchwork!!
Thanks for the rave.
My best advice for NEWBIES is: "use the search function.
Aim for Charm not Perfection

Senior Member
26. March 2004 @ 23:59 |
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djsteem, did you use DVD decryptor to to decrypt the dvd9? anyways you dont need DVD Shrink and Nero recode, you just need one. this is what you do with Nero Recode.
1. If you havent done so, put the entire decrypted dvd into its own folder
2. Once you open Recode, select "Copy Entire DVD to DVD"
3. make sure "DVD-Video Files" is selected on the upper left hand corner (it should be the default setting)
4. On the right hand side select "Import DVD" and select the folder your movie is being stored
5. Nero will compress the DVD to what it seems best. This is where you have the options to edit out parts of the movie, i.e. extras, trailers, whatever. lets say you want to edit out the trailers, all you do is highlight the trailer you want to edit out and click "disable." A new window will pop up and this is where you "replace" the feature. you can replace it with a color, slide show, or a picture. This is necessary in order to keep the menu fuctional. Just repeat this step until you deleted ALL of the features you want. After each feature is disabled, Nero will readjust the compression level.
6. after you click "next" all that is left is to burn your newly altered DVD or if you want you can copy this "new" version to the hdd for copying later.
Thats its, just give it time to burn and you have a new dvd!
A side note: If all you want is just the movie without the menus just use the "Remake a DVD" option at the main Nero Recode menu and just select the movie file only and thats it!
27. March 2004 @ 00:15 |
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thanks deezp1, only problem is.. I get upto the Import files bit.. and It says there's an error. Hmmm.. Maybe I should try installing another d/l? Or re-decrypt them?
Sony PCG-FR700 Laptop, Athlon 1800+ (1.53GHz), 256MB RAM, 150GB (2 drives: 30GB internal drive 7200 & Maxtor 120GB 7200),
Sony DRX-510ULK External DVD±R/±RW Writer, Windows XP Home, Firewire & USB 2.0.
XBOX - no mods
3 product reviews
27. March 2004 @ 04:33 |
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Senior Member
27. March 2004 @ 06:56 |
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I would try to decrypt the movie again. use DVD Decryptor if you haven't already, its probably the best decryptor out there. did you download Nero from the Nero site? if not get it from the Nero site.
27. March 2004 @ 12:57 |
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okay I decrypted (with DVD Decrypter) the DVD again and I downloaded Recode 2 from the Nero website. Now when I try to open Recode 2 it says it's not licensed, and that I have to buy a license or something. Is there a crack for this or something?
Sony PCG-FR700 Laptop, Athlon 1800+ (1.53GHz), 256MB RAM, 150GB (2 drives: 30GB internal drive 7200 & Maxtor 120GB 7200),
Sony DRX-510ULK External DVD±R/±RW Writer, Windows XP Home, Firewire & USB 2.0.
XBOX - no mods