How to make your own Memory Card Exploit using the Independence Installer
Senior Member
24. October 2004 @ 11:52 |
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ARMax EVO is able to pick up the usb pen drives,so in conjunction of a usb device it will pick up the exploit.If you look off they sell the ARMax EVO edition with a usb pen drive also,so it works with usb pen drives along with other usb methods of getting the exploits to work.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
25. October 2004 @ 15:09 |
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I have one more question. Can you put the file into ps1 memory card?
Senior Member
25. October 2004 @ 18:32 |
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Nope...the ELF files that are mentioned are dealing with PS2.I think they are only compatible to run off PS2.I never tried using a PS1 memory card,but I am sure it doesn't work for the PS1 memory cards.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
26. October 2004 @ 00:36 |
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been reading this board for a while now. got everything to work with my keylauncher 0.4 btw. anyway, just wondering, do you guys have problems using hdloader or hdadvance when it comes to online games such as socom? i know that some games will work and some won't but socom doesn't even detect my network adaptor at all. i also tried monster hunter with no avail. i have tried this on a v4 and a v7 ps2.
Senior Member
26. October 2004 @ 05:52 |
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Online games with DNAS authentication wont work from the harddrive.
Other online games work just fine tho.
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Junior Member
26. October 2004 @ 13:40 |
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26. October 2004 @ 17:56 |
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yeah, but im wondering why my ps2 doesn't even detect a network adaptor when i try to play games that doesn't use dnas when using hdloader etc. could it be that the exploit has some kind of effect? or maybe just keylauncher..
Junior Member
26. October 2004 @ 18:01 |
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Any online enabled game, both DNAS and NON-DNAS games, cannot use the network adapter when using HDAdvance or HDLoader... Since the HDA and HDL consume the drivers for the network adapter...and won't let the game use them... Thus you get that error msg that the network adapter is not detected (because it is in use by another program)...
27. October 2004 @ 01:36 |
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well that sucks. heard of some instances when the original hdloader or hdadvance would work from other places though..
Senior Member
27. October 2004 @ 02:20 |
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27. October 2004 @ 23:25 |
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um.. dnas checks and the ps2 not detecting the network adaptor are two different problems..
5. November 2004 @ 12:53 |
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Just seeing if I'm reading this correctly. Is the only way to use this exploit is by having a Gameshark or Action Replay disc?
Junior Member
5. November 2004 @ 13:33 |
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Yes you need an action replay max evo kit (its about $40) and well worth the purchase, and you even get a 16mb usb 2.0 flash drive with it... The software is pretty good and is one of the only softwares that can see a usb flash drive connected to the ps2 giving you the ability to uncrush your exploit onto it... From now on you can redo your exploit anytime you wish without having the waste cd-rs....
5. November 2004 @ 15:22 |
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Darn, If I'm going to spend $40 I may as well get HDLoader since that's all I would use it for anyway.
Thanks for the response.
5. November 2004 @ 15:26 |
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Can I use Code Breaker and my own USB Drive to put exploit to the memory card?
Senior Member
5. November 2004 @ 16:05 |
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I would have to agree nac_jacks harddrive would probably be the better way to go,but still the memory card exploit doesn't have to use the Action Replay or Gameshark only.It can be put on the memory card with swap magic discs or modchip,so there are alot more ways of using the exploit.I am not sure as for codebreaker being used for the memory card exploit using the thumb drive.It might be possible,but does the codebreaker have a uncompress option in there for the thumb drive if so then yeah it can work.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
8. November 2004 @ 13:46 |
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I have a flip top cover and swap magic discs. What I want to do is use HDADVANCE and a network adapter w/ hard drive to load my games so I can load them from the HD instead of the disc.
So, if I understand this correctly, I can use this Independence Installer to create a CD, then use my swap magic and flip top cover to install the memory card exploit with HDADVANCE on it and use my swap magic cd as my trigger cd.
I can then load the HDADVANCE software from the MC, backup games to the Hard Drive and run games directly from that?
8. November 2004 @ 18:29 |
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yeah you can do all that but im not sure whether you could or should use your swap magic disc as a trigger. just use a psx game that you really regret buying. in my case.. riven --'
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9. November 2004 @ 12:16 |
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I've been reading a bunch of the posts and I need for someone to point me to the HDADVANC ".elf" zip of rar I can load directly on the MC.
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Senior Member
10. November 2004 @ 06:40 |
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Do a search in Google.
Trust me.
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10. November 2004 @ 07:21 |
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That's what I've been trying for weeks now. Maybe I'm typing the wrong thing? I search "HDADVANC .elf zip rar" and I can't find it. What should I do?
Junior Member
10. November 2004 @ 12:05 |
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I know this is an old question but I have been attempting to get this working for over 2 weeks now.
I can get the MC exploit to install on my MC but it will not boot from it. can someone send me an .iso image that I can install from? I have an SCPH 39000 with a Messiah chip and a 30001 no mod.
Please help.
Senior Member
10. November 2004 @ 15:51 |
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Ummmm...Tacvba you can get it off the keylauncher disc which is on the very first page of this thread.Then just pull it out with a iso extractor program such as iso buster or Ultraiso one of those programs will pull out the files in the image.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
10. November 2004 @ 18:43 |
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I just helped someone (using PM) And thought It might be better to tell everyone so everyone benefits, here is the message I sent:
Hello there,
Sorry to see you've had so much trouble. I'm no expert on installing the CD exploit, but got it to work using Action Replay (Game shark in US) Max, which allows you to put saves onto the memory card (you make the save on the computer and inject it into a file, put that on your memory card, and voilla exploit (Ar max is required to put it on the memory card)
Anyway on my forums there's a thread for what your on about, and a tutorial for it, and a tutorial for max saves, here's all:
Titled "Creating a PS2 Independence Installer CD (contains PSMENU-K)"
And this one requires you to be registered and logged in:
"Making a cogswaploader exploit disc"
"Making your own max save"
I hope you find this information helpful. Exploitstation is a community of exploiters so if you need more help head to the forums over there.
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10. November 2004 @ 19:07 |
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Hi L-Burna,
I was wondering...what .irx file is associated with what .elf file? I see in the FILES folder alot of programs that i dont need and would like to delete them to save memory. The problem is i dont know what files to delete, esp. those .irx files. Im mostly interested in keeping hdloader, hdadvance, and cogswaploader. I also might want to buy a harddrive to put into the ps2..would the ps2link program be needed for that? And also, is it correct that you cannot use backup games for hdloader (only hdadvance work)?
Thanks in advance