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Ps3 YLoD Attempted fix's. Any more ideas?
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13. March 2009 @ 19:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok its only run 20 min of gameplay. And i think its overheating again because when i touch the ps3 its is hot in the outside.So i am gonna retry the heat again but i dont know how much time i should reflow at 450 Celsius ?And if anyone noes how i could get less heating when i play games likes another fan ??
Junior Member
13. March 2009 @ 23:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I tried again last night to reflow the system (attempt number six, I believe).

I am officially giving up. NO change. I even tried pressing down on each chip while the heat gun was blowing on it.

I returned the heat gun to Big Lots (even though it only cost $16) and am tossing the ps3 in a box until I can come up with $150 to pay Sony to fix it.

Hopefully they'll still be offering that "flat rate plan" when I finally get the $$$.
14. March 2009 @ 04:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

This lurker has observed a few dead units with the BGA chips interconnects warped by the thermal stress. Some of the chips will deform easier than the motherboard's thicker PCB.

Explanation here:

The intermittent bugs after re-flow may be caused by this secondary damage. Sony had better smarten up as it appears to be a fundamental design flaw worthy of a class action lawsuit.

Personally, a wet cloth over the parts you don't want re-flowed has worked for other repairs in reducing collateral damage.

Good luck,
14. March 2009 @ 04:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by PerryIta:
Colin bro, i really need your help....
i reflowed my ps3 3 times like your great guid indicate, but i always get the same problem, it start greatly... and i can see and hear via hdmi perfectly, i also got to reformat my hdd... then it restart... i see the xmb and after like 30 sec the red light start to blink again... approximatley always after a total work of 5 minutes... the air come out soo cold and the fan is working perfectly.. i reflow the chips in both faces for around 20 sec... my question is : Since the ps3 start normally, and i guess cpu and gpu are working fine, do i need to increase the reflowing time?
My heat gun is set to 700 F (more then 350 C), should i try a reflow of 40 sec? Please answer me i need some advise and apparently you are the only one that can help me....

Thanx in advice
when you say red light blink again do you mean ylod ie green, yellow red blinking power light?

can you power the ps3 on again after it has switched off or do you have to wait for it to cool down?

when you power it back up are you being asked to format the hard drive every time?


14. March 2009 @ 11:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by colinjest:
Originally posted by PerryIta:
Colin bro, i really need your help....
i reflowed my ps3 3 times like your great guid indicate, but i always get the same problem, it start greatly... and i can see and hear via hdmi perfectly, i also got to reformat my hdd... then it restart... i see the xmb and after like 30 sec the red light start to blink again... approximatley always after a total work of 5 minutes... the air come out soo cold and the fan is working perfectly.. i reflow the chips in both faces for around 20 sec... my question is : Since the ps3 start normally, and i guess cpu and gpu are working fine, do i need to increase the reflowing time?
My heat gun is set to 700 F (more then 350 C), should i try a reflow of 40 sec? Please answer me i need some advise and apparently you are the only one that can help me....

Thanx in advice
when you say red light blink again do you mean ylod ie green, yellow red blinking power light?

can you power the ps3 on again after it has switched off or do you have to wait for it to cool down?

when you power it back up are you being asked to format the hard drive every time?

Yes colin green, yellow then red... the classic ylod.... yes when it cool down for a bit the light stays green for a lil longer like 20 seconds but i dnt got to see if hes asking me to restart my hdd.... tonight when i came back from work im going to reflow for my last time... 350c for 40-45 seconds... if not working after i think i'll give up... anyway i will let you guys know about it...
14. March 2009 @ 15:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by PerryIta:
Originally posted by colinjest:
Originally posted by PerryIta:
Colin bro, i really need your help....
i reflowed my ps3 3 times like your great guid indicate, but i always get the same problem, it start greatly... and i can see and hear via hdmi perfectly, i also got to reformat my hdd... then it restart... i see the xmb and after like 30 sec the red light start to blink again... approximatley always after a total work of 5 minutes... the air come out soo cold and the fan is working perfectly.. i reflow the chips in both faces for around 20 sec... my question is : Since the ps3 start normally, and i guess cpu and gpu are working fine, do i need to increase the reflowing time?
My heat gun is set to 700 F (more then 350 C), should i try a reflow of 40 sec? Please answer me i need some advise and apparently you are the only one that can help me....

Thanx in advice
when you say red light blink again do you mean ylod ie green, yellow red blinking power light?

can you power the ps3 on again after it has switched off or do you have to wait for it to cool down?

when you power it back up are you being asked to format the hard drive every time?

Yes colin green, yellow then red... the classic ylod.... yes when it cool down for a bit the light stays green for a lil longer like 20 seconds but i dnt got to see if hes asking me to restart my hdd.... tonight when i came back from work im going to reflow for my last time... 350c for 40-45 seconds... if not working after i think i'll give up... anyway i will let you guys know about it...
sounds like youve got a nasty one there!!!!
like you said reflow it for 40-45 secs on 700f and see what happens
if all else fails bite the bullet SONYSTYLE.......goodluck

15. March 2009 @ 04:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Does anyone know the ideal voltage levels and initial current draw for the 20G PS3 power supply?

During brief Power On I read:
12.04v (pegs: power out)
5.02v (plug: logic supply I would guess)
2.9v (plug: present only during power on)

so, is this pin 3 a power good signal input or a faulty Vref?

I came across another site that claims the RSX should not get a re-flow. Does anyone know the rated temperature limits of the GSX and Cell cpu?

"ps3 no eject/no accept disk--fixable disassemble mechanism check aluminum butterly wing, disengage left black side bar from lower cog wheel and test mechanism with top cover off by swinging out roller/caster arms and engaging the left slide track bar towards the front of the bluray drive( give it a nudge). bluray light should engage. good way to test if laser is working is to disconnect flat widest cable ( attached to main board.) connect power to dvdrom ribbon cable). Power on ps3 and laser should slide foward with 3 -4 updown bops and then light up bright blue. (not dull blue or red...this indicates bad laser.)
after all is well secure top back---always werx for me!

ps3 ylod - fixable with heatgun heatgun cell chip not rsx!!

ps3 novid/no aud rarely fixable heatgun cell chip--NOT the rsx chip!

ps3 no vid but audio heatgun rsx chip 2 mins then stop! xbox360 solder melts a bit higher than ps3

ps3 no laser read --totally fixable but laser must be changed ...there is no tweaking of the pikup head

ps3 freezes overheating issue..just apply thermal paste MIXED with AS5. as5 cracks at extreme heat and is useless afetr a while so i mix it. use nonsilcone based paste to prevent silicon migration"
Junior Member
15. March 2009 @ 10:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey coolinjest, thans for your guide it worked a treat and i now have a working ps3 again! :-D but with a problem. When i start it up the fan starts then slows down then after about a minute it gets faster, then faster, then faster again! which i think is a sign of overheating again. is this a problem due to the thermal grease and heatsink?
Thank you!
15. March 2009 @ 11:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi again,
I found why my ps3 is overheating even when i reflow the cell and the rsx .My fan was not working very well and this morning it didnt work anymore.So my fan is dead and i think that's why my ps3 was overheating because my fan was not running properly .So i suggest to check your fan is working properly.
Also,i wanna know if i need to buy a OEM Fan from sony like in ebay or i can use an normal fan who can fit in my ps3 ??

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. March 2009 @ 12:01

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15. March 2009 @ 12:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I believe it is now the thermal compound and i have applied too much. iam now going to try Arctic Cooling MX-2 as it is supposed to be really good but i dont know how to apply as i dont want do too much again. any pictures or help would be greatly appreciated :-)

15. March 2009 @ 15:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
all you need is an even layer spread across the whole bga
almost translucent is the best amount

Junior Member
15. March 2009 @ 15:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks for the info. I read somewhere that you should put a dot in the middle, like a grain of rice and then just let the heatsink spread it. Is this suitable for the ps3?
15. March 2009 @ 15:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
suck_bga's said"ps3 no vid but audio heatgun rsx chip 2 mins then stop! xbox360 solder melts a bit higher than ps3"

is that because its special 360 solder lol( what a load of b******s)
if its an old 360 it will be leaded solder which has a lower melting point!

all new units have lead free solder now
p.s when i say solder i mean solder paste!!!!!!

15. March 2009 @ 15:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i use a worm of paste from top to bottom then spread it from left to right as in my guide!

Junior Member
15. March 2009 @ 15:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I was just double checking because i dont want to get it wrong again! But Thanks :-) i will update once i have done and hopefully it is fine
16. March 2009 @ 01:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by colinjest:
suck_bga's said"ps3 no vid but audio heatgun rsx chip 2 mins then stop! xbox360 solder melts a bit higher than ps3"

is that because its special 360 solder lol( what a load of b******s)
if its an old 360 it will be leaded solder which has a lower melting point!

all new units have lead free solder now
p.s when i say solder i mean solder paste!!!!!!
Hello colinjest,
there are countless formulations for solder, and most pastes require refrigeration to increase their shelf life prior to manufacturing (the RoHS branded type generally suck).... The quote was from another site I came across while searching for ps3 power supply baseline characteristics for analysis. Insolence aside, it suggests the time that each chip spends at working temperature on the hot-air rework station will be different.

they do sell after market fan banks that attach to the ps3 shell.
I would suggest the noise may be annoying after awhile.

Many people make the mistake of applying too much thermal grease.
Generally people use a cardboard/plastic scraper to spread a >thin< even coat on both the gpu/cpu and the heat sink.
16. March 2009 @ 12:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
so i reflowed for 40-45 secnds at 700 and this time it less for 25 minutes streaming a movie trough my pc (dnt wanna risk putting a game in) the it overheated again... the all board was hot so i started to think about my f*****ng thermal paste... and like i guessed was dry... f******g cheap thermal paste... so im going to buy the famous artic silver.. and putting it on it... and i guess that will solvemy problem... hopefully...
16. March 2009 @ 13:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Quick update... i retryed for my 6th time i think.... and i just realized that when my ps3 goes on... and even if its streaming a video the air come out hot after like 5 minutes but the fan doesnt speed up like i think it should... it stays at the low speed... so should i open up the fan and check it? pls some advices....
Junior Member
16. March 2009 @ 15:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey thanks suck_BGA's, im still waiting for my mx-2 to come so once i get it i will retry again
16. March 2009 @ 19:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Since my ps3 fan is dead.I am searching for something that gonna do the cooling i was looking at fan banks that attach to the ps3 shell but does that can replace an internal fan ??
17. March 2009 @ 20:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Woooow, after reading through the pages of this thread for the last hour (waiting for the Bulls game ;) I decided to sign up and post that I am going to make the attempt and jump right into my 3. This isn't my first PS3 to die and I don't want to spend the 150 especially when I can't get a longer warranty for my replacement. 90 days? Really?

But just when I thought I lost all hope I find this...amazing, I clicked the PDF file but I was a little wary about it maybe some trickster throwing viruses around. Alas, just like it should be - people trying to help other people! Look forward to giving this a shot and hoping it works. Glad to know it is helping some people.

I'm just not the most electrical savvy or what have you...hoping it all goes well.
17. March 2009 @ 20:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I hate to throw consecutive posts up but I guess I can't edit my last one. But I had a question.

I haven't taken my HDD out yet, it's a 120gig and I know I'd take it out if I sent it in. But I haven't gotten that far yet and so I'm wondering, what if I were to take the beast apart and get it fixed and just start it back up - what's stopping the PS3 from just taking off from where it started before? Or would it go through the steps of reformatting the HDD like it would do if I took it out and put it into a new 3.

Or should I be taking the HDD out when I attempt this fix...?
Junior Member
17. March 2009 @ 21:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you have to disasemble the entire ps3 system
The hard drive removals is quite trivial

Don't do this fix if you aren't comfortable with electronics and have read a lot first
17. March 2009 @ 21:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh no, I'm willing to give this a shot. I know some folks who would be more than interested to also assist and look in on this. People who have not had hope to try this when theirs died and didn't have any ideas...I guess before things known now hadn't come to light at that point.

And if it's a matter of having to take the HDD out prior to doing the rest of the 'operation' I could easily do that before taking it apart. I've removed/placed the new HDDs into a few PS3s - in fact I'd say it seemed simple enough that most anyone could go through those motions.

So that's what I mean, if I don't HAVE to take the HDD out during all of this - but if I do I understand. I guess the question was more like 'what is the process like after the fix takes place, assuming the PS3 starts working again. Does it go through the motions like it's a brand new system? Would it act like the HDD was just put in thus going through the motions of formatting it for the hypothetical brand new use' - but if I should take out the HDD as I see in the steps of the PDF file then I will. I don't want to risk ruining something if I can help it. I just noticed the document had a step in removing the HDD thus the question was born. I'm guessing it's probably a good idea to remove it prior to jumping in?
17. March 2009 @ 21:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ooooook, I'm seeing how everything is just disassembled in the steps - I should have thoroughly read through all the steps before posting. That's my bad. Really wishing there was an edit button around here. Sorry, am new.

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