PS3 blu-ray drive dead
15. July 2009 @ 14:21 |
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my new mech arrived today from consolebitz.co.uk.
it was advertised as new but clearly wasnt.
the laser unit looks new but the chassis has scratches etc.
anyways its in now and working.
just played cod online and a dvd.
im saving my celebrations though since ive heared it might not last.
fingers crossed anyway.
right now i feel the call so im off to bust some heads.
15. July 2009 @ 16:51 |
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Hey guys, registered for this thread and hope someone can answer a basic question.
Up front, I've got some experience at this and also used to fix PS2 lasers.
One of my 60gb drives died and I wanted to get a full replacement due to the scarcity and difficulty in getting assemblies that may or may not work. I got one off eBay for ~$150. I figure its the same as sending to Sony but I get to keep the parts.
It arrived today reeking of smoke. Well, I decide to try it out anyway. First thing I notice is the sensor wires look damaged. Maybe no huge deal I think. I put the drive in and fire it up.
The disc sensor is not working as I feared. PS3 games play fine. PS2 games, nothing at all. It's like it doesn't even see a disc.
Here's my question then: has anyone tried a different type of laser assembly with the 60gb controller board? I know I've heard in general they won't be compatible, but does anyone know from experience whether there are any other combinations that would result in PS3 games working, but not PS2? For example, would a 40gb drive work as far as Blu Ray or are they completely incompatible?
Wondering why I'm asking without just opening it myself? Well, the guy who sold it put his own stickers on the drive case and will not accept returns if it is opened.
Edit: Read back a page and I think Rzgrz1 answered the question for me. I just thought it weird that only the Blu Ray laser would be working.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. July 2009 @ 18:44
15. July 2009 @ 17:20 |
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I just got my laser from gaingame.com and its was a cdrom drive WTF
Suspended permanently
15. July 2009 @ 19:55 |
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Dang. If u kept the receipt You still have a waranty. basically your warranty is your Receipt
Down with the Cheap Blue Ray. HD FTW!!
15. July 2009 @ 23:40 |
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Can we make a list of trusted online vendors for ps3 lasers and BR drives?
Junior Member
16. July 2009 @ 00:28 |
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The laser and drive itself have nothing to do with it not reading blu ray or PS2 games. That is soly on the back of the motherboard, which is why the 60GB tend to overheat and YLOD more frequently than the other models without backwards compatability. Remember, ALL models play regular DVDs which is played with a regular red laser. It is rare that the red diode will die before the blu, but that is kindof what it sounds like. And yes, those stupid wires from the sensor are VERY easy to damage. Little known fact though, some of those optical sensors will not work with different sisterboards either. From what I have seen, there is absolutely no method at all to this madness. So if the wires are still connected to the plug, that is likely the issue. As for swapping lasers and so forth, KES400A lasers and KES410A lasers are the ONLY lasers that will work in a ps3. KES400A are for all 20/60 models, and all older 40 and 80 models (G01, E01) while the 410 covers everything else. When getting the wrong laser or drive, the disc will still spin, but it will not read.
That sucks. If you can verify that they gave you the wrong part ie you didn't accidently order the wrong part, they are pretty descent about accepting returns. Everyone on eBay get's their parts from China, none of them can really guarentee them not to just be refurbished (I can almost guarentee this as I deal with the people in China on a nightly basis and every last one of them will tell you that they sell an original part which is horse sh*t). I no longer buy from eBay. After much much $ invested to find the right company to buy lasers from in China, I finally found one that sells lasers that work longer than 15 minutes (no exageration).
They sell in quantities of 10's and I am likely going to place an order within the next month as my stock is getting low, if we can get a running talley of who all wants them, I will run an auction on eBay (which I don't usually do for parts, just refurbished systems), or you can buy direct from me through Paypal, for a couple bucks off as I will just have to cover Paypal fees and not eBay fees, whichever you prefer. I just throw the eBay thing up there as it is a safer way to trade.
So whoever wants or needs one, my user name on eBay is console_folk, send me a message there, or just post something up here, and if we can get enough people together, I'll try and get some in sooner.
Check our repair services out on eBay if you just aren't sure.
16. July 2009 @ 00:36 |
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Will you do hole blueray drives also?
16. July 2009 @ 00:46 |
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Well my thing is I havent had anything good happen with them at all throughout this, First I had called them right after my order was placed because they had the wrong address to ship to, could barely get the women on the phone to understand me, got everything cleared up with her and then received a email saying it was gonna go to the wrong adress so I used their web chat with customer support to see if they changed it got told oh Im sorry theres nothing I can do. So I called up USPS and they told me they had not received it yet. I called them up to address this with them again and I was reasured it was gonna go to the right address and then today when it was supposed to be arriving at my home it didn't. I get it and oh its a CD rom drive. Iv contacted thier customer support about this and in return I got
For your order,I am glad to hear you have recieved the item,but out staff note us you got the wrong item form us.
Is it convinient for you to show us a pic of the item you got?
As a rule ,we should check the item first.then we will offer an exchange or issue you a refund,if it did wrong.
so Im hoping that this will work out because so far thier customer service is less than desirable, I should be able to post pics tommarow or Friday cause this is a big disappointment.
16. July 2009 @ 00:53 |
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Thanks for the reply IsMusic. I should have posted this originally but the player plays music CDs (no DVDs on hand to test but I would assume they would also play) and the board works with another 60gb drive. I could only think there was some strange interworking between model types.
The sensor wires were in fact damaged. I got out a magnifying glass and there's a definite break in the copper. I wouldn't care that much if it would at least play PS2 discs but put together it really irks me. So much for eBay again.
I'm tired of dealing with part swaps and the rising prices so I'm going to give Sony a shot now. The guy I talked to today said they aren't too picky. My case has obviously been opened more than a few times so I'll post back if they agreed to repair it or not. If not, I may go in on a parts order.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. July 2009 @ 01:04
Junior Member
16. July 2009 @ 01:16 |
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Originally posted by jkaki: Thanks for the reply IsMusic. I should have posted this originally but the player plays music CDs (no DVDs on hand to test but I would assume they would also play) and the board works with another 60gb drive. I could only think there was some strange interworking between model types.
The sensor wires were in fact damaged. I got out a magnifying glass and there's a definite break in the copper. I wouldn't care that much if it would at least play PS2 discs but put together it really irks me. So much for eBay again.
I'm tired of dealing with part swaps and the rising prices so I'm going to give Sony a shot now. The guy I talked to today said they aren't too picky. My case has obviously been opened more than a few times so I'll post back if they agreed to repair it or not. If not, I may go in on a parts order.
Whichever is fine. I just thought I would throw it out there. I plan on making an order eventually anyways, but if there was enough demand for it, I would do it sooner. I really only use about 5 lasers a month so my orders are sporadic and I'm sure that my supplier hates me. In any case, Sony usually does take on anything, though I am pretty sure they charge an extra $50 for items that have been opened though this is unconfirmed as I am too stubborn to send them even the ones I haven't been able to fix (due to solder work and so forth).
Let me know how it turns out, or if you decide not to send it in and want instructions on replacing the wire with your old wire (you did say you had an old drive right?) I can walk you through that so that you don't trash the wire. May be worth a shot, if the eBay guy is a pr*ck and won't take the return or replace it.
Check our repair services out on eBay if you just aren't sure.
16. July 2009 @ 01:35 |
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Originally posted by ISMusic:
Let me know how it turns out, or if you decide not to send it in and want instructions on replacing the wire with your old wire (you did say you had an old drive right?) I can walk you through that so that you don't trash the wire. May be worth a shot, if the eBay guy is a pr*ck and won't take the return or replace it.
I'm not sure what to make of the eBay guy yet. He seems paranoid that I'm trying to rip him off, but even that can be a scam...I get to pay for shipping back to him, so goodie for me.
I don't have a drive for parts because this one didn't work out, but I'd love to have the instructions anyway.
Junior Member
16. July 2009 @ 02:40 |
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Originally posted by jkaki: Originally posted by ISMusic:
Let me know how it turns out, or if you decide not to send it in and want instructions on replacing the wire with your old wire (you did say you had an old drive right?) I can walk you through that so that you don't trash the wire. May be worth a shot, if the eBay guy is a pr*ck and won't take the return or replace it.
I'm not sure what to make of the eBay guy yet. He seems paranoid that I'm trying to rip him off, but even that can be a scam...I get to pay for shipping back to him, so goodie for me.
I don't have a drive for parts because this one didn't work out, but I'd love to have the instructions anyway.
Yeah, paying for return shipping is extremely annoying, but unfortunately there isn't a whole lot that can be done about that. I have eaten many a system that came in not as described just because I would rather get something, anything, for my money than just give away $30 to ship a system, and get nothing out of it at all.
In any case, drive disassembly is fairly simple. There are 5 screws on the outer casing of this drive. 3 black and two silver. Usually there is only one tab, but sometimes there is two (really there isn't a pattern to how many tabs there are and it doesn't make any difference so far as I have seen). Remove those and then pull the cover off from the rear so as not to bend the metal. Easily done by putting your thumb on the black that you can see through the lid and pushing with the thumb as you pull with your fingers.
On the very top of the drive you will see a green chip under the magnet. That's the optical sensor. First peel the stickers off of the wires as they will cause strain. Then take your favorite screwdriver to that one phillips screw that holds in the optical sensor. After that is removed, it will likely stay in place as there are tiny plastic rods that go through the holes of the chip. Just jiggle it a little while pulling up gently on the back end until it is loose. Next take needle nose pliers and firmly grip the actual connector to the wire which was on the underside by the sensor. Make sure you have a firm grip otherwise you are likely to slip off the connector and cut the wire with the pliers. Wiggle the connector out gently. Then use the same technique on the end that connects to the sister board (no need to undo the other two screws on the sister board ever unless you are swapping drives. It is always good for those to stay in place so that it isn't just dangling around by wires and many other reasons that can be very frusterating lol)
Hopefully this isn't all gibberish. Sorry, I kindof suck with pictures and photbucket and all that crap, so I just don't use them but in any case, that's that. Try not to break the piece of plastic by then sensor. Sometimes they oversize them and it will cover a bit of the sensor making it a pain, but it needs to be there to ensure proper disc feeding.
Check our repair services out on eBay if you just aren't sure.
16. July 2009 @ 04:20 |
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Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by jsnepo: Hi guys. I'm new. I stumbled upon this site since... uhmmm... this is the only site I can find that has extensive discussions about the blu ray drive of the PS3.
Here's my predicament. I've got a PS3 here that does not pull any disc in. There is no disc inside. Everything inside the drive works so far from what I can tell. It's only that whenever I try to put a disc in it, the blue led just blinks and the drive will not pull the disc in. I guess the optical sensor works. I've already tried using three working blu ray drives (with their respective optical sensors) with the daughterboard of the PS3 that is having this issue. Even though I did that, the disc still does not get pulled in. What can be the cause of this issue? Possible corrupted firmware perhaps. I managed to update the firmare to 2.76. And I also reset the PS3 to its factory default with full format (took 3 hours and 30 minutes) but still to no avail. I tried holding the eject button for 30 seconds to one minute. I forced a fan test. I did almost everything I can think of. Any suggestions guys?
Any found fix for this guys?
hey.... i have d same prblm... ny one plz help
16. July 2009 @ 10:24 |
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Originally posted by jsnepo: Hi guys. I'm new. I stumbled upon this site since... uhmmm... this is the only site I can find that has extensive discussions about the blu ray drive of the PS3.
Here's my predicament. I've got a PS3 here that does not pull any disc in. There is no disc inside. Everything inside the drive works so far from what I can tell. It's only that whenever I try to put a disc in it, the blue led just blinks and the drive will not pull the disc in. I guess the optical sensor works. I've already tried using three working blu ray drives (with their respective optical sensors) with the daughterboard of the PS3 that is having this issue. Even though I did that, the disc still does not get pulled in. What can be the cause of this issue? Possible corrupted firmware perhaps. I managed to update the firmare to 2.76. And I also reset the PS3 to its factory default with full format (took 3 hours and 30 minutes) but still to no avail. I tried holding the eject button for 30 seconds to one minute. I forced a fan test. I did almost everything I can think of. Any suggestions guys?
Any found fix for this guys?
16. July 2009 @ 13:35 |
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Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by jsnepo: Hi guys. I'm new. I stumbled upon this site since... uhmmm... this is the only site I can find that has extensive discussions about the blu ray drive of the PS3.
Here's my predicament. I've got a PS3 here that does not pull any disc in. There is no disc inside. Everything inside the drive works so far from what I can tell. It's only that whenever I try to put a disc in it, the blue led just blinks and the drive will not pull the disc in. I guess the optical sensor works. I've already tried using three working blu ray drives (with their respective optical sensors) with the daughterboard of the PS3 that is having this issue. Even though I did that, the disc still does not get pulled in. What can be the cause of this issue? Possible corrupted firmware perhaps. I managed to update the firmare to 2.76. And I also reset the PS3 to its factory default with full format (took 3 hours and 30 minutes) but still to no avail. I tried holding the eject button for 30 seconds to one minute. I forced a fan test. I did almost everything I can think of. Any suggestions guys?
Any found fix for this guys?
assuming the disk transport motors are not making any sound.
check the transport motor for voltage if you can.it may lead to a power supply fault .it cant be anything on the drive if youve tried others.
Junior Member
16. July 2009 @ 14:35 |
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Originally posted by SHARKEM: Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by jsnepo: Hi guys. I'm new. I stumbled upon this site since... uhmmm... this is the only site I can find that has extensive discussions about the blu ray drive of the PS3.
Here's my predicament. I've got a PS3 here that does not pull any disc in. There is no disc inside. Everything inside the drive works so far from what I can tell. It's only that whenever I try to put a disc in it, the blue led just blinks and the drive will not pull the disc in. I guess the optical sensor works. I've already tried using three working blu ray drives (with their respective optical sensors) with the daughterboard of the PS3 that is having this issue. Even though I did that, the disc still does not get pulled in. What can be the cause of this issue? Possible corrupted firmware perhaps. I managed to update the firmare to 2.76. And I also reset the PS3 to its factory default with full format (took 3 hours and 30 minutes) but still to no avail. I tried holding the eject button for 30 seconds to one minute. I forced a fan test. I did almost everything I can think of. Any suggestions guys?
Any found fix for this guys?
assuming the disk transport motors are not making any sound.
check the transport motor for voltage if you can.it may lead to a power supply fault .it cant be anything on the drive if youve tried others.
Lol I actually have a system that does the same. It currently does not have a top to the drive and I place games in it. It is my personal system, and plays the games quite nicely. I have been meaning to delve further into it, a perhaps I will get to it tonight and let you know the outcome
Check our repair services out on eBay if you just aren't sure.
16. July 2009 @ 15:43 |
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Do not know if this will help but it doesn't hurt to throw this situation out there. I had a system that for some reason would not show the loading bubble at all . I thought it was an issue with the Laser, then i thought it was something on the daughter board. after countless hours of swapping parts, i come up with the issue.. one of the pins inside the clip that the ribbon connects to on the main board was bent and was not contacting the ribbon correctly.. I bent the pin back with a needle and low and behold it worked perfect.. Just my problem, hope it helps someone.
16. July 2009 @ 16:03 |
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Originally posted by SHARKEM: Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by jsnepo: Hi guys. I'm new. I stumbled upon this site since... uhmmm... this is the only site I can find that has extensive discussions about the blu ray drive of the PS3.
Here's my predicament. I've got a PS3 here that does not pull any disc in. There is no disc inside. Everything inside the drive works so far from what I can tell. It's only that whenever I try to put a disc in it, the blue led just blinks and the drive will not pull the disc in. I guess the optical sensor works. I've already tried using three working blu ray drives (with their respective optical sensors) with the daughterboard of the PS3 that is having this issue. Even though I did that, the disc still does not get pulled in. What can be the cause of this issue? Possible corrupted firmware perhaps. I managed to update the firmare to 2.76. And I also reset the PS3 to its factory default with full format (took 3 hours and 30 minutes) but still to no avail. I tried holding the eject button for 30 seconds to one minute. I forced a fan test. I did almost everything I can think of. Any suggestions guys?
Any found fix for this guys?
assuming the disk transport motors are not making any sound.
check the transport motor for voltage if you can.it may lead to a power supply fault .it cant be anything on the drive if youve tried others.
I actually tested two PSUs and different cables and ribbons but with the same result. So it's possible that it's the transport motors huh?
Junior Member
16. July 2009 @ 22:18 |
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Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by SHARKEM: Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by jsnepo: Hi guys. I'm new. I stumbled upon this site since... uhmmm... this is the only site I can find that has extensive discussions about the blu ray drive of the PS3.
Here's my predicament. I've got a PS3 here that does not pull any disc in. There is no disc inside. Everything inside the drive works so far from what I can tell. It's only that whenever I try to put a disc in it, the blue led just blinks and the drive will not pull the disc in. I guess the optical sensor works. I've already tried using three working blu ray drives (with their respective optical sensors) with the daughterboard of the PS3 that is having this issue. Even though I did that, the disc still does not get pulled in. What can be the cause of this issue? Possible corrupted firmware perhaps. I managed to update the firmare to 2.76. And I also reset the PS3 to its factory default with full format (took 3 hours and 30 minutes) but still to no avail. I tried holding the eject button for 30 seconds to one minute. I forced a fan test. I did almost everything I can think of. Any suggestions guys?
Any found fix for this guys?
assuming the disk transport motors are not making any sound.
check the transport motor for voltage if you can.it may lead to a power supply fault .it cant be anything on the drive if youve tried others.
I actually tested two PSUs and different cables and ribbons but with the same result. So it's possible that it's the transport motors huh?
That motor very infrequently goes bad, and if you have tried a different drive on the system with no luck, chances are it isn't the motor or the gears (which is a more common occurance). My suggestion is, if you have another sisterboard, try using that on the PS3. Most sisterboards will work entirely up to the point of reading the disc (spin and everything), which is where they faulter when not properly matched with the motherboard. Also, I assume you hear the drive run when you try insert the disc as if it is trying to feed in the disc, yet it just doesn't take?
Check our repair services out on eBay if you just aren't sure.
17. July 2009 @ 01:46 |
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Originally posted by ISMusic: Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by SHARKEM: Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by jsnepo: Hi guys. I'm new. I stumbled upon this site since... uhmmm... this is the only site I can find that has extensive discussions about the blu ray drive of the PS3.
Here's my predicament. I've got a PS3 here that does not pull any disc in. There is no disc inside. Everything inside the drive works so far from what I can tell. It's only that whenever I try to put a disc in it, the blue led just blinks and the drive will not pull the disc in. I guess the optical sensor works. I've already tried using three working blu ray drives (with their respective optical sensors) with the daughterboard of the PS3 that is having this issue. Even though I did that, the disc still does not get pulled in. What can be the cause of this issue? Possible corrupted firmware perhaps. I managed to update the firmare to 2.76. And I also reset the PS3 to its factory default with full format (took 3 hours and 30 minutes) but still to no avail. I tried holding the eject button for 30 seconds to one minute. I forced a fan test. I did almost everything I can think of. Any suggestions guys?
Any found fix for this guys?
assuming the disk transport motors are not making any sound.
check the transport motor for voltage if you can.it may lead to a power supply fault .it cant be anything on the drive if youve tried others.
I actually tested two PSUs and different cables and ribbons but with the same result. So it's possible that it's the transport motors huh?
That motor very infrequently goes bad, and if you have tried a different drive on the system with no luck, chances are it isn't the motor or the gears (which is a more common occurance). My suggestion is, if you have another sisterboard, try using that on the PS3. Most sisterboards will work entirely up to the point of reading the disc (spin and everything), which is where they faulter when not properly matched with the motherboard. Also, I assume you hear the drive run when you try insert the disc as if it is trying to feed in the disc, yet it just doesn't take?
That's my plan. Take the drive to another PS3 using that PS3's drive controller and see and if it will work. Unfortunately, the two other PS3s I got here are victims of YLOD. The only one working is this one that doesn't take in the disc.
Also, no. I don't hear drive at all whenever I try to insert a disc. I just get this blue blinking light. I can even force the disc in if I wanted to. But still, nothing in the drive seems to move. I also tried two other drives to this PS3 and everything seems to be of the same issue. I think it's the drive controller but I just need some further information that's why I asked.
Anyway, thanks guys.
Junior Member
17. July 2009 @ 02:18 |
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Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by ISMusic: Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by SHARKEM: Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by jsnepo: Hi guys. I'm new. I stumbled upon this site since... uhmmm... this is the only site I can find that has extensive discussions about the blu ray drive of the PS3.
Here's my predicament. I've got a PS3 here that does not pull any disc in. There is no disc inside. Everything inside the drive works so far from what I can tell. It's only that whenever I try to put a disc in it, the blue led just blinks and the drive will not pull the disc in. I guess the optical sensor works. I've already tried using three working blu ray drives (with their respective optical sensors) with the daughterboard of the PS3 that is having this issue. Even though I did that, the disc still does not get pulled in. What can be the cause of this issue? Possible corrupted firmware perhaps. I managed to update the firmare to 2.76. And I also reset the PS3 to its factory default with full format (took 3 hours and 30 minutes) but still to no avail. I tried holding the eject button for 30 seconds to one minute. I forced a fan test. I did almost everything I can think of. Any suggestions guys?
Any found fix for this guys?
assuming the disk transport motors are not making any sound.
check the transport motor for voltage if you can.it may lead to a power supply fault .it cant be anything on the drive if youve tried others.
I actually tested two PSUs and different cables and ribbons but with the same result. So it's possible that it's the transport motors huh?
That motor very infrequently goes bad, and if you have tried a different drive on the system with no luck, chances are it isn't the motor or the gears (which is a more common occurance). My suggestion is, if you have another sisterboard, try using that on the PS3. Most sisterboards will work entirely up to the point of reading the disc (spin and everything), which is where they faulter when not properly matched with the motherboard. Also, I assume you hear the drive run when you try insert the disc as if it is trying to feed in the disc, yet it just doesn't take?
That's my plan. Take the drive to another PS3 using that PS3's drive controller and see and if it will work. Unfortunately, the two other PS3s I got here are victims of YLOD. The only one working is this one that doesn't take in the disc.
Also, no. I don't hear drive at all whenever I try to insert a disc. I just get this blue blinking light. I can even force the disc in if I wanted to. But still, nothing in the drive seems to move. I also tried two other drives to this PS3 and everything seems to be of the same issue. I think it's the drive controller but I just need some further information that's why I asked.
Anyway, thanks guys.
If the other two are YLOD and you don't feel like fixing them, just bring one of the drives with the sisterboard from one of the YLOD systems to the system with the issue. Like I said, it won't play the disc, but everything else should function properly
Check our repair services out on eBay if you just aren't sure.
17. July 2009 @ 13:17 |
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Originally posted by ISMusic: Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by ISMusic: Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by SHARKEM: Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by jsnepo: Hi guys. I'm new. I stumbled upon this site since... uhmmm... this is the only site I can find that has extensive discussions about the blu ray drive of the PS3.
Here's my predicament. I've got a PS3 here that does not pull any disc in. There is no disc inside. Everything inside the drive works so far from what I can tell. It's only that whenever I try to put a disc in it, the blue led just blinks and the drive will not pull the disc in. I guess the optical sensor works. I've already tried using three working blu ray drives (with their respective optical sensors) with the daughterboard of the PS3 that is having this issue. Even though I did that, the disc still does not get pulled in. What can be the cause of this issue? Possible corrupted firmware perhaps. I managed to update the firmare to 2.76. And I also reset the PS3 to its factory default with full format (took 3 hours and 30 minutes) but still to no avail. I tried holding the eject button for 30 seconds to one minute. I forced a fan test. I did almost everything I can think of. Any suggestions guys?
Any found fix for this guys?
assuming the disk transport motors are not making any sound.
check the transport motor for voltage if you can.it may lead to a power supply fault .it cant be anything on the drive if youve tried others.
I actually tested two PSUs and different cables and ribbons but with the same result. So it's possible that it's the transport motors huh?
That motor very infrequently goes bad, and if you have tried a different drive on the system with no luck, chances are it isn't the motor or the gears (which is a more common occurance). My suggestion is, if you have another sisterboard, try using that on the PS3. Most sisterboards will work entirely up to the point of reading the disc (spin and everything), which is where they faulter when not properly matched with the motherboard. Also, I assume you hear the drive run when you try insert the disc as if it is trying to feed in the disc, yet it just doesn't take?
That's my plan. Take the drive to another PS3 using that PS3's drive controller and see and if it will work. Unfortunately, the two other PS3s I got here are victims of YLOD. The only one working is this one that doesn't take in the disc.
Also, no. I don't hear drive at all whenever I try to insert a disc. I just get this blue blinking light. I can even force the disc in if I wanted to. But still, nothing in the drive seems to move. I also tried two other drives to this PS3 and everything seems to be of the same issue. I think it's the drive controller but I just need some further information that's why I asked.
Anyway, thanks guys.
If the other two are YLOD and you don't feel like fixing them, just bring one of the drives with the sisterboard from one of the YLOD systems to the system with the issue. Like I said, it won't play the disc, but everything else should function properly
Did that too. Still nothing. I guess the issue has something to do with the board then.
Junior Member
17. July 2009 @ 14:33 |
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Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by ISMusic: Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by ISMusic: Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by SHARKEM: Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by jsnepo: Hi guys. I'm new. I stumbled upon this site since... uhmmm... this is the only site I can find that has extensive discussions about the blu ray drive of the PS3.
Here's my predicament. I've got a PS3 here that does not pull any disc in. There is no disc inside. Everything inside the drive works so far from what I can tell. It's only that whenever I try to put a disc in it, the blue led just blinks and the drive will not pull the disc in. I guess the optical sensor works. I've already tried using three working blu ray drives (with their respective optical sensors) with the daughterboard of the PS3 that is having this issue. Even though I did that, the disc still does not get pulled in. What can be the cause of this issue? Possible corrupted firmware perhaps. I managed to update the firmare to 2.76. And I also reset the PS3 to its factory default with full format (took 3 hours and 30 minutes) but still to no avail. I tried holding the eject button for 30 seconds to one minute. I forced a fan test. I did almost everything I can think of. Any suggestions guys?
Any found fix for this guys?
assuming the disk transport motors are not making any sound.
check the transport motor for voltage if you can.it may lead to a power supply fault .it cant be anything on the drive if youve tried others.
I actually tested two PSUs and different cables and ribbons but with the same result. So it's possible that it's the transport motors huh?
That motor very infrequently goes bad, and if you have tried a different drive on the system with no luck, chances are it isn't the motor or the gears (which is a more common occurance). My suggestion is, if you have another sisterboard, try using that on the PS3. Most sisterboards will work entirely up to the point of reading the disc (spin and everything), which is where they faulter when not properly matched with the motherboard. Also, I assume you hear the drive run when you try insert the disc as if it is trying to feed in the disc, yet it just doesn't take?
That's my plan. Take the drive to another PS3 using that PS3's drive controller and see and if it will work. Unfortunately, the two other PS3s I got here are victims of YLOD. The only one working is this one that doesn't take in the disc.
Also, no. I don't hear drive at all whenever I try to insert a disc. I just get this blue blinking light. I can even force the disc in if I wanted to. But still, nothing in the drive seems to move. I also tried two other drives to this PS3 and everything seems to be of the same issue. I think it's the drive controller but I just need some further information that's why I asked.
Anyway, thanks guys.
If the other two are YLOD and you don't feel like fixing them, just bring one of the drives with the sisterboard from one of the YLOD systems to the system with the issue. Like I said, it won't play the disc, but everything else should function properly
Did that too. Still nothing. I guess the issue has something to do with the board then.
Sounds like it. Boards are like $26, but obviously paying the 26 is the easy part, because then you have to remove the firmware chip on your board and resolder it to the new board. That really is about the only way to fix a board though outside of replacing individual chips on the board which is even more tedious and not really that much cheaper than just buying the entire new board.
Check our repair services out on eBay if you just aren't sure.
17. July 2009 @ 23:02 |
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Originally posted by ISMusic: Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by ISMusic: Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by ISMusic: Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by SHARKEM: Originally posted by jsnepo: Originally posted by jsnepo: Hi guys. I'm new. I stumbled upon this site since... uhmmm... this is the only site I can find that has extensive discussions about the blu ray drive of the PS3.
Here's my predicament. I've got a PS3 here that does not pull any disc in. There is no disc inside. Everything inside the drive works so far from what I can tell. It's only that whenever I try to put a disc in it, the blue led just blinks and the drive will not pull the disc in. I guess the optical sensor works. I've already tried using three working blu ray drives (with their respective optical sensors) with the daughterboard of the PS3 that is having this issue. Even though I did that, the disc still does not get pulled in. What can be the cause of this issue? Possible corrupted firmware perhaps. I managed to update the firmare to 2.76. And I also reset the PS3 to its factory default with full format (took 3 hours and 30 minutes) but still to no avail. I tried holding the eject button for 30 seconds to one minute. I forced a fan test. I did almost everything I can think of. Any suggestions guys?
Any found fix for this guys?
assuming the disk transport motors are not making any sound.
check the transport motor for voltage if you can.it may lead to a power supply fault .it cant be anything on the drive if youve tried others.
I actually tested two PSUs and different cables and ribbons but with the same result. So it's possible that it's the transport motors huh?
That motor very infrequently goes bad, and if you have tried a different drive on the system with no luck, chances are it isn't the motor or the gears (which is a more common occurance). My suggestion is, if you have another sisterboard, try using that on the PS3. Most sisterboards will work entirely up to the point of reading the disc (spin and everything), which is where they faulter when not properly matched with the motherboard. Also, I assume you hear the drive run when you try insert the disc as if it is trying to feed in the disc, yet it just doesn't take?
That's my plan. Take the drive to another PS3 using that PS3's drive controller and see and if it will work. Unfortunately, the two other PS3s I got here are victims of YLOD. The only one working is this one that doesn't take in the disc.
Also, no. I don't hear drive at all whenever I try to insert a disc. I just get this blue blinking light. I can even force the disc in if I wanted to. But still, nothing in the drive seems to move. I also tried two other drives to this PS3 and everything seems to be of the same issue. I think it's the drive controller but I just need some further information that's why I asked.
Anyway, thanks guys.
If the other two are YLOD and you don't feel like fixing them, just bring one of the drives with the sisterboard from one of the YLOD systems to the system with the issue. Like I said, it won't play the disc, but everything else should function properly
Did that too. Still nothing. I guess the issue has something to do with the board then.
Sounds like it. Boards are like $26, but obviously paying the 26 is the easy part, because then you have to remove the firmware chip on your board and resolder it to the new board. That really is about the only way to fix a board though outside of replacing individual chips on the board which is even more tedious and not really that much cheaper than just buying the entire new board.
thanks for the reply....
i'll tell you that what i actually did that made this problem occured....
i opend up my ps3(80 gb us)to fit in some led's in it.
to check the power from the blu0ray drive connector on the motherboard, i used a mutimeter and it read 12V d.c. b/w the 2nd and the 4th connector. i dont know what the other two terminals(the 1st n the 3rd)are for.
when i switched to ammeter to check the current in those, i dont know what hapnd and since then my ps3 is not taking in any discs, whenever i try to put in discs, only the blue light blinks n nothing else hapns....bt rest of my ps3 works fine since i can watch movies n play saved demo games...
i think tht this info may b can solve the problem..
pls let me know it u find mny solutions....
18. July 2009 @ 06:20 |
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you do know that to measure current you must break the circuit , then use the meter as a patch. if you tried to measure amps in parallel then youve probably toasted youre board or maybe a defence diode. doh! oh and just to update ive had about 5 hours play on my new laser so all seems well.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. July 2009 @ 06:23