How to make your own Memory Card Exploit using the Independence Installer
Senior Member
10. November 2004 @ 21:39 |
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I am guessing most of those files are pretty necessary the .irx files.I wouldn't really suggest getting rid of any of them.I have no clue which ones to get rid of,but you could probably find the .irx modules by downloading the actual .elf files seperate again.It should have a readme file in there saying which .irx files are needed for those programs that you want to keep,and with this in mind you can dump the rest of the .irx files.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
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11. November 2004 @ 04:34 |
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Thanks L-Burna, you rock.
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11. November 2004 @ 13:21 |
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I have looked, but not seen the answer to my question. Is it possible to load the .iso to the hdd via winhiip, or hdl_dump, then run the install via hd loader. I have a an unmodded ps2 v7 and origianl HD Loader, but no way to load a burned cd. I have a psx game to boot the exploit. Just need to install it. Does anyone know how to do this, and what changes are necessary to make it install from the hdd.
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14. November 2004 @ 16:45 |
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I have followed this "How to" and some other guides on how to install the Swap Magic to my MC. Its installed but i cannot get ps2menu to boot up. The independence installer works great and installs the files. I have checked my Title.db and it had the right id from the game. But all I get is a black blank screen when i put my psx game in...Please help!!!
Senior Member
14. November 2004 @ 19:10 |
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Sorry gbrumback I would help you out,but I don't have the harddrive man.I am sure somebody might be willing to help you out on here,if not you can always check with other fellow hdd users man.Hey whelixw what title.db creator are you using.I have a gui title.db creator that is pretty nifty if you are trying to use the Slus off a PSX disc.The program runs off the system.cnf file off the PSX disc,all you do is pop the system.cnf file from the PSX game in the program and it builds it into a title.db file for you.I was wondering is this the same program you are using or is it a different program.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
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15. November 2004 @ 03:42 |
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I used the titleman dos program. Do you think thats what my problem is? I checked it and it looked correct.I thought since the game didnt boot it was probably something else.
Senior Member
15. November 2004 @ 04:20 |
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The title.db needs to be in CAPS whelixw.
small problem i know, but if its not in CAPS, the PS1 game will not trigger the exploit and just boot the game instead.
Make sure it is "TITLE.DB" and not Title.Db.
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15. November 2004 @ 06:54 |
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Double checked my TITLE.DB was in caps. The game doesnt boot it just goes to a black screen, and stays there.
Senior Member
15. November 2004 @ 10:27 |
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hmm, what files are on the exploit disc you created? there might be a file missing or something.
And did you rename Ps2MeNu to boot.elf?
Senior Member
15. November 2004 @ 11:09 |
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Hey jonjakjam do you think the title.db was not made right to begin with man.I think it could have had a flaw making it from the very get go man.The gui hasn't let me down so far,watcha think man.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
Senior Member
15. November 2004 @ 13:18 |
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hmm ok, he says the ps1 game does not boot, just a black screen, therefore the exploit must be installed but like I said he probably hasnt renamed the ps2menu.elf to boot.elf which is why hes getting a black screen right...
I havent used the gui before, I just add the title ids using comand prompt.
Ive never had a problem like this before so im stumped L-B?
Senior Member
15. November 2004 @ 16:26 |
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I think it could be a simple thing overlooked we are just failing to see jonjakjam.I am like you man,just trying to look to see where it could have gone wrong man.I was thinking it could have something to do with the SLUS having a underscore instead of a dash maybe like this for instance SLUS-XXXXX or SLUS_XXXXX something like this could probably be the cause of it right man.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
Senior Member
15. November 2004 @ 23:46 |
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The way I see it is if the title.db is wrong the ps1 game would at least boot to the game...right and not go to the a blank sceen?
il do some tests and see if im right?
16. November 2004 @ 15:21 |
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Senior Member
16. November 2004 @ 17:26 |
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I can't really find another site that hosts a already compiled image without registering to it,but if you want you can register to and download this one called N00bies_Exploit.The direct link to download it is remember you must login to download,it is a registered site.I have the independence exploit also,but don't have anywhere to host it for everyone.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
Junior Member
19. November 2004 @ 00:52 |
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What files are required in the files directory to make the MC boot the HD Loader directly without the menu?
Rename the HDLOADER.ELF file to BOOT.ELF then what other files need to be in the directory?
20. November 2004 @ 13:54 |
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Hi- First, thanks for writing this guide. I'm attempting to perform this install and I'm running into a problem. I've got an old modchip in my PS2 that I need to use a Gameshark with in order to run PS2 games (PS1 games boot without the Gameshark). I've followed the instructions given in this thread to burn a disc and it doesn't seem to work properly. The disc boots, but all I get is a black screen that says 'Playstation' and 'SCEA' at the bottom. Nothing else seems to happen. Nothing appears to be written to the memory card and the original PS1 game I use (Hot Shots Golf, which is in the title.db file) boots up like it normally would when I thought I'd get a different load menu. Anyway, if anyone has any ideas on how to get this to work, I'd greatly appreciate it!
Junior Member
20. November 2004 @ 18:15 |
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Just checking to make sure your TITLE.DB is in capitol letters.
Also your mod chip may not be allowing the PS2 to boot a regular PS1 game you may need to hold down different combinations of reset and eject. For instance. I have a Messiah 3 mod chip in a 39000 PS2. When I run back up games I do not have to do anything at all. It just boots by itself. but when I want to use the Memory Card Exploit, I need to hold down Eject then Reset until the eject button flashes blue very quickly then let go of both and it will load the PS1 game activating the Memory Card Exploit.
I do realize that you have not gotten that far yet but you may need to do something similar to get it to boot the PS1 game. Then again you are getting the Playstation SCEA screen which most likely means a bad install or burn of the MC Exploit.
Hope this helps.
21. November 2004 @ 00:09 |
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Guys, this is a great bit of info. Definately helping me learn quite a bit. However, it is now 4 am and I have been trying since around 7 last night tryin to get this dang thing to work...and....nothing. I am trying to load it up using my gameshark2 ver 2.3. I don't know if this is the problem, I can not seem to find any info on its boot capabilities. Anyway, at the "Change discs and press X" screen, I do the knife trick swap method. The CD spools up, the screen blanks out like it is booting, then it sits for a few seconds and takes me to the red screen. SO....think you could help me or at least steer me in some general direction? Thanks much in advance!!!!!
Senior Member
21. November 2004 @ 10:58 |
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Hey RunAmuck I am not sure if you can just rename the hdloader to boot.elf or something like that,since it uses module files.I know it would be cool to have it boot up just like the menu does,but it probably won't because it has to search for those irx modules right.The module files I am thinking look for that certain name also,so changing it to BOOT.ELF would mess it up.I am not sure Donegal it could have something to do with the LBA fix though did you change the system.cnf file to 12231.If you are getting a the red screen of death when using the gameshark to boot it.It might have something to do with creating the disc.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
21. November 2004 @ 11:19 |
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I tried the LBA fix on my first one and it gave me the red screen, so I pulled the fix and left it alone... then it did the same thing. I am using CDgenPS2 to organize the files like you said. I have made about eight coasters tryin to use your order as well as some other methods like the one over at exploistation. I am using the exact structure you are using in your first post here. I was wondering though, was the folders(Files, Dummy) supposed to be placed after the files on the bin file? Hey, even if I haven't got this working yet, thanks for the tut. It has helped me quite a bit. I just hope that the gameshark version(2.3) that i am using is not the problem. Thanks again.
Junior Member
21. November 2004 @ 11:26 |
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Hey all.
Not to tell anyone they are incorrect or anything but if you use Nero or any standard burning software and just drag and drop the files it does not matter what order you use. That is a myth. even if you do it with CDGen it still writes the image in Binary 101010101010 so putting the files in any special order makes no difference to the PS2 or any other device. I know this because I write code for CD/DVD burning software.
Junior Member
21. November 2004 @ 11:30 |
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Thanks L-Burna. I am messing with the code right now to see if I can change the code for the ps menu to start by itself by selecting the HD Loader for you. That would be nice. Its not working yet but I am close. I get it to do something but it crashes instead of starting the program.
Anyone had any luck on an .elf of HD Advance 2 yet?
Senior Member
21. November 2004 @ 11:34 |
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Alright found something that corrects what I said RunAmuck there is a exploit build modified to run the hdloader without selecting it through ps2menu.The exploit is called hdloader_ps2menukloader_mc_exploit_ntsc-uc.rar .It is suppose to be modified to boot directly without pressing any buttons or anything and gives direct access to hdloader.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
Junior Member
21. November 2004 @ 11:37 |
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Where can it be found?