PS2 Hard Drive and game burning questions
Junior Member
15. June 2006 @ 18:22 |
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First off, please bear with me... I really know absolutely nothing about this subject. I searched online all day to try and find out how to install a hard drive so I could do this myself, I thought I could just take a hard drive, a network adapter, and install... then start burning games. Please, i just want a few things answered that I am having trouble understanding...
I understand I need a HDadvance or HDloader program... but what do I do? Do I get this for my laptop I have and then how to I get it to the hard drive I am going to put into my laptop? Does this mean I'm going to need an external hard drive? I'd rather get an internal hard drive because I have some laying around my basement from older computers... Also, when I get this HDadvance working on my PS2... is that it? Can I then just put PS2 games in my PS2 and burn them right to the hard drive? And then have them to play without having the disc? Also, I really don't know anything about file sizes and such; but how many games, if any, could my PS2 store on it with like a 20GB hard drive? How bout a 40GB? Should I just go and buy like a 100GB?
I had some questions about Swap Magic Pro, but I just found some useful info about it. So with Swap Magic Pro, I can burn PS2 games onto a DVD+R (or -R) and then play them on my PS2??? I have both the newer and older PS2 models... if I go this way instead of the hard drive way, what do people suggest with Swap Magic Pro? Is there anything else I would need?
I know I probably sound like an idiot to most of you... I've been reading through these threads and I mean I understand computers extremely well... but not the details and the engineering side to it; most of you are just on an entirely nother planet as me when it comes to knowledge of this stuff... so I apologize if I sound like an idiot... just trying to make my PS2 able to store like... 30 games or so without the discs... (i know 20 and 40gb won't hold that much)
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15. June 2006 @ 21:40 |
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ok, i am a noob myself, so any1 who can c that some of my information is wrong plz feel free 2 correct me, and im kinda young so plz go easy on me.
ok, well 1st off hd advance is a program that will let the ps2 run games off of a hdd. you will neeed to buy that 1st. and u insert it into the ps2, so you dont really get it working, becuz u need 2 boot up the ps2 everytime with it, then you will need a compatible hard drive, because not all drives are compatible with hd advance, so i doubt that thoses old hard drives will work, but you should let me know what brands they are, and what size they are, hitachi and maxtor are brands i recommend. and games are 1 dvd rite? so 1 dvd disc should b around the 3-5 GB range, so with a 40 GB hd u can store about 7 or 8 games.
and swap magic pro is basically like a boot disc, and yes you can burn back ups and run them with swap magic, but u have 2 burn a specific way, im not 2 familiar with burning, i usually just ftp everything to the ps2. but with swap magic u need to get the boot disc out, and the back up game in without the ps2 knowing, so dont press eject, you can use a slide tool or a flip top case. not really sure bout the whole swap magic thing though
and no u dont sound like an idiot, i probably do, lol but im just trying to help you out, if you need any more help on this i'll b glad to try and help you out
AfterDawn Addict
16. June 2006 @ 02:07 |
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The HDD will only go into your old (bigger) PS2, as the new slim PS2 won't take a HDD without some modification.
What I would suggest is this:
1) Get a set of swap magic discs, a slide tool (for your old PS2) and a set of magic keys (or whatever they are called - for your slim PS2) - http://www.swapmagic3.com/ . This will allow you to boot backups
2) Get a network adaptor for your old PS2
3) Have a look at http://ps2drives.x-pec.com/ for HDD compatibility - you'll need to use one that's compatible with PS2 to make it work
4) Download a copy of HDLoader 0.7e from http://www.sksapps.com/index.php?page=hd.html, now you could've bought HDAdvance instead, which will boot using an unmodded PS2 (by modded I mean using modchip or swap magic). Burn HDLoader onto a disc
5) To install games, the easiest way I found is to use Winhiip (http://winhiip.ps2hd.com/), it's fairly easy, you connect the HDD to your computer, run the program and install games (for game compatibility see http://list.ps2hd.com/)
6) Connect everything up and hope it works!
The reason I have said to buy swap magic instead of HDAdvance is that, if you are going to spend the money, you might as well spend it on something that can do more than one thing.
Obviously this isn't the most detailed guide, but it should get you started, and of course you'll need to do some reading on the way, but it should guide you in the right direction. Come back for more questions if you are stuck :)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. June 2006 @ 02:08
16. June 2006 @ 06:49 |
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After you buy the Swap Magic discs, you can boot HDLoader from a CDR or DVD on your FAT PS2. But, that's a hassle. So, I suggest you get youself a PSX game and use the memory card exploit to boot HDloader instead and use Swap Magic any time you want to play a backup. It's a bit of work to get it going but after it's running it's a breeze to work through it. BE advised, that I am talking about the FAT PS2 here and not the slim one. None of this works on the slim. You could put the exploit files on the slim PS2 the same way but it would do nothing since the exploit was fixed on the slims.
Here's a detailed overview of the process:
Preparation Stage:
1) Dishing out the green!
Swap Magic with the slide tool, or the flip top (I definitely recommend the flip top over the slide tool as you can ruin the part you're messing with when you use the slide tool),
The Network Adapter,
PSX game (if you don't happen to have one lying around.... and it doesn't matter if it actually works, as long as the PS2 gets to the PSX logo screen and tries to boot it, you should be fine.),
Memory Card
IDE Hard Drive
Out of these, considering you already have the HD, you'd probably only need to purchase the SwapMagic discs along with the slide tool or the flip top and the Network Adapter and possibly the PSX game if you don't have one around. You need the PSX game to trigger the memory card exploit without the need to use Swap Magic every time you want to boot HDLoader.
IMPORTANT: IF you're going to use your laptop to work with the hard drive you intend to use in your PS2 then I suggest you buy a USB enclosure for the HD since laptops don't support regular IDE drives. ANY WILL DO AS LONG AS ITS USB 2.0! Even the cheaper ones will do the job. That's how I manage my games. If you have a desktop to work with stuff, then by all means use the desktop instead! It is much faster than the USB enclosure, although it probably requires more physical work installing and uninstalling the drive every time.
2) The ESSENTIAL Downloads
A) Download Independence Installer, and follow a tutorial on how to work with the installer
http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/109289 <--- works but it's kind of confusing for newbies.
Just to enlighten you a bit and clear a couple of things up, you'll need an Elf Launcher which is nothing more than a browser that lets you boot any ELF (PS2 executables) stored in any storage media the PS2 has access to. This is included with the installer. You just have to choose which one to use (I recommend ULaunchElf V3.78 which isn't included with the installer, but you can easilly replace by replacing the BOOT.ELF file with the ULaunchELF 3.78 elf instead)
You can opt to have the independence installer install the Exploit to load a elf launcher and from there boot HDLoader (which I wholeheartedly recommend) or you can have HDLoader boot directly whenever you boot the PS2 using the PSX trigger disc. If you're willing to use 2 memory cards, then you can have both setups: the elf launcher boot setup on one of the memory cards and the HDLoader setup to boot on the other memory card. Just make sure the memory card you want to boot with is on the first memory card slot.
What the Independence Installer does is install the exploit for you to the memory card by booting a disc in an almost automated way (you just need to set it up prior to burning the disc with the options you want on it). On the PC with the Independence Installer you can also choose other stuff to install with it, like emulators, media players, FTP programs and so forth. But for HDLoader purposes, you only need the keylauncher and the HDLoader files in the exploit. I suggest you put the other stuff in a partition on the HD after it's installed to save memory card space. HDLoader + the launcher should take about 1MB of memory card space.
B) Download HDLoader 0.7e. The Independence installer doesn't come with this included, MAKE SURE YOU PUT THIS FILE IN THE INSTALLER BEFORE PROCEEDING TO MAKE THE IMAGE FILE AND BURN THE DISC or else you'll be regretting you didn't! HDLoader lets you format, and manage games on just about any hard drive connected to you PS2 through the Network Adapter. With it you can format the Hard Drive, install games using the PS2's optical drive (which I don't recommend doing, use your PC and WinHIIP instead) and also play them. I recommend Maxtor drives by the way. The least compatible drives are Western Digital due to the plugs meing separated a bit more than the usual. You'd have to use a modification to use most WD drives on your PS2.
C) Download WinHIIP V1.7.6 With this program you can manage the PS2 HD from your PC. With it you can format the drive, install games, and also extract games already installed to the hard drive! Highly recommendede over managing stuff from HDLoader because, it is much faster, and it lets you use your PC's DVD rom drive or downloaded (or already backed up by yourself) ISO files to install your games from!
You can find all of these files searching Google or browsing this and other PS2 related forums. They should be hard to find as they are widespread around the net.
Installation Stage
1) Put in your HD with the Network Adapter inside your PS2.
1) Boot the Independence Installer CD you made using Swap Magic and the flip top or slide tool.
2) After it's done, turn off your PS2, put in the PSX game you chose as your trigger, and if you set up the Installer correctly, you should se the keylauncher boot up! Congratulations! You now can boot just about anything on your PS2 (I'll leave that part up to you)
4) Boot the HDLoader 0.7e file.
5) Now, if your drive is compatible, HDLoader should show the legal stuff, and then ask if you would like to format it. Let it format the drive.
6) After the format is done, you can begin installing the games through HDloader itself.
7) Since your drive is now formatted, you can now take it out of the PS2, and use it on your PC to transfer games to it using WinHIP. Be advised, your PC will not assign a drive letter to it if it's aleady formatted using HDLoader. As long as you see the drive listed at boot, you should be able to use WinHIIP to manage it.
8) After installing you games, pop the drive back into your PC, work your way through the exploit and start loading up your games using HDLoader! I suggest you check the compatibility list at http://list.ps2hd.com to make sure the games you want to install are fuly compatible with HDLoader.
Playing Stage!
...... you know what to do here lol
That was a pretty detailed overview which should set your path on what to do. It's not completely explained but it should provide you with enough basic information to get going and to understand any tutorials on the matter around. :)
PS2 V9 with Custom Flip Top
MC Exploit
ULaunchELF 3.78
HDLoader 0.8a with 160Gb Maxtor HDD
Nintendo GameCube DOL-001
XenoGC 2.0
POTS adjusted to 400Ohms from 496Ohms and runs everything thrown at it
If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. June 2006 @ 07:00
Senior Member
16. June 2006 @ 08:27 |
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I agree with MadBoomah
I'd go with Swapmagic / Fliptop or Slidecard for the Fat Ps2
once you have that up and working and want to use a hard drive then download HDloader and Winhiip ..
make a MC Exploit and you'll be good to go...
Good thing about this combo is the games that do work with HDloader save the life of your laser since it only has to read the PSX game for a sec to load HDLOADER and if the game doesn't work with HDLoader you can always go the Swapmagic Route and just boot from DVD or CD
Junior Member
16. June 2006 @ 08:38 |
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Thanks a lot guys, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your help! I'll do my best to accomplish this; I may be back on here (I almost definitely will be) in the upcoming weeks when I start trying this out. Right now I need to make sure the older PS2 still works or else I'll need to buy another one off ebay or something... plus I need to find the swap magic and such somewhere to purchase that online... Right now I'm strapped for cash but I get my first pay check either in a week or in two weeks... Again thanks a lot for all your help!!! Madboomah I REALLY appreciate you taking as much time as you did to explain everything in such detail... and thanks to everyone else!
Wish me luck.
Junior Member
16. June 2006 @ 14:13 |
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Additional Question...
I went to download an HDLoader 0.7e, and I'm looking at this site which has a bunch of kinds... one of them has the name ELF in it... would you reccommend I get that one? I'm going to for now... please let me know if I woulda been better of elsewhere, thanks.
AfterDawn Addict
16. June 2006 @ 14:16 |
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If you are going to go with swap magic, I'd get the ISO files, it's easiest to boot for use with swap magic
Junior Member
16. June 2006 @ 14:31 |
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let me try and get this one thing straight, actually...
again I don't have the swapmagic yet so I can do anything (or can I???) I downloaded the winhiip, I downloader HDloader, and I'm looking for the independent installation now... lets say I find one... I put these three programs on a CD??? And then just play them in my PS2 with the hard drive installed in it???
When I try to open these files on my laptop... it won't open, it says like "can't find" whatever... is that normal???
and do I NEED Swampmagic? Or would I be able to "burn" games onto my PS2 with just a hard drive and these programs??
Again I'm sorry if I sound like an idiot, I'm just trying to learn all this and its hard to take all of it in at once without knowing a thing about any of it...
AfterDawn Addict
16. June 2006 @ 14:37 |
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Quote: again I don't have the swapmagic yet so I can do anything (or can I???) I downloaded the winhiip, I downloader HDloader, and I'm looking for the independent installation now... lets say I find one... I put these three programs on a CD??? And then just play them in my PS2 with the hard drive installed in it???
No, Winhiip goes on your computer. HDLoader goes on a disc by itself. Independent installation would be another disc by itself. Have a look at the programs' tutorials on how to make those work
Quote: When I try to open these files on my laptop... it won't open, it says like "can't find" whatever... is that normal???
You probably don't have WinRAR installed - download a copy of it and try again.
Quote: and do I NEED Swampmagic? Or would I be able to "burn" games onto my PS2 with just a hard drive and these programs??
If you can get the memory card exploit to work, then no - otherwise yes. You need it to load HDLoader, and there's no other way around that problem other than using MC exploit or swap magic or modchip.
Junior Member
16. June 2006 @ 14:48 |
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Ok that makes some sense to me... I download a WinRAR program and so now I can open those files, but I can't make much sense of them...
I understand how madboomah explained the MC Exploit, do I need a program to do that though? Or do I just install the HDloader and the Independent Installer on that hard drive and then start up a PSX game with a memory card in the PS2 to do that?
Also, What does Winhiip actually do for me? why do I want this... one of my suitemates at school has his xbox setup with like 30 games on it... and he never had to use his computer, nor did he need any type of fliptop... he's from CT and I'm from MA though so he can't help me... plus he didnt do it himself... someone he knows did... But is that because Xbox's are different that he was able to do it without a fliptop, slide card, or his PC???
Thanks again for the help!!!
AfterDawn Addict
16. June 2006 @ 15:00 |
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Quote: I understand how madboomah explained the MC Exploit, do I need a program to do that though? Or do I just install the HDloader and the Independent Installer on that hard drive and then start up a PSX game with a memory card in the PS2 to do that?
I've never used the independent exploit so I'm not 100% sure, but a question before I go on about this: do you have an ORIGINAL PS1 game disc that works on your unmodified PS2? If you don't then ditch the idea of using MC exploit, and buy swap magic or HDAdvance, cos you need that PS1 game disc to use MC exploit.
Quote: Also, What does Winhiip actually do for me? why do I want this... one of my suitemates at school has his xbox setup with like 30 games on it... and he never had to use his computer, nor did he need any type of fliptop... he's from CT and I'm from MA though so he can't help me... plus he didnt do it himself... someone he knows did... But is that because Xbox's are different that he was able to do it without a fliptop, slide card, or his PC???
Winhiip transfers games to your HDD. I'm not sure exactly how a XBox works cos I don't own one, but this is how you would do it on a PS2 :)
1) Get Winhiip (from link above)
2) Extract everything to somewhere
3) Run "WinHIIP.exe"
4) Click on "Select Drive" at the top left, then select the HDD that you intend to use for storing games (again, check the link above for HDD compatibility), and obviously this needs to be connected to your computer at this time
5) Click on "Options", under "Override Application Mode" select 48bit HD Loader", and in "Settings" Check "Reduce Fragmentation" and "Log File Generation" (should be default)
6) To add an image (from CD/DVD or an image from on your computer), click on "Add Image(s)"
7) Some games you'll need to change the mode (Mode 1, 2, 3), have a look in the link above for game compatibility
This will install games on the HDD, which you can then connect to your network adaptor, then to your PS2
Junior Member
16. June 2006 @ 15:11 |
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Well I'm guessing by PSX you mean Playstation 1??? Because yes I have a few playstation games lying around from the original console...
And, this might be a stupid question but... with Winhiip... how do I actually put the game on the hard drive? Like, do I use my CD drive and just burn a game onto my laptop? or do I burn a game from my CD drive with winhiip directly and go from CD to HD that i'm gonna use? basically... do i put the game on my laptop then on the hard drive im gonna use, or directly???
And I just called my buddy with the xbox... and he said he puts games in his xbox and the software on the hard drive in the xbox just burns the games right into the hard drive... I suppose its possible that there'd be a difference between a PS2 and Xbox... but I don't really see why, either way you're burning a game onto a hard drive installed in a gaming system...
I'm not complaining or second guessing... clearly what you're telling me to do is gonna work, but I just don't know how to install the hard drive onto my laptop and then uninstall it and put it in the PS2... I'll probably have to buy an external hard drive to do this I'm guessing... and that isn't something I can currently afford...
AfterDawn Addict
16. June 2006 @ 15:20 |
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Hmm in that case you could use the MC exploit. I've never used it before so your best bet is to wait for someone to help you on this. Alternatively, http://www.exploitstation.com/ is the place to go for how this thing works.
If you don't have a USB enclosure for the HDD, then you could try using HDL dump, which installs games from the laptop to the PS2 via the network adaptor, I'm not sure how this works though so you'll have to do a bit of research on it.
You can either rip the game to your laptop first from the CD/DVD (see link in my sig. for how to do this), or you could do it straight from the disc. Either works.
You could do it by putting the game in the PS2 then install it onto the HDD (I think HDLoader's got this function), but the PS2 laser isn't the best there is, and I avoid doing that whenever possible, it'll put a lot of strain on the laser when you install games like that.
Junior Member
16. June 2006 @ 18:26 |
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Will this hard drive work if I go and buy it tomorrow? I was thinking I'd definitely need external which is much more expensive, but if I can just use the HDL Dump (I have the program whatever its called) to attached my laptop to the PS2 via ethernet... I can just get an internal one
so will this one work, anyone know???
AfterDawn Addict
16. June 2006 @ 18:31 |
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Junior Member
16. June 2006 @ 18:54 |
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Thanks :)
One question... with the 200 GB one... for program it says HDAdvance... does that mean HDLoader won't work with it? Because I might go with a 200GB instead...
And again, games are like 3-5 GB??? So, 200 GB could hold like... 40 games at least?
AfterDawn Addict
16. June 2006 @ 18:57 |
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Anything that works with HDAdvance should work with HDLoader, because HDAdvance is a pressed version of HDLoader, so they are essentially the same thing
Yep. I have just under 40 games on my 200GB HDD.
Junior Member
16. June 2006 @ 19:12 |
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ok... so lets just quickly go through this again (and again I REALLLLY appreciate all your help... can't express that enough, real nice of you to work with me even though I'm struggling to understand the whole concept)
I have HDLoader, Winhiip, DVD Decrypter, HDL Dump, and I just found this thing called Independence Compiler 2.2 (is this the independence installer madboomah talked about???) Lets say it is for the purpose of what I'm trying to do right now...
so tell me if this is right...
I put HDLoader, and the Independence Installer, on two seperate CDs... then I'm going to get this 200 or 250 GB hard drive, install it in my PS2 through the network adapter, then put in my two CDs to just install these two programs right onto my PS2??? OR do I need to do the MC Exploit first?
Either way, once the HD is installed in the PS2 and the HDLoader and Independence Installer are installed on it... I hook it up via ethernet to my laptop... then I use Winhiip to write games directly onto it??? Then I can just load up my PS2 and the games will be installed there to be played without need for any disks???
Senior Member
16. June 2006 @ 21:48 |
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in order to use a memory card exploit you need a Mod method in order for the exploit disc to install itself onto the memory card...
So if you don't have a mod for your PS2 or swapmagic the tools you've download will do you no good right now...
Once you have Swapmagic
you use Independence Compiler and you make a MC Exploit disc. Ad HDLOADER Elf to the exploit
Winhiip is used to copy games to your PS2 from inside your computer so you'd have to put the new hard drive in your computer as a slave drive and format the drive with Winhiip and install the games with winhiip...
I've also been told if you buy a cheap HD Encloser you can use Winhiip via USB (Haven't tried it yet but that's what I'm told)
once you have the HD formated and installed in your PS2 you use the MC Exploit to boot HDloader..
but you will need swapmagic in order to put the exploit onto your MC or if you know someone who can make you a MC exploit then you can go that route...
17. June 2006 @ 05:22 |
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If you don't have SwapMagic you still have 2 other methods to get the Exploit on the Memory Card.
1)IF you know somebody that owns an Action Replay MAX disc, you could just compile the save file, and send it with the Exploit Sender to your memory card through Action Replay. In that case, you would need to use the MC structure mode in the Compiler instead of the CD mode.
2) If you have a friend with a modded PS2, you could simply ask him to run the exploit disc for you with your memory card in slot 1, and you shouldn't need SwapMagic afterwards since you're already installing the exploit with your friend's mod, and after that, should be able to use the PSX trigger disc to trigger the exploit and HDLoader.
You need a regular IDE drive, NOT EXTERNAL, and a USB enclosure for that drive if you're planning on using your Laptop for installing games to it.
I see you're a little confused about how the Exploit works.
IT works like this:
There is a mode in which the PS2 instead of booting code from a PSX disc, loads code instead from the memory card. When the PS2 boots, if it finds in the memory card a certain game's code on a PSX disc that matches the code on the memory card, it will stop booting the PSX game and will just boot the code on the memory card instead! This is why you need a PSX game as a trigger. You are using the PSX game to boot up the PS2 from your memory card. But before you can do that, you need to find a way to get those files and more importantly, the PSX game's CODE onto the memory card so the PS2 can boot whatever ELF file you put in as BOOT.ELF.
You have 2 options with HDLoader:
1) You burn a disc with HDLoader ONLY
2) You place HDLoader's executeable ELF file with the installer to your memory card.
To get option 2 working, you have to place the HDLoader ELF in the /FILES directory the Compiler makes with the required files. The installer will install HDLoader on your memory card along with the Exploit, so after you boot the Exploit with the PSX trigger disc, you should be able to run it directly from the MC instead of having to swap through many discs.
On the Xbox's MOD. You can install games through HDLoader like you would a game with the Xbox drive, BUT the PS2's lens is much more fragile and lasts less than the Xbox drive. The Xbox uses a modified PC DVD-ROM drive so it's basically like using your PC to install games. You need to read the games with the Xbox's drive anyway to back them up into your PC, so you might as well use it to install your games to its Hard Drive. That's why it's not really advisable to install games with HDLoader and the PS2's own lens. You can kill your lens much quicker that way specially with scratched discs and backups.
WinHIIP installs the games through your PC in Windows! You need to get the HD connected to your PC somehow. Since you can't install normal sized IDE drives on the laptop, your only option would be getting a USB enclosure. IF you have a desktop, then you're pretty much set as long as you have wire space to connect the drive to.
PS2 V9 with Custom Flip Top
MC Exploit
ULaunchELF 3.78
HDLoader 0.8a with 160Gb Maxtor HDD
Nintendo GameCube DOL-001
XenoGC 2.0
POTS adjusted to 400Ohms from 496Ohms and runs everything thrown at it
If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. June 2006 @ 05:23
Junior Member
17. June 2006 @ 06:00 |
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Yes I definitely am getting confused... I learn best by example and by trial and error rather than just kind of reading through instructions. When I cleaned out my room two weeks ago... I throw out a ton of old crap... including my network adapter since I hadn't touched my old PS2 in years... so I need to go get one (doing that today) and possibly buying a hard drive...
First question... I THOUGHT I had read somewhere that I could hookup a PS2 already installed in my PS2 to my laptop via network adapter and an ethernet cord. Is this not correct? if it isn't, I'll probably just set up one of our older computers and use that to do it... is installing and uninstalling a hard drive difficult (I've never actually done that)
Secondly, I have Action Replay MAX disc... could you just quickly tell me (or send me a link to a forum that does tell me) how to use Action Replay MAX as an exploit? Here's my real confusion... to do the MC exploit, do I need the hard drive already installed in the PS2??? Or is this something I can do now just to get it out of the way? r
17. June 2006 @ 06:15 |
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IF you have Action Replay MAX, all you need is a crossover thernet cable to connect the NEtwork Adapter and your PC togerther. If you happen to have a router, then you're pretty much set as long as you have enough Ethernet cables. With the router you can use regular patch cables to have your PC access your PS2's IP address. So, yes, if you have Action Replay MAX you can get it done now! And no, you don't need the HD to do it.
Do you have by any chance, a USB flash drive? Because that would certainly make the need to connect your PS2 through the Network Adapter useless to get the exploit done. You would only need to place the Exploit save file to the USB drive and copy it from there to your memory card using Action Replay MAX! I really advise using this as it's a bitch to get the PS2 and the PC connected to get the exploit through.
Follow that tutorial to get it working if you have a USB flash drive and Action Replay MAX! You can always see if someone can lend you one to get the job done.
PS2 V9 with Custom Flip Top
MC Exploit
ULaunchELF 3.78
HDLoader 0.8a with 160Gb Maxtor HDD
Nintendo GameCube DOL-001
XenoGC 2.0
POTS adjusted to 400Ohms from 496Ohms and runs everything thrown at it
If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
Junior Member
17. June 2006 @ 06:25 |
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Do I need the PS2 one?? I USED to have a USB flash drive made for PS2, I honestly have no clue where it is though... can I just use the the USB flash drive I have for my laptop for my school work and such?
Junior Member
17. June 2006 @ 06:29 |
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I found the one for the PS2...
I'll try this now and let you know how it went