Experiencing Difficulty Using DVD RB and CCE? If So, Then Ask Your Questions Here.
Junior Member
26. January 2005 @ 12:40 |
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Hi I have tried all that has been suggested but i still get the error. Re ripped a few more movies to try out and same result.
I will try loading on another PC and see how that goes. Its a clean new install PC.
Is it possible for any conflict with any other drivers or could it be Directx and CCE version.
I am a newby so these maybe silly question, Ill appologise in advance if this is so.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
26. January 2005 @ 12:50 |
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unfortunately a clean install has also eliminated the error a great number of times.
Good Luck.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
26. January 2005 @ 15:39 |
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Someone here can always recommend an all in one installer. ;-|
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
26. January 2005 @ 16:05 |
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One could, but I don't think that setup was his problem and the installer doesn't include CCE. I enjoy using RB but if it wasn't compatible with CCE I probably wouldn't be using it, to me they are the package. RB provides the insctructions for the outcome but in the end the result is only as good the transcoder/encoder.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
27. January 2005 @ 13:10 |
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Did you ever try another ripper? I have run into problems using Decryptor on a few movies with DVD-RB. In those odd ball cases, I used ANYDVD in the background and let DVD-RB Process the VIDEO-TS off the DVD. This method is slow and can be a hassle if the DVD has scratches on it.
Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling, tact, or fact are transmission errors.
Senior Member
27. January 2005 @ 19:09 |
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The only reason I recomend Jdobbs installer here is because with CCE already installed it is only a couple of clicks to switch from QuEnc to CCE. Just a thought.
I personally choose manual setup because I like to place the folders a particular way. But for a new convert with problems the installer can circumvent the usual setup problems.
29. January 2005 @ 22:11 |
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This is the my first time using DVD Rebuilder I am using DVD Rebuilder 0.70 and CCE 2.5 SP and have followed the guide here as much as possible but get the message after about 10 minutes.
There is nothing to do!
DVD-RB couldn't locate appropriate files in working directory! You must PREPARE and ENCODE first.
In the output directory there are .bup .ifo and .vobs
AMD Athlon 2000XP
MSI Mother Board
1024MD DIMMS 2700rpm Unbranded
60GB Western Digital 7200rpm
Pioneer A03
Litreon DVD Rom
Cyber Drive 32x 12x 48x
64MB Geforce Ti 2
5.1 Sound Blaster
Junior Member
30. January 2005 @ 02:33 |
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Hi its me again,
I have been able to finaly get the software to work, but only with the "Special Erro Processing" on. It works fine. Well almost
But although it works fine, I have a final product of 2.46 GB or 2,643,113,984 bytes in the VIDEO_TS file. Original size of the disk is 7.77 GB (8,348,170,240 bytes)
Can anyone see any problems in my setup.
CCEBasic=C:\Program Files\Custom Technology\Cinema Craft Encoder Basic\cct2.exe
MPEG2DEC=E:\DVD to DVD\dgmpgdec101rc1\dgmpgdec110rc1\DGDecode.dll
Skin=Windows Standard
PS: IT also only takes a few min for the prepare,61 min for the Encode, and less than 15 for the rebuild. Should it not take longer than that? I assume if it is the right size re: 4.32Gig it would take longer.
Thanks in advance.
Senior Member
30. January 2005 @ 04:15 |
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This usually means you have a folder misnamed or not placed properly.
Don't mess with the setup, just the working folder.
Make sure that the working folder is the same as the output folder. Make sure that video ts isn't at the end of the path. Just take it to the named output folder.
You can paste the DVDrebuilder.ini file to your post to help. It's in the same folder as DVDrebuilder.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. January 2005 @ 04:17
Senior Member
30. January 2005 @ 04:38 |
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The smaller size indicates an Avisynth/DGdecode problem.
Reload Avisynth and make sure you let it install in the default directory. Then copy DGdecode to the plugins directory in the Avisynth folder. Then remap the path in Rebuilder options for the decoder.
Did you ever get the lastest CCE basic non-trial?
Junior Member
30. January 2005 @ 04:50 |
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Ok, ill do that, I didnt think that the DGdecode.dll file needed to be in the plugins folder, if the decoder path was set to it in rebuilder. But I will change it.
I have not upgraded to the lastest CCE basic non-trial, as I was under the impression it was not supportted yet, by recoder. I have Ver. SDK VER 2.69.
should I instal the upgrade?
Junior Member
1. February 2005 @ 13:47 |
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Quote: The only reason I recomend Jdobbs installer here is because with CCE already installed it is only a couple of clicks to switch from QuEnc to CCE. Just a thought.
The new Installer is ready (waiting for the next Public Release) and it will configure all the paths to CCE (and install EclCCE) if needed aswell as detect ProCoder path and make all the setup of Rebuilder for you.
Hope this way all the confusions about CCE's version will be over.
keep it UP
When the (full) install is finished you shall have the follow list on your computer:
DVD Rebuilder 0.??beta PR - for now (jdobbs)
QuEnc 0.59beta2 (Nic)
ReJig v0.5e (Nic)
ECLPro v0.24 beta (Robot1)
RBOpt v0.16 beta (Robot1)
RB Loader v0.2 beta (Nic)
DGDecode.dll v.1.1.0 (automatically putted on your AviSynth's plugging folder)
Help File
MPEG2Dec3dg.dll v. (automatically putted on your AviSynth's plugging folder - use it only if you get any problems with DGDecode.dll)
UnDot.dll v. and Deen.dll v.1.0 beta 1 - many beginners have contacted me for the location of these filters so I decided to include them on this package (automatically putted on your AviSynth's plugging folder).
It will create on your Window's Start menu a Group called "DVD Rebuilder" where you'll find important shortcuts that will help you to use DVD-RB.
It now includes a Routine that will allow you to choose your Commercial Encoder (CCE and/or ProCoder) and automatically configure DVD Rebuilder to use it/them.
Main Features
The installer will detect if you have AviSynth installed... if you don't the process will abort.
Will create a "work" and "output" folder on your "documents" folder.
Rebuilder.ini (which configures Rebuilder to *one click mode using *QuEnc - "high quality mode" enabled - *"dynamically assign cell bit rates" and *"25% quality drop on extras" - work and output folder will be defined as the ones choose during Install procedure.
The "Commercial Encoder's" routine will allow you to configure the paths and definitions, of your favorite Encoder, on DVD Rebuilder. Just don't forget to point the correct path to your CCE folder and then choose the correct version during the procedure. If you plan to use ProCoder you'll just have to point the version you have installed... the path on EclPRO will be automatically defined and DVD Rebuilder will be set to use it - when this routine starts it will look for all the versions of the Commercial Encoders supported, you'll get an error message if none is detected - if you are certain that you have CCE installed and still get the message, then you are using an illegal copy, if you don't... contact me (anyway I made it possible to continue the installation just for the case that the "detection routine" has some bugs, so you'll be able to point the installation folder and select the version... DVD Rebuilder will also be configured with the data you submit).
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. February 2005 @ 13:54
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
1. February 2005 @ 14:18 |
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I was wondering how long it we be before you joined us. I'm sure that calling the RB intaller "jdobb's installer was an oversight." Tnanks for the installer, I know that jdobbs appreciates it.
Welcome and thanks for posting the info, I think that your post is going to make a lot of newbies happy.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
Junior Member
1. February 2005 @ 14:35 |
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@ Sophocles
Thanks man... about the "jdobbs installer" I don't mind... for me it's just an honour to be able to help him everytime I can.
By the way... there's a new Public Release and A new Installer available...
Check it on http://www.dvdrebuilder.com
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. February 2005 @ 14:36
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
1. February 2005 @ 15:47 |
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I just came from their earlier, I became a member last fall. Your links aren't connecting (anti-leech?), but they can be copied and pasted int URL field above. I just received RB .74 so it seems you have your work cutout.
I think that it's especially generous of you to include eclCCE, that alone has had us spending countless hours on helping new users setup.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
Suspended permanently
1. February 2005 @ 17:16 |
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With the new 2.70 SP trial, the eclCCE isn't needed and the trial option is supported in the RB. One of the settings in the advanced CCE options needs to be changed in RB prior to 72. I forgot which jdobbs said it was. I ran a trial with the SP 2.7 and it worked about the same as the 2.69 Basic. The SP has the multiple pass capability. The newer Avisynth beta, along with the Dgdecode work well with 2.7 as well.
Suspended due to non-functional email address
1. February 2005 @ 23:19 |
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Hi all. I'm pretty new to backing up dvd's. I usually ripped the movie with DVD Shrink and then use dvd rebuilder to transcode it if it was long. Always worked. Now, I am trying to keep the menu function on the dvds.
I started with LOTR: Fellowship (extended). I tried preprocessing with dvd remake pro 2.6.2 to edit the menu's by hiding some screens that showed commentaries, etc. I then exported and ran it through rebuilder. The segment 4 VOBID: 0 CELLID: 0 was over 2 gb>>contained whole movie I guess. On rebuilding I would get a buffer ..#0004 error. I tried 4 different times editing different cells with remake pro and still received the same error. Any ideas? I would hate to have to post-process the dvd and try to estimate the sector size so that it would fit best.
rb 0.73, cce 2.66
Junior Member
2. February 2005 @ 02:35 |
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The links are working... you just have to wait a few seconds and you'll be taken to the right place... why? you have to ask to afterdown administrators :)
By the way... I just made a small update on the installer 'cause RB-OPT wasn't beeing properly updated to 0.16 release.
keep it UP
AfterDawn Addict
2. February 2005 @ 03:23 |
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rockas and jdobbs,
GOOD JOB guys, ya'll just keep making Rebuilder better and better. It is my favorite app for backing up movies. Thanx for everything.
BTW, rockas-welcome to the forum :>)
Suspended permanently
2. February 2005 @ 03:39 |
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I concur. Rockas, welcome to the trials and tribulations of AD. Y'all come back now, ya hear?
2. February 2005 @ 07:00 |
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DVD-RB is one tool that has earned its place (with honors) in my collection.
I Thought I found a movie that it would fail on. I did a pre-check with DVD-Shrink. DVD Shrink compression was in the RED (automatic compression) 4.75GB). Well DVD-RB did not fail me. I ran it over night and the output looks perfect. Best of all the title fits on a DVD-5.
Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling, tact, or fact are transmission errors.
2. February 2005 @ 10:45 |
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Hey, I ran into my first confusion with dvd rb and cce today. I have tried CCE SP 2.67 and had success with it, but I want to test if 2.50 or 2.67 is better. I tried to configure 2.50 and in the rebuilder configuration file it says cce: 0. Under cce options i have cce (2.50) checked. Under mode i have cce checked also. I use ECLCCE also. Under options-setup i have my CCE SP 2.5 location set to EclCCE also. Any ideas? Is it not supposed to say: cce:1?
Junior Member
2. February 2005 @ 11:15 |
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That's correct for CCE 2.50 SP
If you have any doubts try my installer... it will do all the hard work for you :)
2. February 2005 @ 11:27 |
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thanks for the quick reply
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
2. February 2005 @ 12:30 |
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That's true but some older non trial version do need it. I'm gueesing that Rockas was intending to support those.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.