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***M3 DS Real Guide*** WIP
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15. July 2008 @ 07:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The rumble pack adds vibration for supported games (similar to but not as good as say Playstation or Xbox controllers)

A list of rumble supported games can be found here:
Rumble Pak Supported Games

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2 product reviews
17. July 2008 @ 16:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So...has it been confirmed that new DS Lites are incompatible? If I went out now, would I get a "good" DS Lite?

Does anorexia induce constipation?
Ive become so paranoid, that Im paranoid about my paranoia....
Senior Member
17. July 2008 @ 17:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the new colours of ds lite work fine , my little uns have the lime green and blood red colour bought only last week and work fine using m3ds real , m3 simply , r4ds , dstt , edge ds and itouch ds .

no more flashcarts to try at the moment but they have no trouble using any of the ones i tested .


ps . me and the misses have the crimson red and black and the cobalt blue and black , they also have no probs playing any of the flashcarts i tested .

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. July 2008 @ 17:39

18. July 2008 @ 05:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok so ive searched everywhere on this site and online and cannot find a solution. i just got my ds a week ago and used it for the first time today after charging it all night. i have the m3 real and i have the gba cart plugged in too. i was playing for like a few min, then shut it thinking i put it in sleep. i went to play it a few hours later and it died. i believe i also have the newest firmware as well. is it that the ds lite cant go into sleep with the m3 real cartridge in or that it really kills my battery in an hour?

any help is much appreciated =)
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18. July 2008 @ 13:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've experienced the same thing before. I don't know that it was one hour, but I left it on over night and it was dead the next morning. Since then, I simply leave it plugged in if I'm going to leave it in sleep mode for any period of time. Probably not the answer you were looking for, but at least you know you're not alone.
18. July 2008 @ 13:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
is there a firmware update to solve this or any other solutions?
18. July 2008 @ 15:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
having the same problem too. I thought it was just me lol. It would be cool to fix this :)

18. July 2008 @ 18:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I recently bought an M3 Real with rumble pack, got all the software loaded on ok and all the ROMs work perfectly. However when I try to play rumble pack supported games the console vibrates constantly making an awful noise, I cant turn the rumble pack off, the only thing I can do is remove it. Anyone got any ideas or is it likely a faulty rumble pack?

Many thanks
19. July 2008 @ 19:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Guys

I'm a bit of a noob with the DS Lite, my wife (honest) has a pink DS Lite.

I got the DS Real Rumble pack today, I've got the system folder (3.7e) loaded onto a memory card, it boots up to the menu fine, I've created a folder called NDS but I can't see a game folder on the menu, I've got the icons Mycard, Boot, Media, pda and settings.

Go on embarrass me what have I missed, the packaging model number is M3 DSR EUR/USA+ if that helps at al

Thanks for any advice.
19. July 2008 @ 20:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Don't worry I got teh wrong firmware, noticed this in another thread.

All good now.

Thank god for forums
20. July 2008 @ 05:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by dazluss:
Hi Guys

I'm a bit of a noob with the DS Lite, my wife (honest) has a pink DS Lite.

I got the DS Real Rumble pack today, I've got the system folder (3.7e) loaded onto a memory card, it boots up to the menu fine, I've created a folder called NDS but I can't see a game folder on the menu, I've got the icons Mycard, Boot, Media, pda and settings.

Go on embarrass me what have I missed, the packaging model number is M3 DSR EUR/USA+ if that helps at al

Thanks for any advice.

make shure your storage card has the following format:
i mean the NDS folder must be in the root directory and not inside any other folder. usually the card must contain spparate folders for each purpose just to be well organised. remember ALL must be in root
so if you plug the card on your PC you should see :
>Removable Disk (x:) (x is the drive letter) > ENTER
Senior Member

2 product reviews
20. July 2008 @ 20:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Alright, I got it...I had to return the first one because it made a high noise, but I got one.

I checked the firmware, and I got purple screens, V6 it is, I think. Is that good? Should M3's PassMe work with it? I just ordered my M3 Real, so it better....*pounds fist into hand*

Does anorexia induce constipation?
Ive become so paranoid, that Im paranoid about my paranoia....

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. July 2008 @ 20:47

20. July 2008 @ 20:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
im having a blast playing all my new games on my m3 card but just a quick question is it just me or is anyone else having troubles with a few roms ie. Carnaval games wall e and the incredible hulk they just dont load at all just hangs at a blank screen. Any help would be greatfull.
21. July 2008 @ 14:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi again,

I've posted here a few times. But alas no answer to my problem.

I can never load a GBA rom Save game. The save is never there when i load my DS back up.

I've tried the suggested work arounds from the earlier posts in this guide but no joy.

Has anyone esle had these problems and the work arounds failed to work?

Is it just me?

Thanks in advance
22. July 2008 @ 00:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
big john... the word around town is that the m3 real boasts 100% compatability, but has had some issues with some games. i would search the forums or online to find a list of "problem roms" that the m3 has difficulty booting.
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22. July 2008 @ 11:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bigjohn30:
im having a blast playing all my new games on my m3 card but just a quick question is it just me or is anyone else having troubles with a few roms ie. Carnaval games wall e and the incredible hulk they just dont load at all just hangs at a blank screen. Any help would be greatfull.
I haven't tried playing any of those games, so I can't confirm if I have the same problem. However, assuming that you have a working ROM, then you may need to wait for a firmware update. As of this post, the latest firmware is 3.9. Below are the issues that have been resolved with this update. As you'll see, none of the games you listed are included.

M3 / G6 DS Real v3.9 x29 (17th-07-2008):

Improvement projects:
1. Solve the "2385 - the ensemble! Orchestra Brothers DX (Japan)" can not use 8 M archived issues, is now available in 8 M archive normal game;
2. Solve the "2436 - Rick and John disappearance of the two paintings (Japan)" due to problems in the initial filing into the game screen shortly after the Dead;
3. Solve the "2439 - Miranda (French)" can not be normal soft reset the problem, can now use the soft reset normal game;
4. Solve the "2452 - simple DS Series Vol.41 THE bomb disposal team (Japan)," the use of soft reset the game using a microphone Dead problems, can now use the soft reset normal game;
5. Solve the "2469 - my male infant baby (EU)" can not use the soft reset the problem, can now use the soft reset normal game;
6. Solve the "2470 - my female infant baby (EU)" can not use the soft reset the problem, can now use the soft reset normal game;
7. Solve the "2472 - Dragon Quest 5 sky as the bride (Japan)," the game can not be normal progress of the plot problems, can now be normal game;
8. Amended in the first connected to an uninitialized GBA expansion card, GBA game can not be normal filing;
9. Show that the Chinese name automatically control support to 2474, the DS game ROM.
Note: The deadline for the release date, all NDS games can be normal operation, can not use the soft reset the game for 24.
23. July 2008 @ 18:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by therafys:
Originally posted by dazluss:
Hi Guys

I'm a bit of a noob with the DS Lite, my wife (honest) has a pink DS Lite.

I got the DS Real Rumble pack today, I've got the system folder (3.7e) loaded onto a memory card, it boots up to the menu fine, I've created a folder called NDS but I can't see a game folder on the menu, I've got the icons Mycard, Boot, Media, pda and settings.

Go on embarrass me what have I missed, the packaging model number is M3 DSR EUR/USA+ if that helps at al

Thanks for any advice.

make shure your storage card has the following format:
i mean the NDS folder must be in the root directory and not inside any other folder. usually the card must contain spparate folders for each purpose just to be well organised. remember ALL must be in root
so if you plug the card on your PC you should see :
>Removable Disk (x:) (x is the drive letter) > ENTER
I have the same problem as this guy, tried what you said, and nothing.
Anyone have any idea what might work?
23. July 2008 @ 18:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by cowbot:
Originally posted by therafys:
Originally posted by dazluss:
Hi Guys

I'm a bit of a noob with the DS Lite, my wife (honest) has a pink DS Lite.

I got the DS Real Rumble pack today, I've got the system folder (3.7e) loaded onto a memory card, it boots up to the menu fine, I've created a folder called NDS but I can't see a game folder on the menu, I've got the icons Mycard, Boot, Media, pda and settings.

Go on embarrass me what have I missed, the packaging model number is M3 DSR EUR/USA+ if that helps at al

Thanks for any advice.

make shure your storage card has the following format:
i mean the NDS folder must be in the root directory and not inside any other folder. usually the card must contain spparate folders for each purpose just to be well organised. remember ALL must be in root
so if you plug the card on your PC you should see :
>Removable Disk (x:) (x is the drive letter) > ENTER
I have the same problem as this guy, tried what you said, and nothing.
Anyone have any idea what might work?
I think that the man or woman solved her or his problem by downloading new firmware. The frimware he/she had was wrong so I suggest you go download a new firmware too. It is awfully confusing at first but that is what we are here for. :) Try Sakura from linfox domain as it is great.
30. July 2008 @ 15:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i have a few questions about the DS Real that i'd like to have answered for clarification before i make a decision to upgrade from my simply :P

1)does the gba pack have a proper real time clock?
2)does it really directly support nes/gb/gbc roms, or is this with 3rd party emulators?
3)if it does directly support them, how is saving managed? i've read that you have to go and move files around or some such thing afterward to avoid overwriting a save from one game with one from another. is this true etc?

and finally, is the gba expansion cart held closed with a tri-wing screw? (im interested in swapping the casing with the dust cover deal that came with the DS for color matching purposes :P anyone else tried this?)

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30. July 2008 @ 16:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
1)Not sure (it is of no importance to me) tell me hoe to test for it and I will.
2)It does directly load them from it's menu, I believe it is using 3rd party emulators but all behind the scenes.
3)Can't say I've used it enough to know, haven't noticed any problems regarding saves myself, but it might be worth looking for more info on.

As for the screw, mine has not got one (just vanished at some stage) ¬_¬ however my M3 rumble pak has a standard Phillips (+) screw. I'm not sure how easy it would be to transfer the insides from one to the other though, you might need to dremel the dust cover to make the circuit fit. (I would check but I misplaced my dust cover long ago, always have a useful slot-2 card in there now)

30. July 2008 @ 19:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
iirc some of the older pokemon games used it to determine day/night. gold/silver i believe. its been a long while since i played them, and this isn't really all that important to me. just wanting to know in case other games use it also and it turns out to be of some importance later on. the more working features the better :P

as for the saving question, if you get a chance to just add- say 2 game boy games and save in each of them, and see if your save still works for the first one after the fact. that would be perfect for me. i just don't want to have to worry about accidentally overwriting one game's save with another one, or having to remember to do some task after i save in the game so that it keeps the save for next time etc.

i really appreciate your help with this btw. finding the finer details about some of this stuff would be nearly imposable without guides like this. so thanks :D

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2 product reviews
30. July 2008 @ 20:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So...The purple firmware is good for an M3 Real? Should work, right?

I'm expecting mine to be in my mailbox just a last second check...

Does anorexia induce constipation?
Ive become so paranoid, that Im paranoid about my paranoia....
31. July 2008 @ 13:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi, I did something very stupid. I bought the M3 with the rumble pack, but I have a regular DS. I opened the rumble pack and put it in the DS. After I put the M3 in, and start it up, it goes to the start up menu. It says "There is a DS option pak inserted", but nothing for the DS card. I have the loader in the miniSD card as well. Did they make it so that it will only work with lites?
31. July 2008 @ 14:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
can anyone help me,i want to delete games from my m3 ds real,can it be done.thanks
31. July 2008 @ 15:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I now know that you only need the M3 cart to play DS games, but even when I just put it in it doesn't work. I downloaded the SYSTEM folder and everything else, but when I turn on my DS it goes to the DS start menu.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 31. July 2008 @ 15:42 > forums > consoles > nintendo ds - general discussion > ***m3 ds real guide*** wip

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