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DVD2One vs. DVDShrink
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Junior Member
14. April 2004 @ 07:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
After reading all the posts, I decided to use DVD Shrink (since I already have Nero 6). It's free and it seems there is no best programm but many good ones.

I'm new to burning DVDs and was confused with the programm DVD Decrypter. Some people seem to use it with every DVD before shrinking the DVD, some say DVD Shrink alone is enough. Does DVD Decrypter give you better quality or is it only for certain movies where DVD Shrink has problems?

When is the movie quality (using DVD Shrink) still good enough? With 70%, 65% or 60% compression? Keeping the extras (which I prefer) most movies end up with that rate.
Has anyone tried to put the extras on CD-R if the movie is a bit longer?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. April 2004 @ 07:58

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14. April 2004 @ 08:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hiya mikeeagle,

Now I am certainly no expert - still a newbie myself but I have used both Decrypter and Shrink and I'll tell you when and why.

If I can I use Shrink - to rip to my HD, encode and let it tell Nero to burn the disc.

However there are occasions when Shrink won't rip a movie to my HD - especially if the disc has errors such as minor scratches or in some cases the actual file format of the disc. In these cases I use Decrypter to do the ripping - when it hits an error it allows you the choice to retry - and often after a few (or maybe a hundred) retries it will get past the error and the file copies in full.

Then I can open it up in Shrink and do the stuff it does.

I have tried to use Decryptor's ISO read and write components to copy discs under 4.3g - but didn't have too much success - of course that was in the earlier days (hehehehe a couple of weeks ago) when I was using crappy media. I actually haven't tried it since getting some snazzy RitekGo4s.

I do think if my memory serves me correctly that Decrypter is quicker to rip most of the time so if time is short I'll use it to rip and then play with the shrinking part later when I do have time.

I've since found out that Shrink can open the ISO files which will be great because I will now be able to rip to HD a DVD9 in ISO format (much more compact than file format) and again attack with Shrink when time permits.

I hope I have shed some light on the situation for you.

My best advice for NEWBIES is:"use the search function.
Aim for Charm not Perfection

Junior Member
14. April 2004 @ 09:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanx grogey! that did answer one of my questions. so I'll wait for the day when DVD Shrink has problems with one of my DVDs.

a lot of you guys say Ritek G04s are the only way to go. I found the following in my online shop: Ritek orange G04 DVD-R, Ritek purple G04 DVD-R, Ritek printable G04 DVD+R and also RITEK DATASAVE DVD+R (RITEK-R03-01) with Long-Life-Dye and said to last 500 years. all with different prices. I'm confused!

the following DVD-/+Rs are said to have won tests, too: Samsung DVD-R/DVD+R by BeAll, Philips DVD+R 4x, Memorex DVD+R 4x and Verbatim DVD+R. Anyone had problems with these? I use a LG 4040B. Or are they good, too.
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14. April 2004 @ 10:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey mikeeagle
We'll just take over this thread and have a two-way else is silly enough to be up at this time of night!!

With regard to your query about the quality and brand of media I'll fill you in on what I know:

Memorex are absolute crappo! A friend has done a couple of things on these for me and quite frankly all they were good for is hanging on a fruit tree as a bird scarer!
Verbatim DVD+R are no go for me - discs starts to burn and gets to 75% and hangs there to infinity and beyond!! My burner is a LITE-ON DVDRW LDW-411S
Samsung DVD-R/DVD+R by BeAll never tried them
Philips DVD+R ditto
Datastream DVD-R so so - but only if you keep movie size under 4.0g and burn at slower speed (which of course reduces quality so only use for movie only not full disc imo)
Datastream DVD+R semi ok - managed pretty well on these but still got a few tree hangers - for the price I paid I deserved more consistancy.
MEDIA ID001 DVD+R - bought from Strathfield Auto - don't even go there for movies. Ok for mp3s and data backup though.
RitekG04 - White topped inject printables - almost 100% success rate. Only hassles I've had since then is when other programs on my computer interferred while burning. For example the printer decided to go into standby in the middle of a burn.
Made note to self - turn of all unneeded programs and services and remove usb cable from multifunction centre

Have a look at this thread - might explain a bit more about the Riteks - there are even some pretty pictures:
Riteks in Victoria, Australia???

Hope that helps - you can learn sooooo much here - but as my dad always says the best teacher is personal experience.

ps - gee I hate it when I send the post only to discover I forgot one insy winsy little slash and 90% of my post is bold!!


My best advice for NEWBIES is:"use the search function.
Aim for Charm not Perfection

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. April 2004 @ 10:53


3 product reviews
14. April 2004 @ 12:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nice one there lil' grogeybear , I see you're getting into help others as you have been helped ( a very nice community spirit ).
Was about to leave URL link to pics myself if you hadn't of done so ;-)

Vaya Con Dios

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14. April 2004 @ 12:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Awwwwhhhhh Shucks herbsman thanks.

I was actually tempted to write another post straight after the one about DVDShrink - saying
Look herbsman and ScubaPete!! I converted one for ya's!!
but thought that would be just too bold and of course you can tell what a shy retiring little country wallflower I am.

My best advice for NEWBIES is:"use the search function.
Aim for Charm not Perfection

Junior Member
14. April 2004 @ 13:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanx again grogey! I bought the LG 4040B because it's said to be very compatible with all kinds of media. no problems so far. I can get the purple riteks for 1,- euro each here in Germany. seems fair and much cheaper than verbatim (over 1,50 euros).
have actually been to Australia twice and loved it!

hope there's someone who can answer my other questions.
AfterDawn Addict
15. April 2004 @ 16:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you can tell what a shy retiring little country wallflower I am.

Yea, right !@

The ?Old Man? Pete (ö¿ô)

Your DVD answers are at ScubaPete's DVD Backup Corner ~>
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16. April 2004 @ 21:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Pete I think you've caught onto me!!!!

mikeeagle - glad I could be of assistance!! Hope its all going well.

herbsman - back to using the crappy discs! I've had more success with the Datastream ones than the other. This is what I did for the Datastream:

1)ran msconfig and disabled everything - well almost I couldn't cope with having no sound so set service to still run.

2)Throughly cleaned the disc to be copied using isopropyl alcohol and shammy type cloth.

2)Started DVD Decrypter and copied disc to hard drive using iso read method. If I struck an error I just kept on clicking retry and after a while I'd get the full file to load even if it had errors. There are a few of the children's discs that have had minor scratches etc over the years and one in particular I thought I would never recover - but with a bit of perservence I now have an "as new" copy.

Note: Once I got to 500 retries with the same block I'd abort on that particular file and copy the rest of the disc. But made sure I didn't delete any of the files. I then repeated the cleaning process and reading process - skipping those files that were fine and going back to the ones that had errors until I'd succeeded.

3)Started DVDShrink and set the preferences - custom disc size to 4250 and all other settings as per the guide. I started with 4000 and then worked my way up to the above level which still produced a good end product but sacrificed less quality.

3)In DVDShrink I selected the main movie file only, and chose only 1 sound track to make the back-up. Once the movie file was selected I ran the deep analysis. (When the file needs no compression Shrink will tell you that you don't need to run the deep analysis - but - when I didn't run it again I got replay problems.)

4) I backed the movie up to a seperate hard drive on the computer and played it with PowerDVD to make sure all was well.

5) Inserted blank media and ran DVDInfoPro to check writing speed compatability. FYI The Datastream DVD-R showed best compatability with 4.0 and 2.0.

6) Once I confirmed the playback was fine I then burnt to the actual DVD disc using a write speed of 2.0.

7) Celebrated over having conquered the BAD BURNING BEAST.

With the MEDIA ID001 disc, which are +R - I followed exactly the same steps with the exceptions:
1) Custom size chosen in DVDShrink was 4100, and
2) Burn speed chosen was 2.4 speed.

Nothing like learning from experience! I also discovered with within DVDInfoPro you can check your discs for read errors - very very helpful if you feel you aren't getting anywhere as you can see exactly where the errors are - and can then choose whether it is worth the effort going through the process to make a new copy.

My best advice for NEWBIES is:"use the search function.
Aim for Charm not Perfection


3 product reviews
17. April 2004 @ 12:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm just flying about replying to threads I'm subscribed to...

Congratulations grogey - well researched & tested all by yourself (this is the way to do it as everyone has a different set up & what works for one ... may not work for the other).

Well done homegirl !: ]-~

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AfterDawn Addict
17. April 2004 @ 18:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Hello there my little morning muffin grogey, I'm still not forgotten that you left me in some purple and red room somewhere in Pamonia, New Jersey with the Soprano's doing a "Mob Rub Out" next door BUT, I forgive you -

Anyhow, to help with those small "Kiddie Scratches" on your DVD's - Please add this to your recipe,

As a final resort to retrieve scratched DVD's with small to medium scratches -

Materials needed:
A soft cotton cloth
Toothpaste w/Borax
Orange Juice and Vodka

START: Place the disc on a firm soft surface. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to a soft cotton cloth and apply to your DVD - Rubbing very firmly in an even stroke from the center outwards towards the edge. Repeat 10 to 15 times. Do this over the entire disc.
When finished, clean the disc thoroughly with a clean cotton cloth moistened with Alcohol, using a firm even rubbing motion from the center outwards towards the edge.
NEXT: Using a clean piece of cotton cloth, apply Pledge to the entire disc in the same manner as the toothpaste was applied above.

Attempt to play disc. Orange Juice and Vodka are to be liberally applied internally . May be repeated as required to recover disc.

Good luck,


The ?Old Man? Pete (ö¿ô)

Your DVD answers are at ScubaPete's DVD Backup Corner ~>
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17. April 2004 @ 19:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sounds great Pete - thanks for the tips - gee who would have thought toothpaste????

Just have one wee little query for you though......
What the bloody hell is Pledge? In the Catholic Church you take it when you when you make your confirmation around the age of 10 - a promise not to drink until you are 21!! Then there is of course pledging allegiance to your country and it sounds like you'll be pledging to a different country than I! heheheheheheh

But dying to find out what it is as I have all the rest of the stuff on hand and boy have I got a few discs to try that on. Buzz and Woody are waiting in the wings just dying to get back out on stage!!

herbsman - ohhhhh shucks! Thanks! I must admit it was a real buzz that I was able to beat the beast and as the song goes all by my self........

*note for Pete: Vodka yes, orange juice no - instead mix liberal quantities of Vodka with lemon squash with a dash of lime.

My best advice for NEWBIES is:"use the search function.
Aim for Charm not Perfection

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17. April 2004 @ 19:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
just wanted to test out my sig and see if the pretty picture works - cause I want to have a cool signature too!!

My best advice for NEWBIES is:"use the search function.
Aim for Charm not Perfection

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. April 2004 @ 19:32


3 product reviews
17. April 2004 @ 19:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Pledge is furniture polish in USA & U.K it would seem grogey , you really gotta get out more... (stop playing with the witchetty grubs in the outback scrubland) lmao

Vodka ... no ! Much prefer Cognac & Coke
; )
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17. April 2004 @ 19:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks herbsman - so we know it is furniture polish but:
is it like what we call Mr Sheen and comes in a spray can? Or like Marveer that is in a bottle or like a wax type block?

hehehehehehehehehe yeah yeah I know - I need to go do a search on good old google to see what I can come up with - unless of course there is some good old Aussie out there who has already nutted the comparison out????

Oooohhh would you look at that? I can even have my choice of fragrances? Is Lemon Scented better than Country Garden for the discs?? On first glance looks like it might (just might) be similar to Aussie's Mr Sheen

My best advice for NEWBIES is:"use the search function.
Aim for Charm not Perfection

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. April 2004 @ 19:40


3 product reviews
17. April 2004 @ 19:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Mr Sheen (spray) is the one sweetie :P)

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17. April 2004 @ 19:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hehehehehehehe - just about instantaneous!!

Thanks you'll save me alot more research - and guess what???? just happens I have a can in the cupboard.......will be good to see it getting used for something other than dusting .....cause there ain't much dusting getting done around here!

My best advice for NEWBIES is:"use the search function.
Aim for Charm not Perfection

AfterDawn Addict
17. April 2004 @ 19:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

The Pledge my lover-ly,(please follow this line of thought) is because the scratches which deflect the laser light in the first place are getting rubbed down by "softer scratches" from the Borax so to fill these in we use the pledge to make the entire surface slicker than a banana peel in an ice rink.

By the bye, you can add a bit more Borax "For those tough, hard to get at scratches" - What the Hell, it's your last ditch effort anyway, what have you got to lose ???

Love ya Babe, give it a shot, let me know how ya made out :P)


The ?Old Man? Pete (ö¿ô)

Your DVD answers are at ScubaPete's DVD Backup Corner ~>
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17. April 2004 @ 19:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hehehehehe - can you believe this thread? Interesting to see the many and varied topics and information that have appeared and digressed from that original topic......and now here we are talking about furniture polish.

the aussie graphic by the way.

My best advice for NEWBIES is:"use the search function.
Aim for Charm not Perfection

AfterDawn Addict
17. April 2004 @ 19:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I was going to say Holy Smokes but reading your post - I had no idea you were "Down Under" - I can't quite see ya - you must be under the other side of the table -
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17. April 2004 @ 20:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah actually the Pink & Purple room was gonna be in the very trendy East St. Kilda down on the Esplanade in Melbourne which is the Capital of Victoria the eastern state, which is where I live..........

Not Pamonia, New Jersey ...where ever that is!!

Now if you draw a straight line from Melbourne to Mildura - I'm right in the middle!!

My best advice for NEWBIES is:"use the search function.
Aim for Charm not Perfection

AfterDawn Addict
18. April 2004 @ 12:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well golly gee, that's just a "Hop, skip and a Roo jump" from me, I'm on the Mid-East Coast of "de States", an hour south of New York and 10 minutes from Philadelphia - I'll just jump in the "ScubaPete Mobile" and I'll be at your place in 20 minutes -

(No wonder I couldn't find the freakin' room, lol)


The ?Old Man? Pete (ö¿ô)

Your DVD answers are at ScubaPete's DVD Backup Corner ~>
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3. May 2004 @ 03:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thought I'd let my expert sweethearts know that the Mr Sheen (aka Pledge) is fabulous!! Used it many times meself.

Was at friends house today and she was lamenting over fact that her daughter's favourite DVD had small scratch and kept freezing in middle - Have you any Mr Sheen? I asked. Then proceeded to give it a spray and a spiffup and whadyaknow???

Yep you guessed it - fixed the freeze!!!

make note to self - keep on using the cutesy little words and phrases cause the boys like it.

My best advice for NEWBIES is:"use the search function.
Aim for Charm not Perfection

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 3. May 2004 @ 03:32

6. May 2004 @ 23:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
alright, i'm new to this forum. so far i've been burning dvds for about 8 months now and i've had my share of i haven't really looked into the programs that i keep hearing about except for DVD Shrink, i've been using that and Nero since i started. its not that i favor it, but i never tried anything else except that crap from 321 Studios, there's been a few dvds that DVD Shrink just wouldn't take, so i had to resort to using DVD Copy Plantinum...but i'm not a big fan of that, so now i'm looking into other ways....if anyone has any good directions as in what programs to look at, i would greatly appreciate it...

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7. May 2004 @ 05:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hiya krylonONE,

I'm certainly not an expert by any means but I have managed to have a wonderful amount of success of late - and have tried quite a few of the programs around so I'll give you my opinions:
1)Nero - I've been using this for the majority of the time when I have already shrunk and ripped files to HD. For this you need to bypass the wizard and go straight to Nero Burning Rom. Also very good for disc copy, but here use Nero Express from SmartStart if you like.
If you are having problems with Nero you should go to their website and locate the utility section. Here you can download a couple of things that can help:
*** Nero Burnrights
*** Dynamic Write Speed
*** Neroping
*** General Clean Tool
*** Registry Checker and Driver Clean Tool
2)Sonic RecordNow I haven't tried this in abundance yet as I am more comfortable with the Nero interface (simply because I've used it alot more) Still had reasonable amount of success. Haven't tried disc copy with this or audio discs yet. Only DVD-Video discs. Not bad and now that my system is working well I have been getting a good success rate here - although my KProbe readings aren't quite as lovely as in Nero.
3)CopyToDVD I really like this program as the interface is sooooo simple. You open it up, click on the type of disc you want (in this case DVD-Video) and then locate the file (whether it is on HD or disc and away you go. Very quick with On The Fly burns. KProbe scans amost as good as Nero.
4)DVD Shrink What can I say? Just love it!!
5)DVD Decrypter Again on my top list - wouldn't be with out it. Copying discs under 4.35 gig are done with ease with ISO Read/Write method and it has helped me save a few golden oldies by allowing me to retry read errors over and over again until I get all of the files onto my HD for burning to fresh disc. Also handy for ripping files to HD so you can play with them later.
6)DVD2One I've only used this once at a friend's house and am seriously considering purchasing it. Very quick way of encoding DVD-9 down to size. I'd like to get it for when I want movie only. The downside with this for me was I had no control over compression rates of the different sections of the movie and there is no preview screen (which of course is one of the reasons why it is soooo quick). On the plus side it is super for newbies as there are virtually no settings and preferences to play around with.

That's it for the programs I've used to rip, encode and burn with. But I'll tell you about two other's that I use constantly to help me with the quality of my burns:
a)DVDInfoPro Great program that scan discs for read errors, gives you drive and media information amongst other great tools.
b)KProbe2 As above but rather than a scan for read errors this does a BLER scan which tells you the quality of your burns - be they good or bad. Also gives drive and media information etc.

Hope that give you some food for thought.

My best advice for NEWBIES is:"use the search function.
Aim for Charm not Perfection

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. May 2004 @ 05:04

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