How do u make BitTorrent download faster? i have been searching the answer for days.
Junior Member
20. September 2004 @ 13:03 |
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I forewarded the ports in my Westell modem, however, its still being read ad "CLOSED". Is there a way to actually have them read as "OPEN"? I know I disabled the firewall because my ports aren't being read as "STEALTH". Any ideas bout this. Thankx
I'll be in the darkness,.......trying to fix my PS2
22. September 2004 @ 06:35 |
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I hope someone can help me, I´ve read through this whole 3 page forum now and I´ve tried everything but my downloads does not get any higher than 5kb, most of the time its about 1kb - 3kb. I´ve opened all my ports both ways from 6881 - 6999. I dont know how to change the upload speed either, I´m using BitTorrent v3.4.2 and I have DSL (T-Online Teledat 300 LAN) and I use a WLAN D-Link Dl-624+ Router cause my PC is upstairs. But even without my WLAN Router the download speed is the same and nothing I do seems to work. Could anyone please help me? Thanks
22. September 2004 @ 16:35 |
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Ok, another trick I found that's supposed to increase your bittorrent download speed is to use a different port range. They recommend any range between 49152 and 65535 (NOTE: this is not the range itself. Im talking about any range BETWEEN those two numbers).
Why does this work? I don't know here is what they said: "it is a common practice for ISPs to throttle those ports [6881-6999] (that is, limit the bandwidth, hence the speed)" I guess that makes sense. It doesn't matter which range you pick, they say the more random the better.
Now im no expert but I recommend that for your own safety you choose a range that's not too large, maybe 5 units long. Don't quote me on this, but i don't think bittorrent uses the other ports in a range anyway, it only uses one most of the time.
Also, you have to change the BT client's listening port. In Azureus it's on View-Configuration-Server.
I can't really say if it has worked for me because i'm having problems forwarding a port that large. grrr. But, nevertheless, i think it works because i'm using ports from that range, and eventhough they are not forwarded yet, they go like 60-70kbs, can yall imagine if i had the ports forwarded, muhahahaha...
Junior Member
23. September 2004 @ 13:37 |
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Ok, i've done everything from what this thread told me to do:
Disables all Firewalls
Open ports of my Westell modem by using NAT connfig
This did make my ports read as OPEN instead of STEALTH. HOWEVER, when I tried a different client, AZUREUS, Port 6881 finall OPENED! But thats the only one that opened. Any ideas on how I can get the rest of these damn ports open?
I'll be in the darkness,.......trying to fix my PS2
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23. September 2004 @ 23:23 |
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It is my understanding that each instance of a torrent you have running uses one port. Opening more then a few ports will not increase download speeds, but open those ports to the world to get in. If you are downloading torrents on different computers on the same network, then forward say five ports to one computer, make sure those are the ports the your client on that computer listens for, then forward five different ports to the other computer, and, as before, make sure your client is listening on those ports.
There are several FAQ's out there that explain in step by step detail how to forward ports for bittorrent clients. If you are unsure of how to forward ports for your specific router, try a google search for port forwarding "model name of the router" (replace the text in quotes with the right information)
I did find to be very informative with some great information. It answers many of the questions I have read in this forum. Most of the questions asked here can be answered if you just would take the time to read the FAQ's on the various sites that you downloaded your bittorent client (why would you install something that you don't know how to use anyways????)
Torrents can and will saturate all of your bandwidth if you allow it. If your upload rate is too fast, your download rate will significantly drop. Part of the tcp/ip protocol is to send an acknowledgement, so your computer has to say hey, i got that from you and I'm ready for another. If you don't have any upload speed left, it has to wait in order to send that out.
If you max out your bandwidth, it will effect every computer connected on your router. You only have so much comming into that router, so it will slow down all of your computers. Since many ISP's use shared bandwidth, you can even slow down the performance of the internet in your neighborhood, depending how your isp sets it up.
I recommend people set their computers on a home network connected to a router to have a static ip. That does make port forwarding so much easier, and it avoids the chance the the dhcp server on your router does not give a different ip to your computer. This process can be very different depending on your router, some routers you have to have an address reservation for each computer you have a static ip, some routers you simply make the static ip outside of the addresses that you have set up in your router for dhcp. If you do not add/remove computers from your home network regularly, you can just turn off the dhcp server on your router and give all computers a static ip. To set that up is complicated, but can improve your home network speeds.
24. September 2004 @ 06:59 |
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shadow305, you don't have to have all the ports in your range open. It only has to use one of them. Shield Up says that 6881 is OPEN because that's the one that the BT client (azureus, bittornado, whatever) is using.
hey, since you have westell modem too, can you go to your NAT settings and forward a large port like 49999? I just wanna see if you get the same error message as I do, which is: "Your Base Host Port plus End Port in your range exceeds 65535".
Junior Member
24. September 2004 @ 17:04 |
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I was worried about that port, but now my dl speeds increased dramatically. Thank you guys so much for all the help.
Oh yea, Red, I got the exact same error message as you did with port 49999. Maybe theres some other way around it.
I'll be in the darkness,.......trying to fix my PS2
29. September 2004 @ 10:40 |
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Hey, guess what, my problem has been solved, this is great, I get speeds of around 80kb now. I tried everything in this forum, opening ports and the speed tests and so on, then I updated the firmware on my WLAN router and bang, bonus speeds. Thanks for all the help.
30. September 2004 @ 12:20 |
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Okay, new problem...not related to speed. I'm on Rogers Cable with McAfee firewall shutdown and windows xp firewall off or allowing bittornado to run.(check beside it as an expeption) My problem is I'm green, and downloading and after about 30 minutes it freezes and stops downloading. I lose my connection but once I shut tornado down, I'm good to go again. Everything stays the same, it even changes how many seeds I'm connected to, and my download rate and upload rate mb downloaded obviously doesn't change at this point. Does anybody have a clue what could be causing's not a torrent downloading client issue as I've used both tornado and the bittorrent 3.2.1. Any would be greatly appreciated.
30. September 2004 @ 12:56 |
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download and upload rate freezes? hmm never had that happen to me before. Maybe it's your internet connection people. Or it could be some type of bittorrent malware; I heard there was something like that roaming around.
30. September 2004 @ 13:18 |
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Thanks for the response...not its not the internet because it is fine...100% of the time when the torrent clients aren't running...ya it's weird...I'm trying to figure it out right now. I might have to call my ISP to see if they can open those ports for me...although you'd think they were open if I was running
30. September 2004 @ 14:09 |
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Ya, I just spoke with my ISP and they don't block firewall is off and so is McAfee' there shouldn't be a problem there.
Any ideas...let me know.
1. October 2004 @ 14:51 |
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Your isp may not be limiting the bandwidth on those ports, but if i'm sending to you using that port, and my isp is limiting it, there's a bottleneck ;)
4. October 2004 @ 12:47 |
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Understood, but then you are assuming two things, one that my isp is limiting my bandwith that I'm sending, as it freezes too, and two, that everybody's ISP is limiting them at the same time as I'm connected to around 10 others at the same time. Chances are slim...also my internet goes down until I close the client...
Thanks for the reply but to me, and somebody else let me know if I'm wrong, that doesn't sound like the answer....thanks.
6. October 2004 @ 09:31 |
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Heya all..i just joined this forum so i'm a bit of a newbie here
I have similar problems as the rest, a yellow status light despite there being no firewall.
The problem is, I had never had this problem before, and only recently did i encounter this. I have port forwarded 6881-6889 from the router, and have checked the ports through the site that scorpi recommended, and everything is right.
But i still have a yellow light...any ideas on what's wrong?
I'm with Pacific Internet and using a Billion 7100s modem/router with Window XP Pro + SP1
EDIT: I have changed the port ranges but still no go :/
EDIT: I think part of the problem is that I cannot get any remote connections :(
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7. October 2004 @ 16:36 |
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Like all the others who have asked.. My downloadspeed with Bittorrent is suckysucky.
The scenario here are:
I'm working on a computer w/XP wich is connected to a 2003Server wich again shares its DSL (1024kbps/something) connection to a small number of computers on my network.
The server is set up with the Windows Firewall thingie and I've followed the steps on to open the 6881 port.
The computer I'm workin on has no firewall.
I use BitTurrent T-0.3.7 (BitTornado), and I download at somewhere between 0 and 4 kbps.. What can I do now? What's wrong? (except the fact that I use Windows)
9. October 2004 @ 08:37 |
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phew..finally finish reading 3 full pages of NAT problem....
i just wanna know > those of u guys and gurls out there who solved their problem by readin this 3 pages of post > wat port range did u forward?
And Is the port forwarding steps below correct?
Start>control panel>Network Connections>Properties of Local Area Coneection>Advanced tab>tick Internet Connection Firewall>Settings>then start adding all the port range?
Im using ZoneAlarm Pro i need to forward port here too? and is the steps below correct?
Firewall tab>Main tab>Internet Zone Security>Custom>Tick "Allow incoming TCP ports">enter 49152-65535
I Go Crazy Because Of The Stupid NAT Problem XD
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. October 2004 @ 08:43
10. October 2004 @ 02:37 |
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Hey ppl,
looky ere c, i've got Bit tornado but my speed is just plain rubbish (15kbps at the max) my connection is tiscali broadbrand £16 a mounth. Has ne1 gt sum info so i can make the poor speeds go up and hit the sky!:) Plz help im in despret need of help but im not that clever with all dis so say it slowly!!!
thnx loadz
10. October 2004 @ 09:00 |
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go here to test your broadband speed:
-scroll down to the link that says "Test speed using our server at LinkLine, Los Angeles, CA, USA" and click on it. on the next window scroll down and click "start". (before clicking "start" close all other programs using your internet, including BT clients). Post your results here.
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13. October 2004 @ 04:14 |
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hey! some please help!!!! i have a dsl connection speed of 256k, using a motorola SB5100i and a belkin 4port gateway router. i have 2 computers using this, only on is downloading torrents, using torrent storm, occasionally i have had a green light, and very rarely i get inconsistent speeds of 20-25kbps. but most of the time less than 5kpbs!! this is really annoying, ive tried port forwarding but im not exactly sure how to do it, i did have xp sp2 but unistalled it cus it was annoying, and i'm using pc-cillin which has a built in firewall. how can i make download speeds faster!? some please help, either write back on here on email me at help would be much appreciated!!
13. October 2004 @ 11:04 |
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Well it come's up with a table with a 56k modem speed n all dat but then it says 'YOURS'
<<134 down
<<77 UP
com on scorpi u can make meh download speed go zo0o0o0omin!! lol
BTW i aint got a clue wat da results mean! ??
Thnx err0r!
13. October 2004 @ 11:34 |
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Hi all, I did the test and for some reason my speed down is only 27kbps and my up is 170kbps, even though this is supposed to be a very fast DSL link, does anyone know how I can fix or tweak this, please please please please.
14. October 2004 @ 17:28 |
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err0r the download speeds you're getting on BT seem to correlate with your max download speed that you got on those results. I don't think you can get higher speeds than what you are getting right now; unless you get a better internet connection. The thing you should notice on the results is the line right below the "your download speed" line. where it says "A xxx.x KB/sec transfer rate". i think this is the actual max speed at which you can download stuff, including BT downloads.
15. October 2004 @ 09:10 |
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I am having immense trouble successfuly forwarding my ports and getting BitTorrent to connect to my ports. I have noticed in forum's about this subject that many other people are having the same issue.The issue being that the speed is really slow and fluctuates between 0.7Kbs and 13Kbs but really slow most of the time. I am using a Web Excel PT-3808 Modem/Router with the Ethernet connection.
I did "pass" the test on your page with connecting to the port 6881 once but don't know what i did as now it fails.
My Virtual Server is set to:
ID Public Port Private Port Port Type Host IP Address
1 6882 6882 TCP
2 6883 6883 TCP
and so on.
I dont know if I have the right Host I.P Address as this is the one to access my router. I suspect it may be and the issue is with the NAT settings.
These are my current NAT settings:
# Session Name Interface
1 Torrent simple ppp session 0
2 Torrent2 Ip Pvc 0
16. October 2004 @ 09:01 |
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Hello guys!
I'm Flavio from Brazil. I trying to configure the ports in router, but with no success. When I open a browser and put my dafault gateway , nothing happens! (there's a message: "sever not found" in IE6...)
My question is: What am I doing wrong? There's anhoter way to open my ports?
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