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How do u make BitTorrent download faster? i have been searching the answer for days.
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9. April 2007 @ 09:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
lol my router is like a god, i have optimum online and im getting like 190kb/s i think i could get more but i don't know how. i called my provider and he says my speed is 6 megabytes per second
9. April 2007 @ 10:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Algyfasgh:
Ive tried port forwarding on my router website the 192.etc.etc.etc and i used the ip that it gave me with ipconfig i have only forewarded the 2 ports that i have it set to use... dont know what other ports im supposed to open... or how to make it search more then 1 port... (I also dont know how to private msg someone lol) im getting max download speeds of about 40kB/s... is that all i should be able to get with highspeed cable? or should they be alot higher? well any more help would be great
Hmmm it depends on what cable u got i have optimum online and im getting like 180kb/s
9. April 2007 @ 14:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ValiumMm:
pretty smart showing your IP and serial key, but anyways. if your modem is a router aswell thats probably why, its probably very secure and u need to open up ports properly. Also try another torrent or mIRC and see if the speeds vary. keep in mind your max dl speed is 64KB/s on your connection.
how do i open the UP ports?
im using a dynamic ip

9. April 2007 @ 16:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you mean this?

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14. April 2007 @ 16:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I wanna see the full capacity off these dwld programs like Bitcomet etc. You know i got this new (well actually already 4 months old) Wanadoo (wich already became Orange a while ago) intrnet connection (my friend told me a 100 times but i keep forgetting,...was it called Isdn or Adsl or watever)it says 20 mb pr sec...yeah wright 4 just 23 Euros a month and along with a fhone cable for 10 euro a month (but i dont have a fhone in my house i just use the cable 4 intrnet). But wen i just started dwling these new movies like V4 vendetta (700 mb) and Davinci code (800 mb) etc wen it was new it went really fast like i"d never experienced be4 and i was really happy. Like 800/900 kb pr sec and they were in less then half an hour finished. Maybe thats cos i never dwlded those popular trrnts lol. But serious With my old stupid Chello (cable) connection (2 mb ?sec orso forgot but it didnt even came close to that)i once dlded the Dragonball Z eps(every1 knows how popular that is) ther were like 2000 leechers and 300 seeds and still it went like 280 kb/sec.

So i dont have really troubles with BitComet but i still wanna maximize it. Well actually sometimes it takes very long 4 a trrnt to connect. And you know were you see the seeds and peers and besides you see to how many seeds/peers your actually connected to. Well it never connects to the all not even half of it. Especially wen theres a thousand orso. But even just 50 peers orso and it never connects to them all. So i do have some problms and need help from you guys.

The basics 1st pls. I still have much to learn. But i already know the whole idea of this p2p stuff. You have to upl to be able to dwld. Its not like take and run away. Your dwld speed is dependant of your upld speed. And off course your dwld speed is also dependant off the trrnt. Is it popular?, are there many seeds and leechs? etc

[quote=FireComet]I've read your post about upl and dwl speed. And i know that you have to set your upl speed beneith your dwl speed. But my friend just said its very simple. With Bitcomet he said just set your dwl speed to Max and upl just alittle bit bebeith so 50 000 will do.
(Biggermac:) I'm not too sure that you do understand, maybe your explaining it wrong and you do understand.. But just in case, and I'm not talking down to you or insulting you:

...By "a little under" that's like 80% of your known upload speed maximum, not a little under your download speed max or a little under your totall bandwidth allowcation.[/quote\].......................

Bytw i know your not talking down to me your just wanna help many tnx man.

Like i said be4 my friend said just set your dwld to 0=No Limit and upl alittle beneith that,,...50 000 will do (Biggermac with this i just mean alittle under of what you've put in the dowld speed, you know your speed settings in like Bitcomet) and c'mon 50 000 KB/sec is almost like unlimited, no1 is gonna reach that. He said he dwlds 10 trrnts at the same time with like 1 mb/sec or higher with like Bitcomet orsowit these setting. But he has this intrnet (i think it was xes4all) connction 6 mb pr sec. But he keeps telling me but thats guaranteed 6 mb/sec. Not like your cheap 20 mb no1 said it would ever reach that speed. Anyway Biggermac you alrady said i have to set 80% of my max upl. This time i"ll dwld the way you say i should set my settings and compare it with the way i've been dwlding so far (dwld speed: MAx, upl Speed: 50 000).

I will run a speed test at and from there i went to :"also see : External speedtest found" and there i found a speedtest at Amsterdam wich is the same city were i live. I closed all dwld prgams and intrnet browsers exept 4 this page. Then i went to the upstream and DownStream test and pushed the start button 4 each 4 at least 40 times. My Downstream/dowld speed kept coming at 936 and 964 KB/s. And my upstream/ upl speed kept coming at 93 or 91 KB/s. What the hell 20 mb/s ...soo long bye bye. Mothefuc*in lying bastards. Ripp off. Man i should sew there asses. I mean not even one lousy mb/s. Not even 1/20 part of what Orange is claiming to sell me. Damn baasstaards arggh.

Ok so now wats the next step....kill the president of Orange...hahah lol just kidding. But i''l definately call them and tell them watsup with this shit!

But seriously Bigermac you said 80%of my max upl. My max upl was 93KB/s so lets just say 80% is 75KB/s. And what should i do then with my downl speed Biggermac or any1?

And biggermac you said be4 that the kb/sec and KB/sec is really confusing i totally agee man and i probably made some mistakes in my post. I know that 1 Byte (B) is 8 bits (b). But is 1 mb 1000 Bytes or bits?

Many many tnx in adv dudes!
14. April 2007 @ 17:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
FireComet, don't post in text speech as is a pain in the butt to read & understand. either post in proper sentences & words or don't post at all.
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14. April 2007 @ 17:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ddp you mean that my text is too long wright? Srry moderator 4 my very long post. Maybe you want to del or "edit" it but pls im asking you just leave it untill Biggermac or some other pro wll help me and answer my questions.

Ohh and some1 who hopefully replies my post pls dont quote my whole txt as thats far too long.


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. April 2007 @ 00:49

AfterDawn Addict
14. April 2007 @ 18:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No he means dnt tlk lik dis.

14. April 2007 @ 18:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
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14. April 2007 @ 18:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
380x100 and 42802 bytes.. Nice one stang :lol:
14. April 2007 @ 18:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
stang had a lot of practice with me about his various sigs.
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14. April 2007 @ 20:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by siancell:
hey toiletman im hoping that u help me whith this irritating situation with bittorrent, its the same problem ppl have... the status button is yellow wich means that i cant download at high speed. i have bellsouth dsl with a westell modem and i have no idea if i have a proxy or not. i have no firewall installed and windows's firewall is not activated.
plz help me
15. April 2007 @ 00:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by FireComet:
Ohh and some1 who hopefully replies my post pls dont quote my whole txt as thats far too long.
you got a cheek, after posting a page full of irritating text speak. This may come as a shock to you but the Forums are not actually a gigantic mobile phone.

As per ddp - 'either post in proper sentences & words or don't post at all.'

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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. April 2007 @ 00:56

15. April 2007 @ 06:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey toiletman im hoping that u help me whith this irritating situation with bittorrent, its the same problem ppl have... the status button is yellow wich means that i cant download at high speed. i have bellsouth dsl with a westell modem and i have no idea if i have a proxy or not. i have no firewall installed and windows's firewall is not activated.
plz help me
If you are on a network, even a small home network where a router is used (router = brains of network), then almost all routers are a hardware firewall, acting much like the software firewalls. You need to log into the router and "port forward" (make it OK to receive) that port, or a range of ports, that you use with your torrent program.

Also, if you use a program like Norton/Symantec products that have anti-virus, they'll usually turn off the Windows firewall, but employ their own firewall, even though they don't necessarily call their version a firewall. In these cases of software firewalls, an option to port forward. is to find where you can tell it to just ignore this or that exe file when you use it, essentially shutting the firewall (all ports) for only that file or those files when used (your torrent program).

I said all of that so you have a better understanding - a firewall lets things go out but stops stuff from coming in through ports (about 65000) because of the bad crap floating around trying to infect your computer.

So.... you mentioned a westell modem. You didn;'t give a model number. There are a number of DSL modems these days that also are routers. That = firewall. Even if not a router, some DSL modems have a built in firewall.
......Try this - put to Google: westell modem firewall
and you'll see that you might have a modem/router and/or a modem with a firewall.

--and... Google: bellsouth dsl
Mentioned something about bellsouth Internet Security and a firewall.. I don't know, but if bellsouth had you use an install disk, maybe that applies to you too.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. April 2007 @ 06:47

Junior Member
16. April 2007 @ 18:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hello ive been SEARCHING for answers to make my speeds faster. i have a linksys router and dls fast internet connection ive opened ports and added them maually in my connections area on my computer i have ports 16000-16009 opened and i use bittorrent i tried the website to se if my ports were opened and the website said the status is stealth. can any one help
17. April 2007 @ 05:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ckystyler:
hello ive been SEARCHING for answers to make my speeds faster. i have a linksys router and dls fast internet connection ive opened ports and added them maually in my connections area on my computer i have ports 16000-16009 opened and i use bittorrent i tried the website to se if my ports were opened and the website said the status is stealth. can any one help
I am not active in the torrent community anymore. Advise is from past use. I used BitTornado.

Not that it'll probably help, but I'd advise you to use a port range higher than 17000. There are like 65000 ports, try above 55000. I can't tell you why, I just remember the advise to use ports higher than 17000 from way back, and also some speculation that very high ports might squeeze out some more horsepower.

If you only do one torrent at a time, which should be the norm, you should only need to use one port (at least it was so with BitTornado). If you want to use a port range then only open up two or three ports - remember that you're punching holes in your hardware firewall permanently and even though you also run a software firewall, the less ports forwarded the better.

Which brings up - have you fixed your software firewall too, not just your router's firewall? You should be able to port forward in your software firewall too, however there is an easier and better way - software firewalls should allow you to add the exe program that runs the torrent to a "ignore" list and so for that program when it is running, the software firewall does not engage. Ignore, Exclude, Exempt, I forget which key word the built-in Windows firewall uses.

The torrent program you use should have a colored light status system, if not then use a different program. If the light always stays yellow then you are probably firewalled. Normally it might be yellow but only for a few minutes. You always start slow, because the torrent engine is based on your participation and at 1st you have nothing to upload to others in the share process, and so if you don't upload well, then the torrent engine won't let you download well.

Fix your torrent program's upload speed to be 80% of what you know your upload maximum speed is. Too low or too high here could slow you down too. (Remember KB/s = Bytes per second and kbps = bits per second, the slash doesn't make a difference, a large B vs a small letter b does. Generally torrent programs report and use Bytes while your ISP tells you your speed in bits. 8 bits = 1 Byte, or 50 KB/s = 400 Kbps. (small or large letter k is acceptable)

Other than the above, you posted minimal information, so I have no advice, other than to scroll back through a few pages and look for a re-post of helpful info (long post).

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. April 2007 @ 05:45

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17. April 2007 @ 10:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
can someone help? My download is wicked slow, at its fastest I think it was 15kbs/ s but has slowed down greatly. Im using BitTornado and the dowload accelorator and they are both located in my document. When I click run on the accelorator it tells me that bittorrent is not installed. How do I make this faster? HOw do I seed? explain slowly

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17. April 2007 @ 11:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

yes i do have the registration key, the disk just broke..
17. April 2007 @ 14:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by chicken13:
can someone help? My download is wicked slow, at its fastest I think it was 15kbs/ s but has slowed down greatly. Im using BitTornado and the dowload accelorator and they are both located in my document. When I click run on the accelorator it tells me that bittorrent is not installed. How do I make this faster? HOw do I seed? explain slowly

You don't need an accelerator. Whenc i did the torrent thing (not much lately) I used BitTornado too.

You need to post more information

- what color is the status light - is it Yellow or does it go green after a few minutes.

- Understand that KB/s and kbps are not the same

- how many seeds and peers are in your filesharing circle - try a really popular torrent for a good download (lots of seeds and peers).

What is your max upload speed and max download speed? (try
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18. April 2007 @ 14:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes well it'll still take about 10 minutes. I took some advice recently from one of the sites that shows how to speed up your rate. my speed seemed to go to 20+ kb/s with a new port # that I will not show because I dont know f itll slow down uploads if too many people use the same port. With the advice i managed to get an unsteady above 30kbs often fluctuating to the low 20s again. The tripod pictures showed my info but I guess for some reason it couldn't be streamed.
Theres something called bittorrent manager a FF extension. My experience with FF is good, fast enough that I dont need Opera and with these good features. Someone should try it, I have a limited account and cant right now. Also does WC3 require an access code to install or play online. Just wondering.
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18. April 2007 @ 18:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just realized there is a thread about this, i'm using BitTornado

I would like to improve my torrent download speed if it will be possible?
I enabled port forwarding sucsessfully and my "yellow" connection became "green" in my BitTornado interface box.
Downloading speeds improved from a maximum of 17kb/s at best to 37/38 kb/s!

I have a 192 adsl connection though. How can i get speeds of up to 100kb/s + like so many other's do. am i already getting max speed?
Is there a program i need to get to improve performance? Is my Isp throttling ALL ports limiting it to 40 kb/s any ideas what i can do to improve it?

I am connected to the conexant modem wirelesly using a port in the high 7000's for my torrent client, and the modem in turn is connected physically to another pc.
The two pc's aren't setup as a "network" I only access the modem wirellesly and can do all of it's configuration from this wireless pc.

On average my download speed is 30-34 kb/s upload speed 12 kb/s max.
peers and seeds at about 60-64

What else do i need to do to get a faster download rate? It seems downloading from website's also limits me to 40 kb/s (using Firefox or iexplorer) Did they rip me off on the connection speed they advertised? They are our national telephone service provider and i do not think they would risk doing something like that.

Any help will be appreciated thanks
18. April 2007 @ 21:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
what is your internet speed?

this site will determine your speed. Also the internet people will trick you by telling your internet speed in bits not bytes. The speed they tell you is your line speed not your download speed. Tell me what you get on that link copy paste all of what it sais when you do the test of the results.
18. April 2007 @ 23:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Everyone pay attention, at least those who don't pay attention please pay attention. ...tired of repeating it.. Try reading a few pages of posts before the one you posted for craps sake. Read a few pages in a forums thread. You lazy people I bet use cheat codes in all games you play and won;t play a game that doesn't have them. ...and you probably pay to power level your World of Warcraft character too I bet.

Report speeds right, it is important.

100 kb/s = 100 kbps. 100 kb/s = about 12 or 13 kB/s. Speeds (transfer rates) are reported two ways and it is important you get the large letter B and small letter b correct. b=bits, B=Bytes. 8 bits = 1 Byte. ..if i had my way I'd shoot the guy who took an old standard like kbps and started using kBps-KB/s whatever.

--- A popular file. I do not do this anymore, but I did download a popular TV program I missed *have a Tivo now).. Lots of participation. I could get over 2000 kbps after things got going on some. But all torrents are different even if you had the same peers and seeds, so lets say I got at least 1000 kbps (1000 kbps in torrent speed is 125 KB/s . It is also 1 Mbps , I think M = million though not certain, b is small so is bits.

You have to upload well in most cases to see good download speeds. Torrent programming was written so you can't cheat - you must participate. If your DSL upload speed sucks butt at like 120 kbps (minimal DSL) then your download speed will suck butt because the torrent thinks you're not trying to upload well enough.

-- you need to know your upload speed, and set your torrent program to 80% of that, not 90% or 100%, because the program uses that 20% to work in.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. April 2007 @ 23:28

18. April 2007 @ 23:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeh, The ISP's will purposely tell you your line speed in kbps. Get the number of that and divide it by 8. This will be your madixum download speed.
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19. April 2007 @ 01:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Here are my results, the mirror used is about 1500 km from me:

Valium, biggermac

Well thanks for the frictionate response biggermac very most probably adressed at me :), that's o'k, you told me something i never knew.
The kb/s Vs kB/s thing, Thanks. I had read myself blue in the face at so many forums that i did not have the fire left going through it all again. This time i got some good answers from you people though thanks. Trust Afterdawn to have people that knows what they are talking about thank you.

Valium i did the test with "speed test" shown above, what do you people think, by the sound of biggermac's reply it looks like my connection speed indicated by BitTornado sounds about right, all be it actually a bit lower than it should be, maybe due to my u/l rate.

Let me re-state my speed with BitTornado after biggermac's reply:
d/l speed = maximum between 32-37 kB/s and max upload speed 12-14 kB/s

So can the 20 kB/s unused or so that is left be as a result of my poor upload speed?, Can i adjust BitTornado to just upload and not download so i can get beter d/l speed, i would like to give more, if i only can. In general what do you think of my speed results, are they looking quite accurate.

One thing i should mention is that my internet browser download speeds from http sites is giving me 40 kB/s max, there u/l rates is not an issue in throttling my d/l rate down? Or maybe this is measured in a totally different way.

I'm not using any firewals.

Thanks everyone


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. April 2007 @ 01:44

Related links
Download BitTorrent from here.
Read our BitTorrent guides.
Read's guide to Azureus BitTorrent client
Brief explanation on what BitTorrent is and how it works.
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