DVD2One vs. DVDShrink
AfterDawn Addict
3. April 2004 @ 14:19 |
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Quote: DVD Shrink is more complicated,
Well, Excuse Meeeee,
3 mouse clicks equals 1 complicated ?? Me thinks at one time perhaps, but not now.
The above mentioned 3 clicks - 1 to rip, 1 to backup to HD and burn to disc - (the last click, for "OK")
DVD2One is fast, no doubt, that's why I bought it - but, then you need to burn it - The extra step means baby sitting my PC instead of enjoying dinner and a TV show :-)
(Had to edit because the burn program added more clicks to the DVD2One program - heh, heh)
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Senior Member
3. April 2004 @ 14:29 |
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But I want it to be ONE-CLICK, not THREE!!!!
<pouts> ;)
Life is just more of the same:
AfterDawn Addict
3. April 2004 @ 15:39 |
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(hand on Doc's sholder)
Me sorry "Doc", Uncle ScubaPete will find a 1 click just for you -
(always want ta watch out for my "Amigo" Buddy)
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6. April 2004 @ 12:51 |
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I've had problems with both DVD Shrink and DVD2One making the output slightly larger than 4.36 GB. This appears to be due to the guesswork when using a variable bit rate. You can either lower the output size to 4300 MB instead of the default or 4472 or use a constant bit rate. Both of these options corrected the problem with hardly any noticeable video quality loss.
It only seems to affect some movies. For me it's about 1 in 20 backups.
Junior Member
6. April 2004 @ 14:16 |
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dvd shrink is not complivated...i'm slow but not lazy. shrink works well...for me
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Sony DRU500ax DVD writer
6. April 2004 @ 20:36 |
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I found that doing a deep analysis with DVD Shrink offers better quality when you have to deal with compression - or am I seeing things? - it takes longer to rip but its worth it for movies like HEAT.
It's all good!
Junior Member
11. April 2004 @ 18:27 |
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DVD Shrink rules man! First, it's free. It has very good options and is not too confusing so it is simplae to use.
I really like the interface on this program. I also do what raj2004 does, I use a program called DVD Decrypter (ALSO FREE) to rip the DVD. I use DVD Shrink to shrink them down to a smaller size to fit a a single DVD-R (or +R). more information at http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/darktips/story/0,24330,3605537,00.html
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AfterDawn Addict
11. April 2004 @ 19:07 |
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Hi Faizal5k,
And I was worried about my tiny motorcycle taking up to much room! :D
Shrink is my favorite program too, I use it as my primary ripping tool.
Do you right click on the preview window so you can select the audio you want to use?
12. April 2004 @ 04:12 |
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Hi all
just read all the posts very interesting I am new to this but use DVD Shrink with great effect if DVD is large I reauther and just rip film also saves 5 mins flicking through menu's while your food is going cold :-)
I see that disc quality is mentioned, 90% of the discs around the shops and computer fairs I go to are DataWrite DVD-R (Yellow Disc)they are the budget end and I must admit I have only backed up about 20 but no probs so far what are ppls opinion on these discs
System athlon 2.6 barton 512 3200Ram 220gig space,ti4600 Medion(pioneer flashed 106D)
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12. April 2004 @ 08:19 |
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I want to thank all of you guys for the help! I have used all the programs that you have mentioned, with 100% results. I now only use my Xcopy XPress when I get lazy. I wanted to mention that I had Record Now software installed, it came with my HP 300i, when I installed Nero 6 Ultra, my computer rebelled. I had to uninstall the Record Now. The Nero works slick!!!!!!!!!!
Junior Member
12. April 2004 @ 08:22 |
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Quote: fasfrank: Do you right click on the preview window so you can select the audio you want to use?
Yes. You can right click and then choose what type of audio to use. I do the same :)
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12. April 2004 @ 10:16 |
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In my poor little country girls opinions, if you have the time it is worth doing the deep analysis in Shrink - I reckon the results are better. After spending (OMG!!) nearly 3 hours tonight reading reading and more reading of posts - I think I know quite a lot more about Shrink than I did at 8pm yesterday. Although I have surprised myself as to how much I had picked up through trial and error and clicking on every thing possible.
Great to pick up little tidbits of info like it now being able to read isos and how I can alter the output size to a custom size.........which brings me to my next question. As many of you would be aware I did get my hands on 3 lovely stacks of Riteks.......but I still have way too many of the crappy stuff sitting on my shelf going to waste.
With 3 kids (little angels ) I find that fingerprints and scratches are a fact of life. Hence the reason for purchasing a DVD burner in the first place. (yes yes I am getting to the question in point but at 4.06am ones brain is a bit overclocked and rambles on a bit......or is that the ADHD? lol .
I've noticed a few posts suggesting to cut down the output size to leave some blank room at the edge of the disc - and of course with these cheaper crappy media it is the ends of the movies where the skipping and freezing occurs.
Has anyone had success reducing the output size down enough that this doesn't (always) occur on crappy media? If so what file size did you go for? I just feel it is a waste of money to have those discs sitting there collecting dust and if I can use them to make a specific back-up set of G & PG rated dvds for the munchkins to use I'd be most happy and they would be most thrilled as they'd be allowed to touch DVDs again!!
Anyone other than me touching DVDs in my house is currently banned - especially after doing irrepairable damage to my all time favourite movie Bridget Jones' Diary Nearly had the firing squad out but opted instead to a ban on watching anything other than what Mum chooses for a week and a lifetime ban on touchies!!!
Sorry enough rambling for one night........might go hit the bed now........ but then if I just check out a couple more threads............
And yes in case you are all wondering my message bank says it all atm "Hi, don't you realise it is school holidays and I am child free? If you are ringing too early I am still in bed. If you are ringing too late I am out partying and if its the middle of the day then I'm working. So leave a message......etc.
My best advice for NEWBIES is: "use the search function.
Aim for Charm not Perfection

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3 product reviews
12. April 2004 @ 10:51 |
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lol @ grogey
If you still have crappy media to use up , I would suggest reducing the filesize down to about 4000mb & burning as slow as possible (and of course leaving the comp alone while it does this , no other applications open)
! : )
3 product reviews
12. April 2004 @ 10:54 |
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P.S It might help to do a Movie-Only back also as you'll be able to keep better video quality (than if menu + extras were included).
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12. April 2004 @ 18:45 |
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Thanks you treasures! Will have a burl at doing just that this arvo. The request is for Josie and The Pussycats - although quite frankly I'm not sure I could even bear to watch it in the preview window LOL - 40 odd viewings is already enough!!
Don't kids amaze you - they just wanna watch the same thing over and over and over again. I must say I am glad they are now at the age where we are watching "real" movies rather than the good old Disney animated movies or "The Wiggles".......ooohhhhh sends a shiver up my spine just thinking about it.
I have a fairly decent collection - so it isn't as if they don't have variety to choose from......but they just keep going back to the same old favourites.
Will let you know how the process goes.
My best advice for NEWBIES is: "use the search function.
Aim for Charm not Perfection

3 product reviews
13. April 2004 @ 04:42 |
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Quote: Don't kids amaze you - they just wanna watch the same thing over and over and over again.
I must of had to sit thru watching 'Mary Poppins' a couple of hundred thousand times (with my niece & nephew) - lmao
And as for animated Disney films , do go there homegirl *shake of the head from side to side*
P.S. Let me know how you get on with cheapo media & movie-only method (?)
13. April 2004 @ 06:15 |
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Finally! I have finally made compies of my DVD's that are CSS encrypted. I used DVD Shrink to compress my multisession DVD's and then Nero 6 to burn them. The quality is pretty damn good, but after previewing the movies I find that many of the extra stuff I don't want or need. I know there are ways to take it out, but I don't want to A)leave out any necessary parts, and B)disturb the quality. I'd rather just have the video and have a good quality DVD. Please help me with the easiest programs to use to do this- nick=aim s/n
3 product reviews
13. April 2004 @ 06:26 |
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I personally believe using DVD2One is the best way to do a movie-only back up.
Rip main movie VOBs & title set IFO , then run them thru DVD2One (which'll create needed BUP & IFO files so as to make the structure ready for a VIDEO_TS folder)
Lastly use Nero (or other) to burn : )
13. April 2004 @ 07:00 |
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Hmmm.. I've been watching the posts and have gathered more and more knowledge! I've decrypted my Pirates of the Caribbean dvd again and it produces 'MDS' and 'I00' files. Then I use Nero Recode 2 to remove extras I don't want and then I tell it to encode the files to the dvd and they encode them, but not to the dvd. Also, If I try to open the decrypted files with DVD Shrink it says it doesn't recognise them. I'm quite confused. :s
Sony PCG-FR700 Laptop, Athlon 1800+ (1.53GHz), 256MB RAM, 150GB (2 drives: 30GB internal drive 7200 & Maxtor 120GB 7200),
Sony DRX-510ULK External DVD±R/±RW Writer, Windows XP Home, Firewire & USB 2.0.
XBOX - no mods
Junior Member
13. April 2004 @ 07:30 |
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Quote: bru8002:Finally! I have finally made compies of my DVD's that are CSS encrypted. I used DVD Shrink to compress my multisession DVD's and then Nero 6 to burn them. The quality is pretty damn good, but after previewing the movies I find that many of the extra stuff I don't want or need. I know there are ways to take it out, but I don't want to A)leave out any necessary parts, and B)disturb the quality. I'd rather just have the video and have a good quality DVD.
You can also burn the movie only in DVD Shrink by using the Re-Author option.
13. April 2004 @ 13:23 |
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3 product reviews
13. April 2004 @ 18:32 |
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Turn CAPS lock off in future NATLADY , see Forum Rules !!
14. April 2004 @ 02:36 |
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ooooooooooooooooop's didn't realize
Junior Member
14. April 2004 @ 05:03 |
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you can burn the files from HD as often as you want
or you can copy the copy no transcoding is necessary
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14. April 2004 @ 05:06 |
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Attention Herbsman,
Try #1 = "no disc" error in both stand alone players and "insert a disc" on pc. Used no-name +r discs from Strathfield.
Rethink and reset a few things, stuff around turning off this and that, configuring that over there and this over here........
Try #2 = Lovely movie only copy of Dr Doolittle on Datastream
Will have Try #3 when my virus scanner stops scanning with exactly the same forumla as Try #2 but on the no-name crap. If it works then I'll let you know what I did and how I did it!
And seeing as the original topic of this thread is DVD2One vs. DVDShrink I can now put in my two bobs worth. Visited friend yesterday who has DVD2One V1.3 (I don't) so asked him if I could try it. Very simple interface and quite quick to copy full disc.
However- I didn't like not knowing what the actual compression percentage was and no preview window. I know it is simpler to use than DVDShrink but I have much more creative and quality control with Shrink - actually I am getting quite comfortable using it and trying out all the features.
IMO - If you are a newbie and don't want to fiddle too much and want movie only then DVD2One is a good choice. If you want more - use Shrink.
Now a question for ya all
Scanning around the forums last night I noticed that many in the DVD2One forum said that they only used DVD2One when copying the movie only - yet they failed to mention what they did use for full disc copy. I'm interested to know so please tell me.
My best advice for NEWBIES is: "use the search function.
Aim for Charm not Perfection
