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Ten reasons to wait and buy the Ps3.. A must read!
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6. January 2006 @ 07:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
lmao royal. hehe

i guess the sh*t was washed right away huh. lol

ah i wonder what other reactions i might get after that post.

ok as i forgot to thank the people who defended me, after arse boy insulted me a lot totally out of context. THANK YOU.

Don't judge the consoles by specs, more isnt always better, espec in PS3 specs.i know the truth, ask if u wanna know.......

Do not compete without valid correct technicality on your terms of the argument.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. January 2006 @ 07:09

6. January 2006 @ 08:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This is gettin slo, Im gonna go tip a few, but on the way Ill check out a few Wlmts for a 360 before the kids are outta school. Reasons I cant wait : Cause winters a long way off.
AfterDawn Addict
6. January 2006 @ 08:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
PLAYSTATION®3: Changing the future of play.
Welcome to the next-generation of computer entertainment, the PLAYSTATION®3. This system is positioned to change the nature of the gaming and entertainment industry forever, incorporating cutting-edge advancements such as the Cell next-generation, high performance processor, the RSX graphics processor and XDR memory. It will also bring Supercomputer-like power in combination with Blu-ray Disc? ROM (BD-ROM) that will deliver entertainment content in full high-definition (HD) quality. In short, it's a console that screams digital carpe diem, promising to change the rules once again. And that's good, because change makes us interesting. It makes us exciting. Its mere unpredictability is the thing that makes us feel alive. And as you can see, change is upon us once again.

But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...

PS3 Username: Anubis66
6. January 2006 @ 08:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
nice try fanboy. (dont deny it)

we all know about that self biased sony shite (and website), the PS3 is good but again sony have milked it.

i went into a sony shop in meadow hall, and i saw a TV HD-ready, 23", 400cmd brightness, 400:1 contrast ratio, 16ms response time, for £1000. now that is definately what i call paying for the name (on the TV), and a FKING RIP OFF.

im getting a 27" samsung TV with 800:1 contrast ratio, 500cmd brightness, 8ms response time for £550. its FAR better, FAR BIGGER and MUCH CHEAPER.

man, it totally explains itself. i like sony but that is just preying on the suckers who think sony best. (which its not with everything, but its one of the best easily in general).
that is simply not fair on them (the suka buyer), they deserve to know the truth, everyone does.

that shows how much deciept and lies there is in the market.

Don't judge the consoles by specs, more isnt always better, espec in PS3 specs.i know the truth, ask if u wanna know.......

Do not compete without valid correct technicality on your terms of the argument.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. January 2006 @ 08:51

AfterDawn Addict
6. January 2006 @ 08:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you have to take into consideration the fact of what ports the tv has and what display it can reach. does either have hdmi? 1080i or 1080p? maybe the cheaper one only has 720p? pay closer attention.

But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...

PS3 Username: Anubis66
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6. January 2006 @ 09:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Lol, anyways..........................
Truthman i was about to kill u verbally.
Until u said jking

Isnt Toshiba and Sony Tv's from like the same thingy? LIKE Acura and HOnda?

Off topic.

But even the revelution is showing off at CES

Sony better show somthing off, before i kill them . LMAO
Well not kill them.... hate them

Truthman, dont diss the tv's, you are lucky to have those hdtv's. All i got is 27inch panaswonic tv's. LOl Flat sceen!!

I cant wait till ff12 comes out.....................



This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. January 2006 @ 09:10

AfterDawn Addict
6. January 2006 @ 09:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you think ff12 will be released on ps3 aswell? or will ps3 get the following version?

But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...

PS3 Username: Anubis66
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6. January 2006 @ 09:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well u know it is comming out in august. It was shown at e3. So it just might go on ps3 aswell.

6. January 2006 @ 09:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Truthman, your dead on about payin too much for some names,but Sony Lcd are one of the best. After having said that, the last HD tv i bought was a 32"Vizio LCD w/ HDMI for only $895 @ Sams, Its my 4th HDTV and for the price its great.
I know its alittle off the subject but it proves my point about the new systems pushing HD products & content. And once that happens the $ comes down so everone cvan afford it. Im not braggin about havin 4 HD tvs, Im really pi**ed that the change over to HD is goin so da** slow. Theres no better way to watch a flic and sure as he** no better way to play!!!
Senior Member
6. January 2006 @ 11:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just thought those who have a 360 would like to know that Street Fighter 2 Hyper is coming to the Live arcade. I knew the 360 would get all the old classic games on live arcade which was a nice little bonus for those who own a 360.

Also for those who didnt know 4,000 PS3 dev kits have been distributed globaly so there should be quite a few games coming to PS3.
6. January 2006 @ 13:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
o no no dont get me wrong, i think the sony HDTV is very good.
BUT i just meant that with that one example (in the shops) it was pertty poor because it was too much money compared to what you can get online.
you an get a better HDTV than that (specs and size) for neaely half price, thats all i meant.

nice to see your reaction kookoo, hehe. thats 2 responses, yay

Don't judge the consoles by specs, more isnt always better, espec in PS3 specs.i know the truth, ask if u wanna know.......

Do not compete without valid correct technicality on your terms of the argument.
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6. January 2006 @ 18:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I wonder how cheap sony is in Japan? I think u would know why there are cheaper there right? Like japanees cars there are more cheaper in japan aswell. I guess american things in Japan are expencive. DOnt you think so?


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. January 2006 @ 18:04

AfterDawn Addict
6. January 2006 @ 18:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
issnt the 360 cheaper in japan?

But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...

PS3 Username: Anubis66
6. January 2006 @ 18:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
kookoo, the 360 is less in Japan! And truthman, your rite about the Sony there 32"is going for over 2k and it didnt have pip like the Vizio.Again it was under $900, and Im usin it for a second monitor, an HDTV, and my Mod Box. I guess i could hook up the PS3 & 360 (both with componant plugs) and play them side by side. Some day, some day.
AfterDawn Addict
6. January 2006 @ 18:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey there richy rich.

But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...

PS3 Username: Anubis66
6. January 2006 @ 19:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Truthman I think u mite have the same samsung HDTV as me mine has an 8ms response time (how wicked is that, about the same as a crt monitor) has yours got a power on button that is big and round like the 360's? But mines only 23 inch *sigh*.
6. January 2006 @ 19:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
'ello 'ello 'ello! lol I just realised how wrong that sounds 'mines only 23 inches'.
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7. January 2006 @ 02:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i have had a look at the 10 reasons to buy a PS3 and there isnt even 10 there.the 2nd reason to buy a PS3,according to ign,is metal gear solid 4.
Reason #2: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Remember when we said that the Xbox 360 doesn't have a killer app yet? Well the PlayStation 3's Metal Gear Solid 4 is definitely a killer app. Game creator Hideo Kojima has shown time and time again that he knows how to craft an excellent videogame, and after witnessing the impressive real-time demonstration of Guns of the Patriots (and its accompanying trailer) at TGS this past September, we're already convinced that the PS3 will be capable of some amazing things. A great pedigree plus great technology? Sounds good to us!

How can a game be a reason to buy a console that will cost a bomb?who ever wrote this hasnt a clue what they are talking about.Xbox 360 has 'killer apps' it has Halo 3,project gotham 3 and mass effect.
Ps3 is that good that it cant even come up with 10 reasons to buy it.i dont care what anyone says you can not have a game as a reason to buy a console.

Another pathetic reason to buy a playstation 3 is that you can still pre-order.Thats another reason that has nothing to do with how powerful the console is or how sucessful its going to be.

And another reason to buy a PS3 is that
Reason #10: Xbox 360 Doesn't Have a Killer App
How can that be a reason to buy a PS3? 360 does have 'killer apps' 2.What about the revolution? if the xbox 360 doesnt have killer apps(which it does)why should gamers buy a PS3 when the nintendo revolution is coming out?
Whoever wrote that article obviously isnt aware that theres 3 consoles in this war not 2.
I think the biggest problem both microsoft and sony have is that they are constantly tring to beat each other when nintendo have a console with better graphics,the most portable and has backwards compatible with the old nintendo nintendo may win this console war.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. January 2006 @ 03:00

7. January 2006 @ 04:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sorry to get you down chimpanel, but a CRT moniter has a response time of less than 1ms. there shit fast, and they perform better.
the LCD's are better because the pixels are more clearly defined (look better), less eye strain and take up less space.
i use a CRT with my PC because im still a hard core gamer, BF2, brothers in arms, doom 3, Call of duty, etc. u name it, i got it (if its a good FPS). and rome total war is the BEST EVER realtime/turn based strategy (i think). real time in battles, turn based in campaign mode. its awsome.

although the 8ms may seem bad compared to a CRT, games will look clearer, and although performance is less agaist a CRT, 8ms and other specs (detailed ones, 2 many to mention and talk about) is very good for a LCD, i havent seen a 4ms LCD yet (not under £1000 at least, which is like $1900), 8ms means NO ghosting, non at all.
the difference between 0.5ms and 8ms is practically negligible to the eye. (anything over 16ms is seeable).
ah so its got great pic (pixel wise, as they are clearer), smaller than CRT, uses half of the power as compared to a CRT, looks better (frame wise) and isnt a RIP OFF.

i also read that samsung were the official sponsors of xbox 360 HD gaming. now that did cheer me up a bit. good news for us eh.
ive ordered a samsung 27" HDTV, whcib kickass specs, 800:1 contrast, 550 brightness, 1336x rez, 8ms res. its gooooooood for just £550. better than MANY £1000 ive seen. what a deal eh.

Don't judge the consoles by specs, more isnt always better, espec in PS3 specs.i know the truth, ask if u wanna know.......

Do not compete without valid correct technicality on your terms of the argument.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. January 2006 @ 14:02

7. January 2006 @ 08:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That 27 Sam. sounds nice, what connections does it have?? I like to have at least 1 DVI/HDMI for upcon DVD, 2 Componant for cable and console and of coarse RGB for the computer.
Hey Anubis, is that a hint of jealousy i hear?? What can I say, Im just another workin stiff who likes his toys. Besides, if we all didnt buy they wouldnt make this stuff anymore. It pains me to even think it.
AfterDawn Addict
7. January 2006 @ 10:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ha i had adream last night that 1 year after bluray was accepted as the next dvd, sony went under and there was no format left and the world ended.

But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...

PS3 Username: Anubis66
7. January 2006 @ 14:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thats crazy, just a PoS (pice of sh*t).
lol, funny though, - very random.

and royal sob. the TV has got ALL the connections you mentioned (and same number).
its a sweet deal.

Don't judge the consoles by specs, more isnt always better, espec in PS3 specs.i know the truth, ask if u wanna know.......

Do not compete without valid correct technicality on your terms of the argument.
AfterDawn Addict
7. January 2006 @ 14:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ive been looking for a 26" lcd tv hd-built in, 720p minimum, 1080i or p prefered, prices cap under 700

But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...

PS3 Username: Anubis66
7. January 2006 @ 19:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Serious? wow didn't know CRT's had less than 1ms response time, someone told me it was 8ms but they must be Bull sh*tting me. Yeah i have seen that samsung whenever there's a 360 show, so obviously I thought if they use it too show off their games it must be good. I got mine for 1365 aussie dollars which is somwhere in the region of 590 pounds which trust me is probably one of or the lowest price u can get a '23' samsung in auss as I checked most places and had to haggle like a b*tch. For some reason the t.v's are dearer here in auss, don't ask me why, but a '27' inch for 550 quid thats a steal.

Quick question you know I haven't checked this out but is the samsung tv I have 1080p? Or are their two different models?
7. January 2006 @ 19:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
anubis check out kelkoo, they are usually good when it comes to comparing prices of things on the net.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. January 2006 @ 19:31 > forums > consoles > xbox 360 - modding & hacking > ten reasons to wait and buy the ps3.. a must read!

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