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Ps3 YLoD Attempted fix's. Any more ideas?
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12. February 2009 @ 12:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i too recieved the ylod just after swapping fifa 09 for cod4,10 mins in and it died,tried the usual turning on off checking cables and shit but nothing,i was about to crack the thing open when my missus said phone sony up,so anyway being from england i was suprised to here some good news.spoke to a dude for about half hour running through various crap,then he said sir u are aware your warranty has expired ! im like yeah it would of being 2 years old,anyway after some abuse on my part the dude said due to it being an isolated inccident they would send me a new 60gig version(which i thought got discontinued) free of charge,and my cod4 which was stuck in the p.o.s was being replaced too,so all round was a result considering people across the atlantic are being ripped off by paying $150.
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12. February 2009 @ 13:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just got my YLOD fixed

The unit turns on NP and I can logonto the PS store and download demo's but I cannot play games
it goes to a black screen after the PS splash screen

I have reinitalized everything, reformed the drives, swapped drives and redownloaded programs

it is the older 60gb ps3 model backward compatible

the LIFE and HOME doesnt work either so I think its like a graphics switch problem

Also tried HDMI and regular video
12. February 2009 @ 14:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am glad to report that I tried this method and it also fixed my YLoD... I just used a heat gun over the reality synthesizer chip and applied pressure with my hand wearing a construction glove. I applied enough temperature that the top of the chip started looking shinier.

Unfortunately though is that the system wont recognize any discs nor play any online content. My next attempt will be to reflow the cell chip as well, but somehow Im losing fatih in this now.
13. February 2009 @ 10:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Anybody know where you can get specific PS3 parts? Such as mechanical or small boards for the blu-ray drives that go inside the PS3? I have had 2 Blu-ray drives go out on me and I just can?t figure it out. I have been working on them but not really doing anything that should kill them. They were accepting disk fine and then all of a sudden they did not load and eject the disk anymore. They pick up that you are trying to put a disk in but will not suck the disk in or eject it out. It is really strange I have had 2 different drives do the same thing. I alternated another disk drive to the PS3 and it worked so I know it is the disk drive. I also swapped the controller board from a working drive to that one and it didn?t work. So I know it is not the control board. I believe it is the control board on in the middle of the bottom section toward the front. It is a small board that connects to the main control board. Any thoughts anyone? Has anyone else had this problem?
13. February 2009 @ 16:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Got another question for you guys. Does anyone know which diode should be used for the PS3 laser? Is it the 3 pin or 4 pin? Thanks for your help.

16. February 2009 @ 18:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the heat sensor it's probably on the cpu like a computer cpu and you can view the temperature in bios.But on Ps3 i don't know where to find it. The second thing is for the heat sensor, if burn out the system won't start because in boot startup the system check if it'a all right (self test) and if one thing is missing like one heat sensor the ylod appear! I supposed it's same thing on GPU he have a heat sensor too. And finaly to protec hardware the heat sensor if is missing (burn open) the system see this information like the sensor tell him a high temperature and shut down . In few words if the sensor is missing or damaged the system won't start. It's what i thing !!
21. February 2009 @ 16:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ced70:
Anybody know where you can get specific PS3 parts? Such as mechanical or small boards for the blu-ray drives that go inside the PS3? I have had 2 Blu-ray drives go out on me and I just can?t figure it out. I have been working on them but not really doing anything that should kill them. They were accepting disk fine and then all of a sudden they did not load and eject the disk anymore. They pick up that you are trying to put a disk in but will not suck the disk in or eject it out. It is really strange I have had 2 different drives do the same thing. I alternated another disk drive to the PS3 and it worked so I know it is the disk drive. I also swapped the controller board from a working drive to that one and it didn?t work. So I know it is not the control board. I believe it is the control board on in the middle of the bottom section toward the front. It is a small board that connects to the main control board. Any thoughts anyone? Has anyone else had this problem?

as for this problem cable for this circuit board on my blu ray is very fine removing it was not easy.have you checked the continuity of this cable.on mine it has small square yellow 2 pin plug.after that pass.
21. February 2009 @ 19:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by eggman14:
Originally posted by ced70:
Anybody know where you can get specific PS3 parts? Such as mechanical or small boards for the blu-ray drives that go inside the PS3? I have had 2 Blu-ray drives go out on me and I just can?t figure it out. I have been working on them but not really doing anything that should kill them. They were accepting disk fine and then all of a sudden they did not load and eject the disk anymore. They pick up that you are trying to put a disk in but will not suck the disk in or eject it out. It is really strange I have had 2 different drives do the same thing. I alternated another disk drive to the PS3 and it worked so I know it is the disk drive. I also swapped the controller board from a working drive to that one and it didn?t work. So I know it is not the control board. I believe it is the control board on in the middle of the bottom section toward the front. It is a small board that connects to the main control board. Any thoughts anyone? Has anyone else had this problem?

as for this problem cable for this circuit board on my blu ray is very fine removing it was not easy.have you checked the continuity of this cable.on mine it has small square yellow 2 pin plug.after that pass.
scratch that does the drive make any noises and not take in the disc?
27. February 2009 @ 17:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hello all
i am about to spread some goodwill
i have successfully fixed 2 yloded ps3's
and ive made a guide as follows

28. February 2009 @ 04:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thx for the help.. what happened to your ps3 have you played it for long hours?
28. February 2009 @ 07:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hello m8
my ps3 was fine it was boomonts and ace_j66 who let me repair theirs
boomonts ps3 was the first to be repaired and that was 2 weeks ago!
he has recently lost his job so as you can imagine his ps3 gets at least a 3-4 hour session everyday
still ok no probs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5. March 2009 @ 13:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have had the YLOD issue lately. I assumed it was the power supply, I was wrong. I tried a new power supply unit, & new hard drive: didn't fix anything. So I tried to reflow the CPU/RSX chips on the motherboard. I didn't do it properly, and it didn't fix anything, so I went on ebay and purchased the ylod fix repair from JD Electronics(ebay ID: jdelectronone) for $75 + $15 shipping. One day after they received my ps3, they called me to inform me the PS3 YLOD was fixed, and the technician told me on the phone they reflowed the RSX chip and now it is working again!
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6. March 2009 @ 14:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have tried the method of reflowing listed in the guide (thanks for making that!) on my 60 gig unit and unfortunately, I'm still at a YLOD on my system. I will say that "something" has changed, because originally when I turned on the system it almost immediately would YLOD and give three beeps.

Now, after reflowing three times (!) the system will turn on, I can see my TV switch resolutions (it indicates 480p and goes to a black screen), then it shuts off. That whole process takes about 5 seconds (vs. 1 previously).

Should I keep trying to reflow? Or give up? I tried taking out the hard drive to see if that was the issue now, but it still does the same thing after the aforementioned 5 seconds.

Are the cpu, gpu, and memory chips below it the only things that can overheat? I was surprised to only see a rubber heatsync type thing on the top of the emotion chip. Does that chip need to be reflowed too?

I'm also curious, how much heat can the chips and mb take before they are melted and or damaged?
6. March 2009 @ 15:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hello m8
let me help you, right here goes

you said "Should I keep trying to reflow? Or give up? I tried taking out the hard drive to see if that was the issue now, but it still does the same thing after the aforementioned 5 seconds."

try again using heat gun without any nozzle attached(may be daft but i have had someone ask the question before)

you said "Are the cpu, gpu, and memory chips below it the only things that can overheat? I was surprised to only see a rubber heatsync type thing on the top of the emotion chip. Does that chip need to be reflowed too?"

basically the hottest things on the mother board are the two processors(there directly connected to theheatsink)all other ic/bga's shouldn't get that hot to need a reflow.

you said "I'm also curious, how much heat can the chips and mb take before they are melted and or damaged?"

check out figure 1 at
as you can see we are heating the bga's up hotter but for not as long to help protect board damage(it will delaminate if to hot for too long)
the figure1 is saying lead free solder = 320 degrees c for about 60 secs.

i think with the results you are getting you are almost there!
maybe heat up bga's for a few seconds longer just to get that little bit extra heat into them and I'm sure you will come to a successful conclusion.....let us know

Junior Member
6. March 2009 @ 16:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Colinjest, you've made me realize something -- the figures in the pdf manual are in Celsius! I am in the United States so I need to convert them to Fahrenheit! My gun was not set to be hot enough!!!

I'll try attempt #4 with a higher temperature later today! :)
6. March 2009 @ 18:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sorry maybe i should have made it clearer

anyways just got this email from Nicolas Bouziane


You're awesome! I found your manual on the net and it worked! Thanks for sharing that information! It's really cool of you! I got one last question for you :) Will my PS3 be stable now or may it happen again? And if it happens again will it be more often?

Thanks for you help really appreciate it! If I can do anything for you...


looks like the revolution has started.....stick that in your pipe and smoke it sony!!!!!!!!!!

Junior Member
6. March 2009 @ 19:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So I set the heat gun at the right temperature and tried again. Nope. In fact, I'm back to where I started...the system now YLOD's immediately when I turn it on.

I'm not ready to give up yet, but I am going to let it sit for a few days before I try again. Although it's not hard to take apart, it does get old quickly. :(
6. March 2009 @ 20:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm just reporting in that I am going to attempt colinjest's guide to fix my ps3's ylod, i will report back with results.
6. March 2009 @ 22:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   



Holy shit! It worked!
7. March 2009 @ 12:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well done m8
you will be the forth person that has repaired there ps3 using my guide!!!!!!!!!!

spread the word

7. March 2009 @ 12:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Do you have any idea on the longevity of this fix? Is it just temporary, or can it be considered long lasting?
7. March 2009 @ 12:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
youre ps3 should be stable now for ......................your guess is as good as mine!
if by some chance it does fail again don't be disheartened just follow the guide again giving the reflowing process a little bit longer than before, lets say about another 5 seconds of heating.

both units i have repaired for boomont and acej_66 are still running fine and boomonts gets a 5 to 6 hour caining a day/evening!
so alls good

all i ask from you is that you spread the word that gilksy's guide has come up trumps and help other people if any questions are asked
there are allot of noobs out ther that need the help
cheers for the email
add me psn= gilksy if you want and if i can get enough time away from answering emails i will accept.
thanks again

SPREAD THE WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7. March 2009 @ 21:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What do you mean by this " Using a circular motion hold heat gun over areas
outlined below (keep heat gun an inch above
board/components at all times)."

Could you draw me a diagram of what it look like on that metal plate. Do I have to make holes to let the chip be open and not make contact with the metal plates? I will do it to see if it work for my ps3 20gb.
8. March 2009 @ 06:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry have not been on in a while but I do have a couple other questions. Has anyone worked on the Blu-Ray's with the 2 laser setup? The single lasers for the most part are easy to replace and fix but I have found that the dual laser setup doesn't always seem to work when you just replace the laser. Has anyone else got any input on this?

Also, thanks for all the replies on my other comments.

8. March 2009 @ 07:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by colinjest:
hello all
i am about to spread some goodwill
i have successfully fixed 2 yloded ps3's
and ive made a guide as follows

Thanks for the informative guide. My heat gun only has 2 settings 500 F and 1000 F will either of those settings work? Thanks for your help.
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