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Ps3 YLoD Attempted fix's. Any more ideas?
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14. January 2009 @ 23:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by metallic8:
well i just fixed my ylod, here's how i did it. I took a hairdryer and heated the cell and the rsx for about a minute and while i was doing that i pushed the four corners with a screw driver then wile they were too hot to touch i put artic silver mx-2 and the newly lapped heatsink back on, Then i waited about 5 minutes then i put the fan in and power supply, Then I booted it up and it said hardrive was missing so i was like sweet. Then i put in the hardrive and the bluray drive, pluged the battery back in, assembled it, and it booted up just like before it had the ylod. So then i have been running it for a week straight with f@h and gaming to see if the ylod would come back,but its awesome its running cooler(the air out the back is actually cool instead of blasing heat) and faster now, probably from lapping the heatsink and getting rid of that nasty silicone thermocompound. So my thery is that the ylod has something to do with the cell or the rsx coming off the motherboard or that something is wrong with the motherboard, because it would boot up fine with out all the drives. by the way mine was a 60gb(now a 320gb) made in December 2006.

That is really good news to hear.... my 2nd busted PS3 arrives tomorrow. I now have my fully functional original 60GB (now 320GB....and let me say...the back-up utility is worthless) a 40GB that does not read blu-rays (I got last week), and another 40GB that I'm assuming has the YLOD (the description said that it start up, but not start all the way up, and would turn off).

I was hoping to do some swapping of parts...then send the broke one back to Sony. Are you sure about the warrenty sticker?
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15. January 2009 @ 00:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just spoke with the repair shop in canada today.

I told them I took my console to a repair shop and he looked at it and said he couldn't fix it and that I need to send it to Sony. She said as long as the parts are all there and there is no damage done by someone that they would fix it.

If parts arent missing or damaged then they would fix it
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15. January 2009 @ 08:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by coxwain:
I just spoke with the repair shop in canada today.

I told them I took my console to a repair shop and he looked at it and said he couldn't fix it and that I need to send it to Sony. She said as long as the parts are all there and there is no damage done by someone that they would fix it.

If parts arent missing or damaged then they would fix it
Yeah, I had called Sony yesterday to check out the process of getting one fixed. They simply asked me if it was out of warrenty and quoted me $149.99 plus tax.

I also asked about the process of getting my own model back. She stated that if it can be fixed, they will return my own back to me. If not, they will send a similar model....incuding a 60GB model (I hope she knew what she was talking about).
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15. January 2009 @ 08:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
in canada we have a one authorized repair centre in the whole country called MTCSERVICE.COM. They CANNOT sell any of the parts BR, Motherbaord PS etc. But they have the technitians there to service the product.

They told me I have to get the return authorization number from Sony and then Sony initiates the return and then they repair it.

From what I understand they repair it regardless of the problem. A refurbished one never came up in the conversation. But I didnt specifically ask.

A good question to ask the sony people is tell them "I took it to a repair centre and they said they opened it up and said they couldn't fix it and that I should send it to Sony.
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15. January 2009 @ 19:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, FedEx just dropped off my 2nd broke 40GB unit. I'm getting ready to take it apart now. I was hoping it would be a YLOD unit, but it is something different. You can plug it in and switch it to stand by mode (red light comes on), but when you hit the power button, the green light will come on for about 20 seconds...then it will power off. It won't fan test, or even allow me to take it to the special boot menu.

I would like to point out a couple of items....

Right now I have all three units (my working 60Gb, plus the two broke 40gb models) lined up side by side with a power cord and HDMI cable already hooked up so I can make quick comparisons.

Just from looking at them all, I noticed that the two broke units I received were DIRTY.....espcially the one that won't power on. I removed the HDD...and it was COVERED in dust. Not a good sign.

But this is the killer part, the "grate" that surrounds the HDD and caddy had been BURNED into the HDD! (Yes, you can see the burned grate circles on the Seagate label) My guess is that this puppy got to dirty and cooked itself. Also, even both of my "new" units are 40giggers, they have different 40GB hard drives with different amp ratings. I found that note worthy.

The burnt HDD still works (I reformated it in another system, but I'm hoping that the Blu-Ray unit isn't fried. I'll find out soon enough and keep you posted.

This is my "organ doner" surger...except that it is a "Blu-Ray transplant"
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15. January 2009 @ 19:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I also wanted to add something else.

With my 60GB unit, the fan starts up right away.

With the two 40GB units, that does not happen.

On te 40GB with bad blu-ray drive, the fan DOES at least I did a fan test on it.
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15. January 2009 @ 20:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
how do you put a unit in service mode?
Junior Member

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15. January 2009 @ 21:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by coxwain:
how do you put a unit in service mode?
There is YouTube clip of it...but I can't find it right now....let me look for it...

Plus I want to update ya'll on the didn't work...but something else very unexpected happened.
Junior Member

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15. January 2009 @ 22:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Now I can't find the clip....but I was messing around and got to the service mode.....which is really nothing more than an early boot menu. This might be good if you have a PS3 that turns on, but won't boot up...or has some type of software error.

It gives you six options.

1. Restart System

2. Restore Default Settings

3. Restore File System

4. Rebuild Data Base

5. Restore PS3 system

6. System Update

(You are listening for 3 beeps...but they are in a certain order. One single beep...followed by a double beep about 5 seconds later)

To get have to turn the system all the way off.

Flip the switch in the back to ON and HOLD DOWN the power button...keep holding it down.

You will hear the system beep once when you first touch (holding down) the button...about 5 seconds later you will hear another single beep (keep holding)...and about 5 seconds later you will hear one more single beep and the system will go back to standby mode (let the button go here)....that is OK.

On the Youtube video..."I think" the guy had you flip the switch in back off, then back on he explains that the system has to understand that it is going into the boot menu mode.

I could not get that work (by flipping it off and on again)...but I could be mistaken about having to do that part...because I just put it back into that mode without flipping it off and on again. you've gone through first step where you heard 3 beeps about 5 seconds apart and you are back in standby mode.

Now, hold down the power button again....and keep holding. You will hear a single beep when the system first turns on...then 5 seconds later you SHOULD hear a double beep. Once you hear that double beep, let the button go and you will be in that service boot mode.
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16. January 2009 @ 14:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by PantherM:
Now I can't find the clip....but I was messing around and got to the service mode.....which is really nothing more than an early boot menu. This might be good if you have a PS3 that turns on, but won't boot up...or has some type of software error.

It gives you six options.

1. Restart System

2. Restore Default Settings

3. Restore File System

4. Rebuild Data Base

5. Restore PS3 system

6. System Update

This is not true service mode. Some people have got into true service mode without knowing how they did it and got it stuck there
Junior Member
16. January 2009 @ 15:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
aren't there some files you need to go into service mode?
Lv2diag.self: crashes on a Debug console, likely used for lv2 diagnostics.
PS3UPDAT.PUP: a very tiny updater PUP, enough for just a 'base' system. It doesn't run on any system the resident PS3 Devs currently have access to.
UPDATER_LOG.TXT: simply a service mode updater log.

Where do you get these files from?
Junior Member
16. January 2009 @ 15:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I saw this on a yahoo board

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Hold L1, R1, and "select" , and "square" simultaneously when the security settings icon is selected in the settings menu. Then it'll ask for you to input a code. In this case it's 5-2-0-2 (FIRMWARE 1.5), This will unlock it from demonstration mode. Do this every time you need it

FOR FIRMWARE 2.10 USE 2-4-6-4
11 months ago
Junior Member
17. January 2009 @ 11:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
service mode files
I dont know how to use it
21. January 2009 @ 16:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
metallic8, Thanks for the report... did you apply the heat to the top of the chip or from under it on the other side of the motherboard? I am about to try this. Also, do you know at what temperature will the solder melt?


Originally posted by metallic8:
well i just fixed my ylod, here's how i did it. I took a hairdryer and heated the cell and the rsx for about a minute and while i was doing that i pushed the four corners with a screw driver then wile they were too hot to touch i put artic silver mx-2 and the newly lapped heatsink back on, Then i waited about 5 minutes then i put the fan in and power supply, Then I booted it up and it said hardrive was missing so i was like sweet. Then i put in the hardrive and the bluray drive, pluged the battery back in, assembled it, and it booted up just like before it had the ylod. So then i have been running it for a week straight with f@h and gaming to see if the ylod would come back,but its awesome its running cooler(the air out the back is actually cool instead of blasing heat) and faster now, probably from lapping the heatsink and getting rid of that nasty silicone thermocompound. So my thery is that the ylod has something to do with the cell or the rsx coming off the motherboard or that something is wrong with the motherboard, because it would boot up fine with out all the drives. by the way mine was a 60gb(now a 320gb) made in December 2006.
22. January 2009 @ 14:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by gnz:
metallic8, Thanks for the report... did you apply the heat to the top of the chip or from under it on the other side of the motherboard? I am about to try this. Also, do you know at what temperature will the solder melt?


i applied heat where the heat sink touches and the solder seems to melt somewhere between 150-200 degrees(you dont want to get it to hot or the gpu will just pop right off). Also i just got the ylod the other day again so i decided to heat the gpu with a heatgun and now it works great again so I'm wondering if its just the gpu for the ylod
Junior Member
22. January 2009 @ 14:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
are you using a heat gun or a hair dryer?

can a hair dryer work?

the xbox 360 needs the gpu removed and reballed I wonder if its the same issue with the YLOD?
22. January 2009 @ 18:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by coxwain:
are you using a heat gun or a hair dryer?

can a hair dryer work?

the xbox 360 needs the gpu removed and reballed I wonder if its the same issue with the YLOD?
the first time i used a 1800w hair dryer thinking my heat gun would be too hot, but since i got the ylod in the middle of midnight club i decided i would just heat the gpu with my heat gun(iwa thinking maybe the hair dryer didn't get it hot enough). Also when i said 200 might be too hot that's where the gpu popped off for me so i had to reball it, and so far so good, Its been going for a week.
24. January 2009 @ 08:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
coxwain the ps3 with no a/v, plug every thing in then hold down the power button in stand by mode until u here 2 beeps the let go and reboot

there will always be computer repair companys in the world because there will always be tech stupid people in the world
29. January 2009 @ 20:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Do you have to supply Sony with proof of purchase when getting the $150 trade in special for a broken console? Or are they ok with it as long as they receive a unit and where to ship the refurbed one?
Junior Member
29. January 2009 @ 23:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I tried the hold down thing for no av and it didn't work

Nothing wrong with sending your unit to Sony it sounds like you have something bigger than just a be drive

So you used a heat gun not a hair dryer some guys told me u should have an infrared stand to change CPUs
4. February 2009 @ 13:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by coxwain:
I tried the hold down thing for no av and it didn't work

Nothing wrong with sending your unit to Sony it sounds like you have something bigger than just a be drive

So you used a heat gun not a hair dryer some guys told me u should have an infrared stand to change CPUs
It would be the best to use an infrared stand if you have one, but i didn't so i just tried it without and it is still working.
6. February 2009 @ 10:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by metallic8:
Originally posted by coxwain:
I tried the hold down thing for no av and it didn't work

Nothing wrong with sending your unit to Sony it sounds like you have something bigger than just a be drive

So you used a heat gun not a hair dryer some guys told me u should have an infrared stand to change CPUs
It would be the best to use an infrared stand if you have one, but i didn't so i just tried it without and it is still working.
hey what happened to your ps3? is it still working I have 20 gig version. I just got YLOP I hope you can help me
12. February 2009 @ 02:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey guys I have been reading through this thread and I have some very interesting and possibly strange information to add.

Recently I received the YLOD on a 80 GB mother board that all I was trying to do was take it apart and work on the Blu-Ray drive. I didn't feel there was any reason as to why it should of happened but it did. Before that point everything booted fine it just wouldn't read disks in the Blu-ray drive.

So at the point that I started getting the YLOD I decided to not worry anymore about the Blu-ray drive and focus on the YLOD. Well I tried all the normal fixes. Taking the hard drive out and back in, flipping upside down, taking apart, etc... Nothing up till tonight worked.

Tonight I tried (for the first time with a heat gun to reflow the solder around a few of the chips and when I got finished and tried to boot it up for the first time it worked. However, I decided to try and see if I could repeat the process by turning the system off and then back on and it started to fail again. The funny thing about this is I am not trying to play a game right now just get to the boot screen. I have managed to get it working several times but there is no steps or reasoning to why it all of sudden will work and then not work again. It hasn't, so far, shut off in the middle of running only after I shut it down and then try and restart. This is the only pattern I have seen up till this point.

Either reflowing worked or completely breaking down the system and rebuilding worked. Then it came on the first time. After shutting down and rebooting it did not work. I then unplugged the power cable and A/V for a minute. Rebooted and it worked again. Then tried to shut down and reboot. Did not work. Tried to turn off power and leave cables attached and reboot. Did not work. The only way I have got it to work after it stopped working was to unplug everything for a while then replug in and reboot. This does not work everytime. I think I have a PS3 with a mind of it's own.

12. February 2009 @ 02:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I think it is Before I fixed the YLOD that was not the case, because I had never left it on very long and never played a game.

I was able to boot once turn off real quick and boot again without getting the YLOD. The third time I tried it came back. There is a heat sensor on the board somewhere or maybe a fail safe in the bios of the system that is triggering this alarm.

Does anyone know the best way to do a fan test and make sure it is working properly? It sounds like the fan is barely running.

Hitting the sack.
Updates to follow.

12. February 2009 @ 04:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Does anyone know how to manually adjust the fan speed on the PS3? Is there a bios screen or something I can get access to?

My opinion after doing a little more research is there is a heat sensor on the PS3 and during my reflow experiment I have burned it out and the fan is running at MIN level all the time and therefore overheating the system in a matter of a couple minutes. If I could manually adjust the fan speed to say 50% then I could control the temperature and check to make sure there was no more overheating. At that point the YLOD would go away. I am going to order some Arctic Silver 5 and put on the GPU's along with maybe an external fan and see how that does.

Any thoughts?

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