Burn Xbox360 games in Mac OS X?
17. March 2007 @ 05:54 |
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Is this the type of writer that works best...LINK
Thanks a lot for everyones help!
17. March 2007 @ 07:07 |
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I'm new at this. Also, I'm using iburn with an ibook G4 and if I can't do it this way, I'll use terminal. It would also be great if anyone could find or make a website which you can download these game files. Does anyone know how to extract the game's files (.000, .360, ect.) after putting it into your computer? Do you just drag them from your cd to desktop or is there a special mac program?
27. March 2007 @ 07:42 |
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Hey all.. I posted a while back that you can burn .iso file on the mac mini (intel)using the superdrive built in. I did this using bootcamp. I just simply used clone CD and it worked like a charm.
Just this past weekend I got rid of bootcamp in favour of parallels. I installed clone CD and tried to burn an .iso and it came up as a coaster. I could try another .iso and see what happens, but Im just wondering if the layer break is a problem when using parallels but not a problem using bootcamp..
I have a hard time believing the iso was a bad file..
anyone know?
27. March 2007 @ 09:16 |
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just try using iBurn360 in mac os x rather than then use clonecd on parallels. i have been using it for over a month now and have had no problems when using with verbatin discs, they maybe more expensive but saves you lot of coasters. i bought 40 Aone DL DVD+R and only 3 burned properly. verbatin seem to be the best and iBurn 360 is really simple to use.
27. March 2007 @ 14:10 |
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ok I just tried iburn360 using phillips DVD+R which worked before in bootcamp and another iso burnt just fine...
Now the key is to try burning the other iso that I originaly posted about to see if its just a bad iso,,
thanks.. I prefer iburn360 to loading parallels etc..
28. March 2007 @ 06:49 |
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Ok it was a bad iso.. didnt work in iburn360..
I recommend iburn 360 to everyone with a mac.. it works!
16. May 2007 @ 01:33 |
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Can someone tell me I can burn backups using my 2 Ghz Intel Core Duo iMac? I have a PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-K05 burner inside it.
16. May 2007 @ 04:40 |
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Best way i have found is to install Bootcamp software which will allow you to install windows. Then boot into windows and using clonecd burn the image file you have.
16. May 2007 @ 05:24 |
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Quote: Can someone tell me I can burn backups using my 2 Ghz Intel Core Duo iMac? I have a PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-K05 burner inside it.
Use iBurn360 which if you read anything in this thread before posting you wouldn't have had to ask this question.
18. August 2007 @ 04:34 |
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thank god i found this thread.
ok so i got a mac powerbook (intel) and tried to burn via PC route but as I have the partition set in bootcamp using FAT it will not let me copy a 7GB file over!!!
I found iBurn and have so far produced 8 coasters.
I know the writer works and iBurn is supposed to work. My only hope is what someone posted about iBurn only working with Verbs. Im gonna go get some now and then try again - they better work buddy!
Short of that, I will have to remove the partition completely and create a new one in NAT (or whatever it is). The only pain then is that it will not be accessible from my Mac side.
hopefully iBurn and Verbs will work fine.
will come back in a few hours and let you know how it went.
18. August 2007 @ 07:39 |
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didnt work.
does it matter that im using a samsung drive?
shouldnt do.
here is the error:
Executing 'builtin_dd if=/Users/BadBoyBen/Desktop/BLUE_DRAGON_PAL_MULTI3_DISK1_KiNgKooLSaVaS/image.iso of=/dev/rdisk1 obs=32k seek=0'
0/7572881408 ( 0.0%) @0x, remaining ??:?? RBU 100.0% UBU 0.0%
then just says download finished!
damn thats a verb wasted - and they are too expensive!
18. August 2007 @ 07:53 |
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dirtygit I burned that same game with iburn and it worked fine for me with verbs. Have you flashed your 360 drive with the correct firmware? and is what model is the drive in your powerbook?
18. August 2007 @ 12:59 |
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i have about 40 back ups that run fine.
this is the first time i am doing my own.
Mac powerbook G4 (intel) OS 10.4.10
drive is samsung DL burner (with usb and firewire)
iBurn is the latest that does not allow preference setting.
using verbatims
hmm - maybe the drive is not compatible with mac? i would presume that all drives would be compatible.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. August 2007 @ 13:00
18. August 2007 @ 15:41 |
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screw iburn.
i just backed up Blue Dragon and it works awesomely!
I ended up using fusion to run windows XP on my mac - then just used CloneCD.
worked 1st time. 37mins.
double bonus for me as i got rid of my old partition (bootcamp) and using fusion i have a shared HDD - so no unused space in a partition.
this is great.
bioshock and disc 2 of blue dragon downloading.
i am so glad i finally got this done. i was starting to wonder if it was the burner or if iwas just stupid - turns out it was neither.
i look forward to using iburn one day tho
damn its 1230 and i have to be up at 6am but i am sooo excited that my back up is running i think i have to play Blue Dragon all night lol
Junior Member
21. August 2007 @ 14:50 |
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so i'm new at this. i have iBurn360 and an .iso file on my desktop. using a Intel Mac. do i need to get an external dual layer burner or will the one in the mac work fine. and how to I flash my 360 hard drive? could I just get a mod chip instead?
22. August 2007 @ 00:01 |
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I'm using my intel iMac's internal dvd burner wich works fine. I have burned about 10 discs by now and never got a coaster. Be sure to use Verbatim dl dvd+r though. If you want to get your xbox modded (like I did) you won't be able to use iBurn360 as you need to patch your iso file first. This is a very simple task but it can only be done in Windows..
22. August 2007 @ 00:24 |
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Originally posted by linkj: so i'm new at this. i have iBurn360 and an .iso file on my desktop. using a Intel Mac. do i need to get an external dual layer burner or will the one in the mac work fine. and how to I flash my 360 hard drive? could I just get a mod chip instead?
i dont know mac you got. most likely you will need to get an external DL burner.
you cannot flash a 360 using mac. :(
final note. ALWAYS use verbatims for discs. seriously I went through two different packs of cheap discs and have 16 coasters. my first verbatim burned 1st time perfect.
no problems at all with verbs (at 2.4x speed)
Junior Member
22. August 2007 @ 12:21 |
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thanks, also how would i play the back-ups on my 360......and how would I go about patching the iso......I got a lot of friggin questions.....thanks in advance
23. August 2007 @ 00:28 |
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Originally posted by linkj: thanks, also how would i play the back-ups on my 360......and how would I go about patching the iso......I got a lot of friggin questions.....thanks in advance
give me your email address and i will send you a pdf guide.
you can only do this with pc hardeware though as you need to hook up a sata and other stuff that just makes it unfeasable on mac.
Junior Member
23. August 2007 @ 12:41 |
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which one is the better way to go about playing back-ups, mod chip or flashing
23. August 2007 @ 12:45 |
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Originally posted by linkj: which one is the better way to go about playing back-ups, mod chip or flashing
23. August 2007 @ 14:39 |
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Originally posted by linkj: which one is the better way to go about playing back-ups, mod chip or flashing
flash. sending guide now.
Junior Member
23. August 2007 @ 16:37 |
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thanks for the pdf guide, but if i can't get my hands on a pc how do i flash with my mac....or can i? should i just get a mod chip if i can't get a pc.
23. August 2007 @ 23:50 |
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Originally posted by linkj: thanks for the pdf guide, but if i can't get my hands on a pc how do i flash with my mac....or can i? should i just get a mod chip if i can't get a pc.
you cannot flash with a mac. period. normally I would personally see that as a challenge to do it but if you look at the PDF, you need to actually open the PC and use a SATA to hook up the HD to flash it.
It just will not happen.
I know a mate that sells them pre-flashed (in London) but I don't know where you live.
Think of all the money you will save on back-ups - is it worth buying a cheap PC to do the flashing? You can get them for about £399 now. Get some mates to chip in too?
I would really recommend flashing vs modding. You can always load the old firmware back on, it is much harder to uninstall a mod chip.
30. August 2007 @ 18:38 |
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I had my original xbox flashed, but not quite sure how this works for the 360. Can you play backups on Live in without being detected with flashing. I, also, only have a Mac.
PowerPC G4 MDD. Haven't bought a 360 yet but would like an Elite, is it possible with that model, and does the original operated system stay on the machine, or is there even a new OS that boots the backup? -- which is what it was like on my orig. xbox.
And is iburn360 the only way to burn the 360 .iso, can't you just use toast and burn the .iso that way? Sorry lot's of Q's. And probably still have more.....
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. August 2007 @ 18:42