The Official Graphics Card and PC gaming Thread
AfterDawn Addict
7 product reviews
20. May 2009 @ 02:28 |
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Something just made me rather nervous! I minimized GTA IV, and went to the start bar, and noticed a new task. "Revoke license" and it had the GTA IV icon! WTF!!! I bought my friggin game. Why would that be there? This is one of the few games out there worth buying.
By the way. I dont regret buying Left 4 Dead either :D

To delete, or not to delete. THAT is the question!
20. May 2009 @ 04:33 |
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heres a random question just to break up all the gaming talk! :P not on purpose though lol. I am outputting to my sony 7.1 head unit from my pc via optical audio - but if I leave it on 'auto detect' it only detects a 2 channel output from the PC. Also, when playing call of duty 5, the option to select my speaker configuration is greyed out on 'stereo'. I am currently playing music on the prologic setting, which is good, but when gaming I thought it should detect it as dolby digital?
Gigabyte 3d Aurora 570 | Coolermaster Real Power M1000 | Core i7 920 @ 4.0ghz w/ Coolermaster V10 | DFI LanParty DK-X58-T3EH6 | Evga GTX275 SLI @ FTW clocks | 3x2GB Patriot 1600mhz | Seagate 500GB x2, 1.5TB, FreeAgentPro 500GB | Dell 2408WFP | Windows 7 Professional x64
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20. May 2009 @ 05:11 |
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Hey Rubix from down under. I am not the genius these other guys are, but did you check control panel - look under sounds, and make sure it shows your speaker setup as being 7.1. I know that Counter Strike goes to the control panel setting, no matter what you really have. It ignores whatever you type in the Counter Strike speaker test, if you have something else in control panel. I just came across that the other day. You've probably already done that, lol.
Kevin - funny I'm using a battery mouse on my laptop - optical wireless - and I like it so much I'm using it also on the gaming rig. So far I agree - no lag whatsoever that I can tell. I picked up this little optical Logitec which automatically turns off the mouse if not in use, to save the battery. Sweet!
Sam, what the hell did you say?
Assault rifle has 410 bullets total, not the 300 that I thought? My god, you're right. Yes, now I remember. You stock up on ammo and you have 360 rounds of ammo, and 50 in the clip? Can that be?
I turned on the game to check! What the hell, colt has a 50 round clip.
So the 30 rounds per clip comes from all the Counter Strike Source I was doing 2 weeks ago! Sorry guys for posting bad info on the forum!!
Anyway, that is a real shock about the Colt having 50 rounds. Originally posted by Rich thinks Valve took poetic license: I went out to Google, and it looks to me, without doing a lot more research, that Valve took some poetic license. From what I see, max rounds per clip on M16 and M4 and other Colt variants, is 30. (By the way - the M4, which IS a COD4 weapon, is just a colt with a 6" shorter barrel.)
There is a box type clip with 40 rounds, and a helical clip with 90 rounds. Also, the firing rate of the colt is faster than L4D at 10 rounds per second or higher, whereas I measured 8 rounds per second. So it looks like Valve decided to give you more rounds per clip, but slow the gun down a bit.
Not the first time I?ve seen this. The Bullpup in CSS fires much faster when you aren?t looking through the 2x scope. My point being that the gun doesn?t know you are looking through the scope and shouldn?t fire at a slower rate. But, as Miles tells me, Valve does that kind of thing to try to balance out the effect of various guns, lol.
Holy crap! I entered the No Mercy Single Player Advanced finale and you can't select an Uzi if your life depends on it. You are only carrying one pistol, and there are only 3 guns on the table: 1 the colt, 2. the auto shottie, and 3. the hunting rifle.
But where is the damn Uzi? I know there was an Uzi. Of course I was playing round after round after round. Come to think of it, several times I grabbed the regular shotgun accidentally when I meant to grab the auto shotgun, and now I don't even see that on the table. (So I guess the director, seeing how pitiful I was doing, failing round after round, decided to make all the guns available to me, hahahaha.)
Alright, we have established that Colt and Uzi both have 50 rounds per clip. In that case, other than the Colt being more powerful, as Sam has pointed out, does the Uzi have anything over the Colt?
Well ..... Hell, yes it does! Here is one key advantage of the Uzi over the Colt: On a per clip basis, the Uzi unloads its ammo 50% faster than the Colt!
The little Uzi just spits out those damn rounds like it was a fire sale!
Originally posted by Rich compares Uzi smg to Colt assault rifle: UZI STATISTICS: Total rounds, 530, 50 per clip, 9 full clips of ammo, 10th clip with only 30 rounds. FIRING RATE & RELOAD: The 50 rounds fire in 4 seconds, and the gun reloads in 2 seconds.
COLT STATISTICS: Total rounds 410, 50 per clip. 7 full clips of ammo, 8th clip of only 10 rounds. FIRING RATE & RELOAD: The colt fires 50 rounds in 6 seconds. It reloads also in 2 seconds like the Uzi.
COLT VERSUS UZI: Faster firing rate with uzi - 12.5 rounds per second, versus colt firing rate of 8.33 rounds per second. You are able to empty a 50 round clip into an attacking horde in only 4 seconds versus the more leisurely 6 seconds on the colt.
Total time of full fire to empty: Uzi fires 10 full clips in 40 seconds and last clip in, let's say, 3 more seconds. You reload 10 times, which takes a total of 20 seconds. So with Uzi "fire until you are out of bullets" time is 63 seconds.
The colt fires 8 full clips in 48 seconds. Last clip of 10 fires, let's say, in 1 second. You reload 8 times, for 16 seconds. So with Colt "fire until you are out of bullets" time is 65 seconds.
That is roughly the same firing time, 63 versus 65, for both guns. But the Uzi spits out 25% more ammo during that time period, however with not as much power per bullet as Sam correctly points out. You can see the difference when you do a colt head shot and watch the blood pour out in a bright burst of red, which is kind of funny. You don?t get the same red display using the uzi is my experience.
But, also in my experience, the total number of bullets flying out of the Uzi, 25% more bullets per total time period from full to empty, or 50% more bullets per time period on a per clip basis, makes it a gun that can match the colt, or, perhaps even beat the colt, in close range killing power!!
By the way, guys, I've been reading and reading. I said in my last post that the Colt doesn't appear in COD4, and I was wrong. The M4 of COD4 is directly derived from the Colt M16. The main difference is a 6 inch shorter barrel. The shorter barrel makes it less effective over 300 meters in distance. However studies have found that most combat situations occur in 100 meters or under. In Counter Strike, the colt has awesome accuracy from one side of the map to the other - I have gone one on one against an AK on the other end of the map and beaten the (more powerful) AK many times, as long as he doesn't start firing first with his one-round kill ability. With the lower recoil of the Colt, versus the AK-47, when I start firing first, in controlled bursts, the impact reduces his ability to accurately aim, and he's mine!! LOL
Back to Sam?s observation about speed of movement depending on which weapon you are carrying. So, Sam, it's true? You DO "run" slower holding the assault rifle. (You said ?walk? but didn?t you mean ?run?? The game is ALL RUN, isn't it, other than when you crouch, or is there something I'm missing?) So if you want to get the hell out of there, Q quick change to pistol! Kevin - take note! Come to think of it, I believe I DID notice that hunting rifle was really slow to run with. Is that correct? What about shottie?
Good observation Sam. I used to wonder on CS why guys would switch to knife as they moved quickly across the map ? I thought they were just being macho until I learned later that you run faster, lol. What about pipe bomb or molotov, Sam. I imagine that you run as fast as pistol with one of those selected.
Kevin, glad you're getting used to the controls, and that the tutorial actually benefited somebody. I didn't know if you were actually already past that point when I wrote it, but I thought it couldn't hurt, just "in case."
As regards the witch, I also understand, in addition to "no flashlight" that you have to actually crouch down (Ctrl key with little finger) and sneak past the witch that way, if you want to really be sure of not startling her. Hahaha.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
20. May 2009 @ 09:36 |
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As much as a wired mouse annoys me (and it does), it's less than 1% of the annoyance of the weight, reliability and precision of a cordless mouse. Buy a Razer, use it for a fortnight, and you will hate wireless mice, I guarantee it.
Senior Member
20. May 2009 @ 19:24 |
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Sam, that sounds quite convincing. My mouse is so bad - it's a typical $5 optical mouse - in fact I think I got it for free with an order of ink jet cartridges - that right now the $30 optical mouse that I got for the laptop is a huge step up. But as much as I also hate the wire, which for some reason always wants to push back against, me, and despite the fact that the optical is working quite well actually, I respect your judgment and it sounds like the Razor deserves a try. Let me ask you this, however, what about the argument for laser over optical? Any advantage there?
Changing subject, Kevin, how is the Left 4 Dead coming?
Speaking of Left 4 Dead, our forum, After Dawn, was well represented today fielding a complete Left 4 Dead team with myself, Sam, Jeff and Shaff's little brother Soaid - I forgot how he spelled it - pronounced roughly SHO-ayd. We blasted through No Mercy - Soaid's first Left 4 Dead multiplayer experience (he's a COD4 man like his brother) on Normal - and we all made it out of there on the first attempt feeling quite good about that.
Soaid bid us goodbye, and the three of us continued on, ratcheting up the difficulty to Advanced, and switching to the campaign called Blood Harvest. We all got killed at the finale, about 4 or 5 times. Then Sam went to dinner, and shortly thereafter, Jeff and I took a break for lunch.
I ended up coming back to the same lounge and playing with the bots on the same Blood Harvest Advanced finale.
For some strange reason, again the Uzi came through for me, after 5 or 6 failed attempts with other weapons, including the Uzi. At the end, I got out of there with 2 bots. (The 3rd bot was fine until the very end but got pinned by a tank on the steps into the armored carrier, lol.)
Being that the team was all bots plus me, I was the lucky one who got to trigger the alarm. Telling the bots "Wait" with the Z key, I switched to pistols to run as fast as possible before they lost their patience and started following me around again. Hitting the final alarm and returning to the barn, I have to say that the terrible blood-curdling zombie scream, when the horde starts coming, manages to never lose its horror!!!! It always send chills up my spine as I make sure that clumsy me does not get into such a f**king panic that I bungle the ladder climb onto the ceiling of the barn. Hahaha.
In other words, the game scares the crap out of me!
Regarding the Uzi, I don't really know if it is just happenstance. At one point Sam was quite insistent that I grab a level 2 more powerful weapon, so I grabbed the Colt. But the success at the end, once again, was the Uzi. I have only made it out of 2 advanced finales, both times with 3 bots, and both times with the Uzi.
Again, my tentative theory (based on very little data actually I must admit) is that the 12.5 rounds per second Uzi fire rate, 50% faster than the 8.33 Colt fire rate, better suits my L4D game style somehow. I can empty the entire 50 round clip on the tank in 4 seconds, not 6 seconds for the Colt 50 round clip. The hardest time I have is staying out of the tank's line of concrete-block-throwing fire, so if I can quickly damage him and run away as I reload, I like that. Theoretically the Uzi should deliver less damange per bullet on the tank, but somehow it seems to bring him down, again maybe because he gets hit with more of my Uzi bullets.
Perhaps it all proves what I have always said - that at heart I am a confirmed P90 man, lol.
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20. May 2009 @ 19:29 |
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Rich, we should play some l4d together. what is your steam id? mine is "krj15489"
GAMING COMPUTER - Intel q9550 @ 3.4ghz | EVGA GTX 260 core 216 | Gigabyte ds3l | 6gb Gskill DDR2 800 ram | Silverstone 700 watt psu | WD 640gb hdd | Seagate 300gb hdd | LG dvd burner | Samsung dvd burner | Antec p182 case | logitech 2.1 speakers | logitech g11 keyboard | Samsung 25.5in 1900x1200 monitor | 19in 1440x900 secondary monitor | Windows 7 64bit | SERVER - Gigabyte 785g motherboard | AMD Phenom 9650 | 6gb ram | three 1.5tb hdd | Seagate 1tb hdd | WD 750gb hdd | two 300gb hdd | Maxtor 200gb hdd | Ark rackmount case | CentOS 5.5
Steam name = "krj15489" alias = Jordan-k
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
20. May 2009 @ 19:56 |
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It's Shoaib. The fire rate of the colt is around 12rps, and the Uzi is about 16-17.
If you thought L4D was scary, wait until you play The Hidden. Plus, it has a P90 :)
AfterDawn Addict
7 product reviews
21. May 2009 @ 00:04 |
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Originally posted by harvrdguy: How is the L4D coming?
Slowly! I hardly find time to play darn it. Plus Ive got a million other things going at the same time LOL! Multitasker extraordinaire LOL!!! Im about to drop one of those things though, that takes up a great deal of my time. DONT ASK LOL!

To delete, or not to delete. THAT is the question!
21. May 2009 @ 01:30 |
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Originally posted by omegaman7: Im about to drop one of those things though, that takes up a great deal of my time. DONT ASK LOL!
Caring for a giant hydroponic marijuana setup? LOL!
Gigabyte 3d Aurora 570 | Coolermaster Real Power M1000 | Core i7 920 @ 4.0ghz w/ Coolermaster V10 | DFI LanParty DK-X58-T3EH6 | Evga GTX275 SLI @ FTW clocks | 3x2GB Patriot 1600mhz | Seagate 500GB x2, 1.5TB, FreeAgentPro 500GB | Dell 2408WFP | Windows 7 Professional x64
AfterDawn Addict
7 product reviews
21. May 2009 @ 01:41 |
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Originally posted by rubixcube: Originally posted by omegaman7: Im about to drop one of those things though, that takes up a great deal of my time. DONT ASK LOL!
Caring for a giant hydroponic marijuana setup? LOL!
ROFL! How'd you guess!
Nah, just some particular computer processes, that hog a bit of resources. Since Im staying with my mother for the time being, Its not practical to run my other rig. And its hard to find another job, that suits my needs :)
My primary job is quite physical, so I want a very CAKE job for a secondary. Its hard to find one right now, because no one is hiring. Im currently trying to think/find a way to make my computers work for me LOL!

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AfterDawn Addict
7 product reviews
21. May 2009 @ 04:42 |
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OMG! I think im in love guys. I love this game A LOT!!! Left 4 Dead that is. I wore the headphones this time, and O-M-G!!! MUCH better! Im going for another round now LOL! I noticed new things with the headphones that the speakers didn't quite do for me. For instance, the child crying, signified that a witch was near. VERY valuable info.
I seem to be getting much better now. I imagine that you guys are In a buddy lobby or something. I dont think im ready for people to count on me yet LOL! Soon hopefully, SOON! The reason I dont think im ready, is because, I get paranoid, and i'll whip around and shoot my teammate LOL! NO...thats not funny LOL! I am close to not doing that though. Ive almost gotten myself trained...lol

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21. May 2009 @ 08:00 |
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Haha - Sam, the Hidden, the CSS mod. I'll tell you - I downloaded it, installed it and played the tutorial - both characters. The screen said "scale the wall of the lift" but I was able to go only about 5 feet up one wall - the others were of a type where pounce didn't work. Anyway, I actually jumped on a server and played it for a few minutes - I could tell the damn thing was near me because there was the red glow of pain because he was knifing me, so I blasted my P90 in the corner, and there was a bit of blood. Then he killed me totally. But I decided it's not really my cup of tea - I have a hard enough time playing games where I can see the thing I'm supposed to shoot at, much less when it's invisible, lol.
So Shaff's brother's name is spelled pretty much how it sounds then, "Shoaib." I thought he spelled it out differently for me. Anyway, it was good having him on the team, even just for that one campaign.
Kevin, it sounds like you're getting into it - Left 4 Dead. I play with headphones as well. Yes, friendly fire is a very real problem in these games, as in real life. I have to work on that also - in the heat of the zombie horde attack, you often find yourself hitting your teammates - I accidentally disabled one of my teammates late this evening on Dead Air at the finale with a shotgun blast, and then I tried to cover for him until I would have time to revive him and get him on his feet - I think it led to the death of the whole team, lol! We played that finale a bunch of times, meaning we died a lot!! hahahaha
Krj - sure, add me to your friends list for Left 4 Dead - we'll get on a server some time. I play Wednesdays, all day. My user name is the same as my name here, but not missing an a - the school name spelled out correctly. (I dropped the "a" on this forum because After Dawn only allows up to 9 characters for a user name.)
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
21. May 2009 @ 11:18 |
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I never played the tutorial, didn't know there was one, just leapt into a server. Disappointing to see it's not your thing.
Agreed Rich, you really need to work on friendly fire, I'm not great especially when Boomered, but well, frankly, you have no sense of direction or sense of occasion!
We're halfway along the map and hear "wait, where are you guys?" and find you trapped in a window, or cupboard!
The irony was, I later played a No Mercy VS game and as a hunter, managed to get stuck in the exact same window you did!
21. May 2009 @ 12:00 |
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:-) getting L4D tommorow
I could put something funny here but I cant be arsed. Now GO AWAY!
AfterDawn Addict
15 product reviews
21. May 2009 @ 14:57 |
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Quote: Agreed Rich, you really need to work on friendly fire, I'm not great especially when Boomered, but well, frankly, you have no sense of direction or sense of occasion!
We're halfway along the map and hear "wait, where are you guys?" and find you trapped in a window, or cupboard!
I'm also guilty of friendly fire on occasion. I try my best not to though.
Rich, take the extra split second to aim before you pull the trigger. And make sure you watch what's behind your target!
And Sam is right, we're trying to get moving and you are still searching for stuff. Or something is obviously right there but you can't find it. Take a split second to just make a full 360* turn and check the walls and look for weapons. Just sweep each room quickly and move on. Everything will usually be on a table or shelf in plain-sight. Nothing in the game is that well hidden :P
Look forward to doing it again guys.
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 4GHz(20 x 200) 1.5v 3000NB 2000HT, Corsair Hydro H110 w/ 4 x 140mm 1500RPM fans Push/Pull, Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5, 8GB(2 x 4GB) G.Skill RipJaws DDR3-1600 @ 1600MHz CL9 1.55v, Gigabyte GTX760 OC 4GB(1170/1700), Corsair 750HX
Detailed PC Specs: http://my.afterdawn.com/estuansis/blog_entry.cfm/11388
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21. May 2009 @ 23:06 |
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Originally posted by Jeff: Look forward to doing it again guys.
Agreed! It was great fun! Fantastic game! Great team mates!Originally posted by Keith: :-) getting L4D tommorow
Good move dude! Many memorable moments in that game - intense! I can't say enough good things about it. Well worth the $40, or in Kevin?s case, the $30! (Good for Wal-Mart!)
But, because of the verbose guy that I am, in trying to say MUCH MORE about it, lol, this post, is based on 20 exciting hours of L4D game-play yesterday - my first major on-line L4D Playathon! Originally posted by Sam, the Olympic Sprinter: Agreed Agreed Rich, you really need to work on friendly fire, I'm not great especially when Boomered, but well, frankly, you have no sense of direction or sense of occasion!
We're halfway along the map and hear "wait, where are you guys?" and find you trapped in a window, or cupboard!
Hahaha - that was funny, Sam, you are VERY articulate (... you sob - see! - you got stuck in same window! Lol) Well, Sam is spot on. I am Mr. Uncoordinated for at least the first two or three hours each week when I start gaming. Then I'm decent for the next 12 hours, all the fingers are working, then I get tired and keep playing anyway, and I'm half-ass the last 5 hours - I'm more experienced and know what to expect, but the reflexes slow down and the fingers don't work as well, hahaha. I had to reduce my mouse sensitivity way down also - zombies coming from all directions and my head was spining too fast - I WAS losing sense of direction in those woods on whatever campaign that was!
I have to start at 8:00 in the morning to catch Sam and Shaff or Shoaib at London 4:00 PM tea time, but next time I'll start at 5:00 in the morning, and get loosened up before Sam and Estuansis join, hahaha. I played from 8:00 am to 4:00 am - but I probably won't do that EVERY Wednesday.
Originally posted by why you shouldn't linger: And the lingering behind part - wow - I learned my lesson! Way after midnight, with different players, I was just seconds behind when the team jumped down from the roof top near the beginning of Dead Air - I had just mentally told myself "don't dally" and a split second later I got tongued by a smoker. I yelled out and because the smoker had tongued me from on-top a high-rise, they managed to blow the thing's tongue off, but I was down for the count. They couldn't come back - no way back up. I told them, "don't worry mates, I'll bleed out here in a minute and I?ll see you up ahead." I counted down my life for them, lol. Then, one guy typed out for me an old trick of his, to just go to console and enter "kill" for faster re-spawning!
So, Kevin and Keith, make a note. Jeff and Sam are right. For sure, being a few steps behind can spell disaster, especially if the guys in front assume you are keeping up and aren't slowing down to make sure the team is all together! You have to keep up - especially when you team up with guys like Sam who have their track shoes on! Hahaha. Sam's only thing is, he is absolutely fearless - he charges off without any health and Jeff has to keep reminding him to grab the health pack. But then, again, Sam plays Expert, so Advanced is a piece of cake!! LOL
But actually, I learned why Sam likes to move so fast - if you really want to get to the campaign finale in a reasonably quick time period - you need to get a move on!
Originally posted by don't give the director time to beat you up: It is really true, that the more slowly you go through the level, the more zombies and tanks and boomers and hunters the Director throws at you. You get beat to a bloody pulp, and you haven?t gone more than 100 yards! So you are better off blasting through fairly quickly as another team and I discovered much later yesterday on Dead Air - especially trying to get through the offices - and only one guy on the team was at the skill level of Sam or Jeff.
Our first times through, we got hunters, we got boomers, we got a witch, we even got a tank, and of course we got horde after f**king horde. My uzi was fantastic until I ran out of ammo! We were checking every goddamn office looking for damn pills and taking our time - we scanned the rooms quick like Jeff mentioned, but there are tons of little offices in that one section. After failing to get through that level about 3 times in a row, we got mad and we just blasted through, and the Director didn?t have time to throw that much at us. This time the tank was out on the street near the Storage Room safe house. We got inside quickly, without having to kill the tank. We all escaped while the tank was killing one of us, and the level that had repeated over and over endlessly was finally done, and our dead buddy was there with us after reload. That?s one way to do it ? sacrifice a guy ? I remember it well - the dead guy was me. Haha.
Sam, regarding the Colt, your math and my math seem to disagree. The colt empties 50 rounds in 6 seconds, not 5, and not 4 like the Uzi. I clocked it several times on single player. Simple math says 8.33 rounds per second, unless you Brits have non-metric seconds that are a bit shorter - lol!
But in any case, Sam, I'm perfectly fine now with Colt! I remain an Uzi-loving guy, but I love the Colt too. And it was interesting because at one point a guy was saying ? Who has Uzi?? because almost everybody else had shotgun. He was the only other guy with a mic, team leader, and I had jumped into the game in progress. I said, ?I have Uzi ? where do you want me ? out in front?? He didn?t seem to care, but he did like that somebody had Uzi. Interesting! I?m not the only one who sees the value of that weapon!!
Originally posted by it's not just a shooter: By the way, I learned that of course, this is also a strategy game. I was able to help that particular team leader.
There is a section when you come down from the overheads in a train station where there is ammo down below, and then you have to open a door triggering a crescendo event, a massive horde attack. Their strategy was to open the door, throw in a red gasoline can and set it on fire, and then rush up or handle the horde that way. That worked like crap and everybody got the hell beaten out of them and was low on life later and eventually got killed. After a couple times like that, I said ?Look, we?re losing too much life. How about we try to defend from up on top?? There is a leaning yellow girder that takes you back up. I don?t know where I had defended like that ? probably a couple weeks ago - but I had remembered it working well. He said ?Sure we?ll try that.? Much better strategy. Then he and I started working as co-captains.
We got friendly trying to get our very ailing team through that level ? keeping track of total team health packs and total ammo. We weren?t successful the first time ? but back near the start ? after the successful new defense, I asked him ? ?Look, tell me something, where is the next ammo?? He said ?It?s at that place where we?re doing the new overhead defense.?
I said, ?Oh yeah?" Then I said, "Well, ok, that?s not really very far from here. On past attempts we?ve been getting horde after horde, going through this building. I normally try to save my ammo and use dual pistols. But our team has been losing too much health in this building, although right now we?re all pretty healthy. So, I'm thinking, 'No more pistols, full Uzi, use all my ammo, and kill all those sons of bitches!'"
He said ?That sounds good!" Then he said, "Ok guys, that's the strategy - primary weapons, spray those bullets, and don't worry about ammo."
We finally made it out of that level! Knowing the maps is really helpful!! That only comes with experience.
Getting back to Colt, versus Uzi, I have to say, unlike the post of a couple of days ago, I have finally officially broken my Uzi-only Advanced finale escape by getting out of Dead Air and also Death Toll with the Colt!
The Uzi remains my Blood Harvest favorite - and it's on the table when you arrive at the farm house. But it's not on the table when you get killed in the Dead Air finale and return to the last safe house. We successfully defended the hill on Dead Air, and a strategy that worked killer was to switch to Sam's favorite tank buster, the auto shottie, after vanquishing the horde, and switch back to the Colt and race to the top of the hill, (I switch to pistols to run faster since Sam says you run slower holding Colt) after killing the tank.
I had the auto shotgun one time, with only 12 life, and I realized that with my life so low, I could not outrun the tank, even switching to pistols. So I stayed way out of his way, shooting from 30 yards when he was chasing somebody else. He hadn't been set on fire. Originally posted by why you should set the tank on fire: (By the way, the guys were saying that setting the tank on fire guarantees he will die in about 40 seconds if you just wait him out - so just running away is a good strategy. That makes saving one molotov a good tank-killing idea.)
If he's not on fire, you have to shoot and shoot. But auto shotgun seems to work pretty well up to about 30 yards or so - I could see the blood popping on him with every shot. We all got out okay - another guy also had only 12 life!
I started to get better coordinated - my problem is not so much getting stuck in windows - but getting flattened by tank-throwing-concrete chunks, or in one case, the entire luggage cart!
However, I guess I still have some coordination problems - that is one reason I hate Prince of Persia, lol. On Death Toll the guys wanted to defend at the rock. I said "Rock?" So I went over there. It took me 30 tries to jump up on that goddamn rock. I said, "I'm up here and I'm not getting down - I won't be able to get back up again." So they said "Pistols only!" We all used double pistols on the horde, the guys in front crouching down, and then we stayed on the rock and used Colts or shotguns on the tank. A couple of the guys actually did hop down for the tank and jump on a smaller rock. Anyway, we all got out alive.
Originally posted by why you shouldn't start until the team is ready: A few hours later another team wanted to defend from the rock. I told them, "Don't start until I'm on top - it takes me a while!" Somebody started anyway. A guy said "Good luck down there!"
Originally posted by why it should have worked anyway with me below: It actually should have worked, even with me stuck below, as I think about it now, if they were all shooting accurately and could thin out the horde for me. In fact, thinking about it now, the only real advantage of the rock is that the tank can't get you - and you do have some height advantage to shoot the horde. But a good defense with two crouched in front, should work in front of that rock - it's a corner and they can't come from behind.
But in any case, they should have waited for me - a couple guys jumped down to help out - and only Zoey got out alive. I watched her use auto shotgun on the tank who stood below her not doing a thing - also unable to climb up. Tomorrow I'm gonna go back with the bots and practice if it takes an hour until I can get up on that stupid rock!!! Hahaha. (It's some kind of Half Life crouch jump with a running start - but some of them didn't seem to need the start - some said go to the corner - but one guy said not quite at the corner. F*ck! I hate those prince of persia jumping tricks!!)
On Dead Air we tried a few other locations, including the closet. The closet is absolutely killer for hordes - it also works on the earlier level in the construction area with the ladder to the top platforms, where you burn down the fence to get through. I haven't had much of a problem before just holding out on the top of the construction area, but one guy said "let's try closet." Worked like a charm. Later I told some guys about it and we tried again - I told one guy who was really low on life, to get in the back. I crouched down in front with Uzi. One guy kept running out - why I don't know. I yelled "Get back in here!" We all did pretty well with little loss of health.
For Dead Air, a guy named Rob and I tried closet with two bots, but the bots won't stay in the closet, lol, and they stand right in front of you so you have to shoot through them to kill the horde, lol. Still it worked very well with both of us crouched down with Colts. Rob told me that it works so well that even if you run out of ammo, just melee attack, and it will push the horde back without you suffering any loss of life, while the other guys behind you take them out until there is a short breather so you can reload. We did closet, defeated one tank, didn't have time to change weapons and got back to closet with auto shotguns, defeated the horde, but then got trapped by smoker while working on the second tank, lol. That's one reason to stay close to each other, which we didn't do. I was left alone and didn't know he had died, and I was back-pedaling with almost full life auto shotgunning Mr. Tank, and then suddenly taken down by smoker. I think both bots who hadn't stayed in the closet were dead. Rob laughed as he said goodbye for the night "Good try, hahaha. I was wondering if the smoker who killed me would get you!"
The guys also said that closet works well also for No Mercy! But not with bots!!
Originally posted by why Rich loves dual pistols: Talking about dealing with tanks, I really love dual pistols! What does a tank have to do with dual pistols ? well they come in handy if you get disabled and you can only use pistols.
As Sam knows, I am always fretting until I get the second pistol. "It's not in EVERY safe room, Rich - we'll find it a bit later." Hahaha. It makes all the difference in the world if you want to save your ammo - you can do a lot of shooting with dual pistols! I think if you're playing with Zoey the bot, that's her weapon!
But I actually finished off killing one tank in Dead Air Advanced with my dual pistols, and I'll bet Sam has probably done that many times also. Somehow the tank nailed me with a chunk of something - way out toward the edge of the map in front of the escape airplane. To my surprise all of a sudden he was on top of me and nobody was close by.
Remembering what Sam said about shooting the tank in the head, I blasted my dual pistols as fast as I could at his little head, and suddenly he keeled over after pounding me about two or three times. I had that happen before but never on Advanced. I heard somebody say "He killed him." I had 12 life after being revived and didn't have time to celebrate, the horde was coming! Lol.
What a great game! Keith you will love it! And you'll make good friends. I think it's well worth it to have the mic working - and I like open mic, but of course one doesn't want to overdo the chatting, or screaming, on open mike!
By the way, Sam, you have that funny as hell thing you love to yell all the time, especially in the safe house: "Owwwwww!" I asked you for the bind and you said it's a custom mod. Well, you've probably heard this, but some Zoey was screaming some really weird sh*t in a safe house - a guy mic'd "what the hell is that?!" It was unreal - hysterical. Turns out it's dying sounds, and I copied and pasted within the console and binded it to the L key. I think Zoey does it the best. I believe it's the "getting burned up alive" sound you hear when somebody is disabled and gets nailed with a molotov! Hahahaha!
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
22. May 2009 @ 13:00 |
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If that's the case Rich, then Left 4 Dead is vulnerable to one of the most common shortcuts in games - the ammo counter does not tick down at the same rate the gun fires.
Heh, the infamous rock in Death Toll is the very reason why I have passed that campaign on expert but none of the others. I've tried numerous times to do them, but never succeed :(
Keeping a molotov for the tank is absolutely essential and should always be practised in any game, campaign or Vs.
The mod I use to scream OH! specifically over mic is called HLDJ. In theory it can be used to play music over the microphone as well, but I had no luck trying to do so. A shame, as I was going to try getting Yakedy Sachs (The theme from Benny Hill) playing during zombie hordes.
AfterDawn Addict
7 product reviews
22. May 2009 @ 15:16 |
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Noted a few more things about the game. In windows 7(possibly vista?), when starting Left 4 Dead, the audio mixer automatically defaults to VERY low volume. So one has to open the game, and then minimize it, to control the volume level. Rather odd eh. And something really funny(to me anyway), I never installed the Graphics drivers, and have been running on the windows 7 stock driver since install ROFL! Bugs have been fairly minor during gaming!!! I'll install the APPROPRIATE driver today, and see if the bugs continue. I find it rather irritating that my partners in, "Zombie Genocide" keep stealing my kills!!! If my first shot doesnt kill a zombie, they kill it. I wish there were some kinda option, for them trusting me a little more LOL! I guess im just gonna have to bump up my kill urge a notch or three LOL!

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AfterDawn Addict
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22. May 2009 @ 16:07 |
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Omega: That happens with a lot of programs in win7, not just L4D, seems like a bug with the new OS which is annoying.
AfterDawn Addict
7 product reviews
22. May 2009 @ 16:24 |
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Originally posted by sammorris: Omega: That happens with a lot of programs in win7, not just L4D, seems like a bug with the new OS which is annoying.
Really? Thats too bad. Ehh...pretty minor one if you ask me.
I thought this was pretty funny :D

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AfterDawn Addict
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22. May 2009 @ 18:07 |
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I've got loads of silly pictures about L4D lying around, I'll try and up some to imageshack later.
Senior Member
23. May 2009 @ 00:28 |
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You guys are sick. (can't say that hasn't crossed my mind, lol. She's cute!)
The Rock - found out how to climb it and I'm a jumping fool!!! The model is slightly off - visually you are stopped about a foot before the rock begins. Once you see that, you just have to jump slightly sooner than you would think. No problemo, and no need to use crouch at the same time - it's not the famous crouch jump. Just simple jump - but jump about 6" to a foot "too soon."
Killer place - easy to defend!!
Ah hah, Sam, that's your Expert secret, lol - the rock!
We defended successfully - the bots and me - on the Advanced boathouse finale, also around the mini gun. I had a hard time getting them to follow me to the boat - being bots they do that badly. They always turn and fight - running like hell doesn't seem to be programmed in, hahaha.
On the Colt ammo counter - I don't know Sam. You're probably right. I just emptied the entire clip and timed how long that took. I confess I didn't have a stop watch going, nor did I have a sweep second hand. I suppose I could have put L4D in a window and used the Windows clock with sweep second. But my "One one thousand, two one thousand" historically has been very accurate. (I just checked it now blindfold against the windows sweep second - the twenty seconds count was right there!)
Speaking of timing things, I also checked the running speed on pistols versus holding the M16 - identical - fifteen seconds from corner of The Rock, to window of boat house. I checked back and forth with pistols and Colt M16 - exactly the same.
It's still not a bad habit to run with pistols - it definitely helps for Counter Strike - unless you accidentally run into a terrorist. For L4D I think Uzi also runs fast, but we do know that hunting rifle definitely slows one down, right Sam? What about the shotguns?
Edit: Wait a second! No weapon suffers any speed penalty. Read below!
Originally posted by Rich on some in-game timings:: It's time to dispel some myths. I ran L4D in a window just now and windows time clock in another little window on the giant dell. I watched the sweep second hand.
Myth #1: Some weapons slow you down - NOT TRUE I checked in the street outside the safe house at the start of the Boat House finale. From one end of the street to the other and back, takes 27 seconds. I don't care if you are carrying hunting rifle - which seems like a slower pace - or if you are carrying pipe bomb, or pistols, or shotgun, or auto shotgun, or Colt M16. Total round trip is 27 seconds!! Every weapon runs just as fast. You run slow when you have low life - (but I got down to 40 and still ran in 27 seconds.)
Myth #2: Colt fires slow! No, Sam was closer than I was. Colt fires very fast. I emptied 5 clips = 250 rounds, holding my finger on the trigger the entire time. Total time on colt M16 assault rifle was 30 seconds. That included 4 reloads, whereas before I was measuring 6 seconds per clip, which would have been 30 not counting the reload time. I don't know if the colt was firing faster tonight, or you just can't try to measure one clip. Anyway, total time on Uzi was 26 seconds. I repeated several times - as I say the total times include 4 reloads.
To try to get a feel for reload times, I then tested 10 reloads on the Colt, and got 22 seconds, with usage of 39 rounds. The 22 seconds was measured twice. You have to fire at least one round, so I held down my finger, and as soon as it started firing I let up and hit reload. If reload takes 2 seconds = 20 total, then does the colt fire 39 rounds in 2 seconds, no it takes a bit longer than that, maybe more like 4 seconds, and you also have to factor in my reaction time. Perhaps reload is more like 1.6 seconds. Ten reloads = 16 seconds, 39 rounds is about 4 seconds, total reaction time 2 seconds, or 0.2 seconds to release fire and hit reload per reload. So let's use 1.6 seconds for reload time.
So, subtract 6.4 seconds for 4 reloads: Colt fires 250 rounds in 30-6.4 = 23.6 seconds = 10.6 rps. I had said 8.3, I was wrong. Colt is about 25% faster than I thought.
Uzi fires 250 rounds in 26-6.4 = 19.6 seconds. Uzi rps is 12.8. I had said 12.5 - I was pretty close. It fires 21% faster than the Colt - I had said 50% faster - but the difference is less than I had thought.
Colt 10.6 rps, Uzi 12.8 rps.
Finally I want to add to this post, as I have been meaning to do for a long time: Thanks thanks thanks Sam, for letting me know about those incredible wallpapers on Interfacelift.com.
Here's a surprise. I loaded all the 60 that I picked out into webshots, and I have that "Collection" going as my screensaver and as my desktop on the laptop. The laptop displays at 1024x768 - but remember, these pictures are all 2560x1600 for the big Dell. However on the laptop, they look sharper than any other pictures I have ever seen on the laptop - and I DO have pictures that are a full 1024x768. I know that webshots is throwing out the unused pixels of course, in some fashion. But the interfacelift.com shots are utterly fantastic!!! (it's friggin' artwork - cottage on pond is a masterpiece - thanks again Sam!)
But how can those 2560x1600 look sharper than my normal 1024x768 shots, on my 1024x768 panel? Is it just better photography? I mean they look REALLY REALLY sharp!
Any ideas?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. May 2009 @ 22:43
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
23. May 2009 @ 11:30 |
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Rich: Exactly right about the rock, it took me a while to figure that one out, and the exact place you have to be is a bit hard to describe.
I'm not sure I agree with your theory on weapon movespeed. In my experience, you run faster with tier 1 weapons or pistols, PROVIDED your movespeed hasn't been affected by your health. When you're below 50 health, your movespeed is defined by that, not by which weapon you're carrying.
The reason why 2560x1600->1024x768 shots look 'sharper' is because the extra pixels have to be removed in such a way the right resolution picture comes out. The process by which the extra data removed is effectively anti-aliasing the image. You are not bound by what will fit into 1024x768 by the picture. The downscale process smoothes out some of the things that wouldn't otherwise work for that resolution image.
AfterDawn Addict
7 product reviews
23. May 2009 @ 16:06 |
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Some wicked looking pics there sam!
Anybody have Left 4 Dead lock up, and shut itself down? Because, before I updated my graphics drivers, it would lock up for a couple seconds, then it would be fine for a while. Now, since I updated, ive experienced the first bug. It locked up real good this time, so I hit escape, and the game shut down entirely!!! I was just about to finish an area on advanced no less! That's my luck LOL!

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AfterDawn Addict
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23. May 2009 @ 16:27 |
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The lag is caused by multicore rendering. Disabling it lowers the frame rate, but should eliminate the stuttering. I've never had L4D close all by itself.