I have a PSP with firmware CFW 3.71. Its been about a year since I installed my firmware, and its been doing its job so far...
I have installed Final Fantasy 7 onto the memory card, its a "EBOOT.PBP". Ive placed the file in the correct place, as when I goto my games it appears (yay)
However when I boot the game it pops up with this message:
The sytem software of your PSP is system version
To start you must update to version 5.50
Im guessing if I update via the Sony auto-update thing on the Psp its either
A) not going to update cus of the custom firmware
B) Install and wipe my ablity to play games from the memory stick.
I lent a friend my Red TOOL battery, So im guessing I wont be able to apply the newest custom firware (5.0), which sucks becasue I know you can edit the version.txt to 5.5, to fool the psp in thinking it has the 5.5 update.
I dont want to brick my psp by editing this file on the flash drive, so im a bit scared to edit it lol.
Anyone know how to get around this issue, or will I need to update the firmware?
Originally posted by tanchi: Hi All, Just an update.
I have managed to install CFW:5.0
However the game is still asking for 5.5.
I have tryed editting the version.txt to version: 5.5 but doesnt work.
Any ideas?
Hey there...I have the same 3.71 version and I'm scared that I won't be able to play games from my memory stick if I upgraded it to a 5.0 version. When you upgraded your custom firmware from 3.71 to 5.0, where you still able to play games from your memory stick? thnx :D
Ditto to the above...
But i would go Gen D-2 cuz D-3 had a problem with it on its first release.IDK about the new update for it. So its all up to you.
Good Luck!!