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PS3 blu-ray drive dead
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18. July 2009 @ 11:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by SHARKEM:
you do know that to measure current you must break the circuit , then use the meter as a patch. if you tried to measure amps in parallel then youve probably toasted youre board or maybe a defence diode. doh!
oh and just to update ive had about 5 hours play on my new laser so all seems well.
Awesome to hear about the laser. Keep us posted, but yeah, the worst part of the wait and see is out of the way for sure.

As for the electrical issue. This does make a whole lot more sense now. You had said you had tried new cables and such so I didn't want to beat that horse into the ground, but it did sound like it wasn't getting connection from the drive to the motherboard. How did you check for ampage?

Check our repair services out on eBay if you just aren't sure.
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18. July 2009 @ 15:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by boneyard:
Do not know if this will help but it doesn't hurt to throw this situation out there. I had a system that for some reason would not show the loading bubble at all . I thought it was an issue with the Laser, then i thought it was something on the daughter board. after countless hours of swapping parts, i come up with the issue.. one of the pins inside the clip that the ribbon connects to on the main board was bent and was not contacting the ribbon correctly.. I bent the pin back with a needle and low and behold it worked perfect.. Just my problem, hope it helps someone.

Boneyard - I have the same problem and just read your fix. When I looked at the pins on both the BR and mainboard conectors they all look OK or inline with the marks on the connector using x10 lens. How bent was the pin you found? The connector is similar to a ZIF style and I find it hard to imagine how one would get bent by the ribben. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong connector but it's the only ribben one that connects to the main board from the BR player. Any further assistance/ things to look at would be appreciated.
Junior Member
19. July 2009 @ 00:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by grazyc:
Originally posted by boneyard:
Do not know if this will help but it doesn't hurt to throw this situation out there. I had a system that for some reason would not show the loading bubble at all . I thought it was an issue with the Laser, then i thought it was something on the daughter board. after countless hours of swapping parts, i come up with the issue.. one of the pins inside the clip that the ribbon connects to on the main board was bent and was not contacting the ribbon correctly.. I bent the pin back with a needle and low and behold it worked perfect.. Just my problem, hope it helps someone.

Boneyard - I have the same problem and just read your fix. When I looked at the pins on both the BR and mainboard conectors they all look OK or inline with the marks on the connector using x10 lens. How bent was the pin you found? The connector is similar to a ZIF style and I find it hard to imagine how one would get bent by the ribben. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong connector but it's the only ribben one that connects to the main board from the BR player. Any further assistance/ things to look at would be appreciated.
That's actually a bit what I was getting at. Bending it with a ribbon is unlikely if not impossible, but he was testing voltage. I'm assuming he was testing from the pins, and not from the end of the cable. I wonder if he bent a pin and shorted it out while testing the power output

Check our repair services out on eBay if you just aren't sure.
Junior Member
19. July 2009 @ 09:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by SHARKEM:
you do know that to measure current you must break the circuit , then use the meter as a patch. if you tried to measure amps in parallel then youve probably toasted youre board or maybe a defence diode. doh!
oh and just to update ive had about 5 hours play on my new laser so all seems well.
Just read that u bought laser kit form consolebiz, is it still alive?
I need one for myself?
I have no motor spinning and laser shines 3 times on disk with red beam.
Is that what you had before?

19. July 2009 @ 18:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ISMusic:
Originally posted by grazyc:
Originally posted by boneyard:
Do not know if this will help but it doesn't hurt to throw this situation out there. I had a system that for some reason would not show the loading bubble at all . I thought it was an issue with the Laser, then i thought it was something on the daughter board. after countless hours of swapping parts, i come up with the issue.. one of the pins inside the clip that the ribbon connects to on the main board was bent and was not contacting the ribbon correctly.. I bent the pin back with a needle and low and behold it worked perfect.. Just my problem, hope it helps someone.

Boneyard - I have the same problem and just read your fix. When I looked at the pins on both the BR and mainboard conectors they all look OK or inline with the marks on the connector using x10 lens. How bent was the pin you found? The connector is similar to a ZIF style and I find it hard to imagine how one would get bent by the ribben. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong connector but it's the only ribben one that connects to the main board from the BR player. Any further assistance/ things to look at would be appreciated.
That's actually a bit what I was getting at. Bending it with a ribbon is unlikely if not impossible, but he was testing voltage. I'm assuming he was testing from the pins, and not from the end of the cable. I wonder if he bent a pin and shorted it out while testing the power output
I never mentioned anything about testing. I was actually replacing a laser and after replacement i noticed the bubble was missing on screen... after removing the ribbon i look in and noticed that one pin was overlapping another. the system was like this when i purchased it so i don't know how it happened..but the ribbon had dent marks where the pin was stopping it from going in all the way flush.. Thats what made me look at the actual pins..
Junior Member
19. July 2009 @ 19:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I never mentioned anything about testing. I was actually replacing a laser and after replacement i noticed the bubble was missing on screen... after removing the ribbon i look in and noticed that one pin was overlapping another. the system was like this when i purchased it so i don't know how it happened..but the ribbon had dent marks where the pin was stopping it from going in all the way flush.. Thats what made me look at the actual pins..
I know, but wasn't this bent pin stuff all stemmed from the question that sunnysmat was asking about his drive not pulling discs in? He did voltage testing, which I'm assuming he did on the pins themself, and they could have been bent in a way to cause a short.

I don't know, I could be lost at this point lol

Check our repair services out on eBay if you just aren't sure.
20. July 2009 @ 01:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ISMusic:
I never mentioned anything about testing. I was actually replacing a laser and after replacement i noticed the bubble was missing on screen... after removing the ribbon i look in and noticed that one pin was overlapping another. the system was like this when i purchased it so i don't know how it happened..but the ribbon had dent marks where the pin was stopping it from going in all the way flush.. Thats what made me look at the actual pins..
I know, but wasn't this bent pin stuff all stemmed from the question that sunnysmat was asking about his drive not pulling discs in? He did voltage testing, which I'm assuming he did on the pins themself, and they could have been bent in a way to cause a short.

I don't know, I could be lost at this point lol
yeh.. you got it right.... i ws actuly testing the voltage so that i could connect som led's in it... bt it worked fine after testing the voltage directly from the pns while the drive was connected.

bt when i used my multimeter as ammeter, as said by "SHARKEM", i actually connected it in parallal by mistake n since then it is not working....

guys. plz help me out.... plz tell me how can i or any one els can fix it...
20. July 2009 @ 01:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by SHARKEM:
you do know that to measure current you must break the circuit , then use the meter as a patch. if you tried to measure amps in parallel then youve probably toasted youre board or maybe a defence diode. doh!
oh and just to update ive had about 5 hours play on my new laser so all seems well.

yeh.. you got it right.... i ws actuly testing the voltage so that i could connect som led's in it... bt it worked fine after testing the voltage directly from the pns while the drive was connected.

bt when i used my multimeter as ammeter, as said by "SHARKEM", i actually connected it in parallal by mistake n since then it is not working....

guys. plz help me out.... plz tell me how can i or any one els can fix it...
20. July 2009 @ 12:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by urkasss:
Originally posted by SHARKEM:
you do know that to measure current you must break the circuit , then use the meter as a patch. if you tried to measure amps in parallel then youve probably toasted youre board or maybe a defence diode. doh!
oh and just to update ive had about 5 hours play on my new laser so all seems well.

Just read that u bought laser kit form consolebiz, is it still alive?
I need one for myself?
I have no motor spinning and laser shines 3 times on disk with red beam.
Is that what you had before?

i had no visible light at all plus not spinning.
new laser still works fine . about 10 hrs play.
make sure you need the 400 and not the 410 as consolebitz are nil stock i think.
20. July 2009 @ 12:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by sunnysmat:
Originally posted by SHARKEM:
you do know that to measure current you must break the circuit , then use the meter as a patch. if you tried to measure amps in parallel then youve probably toasted youre board or maybe a defence diode. doh!
oh and just to update ive had about 5 hours play on my new laser so all seems well.

yeh.. you got it right.... i ws actuly testing the voltage so that i could connect som led's in it... bt it worked fine after testing the voltage directly from the pns while the drive was connected.

bt when i used my multimeter as ammeter, as said by "SHARKEM", i actually connected it in parallal by mistake n since then it is not working....

guys. plz help me out.... plz tell me how can i or any one els can fix it...

not too sure if this is possible but those outputs (4 pin white plug) should have diodes on the main board somewhere . no doubt small black surface mount type. if you can follow the track and locate them they may be visibly scorched. test them .
im sure that plug works like a pc plug with 12v+- and 5v+- and the transport motor needs the 5v i reckon.
let me know what you find.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. July 2009 @ 14:45

20. July 2009 @ 22:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I sent back the drive I got on eBay. To recap, I could get it to play CDs and PS3 games, but not PS2 games. I didn't have a DVD on hand to test. The guy I got it from tested it and got PS3 and PS2 games to play, but it wouldn't play DVDs. I'm not sure what that means--possibly a slight voltage difference?

Anyway, since $45 repairs are no longer possible and I'm leery about getting another drive on eBay, I'm throwing in the towel on this machine and sending it to Sony. If they reject it for whatever reason, I'll buy into the assembly order.
Junior Member
20. July 2009 @ 22:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by jkaki:
I sent back the drive I got on eBay. To recap, I could get it to play CDs and PS3 games, but not PS2 games. I didn't have a DVD on hand to test. The guy I got it from tested it and got PS3 and PS2 games to play, but it wouldn't play DVDs. I'm not sure what that means--possibly a slight voltage difference?

Anyway, since $45 repairs are no longer possible and I'm leery about getting another drive on eBay, I'm throwing in the towel on this machine and sending it to Sony. If they reject it for whatever reason, I'll buy into the assembly order.
the only way they refused it is if you illegaly modified it, which i doubt, or been abuse. other than that. you're good. i sent mine today for repair, should take a week & half. not much than that.
22. July 2009 @ 13:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey everyone I am having trouble w/ my ps3 (CECHG01) not reading discs. I acquired it for free and the drive would not read discs. So I ordered a new ps3 laser w/ deck KES-400aaa.

Once the new laser was installed the drive will now take and eject discs sometimes, most of the time though it will take the disc half way and stop or it will take the disc in and not read it. And then the only way to get the disc out is to unplug the drive while ps3 is running and it might reset the memory and eject it or manually remove the disc, holding down the eject button for 10 sec does not work most of the time.

When taking apart the ps3 i did damage the ribbon cable clip that connects to the motherboard however I did hot glue the cable in, I think that is the problem but am not quite sure how to replace the daughter board because of the chip. I've gotten it to play motorstorm once for less than 5 minutes and it froze.

Any suggestions on how to fix daughter board to make it work on my system?
23. July 2009 @ 04:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by SHARKEM:
Originally posted by sunnysmat:
Originally posted by SHARKEM:
you do know that to measure current you must break the circuit , then use the meter as a patch. if you tried to measure amps in parallel then youve probably toasted youre board or maybe a defence diode. doh!
oh and just to update ive had about 5 hours play on my new laser so all seems well.

yeh.. you got it right.... i ws actuly testing the voltage so that i could connect som led's in it... bt it worked fine after testing the voltage directly from the pns while the drive was connected.

bt when i used my multimeter as ammeter, as said by "SHARKEM", i actually connected it in parallal by mistake n since then it is not working....

guys. plz help me out.... plz tell me how can i or any one els can fix it...

not too sure if this is possible but those outputs (4 pin white plug) should have diodes on the main board somewhere . no doubt small black surface mount type. if you can follow the track and locate them they may be visibly scorched. test them .
im sure that plug works like a pc plug with 12v+- and 5v+- and the transport motor needs the 5v i reckon.
let me know what you find.
i tested the 4 pins again for voltage....
the 12 v pins read 2.4 volta only and the 5 volt pins read 0 volta... not able to trace and test the diodes till now....

here is the pics of my board and the drive
24. July 2009 @ 06:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi all!

I'm just gonna see what u guys think. I got a problem with the blue-ray not reading the discs properly. It reads dvd, cd everything else works fine.

The thing is sometimes the games start and i get so far as to the menu but i have never been able to play the game and it will always get stuck in a loading screen.

My hypothesis is that the lens isn't broken, but only dirty. (I haven't disassembled the ps3 yet). I wanna know what you guys think.

Is it just dirty or is it broken?
Junior Member
24. July 2009 @ 07:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Zavage:
Hi all!

I'm just gonna see what u guys think. I got a problem with the blue-ray not reading the discs properly. It reads dvd, cd everything else works fine.

The thing is sometimes the games start and i get so far as to the menu but i have never been able to play the game and it will always get stuck in a loading screen.

My hypothesis is that the lens isn't broken, but only dirty. (I haven't disassembled the ps3 yet). I wanna know what you guys think.

Is it just dirty or is it broken?
i'd say dirty. open it up and clean the lens.
Junior Member
27. July 2009 @ 12:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
fuck yes, my ps3 came back right now from Sony. they included a bill fo what was change. here the 3 things they changed

HDD 60GB - # 179769211 - 1x
TAPE (MAIN), VOID - 289758712 - 1x
BD-ROM DRIVE, FOR CECH*110* - REP991000147 - 1x

looks like they have a ton of this.
i wonder why they changed the hard drive, anyhow, they did not mention the price of each unit, they only charge 169$can + tx which is labour only.
Junior Member
27. July 2009 @ 13:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Cabanon:
Originally posted by Zavage:
Hi all!

I'm just gonna see what u guys think. I got a problem with the blue-ray not reading the discs properly. It reads dvd, cd everything else works fine.

The thing is sometimes the games start and i get so far as to the menu but i have never been able to play the game and it will always get stuck in a loading screen.

My hypothesis is that the lens isn't broken, but only dirty. (I haven't disassembled the ps3 yet). I wanna know what you guys think.

Is it just dirty or is it broken?
i'd say dirty. open it up and clean the lens.
If it gets stuck in a blu ray or game loading screen, it is likely the hard drive, not the lens at all. To check, back up your saves and such onto a flash drive and format the hard drive. If things now load properly, that was the issue. If not, then you need a new laser. The former is the liklier of the problems though.

Check our repair services out on eBay if you just aren't sure.
28. July 2009 @ 23:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My unit is on its way back from Sony and they did just charge the $150. Not too surprising since everything but the blu-ray drive was in working order. I was a bit worried because I did dismantle the entire thing a few times previously and left scratches here and there...
Junior Member
29. July 2009 @ 07:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by jkaki:
My unit is on its way back from Sony and they did just charge the $150. Not too surprising since everything but the blu-ray drive was in working order. I was a bit worried because I did dismantle the entire thing a few times previously and left scratches here and there...
dont worry, mine was scratched and they wrote "HEAVY SCRATCHES/SMUDGES/DUSTY".
your problems was not physical, it was electronic and thats what they repair.
Junior Member
29. July 2009 @ 20:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
BTW, i found out something very interesting. while starting my ps3 for the first time, i go check if there's any new update since 2.80, and what my surprise is, it tells me the update 2.80 is available for now. my current version was 2.76. i did manage to update my ps3 to 2.80 BEFORE shipping it to Sony. they did change the HDD, could the HDD contain the current Firmware version number and all its data ??? its really strange. my lens stopped working at 2.76 but did they needed a 2.76 updated HDD ??? if no, then yes the system can be downgraded but only Sony know how. i was kinda shocked but in another way, i was like wow, seriously, they can do it. so someone might find out how one day. so yet again, the main board could not be the holder of all these information ! like an update with windows, like service pack, SP1,SP2,SP3, etc... dunno !
30. July 2009 @ 10:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi everyone.
I've also suffered blu-ray drive problems similar to a lot mentioned here.

My drive stopped reading discs but I seem to get a high-pitched whine for about 5 seconds from the drive whenever I insert a disc. I get the loading bubble for about a second and then that's it. Nothing shows up.

As it's out of warranty I tried a replacement KEM-400AAA thinking that was the problem but I still get the same problem with the same noise even with the new laser and deck.
The discs seems to load and eject ok.
Anyone else get the whining noise or is it just me?
31. July 2009 @ 01:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i have the same problem. mine wont accept discs at all. if you put the disc in it just sits there and it doesn't "suck it up". ive seen videos on youtube and other peoples would do the same as mine but the blue light would blink. mine doesn't blink.

i was hoping one of you kind folks could guide me in the right direction when i take it apart what i should look for first......laser,motor, or board?

31. July 2009 @ 15:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
here are some pics of what i discovered when i was taking apart my ps3. what do you guys make of this and shouldn't it have the black clip on it? it looks like somone messed with it and tried to glue it or somthing.

Junior Member
1. August 2009 @ 07:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by gman86:
here are some pics of what i discovered when i was taking apart my ps3. what do you guys make of this and shouldn't it have the black clip on it? it looks like somone messed with it and tried to glue it or somthing.

WOW!!! thats messed up! He must be THE complete idiot to do repairs laike that!

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