The PSP isn't shock resist, meaning when you drop it something can get out of place. Depending on what version of the PSP it is I'd buy a new UMD drive, if you think you can disassemble (and reassemble) the entire PSP (there are some good tutorial videos on youtube). If it's a PSP 1000 I'd buy a new (used) PSP off ebay, they simply are too old to be worth the hassle of a repair.
Xbox 360: Slim untouched with a faked 320 GB harddrive for XBL, phat with LT 3.0, played Halo early, so going on live would be an instand ban, also with a faked 320 GB harddrive
PS3: Untouched 160 GB Slim, 60 GB Fat with latest Rogero and 160 GB internal harddrive.
PSVita: hardly ever play it
GameCube: Black with a Viper chip installed. With gameboy player. Trying to get a Wavebird controller.
Google for UMD door/laser switches. An apparently dead drive in many cases could simply be a broken umd switch, (1 switch for 1000 and 2 for 2000 and 3000). See what you can find out before spending cash on a umd drive only to possibly find that your new shiny umd drive doesn't improve the situation, as well as other possibilities. SEARCH THESE FORUMS, THERES TRUCKLOADS OF INFO ON THIS PARTICULAR ISSUE.
Originally posted by masterlink: pizs help me my psp wont play umds i dont now if the laser is broken i droped the psp but it wasnt working be4 that
If you are considering fixing the psp, be aware that the psp can have a fully functional UMD drive(laser and all) and still lose the ability to read UMDs. I had a psp that was dropped and it would pop and click when a umd was inserted, and it was the motherboard causing the problem not a faulty umd drive.