How to make your own Memory Card Exploit using the Independence Installer
Senior Member
21. November 2004 @ 12:00 |
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I sent it to you alright man ;) so you wouldn't have to search all over the place for it.I had your email in my private messages so I sent it to you alright man.I know you where messing with the Hdadvance2.0 to launch off of it,but maybe you can switch the hdloader to the hdadvance2.0 in the exploit and have it work.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
Senior Member
21. November 2004 @ 14:27 |
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The best advice I can tell you Donegal is probably to try out a already compiled exploit first.If the already compiled exploit works,then it has something to do with the files in the exploit you are making or something is wrong with the exploit you are building.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
Junior Member
21. November 2004 @ 16:20 |
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Its been awhile since I have posted in this thread and I have found some time to fool around with it again... Anyways, my MC exploit (tons of apps) works in slot 1, but fails to work in slot 2... Though the exploit does execute and gets about 1/2 way through the loading precedure (seems to stall when loading the IRX files and/or networking APPS... Anyways, should this exploit be able to be executed from slot 2, use hda.elf, and then when playing a game the game can then save to a "game save only" memory card in slot 1??? SInce most games are programmed to save in only slot 1??? or so it seems???
21. November 2004 @ 18:52 |
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Are you talking about the bin's like the keylauncher I used to rip the files from. I tried that already, still the same result. I have been asking around if I am doing the swap process wrong for the gameshark version2.3. Anyway...still no workie. I am going to go now and try to get that modchip a little early. I am waiting for HDLoader right now, but it is coming from Canada, so who know when I will get that. I am still going to look around, but I have made about 20 coasters right now and I just don't know what the hell is going on. Thanks for the help though.
Senior Member
21. November 2004 @ 20:08 |
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Wow 20 coasters well that sucks sorry to hear that Donegal.You said you where going to get a modchip what type of mod are you going to get,the mod I am looking at that has been alot of trouble with exploits is the messiah ones.I would advise to stay away from those,but I have heard some people have gotten around it,just more complicated though.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
Senior Member
21. November 2004 @ 20:15 |
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Yeah I tried the same thing Ataxonu the memory card fails to even get to the menu when launching it from the 2nd slot for some reason.It does have some flaws in it,but it is still cool.I am sure they will get it worked out eventually though right.I am thinking it has to do with the drivers on the exploit they put on it.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
22. November 2004 @ 03:07 |
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Alright, thanks alot L-Burna!
I followed this guide to the letter and I now have a fully working exploit. I also used your 800 games TITLE.DB and it worked perfectly.
The only thing left that I'm not sure about is how to get the harddrive to display in the PS2 Browser. Do you know anything about how to do this?
I'm using a flip-top with Swap Magic if method has anything to do with it.
Thanks again for an awesome guide!
22. November 2004 @ 07:28 |
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Thanks L-Burna. The chip I am looking at is either the dms3 or the dms4 lite. Not too different in price and they seem pretty good, also come with hdd support. Man Supa Steef, good job, kinda sucks that you had no problems and it seems like I have nothing but. I still think it is the swap method I am using, but I can not seem to find any info on gameshark version 2.3. Well, anyway, I am going to make me a crossover cable this afternoon and try to pull the exploit in over the network.
Senior Member
22. November 2004 @ 11:28 |
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The modchip that you are looking at the DMS3 and DMS4 Lite sound pretty good.The difference between them is really how they boot though.The DMS4 Lite has a automatic detection system,and the DMS3 is a manual set modchip.When they both boot up you can just plug a game into the DMS4 Lite modchip and it will automatically select what type of disc it is.The DMS3 is a manual set mod so every time you put a disc in your PS2 you have to press a button on your controller to tell the system what type of disc it is.I hope that helps you out a littel bit Donegal.I am not really sure SupaSteef about the harddrive method.I still don't have a harddrive yet,but hopefully soon.I can get the screen to come up,but for me it just gives me a error message all the time saying failed to detect device.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
23. November 2004 @ 02:04 |
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Can someone just walk me through this please? (sorry first time trying this)
at this point i have made the TITLE.DB and burned the proper iso and everything i just wanna load it onto my memory card,do i need action replay or anything?
I mean
1.put ps1 game disk in ps2 , turn on do i need swap disk or action replay or something to put in my exploit cd to put it on the memory card? or do i just use my ps1 game and somehow swap it with my exploit cd?
thanks for you help
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23. November 2004 @ 06:00 |
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tw0nk-- What you need to do after you burn your iso is boot the exploit like you would a burned game. You have to do this because the cd contains an installer expinst.elf, which loads the elfs in your files directory onto your memory card. once this is done, you will be able to put in your ps1 trigger disk and it will load the exploit instead of the disk. I can not tell you more as I have not actually got it to boot. I just bought the dms4 lite though and will be putting that in tomorrow. Hopefully then I will be a little bit more help.
23. November 2004 @ 07:41 |
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ok i bought ar max evo edition and i have put the files on my usb stick but no luck,the memory manager cant see any files on my usb stick for some reason,grrr, so is there any other way of doing this? or any way of getting my usb stick to work with it? thanks
Senior Member
23. November 2004 @ 09:50 |
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Actually tw0nk you have to make it into a .max save file the exploit.You have to use a program called save builder and put your files inside of the program and it should make the exploit for you.After you convert your save file to a .max extension which should contain all the files inside of it.You should then put it on a usb storage device such as pen drive,or digi cam some way for the PS2 to pick up the save file in memory card manager off ARMax Evo.If it picks up the device you are using you just click on the exploit file put a check on it,direct it to the memory card you want to put it on and then tell it to uncompress.If done right you should have the exploit installed ;).
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
23. November 2004 @ 10:01 |
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wahoo! got the exploit to load with my ps1 game,thanks a million, how do i play ps2 backups through this now? i chose cdloader but it says "invalid disk" , any ideas where im goin wrong?
Senior Member
23. November 2004 @ 10:19 |
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If it is the cdloaderV7_beta5.2 it won't work.I haven't found a fix around it.It will boot to the main menu,and then freeze trying to get to the aqua screen where you swap your discs.If you have any other build,you should just grab the .elf file and plug it into your exploit.I think all the other builds have the a .elf file in them,but I am not really sure.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
23. November 2004 @ 10:22 |
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L-Burna : your a legend, works now,boots up my san andreas backup, but eeep says "error reading SA disk" when loading after all the rockstar logos n stuff,arghh im doomed! hehe
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Junior Member
23. November 2004 @ 12:32 |
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Right now I'm trying to network but I can't get execftp.elf to run off the exploit, though the cd image version of execftp will work using SMDisk... Seems to fail when loading the proper drivers...
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23. November 2004 @ 16:03 |
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could som1 send me their cd or give a download link??
I would be moore than glad becouse i got stuck while making my own
24. November 2004 @ 02:38 |
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I would just like to say, I had a bit of a problem playing san andreas yesterday but i found the problem to be the first disk i put in in cd loader, ie the ps2 disk, you gotta have a game with a really high toc ,my metal gear solid 2 disk suited perfectly, now all is well, hope this helps anyone with same problems.
24. November 2004 @ 11:57 |
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Okay, new question. I just got a commercial version of HDLoader and I was wondering if there was a way that I could use this to load the exploit.
Senior Member
24. November 2004 @ 14:27 |
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I think there is a solution to getting the hdloader to start up without accessing the ps2menu.I think RunAmuck said he was working on a way to get HDadvance to boot up directly from it,since the hdloader on the exploit was very old he said.I think what you need to do is look at already compiled exploit that have been altered to boot directly without giving access to the ps2menu or ps2menu-k screen.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
24. November 2004 @ 17:39 |
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Thanks a lot L-Burna. I figured it out, or should I say some other chap did and I just sniffed it out. The prolem I was having was that the image of ExecFTP I was copying to the ps2 drive through winhiip was corrupt and needed to be fixed with cdmage. Fixed it and loaded it. I used FlashFXP to ftp to the ps2 and voila. Thanks for all the help. I am just glad I finally got it on there.
2. December 2004 @ 12:49 |
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for all of us who are having problems burning the exploit cd (poor guy that got 20 coasters) i think i have a "no-burn" solution. i'm pretty sure i thought up a way to get the exploit to the mem card without having to burn a disc, and without needing flip tops, slide cards, swap magic, action replay, or any other swap disc. all you need is a retail hdloader disc.
but i cant make it work, if somebody who knows more about this could finish what i started i think we'd be on to something really big here.
the idea is this: make the iso for the exploit cd on the computer, then use winhiip or hdl_dump to get that image onto the ps2 hdd. once you put the hdd back into the console you should be able to use the retail hdloader disc to activate the exploit and install it to the mem card.
can somebody please see if this is possible? if it works then it would save the cost of swap discs and the frustration of coaster-burning.
Senior Member
3. December 2004 @ 05:17 |
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Your method will work, you just need to make an iso for hdloader using cdgen and edit the system.cnf LBA to 12231.
Theres already an easier burn free solution.
If your fed up with coasters get Action Replay Max Evo.
It lets you use a pen drive to transfer exploits directly to the memory card. coasters are a thing of the past =)
3. December 2004 @ 06:58 |
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thanks for the suggestion, i tried it out but unfortunately i got the same error i've been getting, "failed to load cdvd.irx". if you know of how i can get around this i'd appreciate it. also, when i open the title.db file in notepad i see at the bottom there's BRDATA which i changed to BADATA since i have a US ps2. should i go back to brdata or leave it as badata? and do i have to change the LBA to 12231 in both the system files or just one or the other? the other system file is in the FILES folder. my main problem though is really that cdvd.irx error, the rest i could eventually get through trial and error. thanx a lot.
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