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The Official PC building thread - 4th Edition
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AfterDawn Addict
27. February 2011 @ 22:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ddp, im sorry for your loss.

my thoughts and prayers are with you.

MGR (Micro Gaming Rig) .|. Intel Q6600 @ 3.45GHz .|. Asus P35 P5K-E/WiFi .|. 4GB 1066MHz Geil Black Dragon RAM .|. Samsung F60 SSD .|. Corsair H50-1 Cooler .|. Sapphire 4870 512MB .|. Lian Li PC-A70B .|. Be Queit P7 Dark Power Pro 850W PSU .|. 24" 1920x1200 DGM (MVA Panel) .|. 24" 1920x1080 Dell (TN Panel) .|.
AfterDawn Addict

7 product reviews
27. February 2011 @ 22:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by shaffaaf:
ddp, im sorry for your loss.

my thoughts and prayers are with you.
As are mine.

What do you think?

Actually, I could probably live with this one...

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AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
27. February 2011 @ 23:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well put, and all the best for the tough times ahead ddp.

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
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27. February 2011 @ 23:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
How much space is your primary drive currently using?
I'd say go with the 80GB. I don't game, but have everything installed to my C: and am only at 35GB.

AfterDawn Addict

7 product reviews
27. February 2011 @ 23:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
70gb. and 20 of them don't need to be there...

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27. February 2011 @ 23:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by omegaman7:
70gb. and 20 of them don't need to be there...
Do you have your entire user folder remapped to your data drives or simply store your data there? I still think 80GB is fine.

AfterDawn Addict

7 product reviews
27. February 2011 @ 23:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No. I manually send files to my storage drives, sometimes It builds up though :S Downloads, pictures, music etc. I was unaware of such a feature. Though it doesn't surprise me. Adobe takes up 5 gigs, Fallout 3 takes about 8Gigs. Those are some big ones. But I use adobe frequently. I would prefer to store that on C:\. Fallout can obviously run from one of the black drives. I don't like the idea of installing apps to the green drives just yet. I don't like the unloading of the heads. The amount of time may be trivial, but I notice it :p

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AfterDawn Addict
27. February 2011 @ 23:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i just right clicked my downloads , music, doc folders etc etc, and made the default folders for them on my storage drive.

MGR (Micro Gaming Rig) .|. Intel Q6600 @ 3.45GHz .|. Asus P35 P5K-E/WiFi .|. 4GB 1066MHz Geil Black Dragon RAM .|. Samsung F60 SSD .|. Corsair H50-1 Cooler .|. Sapphire 4870 512MB .|. Lian Li PC-A70B .|. Be Queit P7 Dark Power Pro 850W PSU .|. 24" 1920x1200 DGM (MVA Panel) .|. 24" 1920x1080 Dell (TN Panel) .|.
AfterDawn Addict

7 product reviews
27. February 2011 @ 23:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Some of my downloads go to C:\downloads, and hem, go to a place I specified. ;) I guess I could specify where Firefox downloads stuff too, and minimize another write process. But since C:\ cache is used by almost all apps, for all I know it goes there anyway, as a temporary file...

Wow, steam folder has 11+ gigs. Surely that doesn't need to be there. I realize how it's needed but surely it can be relocated.

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AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
28. February 2011 @ 00:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My steam's well over 100 gig... lol

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
AfterDawn Addict

7 product reviews
28. February 2011 @ 00:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
And since you only have a 40Gb SSD(impressive by the way), you must have your Steam data on, A green drive? How do the games play like that?

My steam only has 2 games :p

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Senior Member
28. February 2011 @ 01:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Deadrum33:
Mr-Movies---I'm not trying to start an online argument, I just feel that you made a blanket statement in saying
Originally posted by Mr-Movies:
SSD's are not fast they are slow, but what makes them seem fast is when you turn off redundancy and error checking so Windows 7 boots very quickly due to that. SSD's are expensive and wear out fast.

If you meant when using XP, things slow down if you dont run a specific program frequently, i totally agree. I didn't want to mislead the many people who read, but do not post on forums into thinking that the majority of SSD users have issues that you speak of. They do not. Certain cheap SSD's, and old OS's have this problem.
Well XP was part of my argument but I also owe you an apology because I?m working off of old spec?s. I haven't played with SSD's for some time and you are right in that they are much faster now. I decided to do some digging around since you and a couple others were touting how good they are. From what I've found since 2009 and going to NAND floating gate technology based drives with advanced wear leveling algorithms life expectancy has increased 3 fold or better and I see that access times have sky-rocketed. I?ve been aware of this technology since it was started back in 1987 even worked with equipment using it but have never been thrilled about it, but now it?s looking much better. Also most people seem to like Intel?s SSD?s (MLC or better yet SLC?s) and OCZ should be avoided from what I?ve read. One gentleman said he only had his 1 year with 26% wear and it went belly-up on him, there are others with similar problems. I also see that quality control has gotten better because they are making EFD?s now too but at $725 for a 64GB 2.5? Intel drive is a bit steep. However for around a $230 for a MLC 120GB 3.5? Intel might work out well.

There is another old timer on the forum you might enjoy he goes by ChappyTTV and his name is Dave, really nice guy!
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28. February 2011 @ 01:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you want to move your defualt folders all you need to do is go to your User Profile location and cut the folders you want to move and past them to a new drive or other folder.

Your Desktop, Contacts, Downloads, My Documents, My Music, My Pictures, My Videos, Links, Saved Games, and Searches can be found here "%UserProfile%" under Windows 7. When you cut & past these folders elsewhere the dynamic links will update in the Regestry automatically.

I also add these shortcuts to my Links folder which in turns adds them to the explorer UI. A lot of these get around the blocked folders so that you can easily access system folders without screwing around.

If you don't like that Quick Launch is gone you can add QL to your taskbar by just adding the link below in the "Toolbar/New Toolbar" which I also like to do.

All Users Start Menu Programs
"%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Programs"






Manage Password Control
C:\Windows\System32\control.exe userpasswords2

Network Shortcuts
"%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts"

Office Templates

Printer Shortcuts
"%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Printer Shortcuts"


Quick Launch
"%AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch"

Recent Items


"%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"



Temporary Burn Folder

Temporary Internet Files Low
"%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low\"

Temporary Internet Files
"%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\"

User Account Pictures
"%AllUsersProfile%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\Default Pictures"

User AppData (Local)

User AppData (Roaming)

User Start Menu Programs
"%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs"

User Themes

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AfterDawn Addict

7 product reviews
28. February 2011 @ 01:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Mr-Movies:
If you want to move your defualt folders all you need to do is go to your User Profile location and cut the folders you want to move and past them to a new drive or other folder.

Your Desktop, Contacts, Downloads, My Documents, My Music, My Pictures, My Videos, Links, Saved Games, and Searches can be found here "%UserProfile%" under Windows 7. When you cut & past these folders elsewhere the dynamic links will update in the Regestry automatically.
Good to know. Easy enough! Thanks :D

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AfterDawn Addict

7 product reviews
28. February 2011 @ 01:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I may go with the 40Gb drive instead(can't afford too much right now). Since Sam is getting by with a 40, i'll give that a go. If I need more SSD space in the future, I can buy another, and Raid them via SATA III bandwidth for increased speed :D Provided the drives check out of course ;)

I don't recall what windows 7 64bit uses initially, but microsoft seems to think about 20Gb. I can attempt to live with that. Hopefully I can adapt certain programs that like using C:\ for temp space :S ConvertX for instance...

Sweet, I can choose a working folder! LOL!

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28. February 2011 @ 04:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Shaf, nothing wrong with 'stone age' OS's here (look at even Microsoft themselves extending XP's lifetime for, i think the 13th year or so now). We have servers at work as old as 2000 Advanced Server (we have as new as 2003 too, some are 64bit). The point is myself and the boss are firm believers in "if it's not broke, no need to fix it just to have it break again" :), we're just at that age i guess where we see past the gloss and flashy icons as being mere excuses to get us to part with more money for the same difference (it is to me really, given my uses of an OS). (I've never paid for an OS in my life, except for a version of linux funnily enough, through work many years ago), it doesn't sit well with me, buying one OS, never mind constantly buying new, flasier OSes. Pah to that. In fact i was the same about upgrading in my Solaris days (though of course you don't upgrade huge Unix servers willy nilly anyway!), however i did go to town on keeping patches updated and the RAID and backup software (Veritas) meticulously
up to date and accurate/consistent. Outside of that an OS is fine as it is as long as it'll last.

As to SSD's, not really interested in them if i'm honest. I talked about it a while ago but we have some rather expensive OCZ PCI-SSD or whatever they're called, can't remember the exact name of them now. In our production SQL servers (well 2 of the 4 main servers) we have 64GB SSD cards where mysql runs (and very fast and stable too), the plan was to eventually swap the SSD's with the OCZ ones. Trouble is, the OCZ ones have been in test machines for ages, we had a power outage a while back and despite UPS etc protection it seems one or more of the modules has gone on one of the OCZ cards (might be unrelated to the power outage). It's going back for RMA which is the easy bit but the difficult bit is the boss isn't going to want to trust these cards now (£1500 each or so) with his critical database data that runs 24/7 for many months at a time, and there's not exactly loads of alternatives out there for such tech. Kind of makes me even less interested in any sort of SSD tech, where i wasn't particularly interested before. I'm just happy with old fashioned mechanical drives, i know where i am with those (don't forget i started my work life with hard drives the size of washing machines, i'm too attached to such established tech!).
I'm a salesman's nightmare, i just don't fall for the advertising campaigns, not from 'impressive' feature lists in new products/new versions of existing products. I have a couple Win7 machines (my two HTPC's), and it's pretty and everything, but you wait 'til you have to work on loads of Win7 machines at work, when some have (i kid you not) 80+ network connections for no apparent reason, give me XP anytime (i'm not very keen on Win2K though, we have tons of those in use, it's ok and everything but when it breaks it breaks badly).

Sorry for your loss DDP, take care.

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. February 2011 @ 04:56

AfterDawn Addict
28. February 2011 @ 05:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well, I've tortured the living crap out of my new Phenom II x6 1090T, running at 4.018GHz, for over a week now and it runs beautifully. I did everything I used to do with the x4 955BE, and everything runs faster, and the CPU runs much cooler, even with all 6 cores stressed at 100% It does run at 4.1GHz, but I have to raise the CPU voltage to 1.448V, and I really don't want to do that. I'm expecting 4.2GHz out of it in an 890XA AM3 motherboard, at just under 1.4v, so I can wait! I've got a customer build coming up this week, so maybe I'll go ahead and buy the Motherboard, and get the DDR3 when I get some more funds in!

Rick should have my Phenom II x4 955BE and Freezer 64 Pro I swapped for the 1090T, some time today, and I'll help him set it up in the MA-790X-UD4P motherboard he has. His x6 1090T BE is going in a new MA-890XA AM3 motherboard, in a case identical to mine, so he may even decide to overclock it!


GigaByte 990FXA-UD5 - AMD FX-8320 @4.0GHz @1.312v - Corsair H-60 liquid CPU Cooler - 4x4 GB GSkill RipJaws DDR3/1866 Cas8, 8-9-9-24 - Corsair 400-R Case - OCZ FATAL1TY 550 watt Modular PSU - Intel 330 120GB SATA III SSD - WD Black 500GB SATA III - WD black 1 TB Sata III - WD Black 500GB SATA II - 2 Asus DRW-24B1ST DVD-Burner - Sony 420W 5.1 PL-II Suround Sound - GigaByte GTX550/1GB 970 Mhz Video - Asus VE247H 23.6" HDMI 1080p Monitor

AfterDawn Addict

15 product reviews
28. February 2011 @ 05:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Shaf, nothing wrong with 'stone age' OS's here (look at even Microsoft themselves extending XP's lifetime for, i think the 13th year or so now). We have servers at work as old as 2000 Advanced Server (we have as new as 2003 too, some are 64bit). The point is myself and the boss are firm believers in "if it's not broke, no need to fix it just to have it break again" :)
Likewise my Q6600 rig has been running the same install of XP Pro for about 3 or 4 years now. Just keep it to light duty tasks and fileserving and Win XP can last quite a while. I have no speed, functionality or stability issues so far and I wouldn't be surprised to see it do another 4 years. The only major stuff done on the machine is BIOS flashes for video cards and the like and some moderate gaming when my friends are over. Otherwise it's just a fairly beefy OC'd filebox :P

AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 4GHz(20 x 200) 1.5v 3000NB 2000HT, Corsair Hydro H110 w/ 4 x 140mm 1500RPM fans Push/Pull, Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5, 8GB(2 x 4GB) G.Skill RipJaws DDR3-1600 @ 1600MHz CL9 1.55v, Gigabyte GTX760 OC 4GB(1170/1700), Corsair 750HX
Detailed PC Specs:

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Senior Member
28. February 2011 @ 12:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by omegaman7:
I may go with the 40Gb drive instead(can't afford too much right now). Since Sam is getting by with a 40, i'll give that a go. If I need more SSD space in the future, I can buy another, and Raid them via SATA III bandwidth for increased speed :D Provided the drives check out of course ;)

I don't recall what windows 7 64bit uses initially, but microsoft seems to think about 20Gb. I can attempt to live with that. Hopefully I can adapt certain programs that like using C:\ for temp space :S ConvertX for instance...

Sweet, I can choose a working folder! LOL!
I don't think that will be enough space. On one of my 32bit Seven machines that has only the OS on it. programs & my user profile folders are all on other partitions and it is using 35GB's which will increase more with time. A 64bit OS would have more bloat to it of course. So 40GB would be too small my target size would be 64GB SSD's if I was to consider spening the money to play with this. And if I wanted to put my Program Files on it to than I think I'd go with the 120GB MLC Intel offers it is $230 at NewEgg right now. I think one of the articles I read was correct though it is best to wait a couple of years,then even the SLC's EFD's will come down in price.

If you just going to just play with the SSD then maybe 40GB is good to go with.
AfterDawn Addict

7 product reviews
28. February 2011 @ 12:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You're probably right though. For flexibility 80Gb+ would be a better idea. Since that's the case, I'm gonna have to wait til next week. I need to sell something of mine to be able to afford it. Couple of audio amplifiers should do it. Plus I'm selling my secondary. My eyes should be welling up in no time :( But at least selling my secondary, I'll be able to afford the 1090t. And I can sell the 965 to help with that cost.

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28. February 2011 @ 14:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
A agree a 40 is too small. I had a 30GB Vertex which was good untill i stopped babying it and really wanted to fill it up! Intel beat them at the time, and now with the VErtex2 OCZ have the speed advantage again (probably until the next generation Intels come out LOL).
Now i only use it as a scratch disk on my Hackintosh partition for Final Cut video and Logic pro audio editing software.

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28. February 2011 @ 14:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Deadrum33:
A agree a 40 is too small. I had a 30GB Vertex which was good untill i stopped babying it and really wanted to fill it up! Intel beat them at the time, and now with the VErtex2 OCZ have the speed advantage again (probably until the next generation Intels come out LOL).
Now i only use it as a scratch disk on my Hackintosh partition for Final Cut video and Logic pro audio editing software.
Off subject sorry for this, but do you like Final Cut and/or prefer it over some of the MS based tools like Pinnacle/Sony Studio's or others in the area? Or have you only played with Final Cut?
AfterDawn Addict

7 product reviews
28. February 2011 @ 15:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
From what I've seen in Adobe premier pro, I don't see the need for a mac/hackintosh. Though one day I'd like to check it out. The TNG edits seen on youtube, are partially attributed to Final cut. That is the only reason I want to check it out LOL! Some very tricky editing was done with them.
I finally bought the Sata dock station. That'll be very convenient. As well as another Green drive. What can I say, I like living with risk. Besides, both of my 2 current green drives, have not changed their behavior(touch wood)in the months I've had them. I hope they release a 4Tb or larger drive, that way the 3Tb drive begins to become a viable option ;)
I imagine my land lords are gonna think i'm made of money :S

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28. February 2011 @ 16:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I play with OSX hacked for normal hardware and enjoy the MAC OS even though it is limiting. I would never pay the price for official MAC hardware but would buy the OS if it was opened up for any PC usage.

I've stayed away from Premier because I don't like Adobe as a whole, too many things running, they update even when you say don't, and poorly programed interface in my opinion. I do use Acrobat writer and Paint Shop but again they are archaic in design and too expensive for what they offer. Whenever possible I'll use other tools and do not rely on Paint Shop as I have other tools I use just as much.

Thanks for the input though I suppose I should give Premier a spin and see if it matches up or does stuff my other tools don't.
AfterDawn Addict

7 product reviews
28. February 2011 @ 16:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Building a computer for a friend. What do you think?
Memory F3-10600CL9D-4GBNS
CPU AMD Athlon II X4 640 Propus 3.0GHz
PSU Corsair 430CX
DVD drive Sony Optiarc AD-7260S-0B
HDD WD5001AALS 500Gb

422.66$. Not too bad ;)

I don't allow Adobe to update. Never had a problem here :S

To delete, or not to delete. THAT is the question!

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