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Ten reasons to wait and buy the Ps3.. A must read!
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31. December 2005 @ 18:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i think that you should get an xbox 360 if you like new and suprising things b/c well its a great machine i love the line up for 2006 as i said before and every day something new happenes on xbox live, i agree at the mommet the games are not using the full potential as halo 2 did but games like ghost reacon and DOA4 are gonna be so much fun on the xbox live.


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31. December 2005 @ 18:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yes its probably something im going to get but im deffinatly getting a revolution first because i cant wait to see how this new way of playing is going to be.
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31. December 2005 @ 18:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah i said this before that i think the only game that can beat halo 3 online will be super smash bros melee online thats why i am also going to get one


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31. December 2005 @ 20:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey sully 2u, if you want to wait for the rev go rite ahead. while your waitin ill be playin.
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31. December 2005 @ 21:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well I hand it to Nintendo and Sega for the good job they have done starting the game console industry but now I feel Nintendo's life in the house hold (not portable) hardware side is coming to an end as it did with Sega.

Of course the loyal Nintendo fans will buy the system but honestly speaking who here can say that thier new control system will truely change the way games will be played?

Nintendo are good with inovation but sometimes it can go wrong for them like with the virtual boy. Their new idea seems good but not enough to keep them into producing hardware. I believe they will go down just the software side like Sega producing thier games for multi-format. This would be awsome as then I could buy Zelda for the 360 or PS3.

I do relise that what I said about thier new control system will give me alot of feedback saying thats it will be really good and its really revolutionary. I can see its most definatly different but I cant see it really changing the concept of a game.

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1. January 2006 @ 03:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well in one case your right nintendo has not got much of a chance against ps3 and xbox 360 b/c of its hardware disadvantage, but i do beleive that sony has hyped them selves up way too much this time and by what i am hearing people are expecting killzone 2 and nothing less and they are willing to pay 500$. i think that they will not disapoint for ces as they are good at putting on shows but if at luanch people do not see killzone 2 than they may very well be out of the race with xbox 360 and maybe even nintendo, now i know that xbox 360 has not got killzone graphics yet but they never promised it either so we new we were getting kinda rushed games for the luanch when we baught the xbox 360, i still think that whatever happenes the ps3 will sell but not as it did last time with ps2, and then there are other factors that come into it like halo 3 and gears of war, so while we are playing these games ps3 owners would have just dished out 500$ for a machine that can not produce killzone 2 graphics, and i am not saying that it will be crap it wil actually be around the same as the xbox 360 graphics the only difference will be that all the people who wanted killzone 2 graphics will be very dissapointed. i think if this happenes then nintendo are in with a chance then all they need to do is bring out super mash bros melee online, lol


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AfterDawn Addict
1. January 2006 @ 03:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the console will be more like 450. a 360 with wifi and no next gen rom support cost 520,and you are basically saying you know the ps3 will not be as good a killzone 2 for real. let wait and see.

But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...

PS3 Username: Anubis66
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1. January 2006 @ 04:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
first of all anubis i do not undertand your english, but this is what i made of it, ok i did not say they the killzone 2 was not real time all i said was that if and its a big IF they do not produce a killzone 2 graphics in any of their games then people wil look else where, and to add to this at the same time as the ps3 launch games like gears of war, ghost reacon and halo 2 oh and oblivion will be out so it add to the pressure of sony's launch,

oh and i might not know that much about the ps3 hard war but thats why i never say that the xbox 360 is technically better than the ps3 only that they are the same. but you on the other hand look down on the xbox 360, and i know for a fact that if had seen the real time footage that i have seen of the 2006 games that will be coming out on xbox 360 than you would not be saying thats its a brick of sh*t.


as far as i know this is the best website for games and other related stuff:
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1. January 2006 @ 09:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Lets get one thing straight.
Anibus, dont deny it, you are a fanboy.
I dont know how you can deny this, even when I've said things good about the 360, you put it down!

Sully, i disagree when you said the revolution will revolutionize video games. What are you, advertizing? I think you would know why i am saying this. The rev seems soo new, because it has stuff the gamecube should of had. To me the advantage that the rev has is the price.

These threads are being distroyed by fanboys flaming at eachother. Personally, yes zelda is an unbiased person, and so is truthman. I **used** to be biased. I was always using gamespot had to head article. And people kept flamming at me because of it. (truthman)lol

N e ways, im installing my video card NOW. sooooooo bye bye. LOL..Hope you fan boys\girls stop flamming at eachother.

1. January 2006 @ 09:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think zelda 64 is wrong about nintendo going the way of sega, but only because they make enough $ with their way of doing biz. Fazyninja is probly rite about nintendo not being as good as ps3 & 360 but they price their products, and sell enough to make thier $. This is good for them, but bad for us because I too would like to see thier games on other systems. I am also confident that ps3 will be big, not just due to thier games but also Blu-ra. ?$500? for a great game system and a Blu-ra player!!! My wife may kick my a**, but no one here has convinced me not to buy both.
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1. January 2006 @ 10:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i am not trying to change your mind but if you are gonna buy a ps3 then you have to look at this:


as far as i know this is the best website for games and other related stuff:
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1. January 2006 @ 11:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ahhhhhh ANOTHER PS3 V 360 thread!!!!!!!!!!!!Maybe just maybe the people maing these threads will get bored one day............well I doubt it, but one can still prey! Still that was a nice comparison from the previous poster.( the link that is :) )

You are reading a mindless signature, please stop reading it now it is mindless, one can only presume you are mindless since you are still reading this mindless signature, Oh my god get a life you mindless person, whats the matter with you, dont you have a girlfreind? mindless mindless mindless
1. January 2006 @ 11:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Fazyninja, thanks for the info.This old guy understood most of the techno jibe and I totally agree about Sonys arrogance.Im still stuck if I want Halo 3 and some of 360s great games, but still need Grand T. and blu-ra.
My next question is about $, is the 360 gonna come down closer to PS3 launch or soon after?? And Im sure everyone has heard rumors of PS3 not launching till late summer in Japan, ? here? That would suck for All interested.
AfterDawn Addict
1. January 2006 @ 11:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
to ninja guy. i am a fan, not a fan boy. some things mean more to me, and some things mean more to you. its a matter of opinion. i dont want 10 disks. i dont want any more than one. on 360k, would you enjoy a multi disk call of duty? sure youd be able to have better graphics but whatt if you wanna go back to an earlier level cuz u think it pwnz?. its like a parasite slowing you down. and like i said, the console has games now and it will for about 2-3 years are most. but then the ps3 will get more and more because games will be so large and multidisking is a hard thing to write into gaming.

But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...

PS3 Username: Anubis66
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1. January 2006 @ 12:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok thats your opinion but for me its mainly xbox live so i only need one disk except for when i want to play single player., and that only happenes once for each game.

also i ahev heard that the san andres was nearly 9 g but i also heard that it was only 4 so what is it, i am interested in knowing.


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1. January 2006 @ 13:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
when photo-relaism is reached, EVERYTHING about games someway or another will revolve around gameplay. Nintendo's revolution is as stated by them, gonna be there last console, and it looks to be *different*, BUT* thats how nintendo like it, they dont wanna compete graphically because they know they cant, so they make exotic things like their controller as a way of making people enjoy playing the game more. personally i think their controller show at E3 was the the most impressive thing there, and like ive said, it was better because it was way different to anything else there.
power = better (as the 360 and PS3 are following)
differentiating (different) = better - in a way (as the revolution is following).

alternatism can be just effective (aka. revolution) as something progressing down the same path getting stronger along the way. (which microsoft and sony are doing).

i think ive just explained the same point more than once in different ways, o well, if you didnt understand one then u will be sure to understand at least one of the others, i

Don't judge the consoles by specs, more isnt always better, espec in PS3 specs.i know the truth, ask if u wanna know.......

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1. January 2006 @ 13:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well put truthman
1. January 2006 @ 14:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes ive thought about that a lot, when graphics are so good that its hard to tell the difference between tv and computer graphics then pple will be buying consoles not for power as they are all as powerfull as one another but for the types of games and hardware features such as the controller . But that day has not come yet (though next gen, after 360, ps3 and rev i bet they will be there if not pretty damn close) and so I choose power. I think the rev's controller could be something very good, but I don't think thats enough to make me buy the console. They are doing the best thing they can to compete and that is to stay with innovation like truthman say's but their lack of third party game support, lower power coupled with the release date (plus I do not believe their net capabilities are going to be as good as ps3 or 360) this makes rev a no go for me.
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1. January 2006 @ 15:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
common super smash bros online, lol, anyways i thought the revelution was suposed to be decicated to online play?.
well to be quite honest i am quite content with playing gears of war graphics for 2006 i should think that it will increase evntually over the years until in my opinion will get to killzone graphics like in 2010, lol i hope.


as far as i know this is the best website for games and other related stuff:
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1. January 2006 @ 15:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I myself just got a 360 and so far im very impressed! I cant wait till software developers start to utilize all of the 360s power the games will be amazing! I also plan on buying a ps3, maybe not right away bc of its lack of good launch titles,besides killzone 2. Im also considering buying a revolution, its cheaper, i can play old nintendo games, and it has zelda. The revolution is definatley going to fall short of the other two consoles because it simply lacks in its hardware power compared to the other two. I hope nintendo puts out some really great games for the rev otherwise it probably wont sell.

ASRock 890GX PRO 3, AMD Phenom II X2 555 BE, 8GB GSkill Sniper DDR3 1333,
Main HDD: WD Raptor 74GB 10,000rpm, Storage HDD: 1TB WD Caviar Black,
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1. January 2006 @ 16:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
although nintendo is playing a different versoin of the same game (console WAR), regardless of their awsome constoller, they just do not appeal to me, its the 360 that has all the killa games that i like, the PS3 has only a few and the nintendo rev. only has zelda that i like. thats why i chose 360 as my first reason, its all about flavours (opinion) of your liking. you get what you like most, regardless of what anybody else says, the job of all 3 is to make you happy, to entertain you.
if only one 'truly' entertains you, then buy it. if u get a different one just because more people have it, and you play on it just for the sake of it, and not because you want, to. then you are not getting the point of this whole thing.

if you like the revolution most, and people say, "haha ur gay, u like the crappy revolution", just say "SCREW YOU" as its all about YOUR choise and liking,

Don't judge the consoles by specs, more isnt always better, espec in PS3 specs.i know the truth, ask if u wanna know.......

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1. January 2006 @ 17:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well i have an xbox 360 and much like adamryer i too think its good and can only get better with time, i love the 2006 line up for the xbox 360 and i love everything else about it, sure its missing a few things but for what i wanted its enough. i will also buy the rev for the games as they are soo much fun and now those same games will be online, its also very cheap, and i mean look at ps and n64, ps had the best machine but i think n64 was more popular b/c of its features such as four player which ps did not have, i admit that nintendo will proably disapear after about 5 years like sega did unless they bring out some seriouse killer games and i mean killer.
i said before that nintendo had a slight chance if ps3 f***ed up but i change my mind now, for such reasons as one day i showed my friends who are sony fanboys some in game pics of gears of war and nba 2k6, lol it shut them up for about 10 seconds before they started saying things like they are movie clips and that if they were in game footage then xbox 360 was close to looking like the ps3, i mean this is stupid, sony feed there fans a whole load of bull sh*t, they really do think they are gonna get toy story graphics on the day of releade and nothing less, lol, and they look at ps3 as the benchmark, likes its 10 times better than anything else.


as far as i know this is the best website for games and other related stuff:
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2. January 2006 @ 01:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
to Anubis
i am a fan, not a fan boy.
Ok your a fan, just not a boy lol. What ninja say's is true I wouldn't trust the word of ANY company seeing is believing,look at the video's and articles not just some spokesperson who works for sony, m$ or nintendo. And unfortunatly I know someone who is a nintendo fanboy, never listened to what i said and went as far as making sh*t up 2 defend nintendo (but i always caught him bullsh*ting) Reading what other pple write i can see that fan boys have 2 things in common, they never EVER give a compliment to a different console or listen to anything else so ninja I think your wasting your breath on those guys, if they are true fan boys they won't listen and i think thats the most frustrating thing.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. January 2006 @ 01:41

AfterDawn Addict

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2. January 2006 @ 07:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
fazyninja -

i know that san andreas for ps2 was under 4.7GB because it doesn't require a rebuild to burn it and play it, so i'd have a hard time beliving that it would be 9GB for XBox.

2. January 2006 @ 11:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
all the more of a reason why i think 9GB is more than enough for a few years.
after 2 years maybe, microsoft should let older 360 owners take their 360 into a game shop (that does this >)and get their drive switched to a HD-DVD drive that is compatible with *older* (lol) xbox 360 games. all that for no charge.
if that happened then i wouldnt give a sh*t about the blu-ray thing.
i dont care about it much now anyway, yes its gooooood but not that good. (and expensive, *grumbles*)

Don't judge the consoles by specs, more isnt always better, espec in PS3 specs.i know the truth, ask if u wanna know.......

Do not compete without valid correct technicality on your terms of the argument. > forums > consoles > xbox 360 - modding & hacking > ten reasons to wait and buy the ps3.. a must read!

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