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TES Oblivion Graphics help
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29. March 2007 @ 10:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi, i just bought this game, and read through the support... the oldblivion runs real nicely with the graphics... except that my character automatically keeps on moving backwards, even when i don't press anything. any suggestions to fix the problem?
1. April 2007 @ 14:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Perhaps you set your character to look too much like michael Jackson and he is doing the 'Moon Walk' hehhe jk Try changing your action keys to new ones see if that will correct it. or perhaps a background spyware program is keeping a key active

Alternatly if a key is always depressed on your keyboard that can cause it pull it out clean the gunk out of it
Originally posted by gotone12:
hi, i just bought this game, and read through the support... the oldblivion runs real nicely with the graphics... except that my character automatically keeps on moving backwards, even when i don't press anything. any suggestions to fix the problem?
4. April 2007 @ 13:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey guys, nice information and it is helping a lot but I need some help.
I have this problem that when i load my game or just playing a little while, the screen goes black and it says "power saving enable the monitor will shut down in few seconds"
And the only ways i know to get back to the desktop is with ctrl+alt+delete or alt+tab.
Please help, i dont know how to get rid of it and i really enjoy playing Oblivion.
Thank you for any suggestions.
4. April 2007 @ 17:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If it is a POWER saver option in windows select desktop background (right click a clear area) Select PROPERTIES select SCREEN SAVER then select POWER then under SETTINGS FOR ALWAYS ON POWER SCHEME under all those settings make it 'NEVER'

****NOTE**** this is based on windows xp professional if settings vary find POWER OPTIONS in same settings

this info is if it is simply shutting off through this setting

If your game is CRASHING set it to WINDOWED MODE ONLY you then should have option to CTRL-ALT-DELETE once to get task manager and manually shut down the game through that

If you have full screen mode if game crashes like 99% of time you have to power off the computer
hope the info helps

Originally posted by FanAgain:
Hey guys, nice information and it is helping a lot but I need some help.
I have this problem that when i load my game or just playing a little while, the screen goes black and it says "power saving enable the monitor will shut down in few seconds"
And the only ways i know to get back to the desktop is with ctrl+alt+delete or alt+tab.
Please help, i dont know how to get rid of it and i really enjoy playing Oblivion.
Thank you for any suggestions.
12. April 2007 @ 18:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks graffik man, it really did help!
It works sweetly, but of course it crashes sometimes.... but i'm sure that everybody's game crashes once in a while.
Again, thank you for the help :)
A tip for everybody that i'm sure that everyone knows already...
go to your desktop and right click on your MY COMPUTER, then press PROPERTIES and then choose HARDWARE, then press DEVICE MANAGER and then check for any question marks, if there are, then you know what to update or to put/instal or to reinstal.
hope it helped somebody because it sure made less crashes! :D
have a happy game guys and thanks much for all your tips and helps!
13. April 2007 @ 22:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Good to hear that helped here is some help to people if they buy new GFX cards and they do not seem to be any better:

RESET COMPUTER on first screen hit one of the following * : DELTE , F1 or ESC KEY
goto your system bios program (if available) find option APERATURE (will vary depending on the bios info) match the number to the size of the MEMORY on your graphics card (do not go higher computer will crash) Usually this setting will not update unless you do this.

* Keys may vary on BIOS look at screen where it says saying 'HIT ??? TO ENTER SETUP'
Some of these commands in BIOS area can cause computer to crash so make sure to keep a note of any changes and go back to original numbers if you experience computer crashing on startup.. HOPE IT HELPS
18. April 2007 @ 08:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just a heads up for those following this thread Elderscrolls has released an official expansion pack recently to Oblivion called 'Shivering Isles' if you like oblivion you should get it :)
18. April 2007 @ 12:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Does the expansion work if you're running oldblivion, anyone no?
22. April 2007 @ 07:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey... i wander if anyone could help me :)..
i've instaled oblivion on my computer and when i start it an error appears saying *oblivion has encounter a problem and needs to close*
i've got a geforce4 mx video card
i've tryed using 3d analyze and it works at the beggining but went i press ne game the error apears again.
is there any way to play this game with my video card??
please help

edit... when i press NEW game

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. April 2007 @ 07:24

22. April 2007 @ 08:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by kazzagen:
hey... i wander if anyone could help me :)..
i've instaled oblivion on my computer and when i start it an error appears saying *oblivion has encounter a problem and needs to close*
i've got a geforce4 mx video card
i've tryed using 3d analyze and it works at the beggining but went i press ne game the error apears again.
is there any way to play this game with my video card??
please help

edit... when i press NEW game
Try reinstalling DirectX 9.0c that comes with it then deleting oblivion and fully reinstalling it, as well as not using any addons while starting it to see if that helps Note as said before on previous messages oblivion will not necessarily work on eveybodys computers you should be running AT LEAST 2 ghz processor, for more details on requirements see previous messages If you still have problems on initial start let me know I will make a temporary link with a file where you are just inside the Jail after starting

response to the following :
Does the expansion work if you're running oldblivion, anyone no?

It is an expansion hopefully will be fine.. but what is 'Oldblivion'? a copy or something? as for it being an addon it may replace certain textures/landfills meaning if you probably should re-install any addon files after running it or they may become incompatable or may not work if this addon changes landmass
22. April 2007 @ 14:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oldblivion is a program that allow people to play oblivion on older graphics cards like the radeon 9250. if you wnt to find out more about it check out their site
22. April 2007 @ 15:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by mage608:
oldblivion is a program that allow people to play oblivion on older graphics cards like the radeon 9250. if you wnt to find out more about it check out their site

Ah would have been nice to have that when i had that gfx card, however Oblivion burnt the card out LITERALLY the new card works well 'nuff without addons except gfx settings have to be set to minimal to get into 1 castle, and the first quests house otherwise it crashes 100% of time fortunatly this card does not reset computer on oblivions errors :)
23. April 2007 @ 06:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i've tryed a newer version of 3d analyse and it works geting in the game but the screen is white.
i heard that by using a prog called oldblivion the white screen problem will be gone, but i cant use 3d analyse and oldblivion at the same time...
can anyone help me :(
25. April 2007 @ 12:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
IF you have not all ready tried this type the exact words of the error into google and see if any results come up others sites might already have fixed this problem another way. Also you might try and see if oldblivion fixes both of you problems. it's done wonders for me. also make sure to get the latest version of oldblivion.
30. April 2007 @ 16:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by mage608:
Does the expansion work if you're running oldblivion, anyone no?
Shivering Isles will re-write OBLIVION.exe (main boot file for oblivion) it probably will conflict with OLDBLIVION

HOWEVER the new file may be a major update to oblivion meaning it may have fixed the old oblivion errors. Contact the oLDblivion site ask if they have an update for SHIVERING ISLES

Also for those interested in what SHIVERING ISLES IS (this is not really a spoiler just general tidbits): it is a huge area added to
Oblivion alot of new quests, monsters, graphics and more Some old user defined mods may conflict. New area is mostly another dimension so it will not afect the map itself and can be played with old saved states More details at as well as images

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. April 2007 @ 16:44

15. May 2007 @ 09:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I had the same Purple Ground problem, spent a few weeks looking for an answer.
I finally solved the problem by installing a new landscape texture set.
Here is the link to the texture set I used. It's over 300 Mb. long.
It's called Oblivion Texture Replacer.

I hope this solves your problem as well
23. May 2007 @ 12:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok i have the oldoblivion and all that from the stickied thread and i can do the tutorial part were the emperor dies and you have to go down the sewer well when i press to climb down the sewers it shuts my game down ive got everything on minimum and ive got it on windowed mode the game ran fine wen i did the first quest. any suggestions?? please im really desperate
23. May 2007 @ 12:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you might want to check these
Do you have the most recent version of oldblivion(I think the latest is 1.7)?

Does your graphics card have the most recent driver?

if that does not work go to the oldblivion site and see if anyone there has had a similar problem.
23. May 2007 @ 13:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by mage608:
you might want to check these
Do you have the most recent version of oldblivion(I think the latest is 1.7)?

Does your graphics card have the most recent driver?

if that does not work go to the oldblivion site and see if anyone there has had a similar problem.
yes ive done everything there and it works but the sewer part wen i go to enter it ill check that site and let ya kno how it goes
23. May 2007 @ 13:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by mage608:
you might want to check these
Do you have the most recent version of oldblivion(I think the latest is 1.7)?

Does your graphics card have the most recent driver?

if that does not work go to the oldblivion site and see if anyone there has had a similar problem.
yes ive done everything there and it works but the sewer part wen i go to enter it ill check that site and let ya kno how it goes
yes it worked i installed the latest version thanks so much :D
23. May 2007 @ 22:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by mage608:
you might want to check these
Do you have the most recent version of oldblivion(I think the latest is 1.7)?

Does your graphics card have the most recent driver?

if that does not work go to the oldblivion site and see if anyone there has had a similar problem.
yes ive done everything there and it works but the sewer part wen i go to enter it ill check that site and let ya kno how it goes
yes it worked i installed the latest version thanks so much :D[/quote]
If you still have problems set graphical settings to 'VERY LOW' disable additional plugins, And disable or close additional programs running in background (like IE windows, control panels, etc)
24. May 2007 @ 13:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Recently installed Oblivion and having trouble with the distant rendering land thing.
My specifications are:
3.0 Ghz Pentium D (overclocked at 3.5)
2gb Ram
7950 GTOC 512mb

i've had these tested on the systems requirement lab to run with this game and it came full in everything so i'm a bit confused why the land is not being correct.

The problem is that when i click the option for "distant rendering" the land (the floor) starts to lose it's colour and becomes a lot more basic and distorted. When the distant rendering is turned off the ground looks like it shuld do.
I wondered if anyone could post any advice?

Here's a printscreen:-

3. June 2007 @ 05:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i seem to have created an erradication of further replies :P
however i worked it out. My gfx card struggled with my dual core processor, i installed some drivers from the windows site and all is well. Incidentally i noticed the colours on the ground were the same as the roofs of houses in the villages.
3. June 2007 @ 08:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by 2JmJ:
i seem to have created an erradication of further replies :P
however i worked it out. My gfx card struggled with my dual core processor, i installed some drivers from the windows site and all is well. Incidentally i noticed the colours on the ground were the same as the roofs of houses in the villages.
I am not too familiar with said gfx issues however the colors you showed are not normal to oblivion and like you said probably an incompatability of gfx card. try running oblivion with only the main esm (no addons at all) see if that improves situation or re-installing the direct x that comes with the oblivion itself
but if you worked it out like you said cool beans
3. June 2007 @ 09:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
nono it's cool, it's working normally now. full graphics and everything :) thanks anyways > forums > software, operating systems and more > windows - games > tes oblivion graphics help

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