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HOW to backup WII GAMES.(guide)
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Recommended guide: How to copy Nintendo Wii games (up-to-date)

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30. May 2008 @ 22:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey im curios here, why cant we burn wii games with just a plain DVD burner, whats so diffrent to the factory burners? or is it the discs they use?
aaron :)
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30. May 2008 @ 23:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You can BURN Wii games with any ol' DVD burner, you just cant "Rip" the game with any DVD drive. There is nothing special about the disc's themself (except that it contains a Wii game, and Wii games are awsome). Its the information thats on the disc, and how it is stored, it takes a special laser to read the information.
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1. June 2008 @ 06:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey, i was reading up on your response about burning the games and it doesnt seem to be working for me. I downloaded mario galaxy, its iso and everything checks out but when i would go to burn it using my sony burner it doesnt seem to work, now is it b/c of my burner or the iso file. please help, my wii is modded and everything, i have one burn mario kart game works fine, i burn a copy of that on a Dynex DVD-R, but that didn't work please help me.
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1. June 2008 @ 07:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey cambochan...i would try a more reliable media like Verbatim or TDK "Gold" DVD-Rs..ive even burnt backups with Ritek G0-5s and they seem to work just fine.In reference to media, you get what you pay for... you CAN burn your backups onto, say, a Princo disc, but the life of that disc will be limited because of the quality of disc itself, as theyre not a very robust disc, and tend to scratch and "go off" after a while.For more detailed info,backtrack through this thread on Media info.
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1. June 2008 @ 10:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I would also ask if you have patch 1.9g or 1.9s?
Also is the game the same region?
Did you BrickBlock and/or wiigion free?
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1. June 2008 @ 21:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey thehopper, yeah i actually work for bestbuy so i decided like today i was going to buy verbatum, so bought like 50 pack for 12 bucks, so tried it and works just fine now, thank you for he advice. I would like to have the LG dvd rom drive so i could back up my games but everything seem so expensive.
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2. June 2008 @ 03:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
$12 for a 50 pack of Verbatims?? Geesuz..send me a thousand of em will ya!!
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2. June 2008 @ 03:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey Cambochan...theres plenty of GDR 8162 for sale on the States for $32 !! That aint expensive in my books, considering at worst to hire,rip,burn a Wii game ( including the $32 for the 8162 ) will cost ya $41 at WORST!! Thats half the cost of ONE game!!
3. June 2008 @ 19:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok I'm having a problem coping Mario Party 8, Bomberman Land, and Big Brain Academy. I have a D2Pro chipped Wii and I'm using TDK+R discs with Nero Burn and IMG burn. I also WiiFrii the games from Pal to US. The game loads and somewhat works but the screen flickers. I tried switching to 480p and it just shows a black screen with the game sounds in the background Anyone have any ideas to get it to work? These are the only game I've been having problems with. I also tried burning these games without patching them and I just get the black screen of death. Should I try using different media? I have over 30 copied games so please give me some ideas to correctly burn these games.
3. June 2008 @ 23:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@ d2guy, 1234aaron, + Many, Many Others...

OK, firstly: ARE YOU PEOPLE SERIOUS?!?!?!!?!
The rest of us had to! The Answers ARE IN THERE!!

The thread is meant to be a GUIDE!! It isn't your personal help desk/counsellor, just because you couldn't be bothered reading & researching to see if that problem has been covered already.
The thread is only so damn huge because people like yourselves couldn't be bothered reading it properly, so then post more, and more, and more... questions that have already been answered!!.. and answered!!.. anyone catching on yet???

Many people have stated throughout this thread (over and over and..) that:
The Best Media to Use Are "Verbatim or Taiyo-Yuden" !!!! (& DVD-R)

What is so F@!#ING hard about that?!?! Seriously?!?! READ!!!

I personally tried 'TDK DVD-R' discs a couple of times, just because I had a few left. These discs gave me mixed results (mostly good). But, I knew not to bother hassling people if I hadn't tried what was already basically written in stone. So, I went & bought 'Verbatim DVD-R', burnt them at 4x, with ImgBurn, as suggested,(on a few different burners).. every disc works PERFECTLY!!!

Go Figure?!?!

as far as trying to get cheaper quality discs, I was told that the better quality/more expensive ones, not only work better, but LAST LONGER. This I NOW know. A few years ago, I used to burn a few DVD's on 'Ritek'. At the time I never had a problem, discs were cheap, all worked perfectly. .. FF to present day, MANY of them have problems playing in any DVD player or computer, wasted time, money & discs I THOUGHT I had a good backup of, but mostly time! The more TIME you spend (re-trying, re-doing it), on something that is meant to be cheap/free, the more it ISN'T!
PLEASE PEOPLE, buy the best discs you can, time flies fast, you WILL need them to last!

... and PLEASE!, PLEASE! Read this "GUIDE" before posting questions! I know mine is long, but I'm sure many more people were wanting it to be said.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 3. June 2008 @ 23:30

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4. June 2008 @ 00:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well said kenbot..i ACTUALLY read ALL 88 pages when i first joined the forum...and, you guessed it,,the same questions over, and over, AND FRICKEN over again!! Like i said about 4 posts ago.....the GDR 8162 rom/rawdump/verbatim dvd-r/imgburn package ( burnt with any burner ) is the most user-friendly/cost effective/PROVEN method on this forum..THATS WHY I USE IT !!! 30-odd copied games cant be wrong!!
Now...maybe we should ban lazy asses who couldnt be bothered reading the thread!!
4. June 2008 @ 13:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm sure this post will tick off someone but I'm trying to figure out if my LG drive is producing a valid .iso file. Please read before jumping to conclusions.

First, I haven't modded my Wii as it's not even 15 days old so I will be giving it a break-in period before I break in to it to find out what mod I need (the serial number is smack dab in the middle of the non-cut pins and cut pins). Until then I would like to duplicate the software I have purchased and my daughter is making heavy useage of. These discs cost too much to have destroyed in a few months (writing is on the wall).

I have an LG drive (not on any list I've seen to date) that will create an .iso image of the proper size using friidump .3 version on my Vista computer.

Second, I have layed my hands on (borrowed from work) an LG GDR-8163B. I will be installing this drive for a few days and making .iso images using the same friidump software.

One of the data friidump displays is hash data like MD5 at the end of the .iso file creation.

The Question: Can this hash data be used to verify the files ripped from two different drives, of the exact same Wii disk match? I don't know if the hash data works that way.

Like I said, I'm looking to find out if my current LG drive is compatible before even having my Wii modified or ordering a new drive and if it works we could add that drive to the list as well.

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4. June 2008 @ 14:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You could always use something like quicksfv to check the file, but this isnt a 100% sure it will work. The BEST way to check if your backups work is to "borrow" an already modded wii and test it there. If your copies turn out to work, then add your drive to the list.
4. June 2008 @ 20:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yep, like 'Dman125' says. The ONLY way you will know if your backups work is to physically test them on a modded wii. As you may be able to tell from the amount of people who write in with things not working, it is a very time consuming & fiddly process if you don't stick to the main sequence, even with just burning them after you have the iso. There is no point in spending hours making many iso's you THINK MIGHT work, you will surely tear your hair out when it comes time test them all (and they don't work). You need to be able to test on the spot as you make each 1 till you know that equipment + method works.

Good luck & post your results if your 'other' drive works.
5. June 2008 @ 18:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by kenbot:
Yep, like 'Dman125' says. The ONLY way you will know if your backups work is to physically test them on a modded wii. As you may be able to tell from the amount of people who write in with things not working, it is a very time consuming & fiddly process if you don't stick to the main sequence, even with just burning them after you have the iso. There is no point in spending hours making many iso's you THINK MIGHT work, you will surely tear your hair out when it comes time test them all (and they don't work). You need to be able to test on the spot as you make each 1 till you know that equipment + method works.

Good luck & post your results if your 'other' drive works.
Yeap, looks like I will have to wait another 2 weeks before I pop the top and see what I have inside. I will then order the mod chip, with luck a clip on, but I'm no stranger to soldering with 30ga wire. I just want to pick the best mod chip for my system. I will be doing research (surfing the forums) all next week while on a travel for work.

Thanks for the advice and I do agree, proof is when the DVD plays on the console. When I get to that point I will of course post if the drive works or fails to create a proper iso image. Looks like I can keep the other LG drive I aquired from work. They were gonna toss it anyway because it was too old (built 2004).

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6. June 2008 @ 11:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Open the file....

If its too big, start a new dump, crash it program, then open the file...

Do it on wii sport's... post the first 100 char's, we'll compare... ;-)
8. June 2008 @ 17:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by slibs:
Originally posted by ynothuy:
how would you dump already backed up games, mine always gets error when trying, but it works fine with original copy? >< i get an error when i start dumping an already backed up game (not original)
just copy the dvd using a program, no dumping needed
'slibs' u the man, this very little info has made things a lot easier. I was so stressed about trying to rip using my gdr8082n. neway safe, should've seen it though.
12. June 2008 @ 19:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have the LG GDR-8163B
i have just come back from Thailand where i bought some wii games (which are copied of course)
how do i backup them
raw dump 2 doesnt let me do it
anyone have any ideas
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12. June 2008 @ 19:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
dazoz try READING!!!
your answer is 1 flipping post up!!
13. June 2008 @ 11:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by brightspk:

Open the file....

If its too big, start a new dump, crash it program, then open the file...

Do it on wii sport's... post the first 100 char's, we'll compare... ;-)

Well using your posting I took a look at the file created and I didn't see a shread of data in it. It was all "00" throughout the file so looks like that drive was a bust. I looked at the file created with an "approved" drive and there was pleanty of data. I had to go dig up my old hex editor XVI32 to view the huge DVD sized file and was quite shocked it opened it. It's a great hex editor. You know, I zipped the iso image and it compressed to 4.4MB, very small. The could be a possible test for someone trying out a new drive. See if there is data in the iso image (first 100 blocks). Some might even try to zip the iso file to see if it's rediculasly small like mine was.

Now to do more reading on a D2C2 mod as I believe I have that in my new Wii.

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13. June 2008 @ 18:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yep, sounds like a bad rip....

FriiDump often reports a success, but doesn't rip....

As you state often '00' through the file....

I keep thinking i'll try the SD dumper in my chipped wii !

The drives have reduced in price a bit mind...
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15. June 2008 @ 07:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i recentlt chipped my wii using the D2C-key and am hapily playing wii backups. i would like to start burning gamecube games also now.
i allready downloaded naruto GNT4 and burned it to a disc, it doesnt seem to work in my PAL wii though, the wii reads the disc as a gamecube game but when i start the game the screen goes blank.

can anyone help me??
is there any way i can play japanese gabecube backups on my PAL wii ??
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15. June 2008 @ 12:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No you cant, they are different formats
18. June 2008 @ 12:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i need help ,, i downloaded supermariogalaxy from a torrent and it was an iso file already
supermariogalaxy.iso so after that i used nero th burn image to disc with verbatim DVD+R
it finished i put it in modded wii nd disc read error occurred. ??? help pls.
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18. June 2008 @ 13:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Cant help with illegal downloads
Try buying the game and backing it up, that is what this thread is all about.
Stay on topic. > forums > consoles > nintendo wii - general discussion > how to backup wii games.(guide)

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