Using Action Replay Codes on your R4/M3 Simply
28. March 2008 @ 07:02 |
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I'm not getting all the AR codes on the R4 for Pokemon Diamond. On the Computer, it shows all the Pokemon under "Catch any Pokemon", however, on the R4, it on ly goes up to Hitmontop
Junior Member
29. March 2008 @ 05:10 |
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Just so people don't need to "over-extend" themselves while looking for this.
AR Codes Updated As Of 28 March 2008
1. AR NDS Codes - DAT
2. AR NDS Codes - XML
Just a general question, would you prefer me to combine both the codes for US and EU codes when converting them to DAT together in future instead of separating them?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. March 2008 @ 21:35
1. April 2008 @ 09:53 |
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I'm sorry if this is in the wrong thread/forum,I was wondering if anyone can help me. I have some codes for harvest moon cute,and I want to put them into the cheat code editor myself. How do I go about doing this?
Thanks for any help given.
Edit: I have tried following the guide for the cheat code editor but cant make head nor tail of it. If anyone has an easy to follow tutorial they could give me that would be great.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. April 2008 @ 09:55
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1. April 2008 @ 18:30 |
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[color=green]Right Hi again its me :)
right i have put the urscheat onto my ds but i can't get many of my games to get a sign saying ' Y cheat ' how come :S????
any one help please :) [color]
Junior Member
1. April 2008 @ 18:38 |
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Originally posted by Emiie: [color=green]Right Hi again its me :)
right i have put the urscheat onto my ds but i can't get many of my games to get a sign saying ' Y cheat ' how come :S????
any one help please :) [color]
Which folder is it in?
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1. April 2008 @ 18:42 |
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[color=blue]Well its in that _system_ folder .. but like only mario karts, cooking mama , and mario and lugi :S games work with the cheats .... how come i want it to work on other games to :)
thanks x[/color]
Junior Member
1. April 2008 @ 18:57 |
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Originally posted by Emiie: [color=blue]Well its in that _system_ folder .. but like only mario karts, cooking mama , and mario and lugi :S games work with the cheats .... how come i want it to work on other games to :)
thanks x[/color]
Depends on the version of the games you have. If they are Euro versions instead of US versions, then you'll need to use the other one.
You can't use both together though... Not unless you take the XML files and make the two lists into one DAT file.
4. April 2008 @ 12:09 |
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This is probably a shot in the dark, but can I use a Text editor to somehow to add cheats to the .dat file? I am using a Mac so the programs listed will not work for me.
I would like to have cheats for Jewel Quest Expedition USA version on my DS.
4. April 2008 @ 15:43 |
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is it possible to have more than one cheat file in the system folder? I have a mixture of eu and us games and it would be good if you can
Junior Member
4. April 2008 @ 18:51 |
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Originally posted by wrn: is it possible to have more than one cheat file in the system folder? I have a mixture of eu and us games and it would be good if you can
Well, you can try importing both the EU and US XMLs together into one DAT file using the Cheat Code Editor.
I've tried it before and it works for me.
5. April 2008 @ 23:31 |
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I don't know what I am doing wrong. I downloaded the DAT file. There are two file in there. One is for EU and one is for US right? I have mostly US games, so I tried re-naming the usrcheat.dat to cheat.dat and drop it in my system folder. But none of the cheat shows up. I got it to work with the feb 2 DAT cheat file. I used the cheat.dat from r4 website.
Let me know what I am doing wrong please.
Junior Member
5. April 2008 @ 23:49 |
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Originally posted by Punira: I don't know what I am doing wrong. I downloaded the DAT file. There are two file in there. One is for EU and one is for US right? I have mostly US games, so I tried re-naming the usrcheat.dat to cheat.dat and drop it in my system folder. But none of the cheat shows up. I got it to work with the feb 2 DAT cheat file. I used the cheat.dat from r4 website.
Let me know what I am doing wrong please.
There's no need to rename them. Just drop either one of the files inside the R4 system folder to see which ones work with your game.
6. April 2008 @ 17:09 |
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I tried both of them, none of them makes a cheat menu for any games :(
I even tried importing both version xml and save as usrcheat
Junior Member
6. April 2008 @ 18:15 |
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Originally posted by Punira: I tried both of them, none of them makes a cheat menu for any games :(
I even tried importing both version xml and save as usrcheat
What games are you trying to use the codes for? Also, what device are you using?
6. April 2008 @ 18:44 |
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I think I got it to work, now most of the games shows the cheat menu now except for some, which are probably not in the cheat database. I am using a R4.
I have a question tho, what's the different between cheat.dat and usrcheat.dat?
Thanks Covenant8
Junior Member
6. April 2008 @ 18:53 |
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Originally posted by Punira: I think I got it to work, now most of the games shows the cheat menu now except for some, which are probably not in the cheat database. I am using a R4.
I have a question tho, what's the different between cheat.dat and usrcheat.dat?
Thanks Covenant8
Well, I think one's for EU version games and the other's for US version games. Don't really remember which is which at the moment.
Would everyone prefer it if I just updated both version codes into one DAT file in future?
And you're welcome. =)
6. April 2008 @ 19:54 |
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yeah both version into in DAT file would be great and it's less than 2MB
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9. April 2008 @ 19:15 |
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the y button for cheat doesnt come up on mine whats the problem
Junior Member
9. April 2008 @ 20:38 |
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New Firmware Version For R4 (EN)
1. R4 v1.17
10. April 2008 @ 16:58 |
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Originally posted by RobbieNew: I'm not getting all the AR codes on the R4 for Pokemon Diamond. On the Computer, it shows all the Pokemon under "Catch any Pokemon", however, on the R4, it on ly goes up to Hitmontop
It does the same thing with me on the M3, but when I edit the cheat file, it stops at Tyrogue. It's only when I delete it up to Treecko, that the rest of the codes thereon show up. Is this a problem with the cheat file, or the M3/R4 software?
10. April 2008 @ 17:03 |
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Originally posted by RobbieNew: I'm not getting all the AR codes on the R4 for Pokemon Diamond. On the Computer, it shows all the Pokemon under "Catch any Pokemon", however, on the R4, it on ly goes up to Hitmontop
It does the same thing with me on the M3, but when I edit the cheat file, it stops at Tyrogue. It's only when I delete it up to Treecko, that the rest of the codes thereon show up. Is this a problem with the cheat file, or the M3/R4 software?
13. April 2008 @ 21:08 |
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Originally posted by wrn: is it possible to have more than one cheat file in the system folder? I have a mixture of eu and us games and it would be good if you can
yes u can but that would take up too much space
13. April 2008 @ 21:23 |
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Originally posted by phlim2: Originally posted by RobbieNew: I'm not getting all the AR codes on the R4 for Pokemon Diamond. On the Computer, it shows all the Pokemon under "Catch any Pokemon", however, on the R4, it on ly goes up to Hitmontop
It does the same thing with me on the M3, but when I edit the cheat file, it stops at Tyrogue. It's only when I delete it up to Treecko, that the rest of the codes thereon show up. Is this a problem with the cheat file, or the M3/R4 software?
there no problem with the cheat file...
thats cuz the gameROMID is different from action replay gamecodeID.
20. April 2008 @ 14:40 |
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hey anybody gettting load failed for their Action replay code manager?
also it would help if anybody had the lastest cheat codes as of april 20 it would be a great help
Junior Member
20. April 2008 @ 18:22 |
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Originally posted by feather62: hey anybody gettting load failed for their Action replay code manager?
Sounds like you don't have the MSXML parser installed.