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HOW to backup WII GAMES.(guide)
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Recommended guide: How to copy Nintendo Wii games (up-to-date)

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2. April 2008 @ 07:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The very best discs are Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden. End of story.
2. April 2008 @ 07:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by hexxxxxx:
Found another one made by BTC

Works with friidump one thing is is no light shows up but is ripping though can hear it + game when done is right size and play very well.
This drive is 16 x BTC DVD-16x/DVD-ROM BDV316C/.20M works in 0 hours 54m.29sec min to complete working game backup.

Well call it a night check like 37 drives today and I do plan to find more as I have much work left and Drives stacked waiting.
You sir, are a legend.

I look forward to your reports. You should create a blog or something.
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3. April 2008 @ 02:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yes thansk so much. i just stick to lg gdr and y do people use fridump when raw dump 2.1 (dual layer supported) is easyly the best! is friddump faster..
yeh make a list and like link everyone wwitht the drives thx mate
5. April 2008 @ 14:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok please help me figure this one out. I take my original game and create the iso file with raw dump. The Iso is the game titile.iso. Everything works great. I burn it with either Nero or Imagburn on the lowest speed. The backup works GREAT!. Here is my problem. For fun I tried to creat an Iso of the backup disk I just created. When I do this, Raw Dump now calls the .iso file it is creating two stange charactors (I dont know what they are called) and the .iso flle is completed and the.iso now has that weird name. When I pull up a program such as Wii Update Manager, it cant recognize the Name, the region code, or anything else on the disc. It still burns and works but what do I need to do to get all that information to burn onto my backups? (and the files are untouched, they are not filtered through any region code programs. I just use it to verify the regions once in a while but never patch anything since all I use are USA NTSC discs. Thanks for your help, and if you dont believe me, try ripping one of your backups and see what it is called. Thanks
Junior Member
6. April 2008 @ 01:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you dont rip your backup disc, you just copy it. a straigt DVD to DVD copy works
7. April 2008 @ 00:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
or you can just buy the backups
7. April 2008 @ 19:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I got a question if you mod your wii with the chip, does that mean you can only play the back up disks or can you still play reg. games to?
7. April 2008 @ 20:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You can still play both.

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8. April 2008 @ 14:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok thanks cuz i didnt like want to mod my wii and not be able to play reg. games
10. April 2008 @ 05:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Being a relatively new registered member here (been visiting the site for years - fantasic resource!!), I have read through lots & lots...., well sufficient to say that I have read numerous articles on backing up Wii titles and wondered why most of us just dont use our modded Wii? Afterall - it reads Wii discs nicely :-)

I have a UK PAL Wii, D2C chipset and Infectus Argon modchip.

I use softdev's DVD-SD Backup Utility (PAL Version) with a Gamecube SD Card Adaptor (Wii-Key SD Adaptor), 2Gb SD Card (Transcend) along with a Gamecube Controller.

I have not had any issues with backing up any original UK PAL Wii game (Not tried any Dual-Layer yet, as SSBB has not yet been released here in the UK).

The Process takes an average of 50 mins to dump the DVD, 10 mins to transfer to PC, 10 Mins to join the parts together and the usual 30 mins for Imgburn @ 2.4 speed to record the .iso image.

Equipment used to burn iso:
Toshiba Equium A100-147 Laptop (WinXP - SP2) with Internal MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-8415 Drive
Ritek G05 Purple -R Media

Just thought that I would share this with you - and besides, why not use our modded Wiis as opposed to buying a different DVD Drive (Ebay Rip Offs... lol), using RAWDump, FriiDump and avoid 'potential' ensuing issues etc.

P.S. I only use PAL versions on my Wii, as do my friends; a number of which have a Wiikey modchip, with no issues at all - including SMG. So, the best advice - which is always commented upon, would be to stick to your own 'Region' and have patience - the game will be released!

Happy Wii-Gaming .............

Gwa (Gin-Sam)
10. April 2008 @ 05:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have been reading the forums for some time and I have no problem burning games to DVD -R with my burner and playing them. my new question is this. I have a burnt copy of SSBB in Japanese that i play. I just downloaded the US version and want to burn it. This is what i was going to do let me know if this is correct please.
Iso is created and patched with wiibrickblocker.
Now i use imgburner. do i place my verbatim DL DVD -R into my drive and click burn? or do i need to do some settings for it to work. read something about a break in the disc and using +r but using a special setting.
10. April 2008 @ 10:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I read your post and it sounded very smart..
can you please give a step by step guide how you do that.?

Junior Member
10. April 2008 @ 12:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by deaconf19:
I have been reading the forums for some time and I have no problem burning games to DVD -R with my burner and playing them. my new question is this. I have a burnt copy of SSBB in Japanese that i play. I just downloaded the US version and want to burn it. This is what i was going to do let me know if this is correct please.
Iso is created and patched with wiibrickblocker.
Now i use imgburner. do i place my verbatim DL DVD -R into my drive and click burn? or do i need to do some settings for it to work. read something about a break in the disc and using +r but using a special setting.
You're on your own, downloading games is not supported here. Try this tho, go to your local EB Games/Wal-Mart/Toys-R-Us/Game Dealer and Buy the game. *Note this only works about 100% of the time with no issues*
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11. April 2008 @ 03:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oook here goes ... i have a pal wii with argon 1.7 (1.8 sucks ect..) anyway i got a ntsc ssbb and i play it fine u must allow the update !! NO brick and if u brick block the game it dosnt work....! so do the update all u get is dual chanels and just drae the channels to the other page....

and yeh u need a layer break code 4 ssbb 2 burn .. go to google and seach ssbb layerbreak code and theres on on afta dawn.
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11. April 2008 @ 17:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Have you actually tried the disk's in a modded wii ?
The reason i'm asking is Frii Dump often reports a working dump

But when you actually do test it, no joy.
The dump hasn't worked.

If you have, then this is great news.. !
11. April 2008 @ 19:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have read through this thread and have not found an answer to my question (at least one which I can understand). The topic was touched upon in page 11 but a method was not explained. I have a chipped wii and I have made back-ups from my own original games, but now I want to create another back-up of a friends back-up game. Can somebody explain in simple terms how I secure the ISO from the dvdr so it can be regenerated to create a second back-up? Do I need any special programs like alcohol 120 or nero? I am new to all this so no big words please!
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11. April 2008 @ 21:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Any program that copies a DVD to a DVD
Nero, imgBurn, etc

RAWDUMP will not copy a RAWDUMP ISO image
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11. April 2008 @ 21:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
12. April 2008 @ 12:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
brightspk - you are a don!
I had already tried nero with no joy(I dont really know what im doing) so I tried imgburn. It downloaded and installed in seconds, and was so simple to use even I could work it out.

Job done!


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12. April 2008 @ 16:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

No problem.... ;-)
13. April 2008 @ 13:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah i just installed a wiikey mod chip into my wii and it still i guess i did it right lol but! when i got to play my back ups it says i dont have a game in so i dont know what to do. i been reading some forms that say i have to downgrade the wii or something do anyone know how i would go about doing that and what to use?
14. April 2008 @ 18:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have a few wii ISO on my pc but i want to transfer them to an external hard drive, but all i am getting is file to large. Can anybody help me out ??
14. April 2008 @ 19:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
How much space is left on your HDD?? You can also use wiiscrubber and then compress the files to a smaller size. I have 300 GB External HDD with 109 GB used for 49 games. All have been scrubbed with wiiscrubber and then winrar to compress; if I hadn't then I would have used about 200 GB for those games.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. April 2008 @ 19:02

15. April 2008 @ 01:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have a few wii ISO on my pc but i want to transfer them to an external hard drive, but all i am getting is file to large. Can anybody help me out ??
If you want to keep your iso's in the 4.37 Gb size format - you will have to change the format of the external HD to NTFS (assuming that you are using windows); so that it can take files larger then 4Gb. Alternatively, you could use 'Partition Magic' or even a linux distro "System Rescue CD" [FREE - Google it], which will make it possible to change from FAT 32 to NTFS, without erasing your existing files on the external HD.

Hope this helps....

Gwa (GinSam)
16. April 2008 @ 11:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Is it an absolute must that those LG drives be used to create the ISO? I just used a Friidump 0.3.0 on a Toshiba TS-L802A. It recognized as a Wii disk. My ISO was exactly 4,699,979,776 bytes. I attempted to burn with Roxio 7 and got an 0x000...04 error. but it will burn everything else fine. Is this just typical for not using the LG recommended drives? These are my friidump stats

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. April 2008 @ 12:54 > forums > consoles > nintendo wii - general discussion > how to backup wii games.(guide)

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