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25. September 2008 @ 02:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
How to Stream Backup Bluray to PS3

Big Thanks to odin24 who walked me through every step.

*In order to be able to stream the video codec must be NOT be VC-1
VC-1 will not stream as of yet. So if the video codec is vc-1 this tutorial
won't help you.*

Software Needed:

Arcsoft TotalMedia Theatre

Hardware Needed

Bluray Drive

a. Getting the Bluray onto your hard drive:

-Run Anydvd HD
-Insert Bluray
-Right click the fox icon and hit Rip Video DVD to Harddisk
-Select Destination
-Copy DVD

b. Selecting the Video/Audio

-Run tsmuxer gui
-Under the "Input" tab click "add"
-Select the largest .m2ts file from "yourdestination/movietitle/bdmv/stream"
**if the movie is split into multiple files just select the playlist from "yourdestination/movietitle/bdmv/playlist"****

This is where you have a few options, DTS, DTS-HD, DTS-MA, TrueHD will not stream
as of yet. Dolby Digital and LPCM will stream. Dolby Digital for Lossy (good quality 448kbps)
and LPCM for Lossless (best quality 6.9 Mbps). The lossless audio will use more hard drive space
than the lossy audio.

I will now break up the tutorial based on what audio you want but before I do that, download and install
eac3to (with gui) and pcm2tsmu. Run Eac3to and more gui. First thing you do is on the "Paths/Sources" tab. On the right
will be a box with a bunch of paths. Under Eac3to click Add/Change and find your eac3to.exe file.
Under Pcm2Tsmu click Add/Change and find your pcm2tsmu.exe. Once you have your converted/final
audio keep reading to learn how to combine the audio and video back together.

1. I want Lossless Audio

Okay for lossless audio there are a few codecs the movie can be; lpcm, dts-hd/ma, truehd

If the title has LPCM you are in luck you can stream it right off the get go. Just deselect all
of the unwanted files leaving only the main lpcm and video streams. Under the output select
the M2TS muxing button. Select your destination and hit start muxing. You should end up with
a movietitle.m2ts file that will stream to your ps3.

If the title has truehd you need to convert it to lpcm. But first let's seperate out that audio.
Using tsmuxergui deselect everything except the truehd audio. hit the demux button and select
your destination. start muxing. You will now have a .ac3 audio file in your destination. Open
up eac3to and more gui, under the "Paths/Sources" tab click the Add Source File(s) button, find
your track.ac3 file and load it. Now onto the "Eac3to Audio" tab. On the right hand side click
the drop down box under Input File(s) Or Folder and load your .ac3 file, you can now look at the
details under the Eac3to and more track listing. still on the same tab, in the middle there will
be a drop down box under Save As Type, select pcm. Just to the left there will be a box called
File Name type in "stdout" (without the parentheses). Now under the "Eac3to stdout" tab there
will be a box under Pcm2tsmu called Output File Name put whatever you want there, usually I put
the movie title or an abreviation of it just so i can recognize it easier. Okay now all you do
is hit Run Command Line (tab Specific) and a command prompt window should pop up. It looks like
its not really doing anything but it is just be patient, you will hear a sound when its done.
You should have a file called whatever.pcm now. Combining this audio and video will be explained under "c"

If the title has DTS-HD/MA you will need to convert it to lpcm. You will also need to install
Arcsoft's TotalMedia Theatre as you need its DTS encoder. Now let's seperate out that audio.
Using tsmuxergui deselect everything except the DTS-HD audio. hit the demux button and select
your destination. start muxing. You will now have a .dts audio file in your destination. Open
up eac3to and more gui, under the "Paths/Sources" tab click the Add Source File(s) button, find
your track.dts file and load it. Now onto the "Eac3to Audio" tab. On the right hand side click
the drop down box under Input File(s) Or Folder and load your .dts file, you can now look at the
details under the Eac3to and more track listing. still on the same tab, in the middle there will
be a drop down box under Save As Type, select pcm. Just to the left there will be a box called
File Name type in "stdout" (without the parentheses). Now under the "Eac3to stdout" tab there
will be a box under Pcm2tsmu called Output File Name put whatever you want there, usually I put
the movie title or an abreviation of it just so i can recognize it easier. Okay now all you do
is hit Run Command Line (tab Specific) and a command prompt window should pop up. It looks like
its not really doing anything but it is just be patient, you will hear a sound when its done.
You should have a file called whatever.pcm now. Combining this audio and video will be explained under "c"

2. I want lossy audio

If the title has Dolby Digital you are in luck you can stream it right off the get go. Just deselect all
of the unwanted files leaving only the main lpcm and video streams. Under the output select
the M2TS muxing button. Select your destination and hit start muxing. You should end up with
a movietitle.m2ts file that will stream to your ps3.

If the title has TrueHD you need to extract just the core. Just deselect all
of the unwanted files leaving only the main lpcm and video streams. Highlight the audio stream
and hit the box marked Downconvert the TrueHD to AC3. Now under the output select
the M2TS muxing button. Select your destination and hit start muxing. You should end up with
a movietitle.m2ts file that will stream to your ps3.

If the title has DTS-HD, i'm not quite sure what to do yet. It can be done but I haven't done it.


This is actually quite easy and is also done with eac3to. You can also use Eac3to_and_more_GUI if you are not familiar with command line actions.

eac3to input.dts output.ac3 -640

Or follow KidKappa's instructions using eac3to_and_more_GUI, just set the output to .ac3, and the bitrate to 640kb/s. This will convert a DTS track to AC3 for streaming purposes

3. I want both Lossless and Lossy.

For this you still need to do all the conversion except when you mux the files back together
you'll just use three files (two audio, one video) instead of two.

c. Combining (Muxing) the Video and Audio back together.

-Run tsmuxer gui
-Under the "Input" tab click "add"
-Select the largest .m2ts file from "yourdestination/movietitle/bdmv/stream"
-Under the tracks box deselect everything except for the video
-Highlight the video line under tracks, make sure the video is profile
4.1 or lower as this is the max the ps3 will do i believe. If it is higher just select change level
under the general track options tab and set it to 4.1
- back at the top hit the "add" button again, this time add your audio file.
- under the output box hit the M2TS muxing button
- Select your destination, name your movie, and hit Start Muxing
- you will end up with a yourmovie.mt2s file that should stream to your ps3


Big thanks to Odin24 who walked me through every step.

I use Twonky to stream, i find that the wmp11 will sometime cut the file size down and only play
a few seconds of the film.

Please support the software and movie industry by buying software/movies/going to the box office

If you have any better methods or suggestions please post


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. April 2009 @ 04:35

Senior Member
25. September 2008 @ 07:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nice tut, I have one thing to add that wasn't covered.

Originally posted by KidKappa:
If the title has hd.cfm" class="forum_link" target="_blank">DTS-HD, i'm not quite sure what to do yet. It can be done but I haven't done it.
This is actually quite easy and is also done with eac3to. You can also use Eac3to_and_more_GUI if you are not familiar with command line actions.

eac3to input.dts output.ac3 -640

Or follow KidKappa's instructions using eac3to_and_more_GUI, just set the output to .ac3, and the bitrate to 640kb/s. This will convert a DTS track to AC3 for streaming purposes.

EDIT: I'm not sure how that nonsense arrived in the middle of my quote of KidKappa, it's not in my post... strange.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. September 2008 @ 08:02

9. October 2008 @ 13:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
where can i download Psm2Tsmu ?
Junior Member
9. October 2008 @ 23:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sorry, its pcm2tsmu, just under the software needed was a typo,

Senior Member
17. October 2008 @ 22:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey, I finally purchased an HD audio receiver. I'm running an experiment for my own preferences, TrueHD/DTSHD-MA vs. LPCM... what sounds better or is there any difference. Anyway, I could not remember how to convert lossless to LPCM and I used your guide. Way to go!

BTW, Dave Matthews Live at Radio City, TrueHD 96/24... HOLY COW!!!!


1. November 2008 @ 15:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
When i want to choose the input file in eac3to and more GUI, the program minimizes and i'm unable to do anything but close the program.. It must be some kind of bug :S

Do you have any idea on how to overcome this bug odin24?

Any help is much appreciated :D

Senior Member
1. November 2008 @ 15:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by nowaka:
When i want to choose the input file in eac3to and more GUI, the program minimizes and i'm unable to do anything but close the program.. It must be some kind of bug :S

Do you have any idea on how to overcome this bug odin24?

Any help is much appreciated :D

What are you trying to do? Convert audio?

2. November 2008 @ 13:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah. I want to convert a TrueHD AC3 file to lpcm.. i can chosse the source file, but when i choose the ac3 file (same as source) as the input file, eac3to and more gui minimizes and crashes..
Senior Member
2. November 2008 @ 15:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by nowaka:
Yeah. I want to convert a TrueHD AC3 file to lpcm.. i can chosse the source file, but when i choose the ac3 file (same as source) as the input file, eac3to and more gui minimizes and crashes..
Well, try this. First make sure the paths for eac3to and Pcm2Tsmu are specified in the first tab of the GUI.

1. Load your file under the "Path/Sources" tab
2. Under the "Eac3to Audio" tab (in the dropdown box on the right side) choose your file.
3. In the same tab, in the "File Name" section use "stdout".
4. "Save As Type" should be PCM
5. Go to the "Eac3to stdout" tab, name your file (whatever you like)
6. "Run Command Line (Tab Specific)

2. November 2008 @ 17:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh man.. i missed the part about adding the paths to eac3to.exe and Pcm2Tsmu.exe in eac3to and more GUI.. Thanks a bunch odin24 :D
Senior Member
2. November 2008 @ 19:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Good. HD audio is grand isn't it!

Junior Member
19. November 2008 @ 04:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey odin, i just tried to append a title thats split into multiple .m2ts files. I did the same routine for the audio and ended up with two .m2ts files each with a .h264 and an lpcm. I tried appending them but i got the error that my frame buffer was too small. do i just go into tsmuxer and go the general tab and increases the vbv buffer size??? mines currently set at 500 ms, any ideas??


Senior Member
19. November 2008 @ 17:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by KidKappa:
hey odin, i just tried to append a title thats split into multiple .m2ts files. I did the same routine for the audio and ended up with two .m2ts files each with a .h264 and an lpcm. I tried appending them but i got the error that my frame buffer was too small. do i just go into tsmuxer and go the general tab and increases the vbv buffer size??? mines currently set at 500 ms, any ideas??

Honestly I do not use tsMuxeR for demuxing anymore, especially for seamless branching titles. Use eac3to to demux then put back together with tsMuxeR. If you must use tsMuxeR to demux, at least open the files using the MPLS then mux directly to BD or m2ts.

Junior Member
19. November 2008 @ 19:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
how do you use eac3to to demux? can you demux the truehd and convert it to lpcm all in one step??

Senior Member
19. November 2008 @ 19:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by KidKappa:
how do you use eac3to to demux? can you demux the truehd and convert it to lpcm all in one step??
Are you familiar with command line yet?

Junior Member
19. November 2008 @ 19:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
haha, nope, still using the " and more gui" for eac3to

Senior Member
19. November 2008 @ 21:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Warning. AVG free antivirus gives a false positive with Eac3to_and_More_GUI. You need to make this app. an exception with AVG.
1. Open AVG
2. Tools
3. Exceptions, Specify Eac3to_and_More_GUI's directory
4. Apply, OK.

Go here for eac3to download and support.
Go here for Eac3to and More GUI download and support.
Go here for Pcm2tsmu download and support.

Before using eac3to_and_more_GUI for the first time be sure to configure the application paths in the first tab.

OK, eac3to_and_more_GUI (EAMG)can demux, and convert TrueHD in one step. There's one catch, EAMG cannot specify important parameters when using pcm2tsmu (required for tsMuxer). There is a small workaround though, basically saving the fnal command line, adding the extra required parameters (to a text (.txt)) file, then changing the .txt extension to .bat, then running.

1. Rip your BD to your PC.
2. using EAMG load the entire BD folder, instead of the m2ts file, this is required for seamless branching titles.
3. Under the Eac3to audio tab select the Input File/Folder.
4. (Far Left) select your Title Set, this will show in the small Track listing Box, obviously choose the one with the main movie.
5. Set the Track, obviously your TrueHD or DTS HD-MA track
6. Set the File Name as stdout
7. Set the Save As Type to PCM
8. Go to the Eac3to Video tab
9. The Source folder and Title Set should already be set
10. Set the track. obviously the main movie.
11. Save as either mkv if you intend to recode later, or applicable raw codec if you just want to remux with tsMuxeR later.
12. Go to Eac3to stdout Tab
13 Set your File name under the Pcm2tsmu field.

Once complete a the bottom your command line should look something like this.

"C:\Users\Chris\e3\eac3to.exe" "C:\Videos\BluRayMovie\" 1) 2: "C:\Videos\BluRayMovie\MovieTitle.m2v" 3: "stdout.pcm" 

| "C:\Users\Chris\e3\EAC3toMoreGUI\Pcm2Tsmu\Pcm2Tsmu.exe" - "C:\Videos\Movie\AudioTitle.pcm"

Now for the important part, we need to apply the Pcm2tsmu parameters, without using EAMG. Go ahead and try to set some of the Pcm2tsmu parameters (channels, bits, sample rate), notice nothing changes in the command line.

Highlight the entire command line, the press Ctrl+C, open a new Text file and then right click/paste. At the very end of the command line we will set the parameters, and remove the "" from the output file command.

Be aware the default settings for Pcm2tsmu are the following and to be entered in the following order;

Bits per sample - default is 24, to change enter -i ##
Number of channels - default is 6, to change enter -c #

Sample Rate - default is 48000, to change enter -s #####

So if we know your TrueHD track's parameters are say 96000 Hz, 24 bits, and 7.1 channels we definetly need to make changes and would look like this.

"C:\Users\Chris\e3\eac3to.exe" "C:\Videos\Movie\" 1) 2: "C:\Videos\BluRayMovie\MovieTitle.mkv" 3: "stdout.pcm" 

| "C:\Users\Chris\e3\EAC3toMoreGUI\Pcm2Tsmu\Pcm2Tsmu.exe" - C:\Videos\BluRayMovie\AudioTitle.pcm -c 8 -s 96000

Notice at the very end of the command line, it is now different from the previous one. We do not need to prompt the Number of bits as our source is already the default, and I removed the "" from the output file command... this for some reason if not done pcm2tsmu will not accept the manually entered commands.

Once you are finished making the changes to the .txt file SAVE it and close it, change the .txt to .bat

Make sure the .bat file is where you want the final A/V files to be, double click the .bat file and let eac3to do it's magic.

Final comments. It's mportant to know the bitdepth of the source TrueHD track, sometimes it's a constant 16 bit, sometimes it spikes to 24, I do not know how to tell unless I demux/convert the TrueHD track separatly with eac3to/pcm2tsmu in several steps. This way you do not need to sacrifice quality unknowingly... or set the bitdepth too high.

Since these extra steps are required using eac3to_and_more_GUI, I find it just the same using command prompt... which is what I do.

Good luck.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. November 2008 @ 09:10

23. November 2008 @ 03:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Awesome, thanks for the guide, i'm trying this out right now. To get this to play on my ps3 through an external hard drive i would have to use tsmuxer with output set to bluray and split at 4gb right? I'm aware this can cause small parts of the movie to be skipped. Is there any way around this or perhaps a better way of playing full blu rays on a ps3? Is it possible to copy the >4gb file to the ps3's hard drive and have that work, would that require linux on the ps3?

Also i found this sweet list of blu ray specs for videos that could be helpful in determining your movies audio bit rate. Heres the link:

Thanks for any help!
Senior Member
23. November 2008 @ 09:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ggpr:
Awesome, thanks for the guide, i'm trying this out right now. To get this to play on my ps3 through an external hard drive i would have to use tsmuxer with output set to bluray and split at 4gb right? I'm aware this can cause small parts of the movie to be skipped. Is there any way around this or perhaps a better way of playing full blu rays on a ps3? Is it possible to copy the >4gb file to the ps3's hard drive and have that work, would that require linux on the ps3?

Also i found this sweet list of blu ray specs for videos that could be helpful in determining your movies audio bit rate. Heres the link:

Thanks for any help!
If your video does not require subtitles you can copy the entire m2ts file straight from the BD rip via a home network to your PS3. The audio can only be regular AC3, or if you want HD audio the only for that can be played is LPCM... which eac3to can convert DTS HD-MA and TrueHD to, I do this fairly often.

As for the link you provided, it's a little "all over the place". I use , I have also heard this site is good.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. November 2008 @ 09:17

29. November 2008 @ 18:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks again for the help. I was able to get a movie with AVC(h.264) video and TrueHD audio to work by converting the audio to pcm and muxing a m2ts file. Now my next task seems to be getting a movie with VC1 video and converted pcm audio to work. I tried this method on my movie and made a m2ts file which i copied to the ps3 over the network. When i try to play it, it tells me their is corrupted data. Is there any easy work around to playing vc1 without re-encoding the whole movie? Thanks for any help.
Senior Member
29. November 2008 @ 19:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ggpr:
Thanks again for the help. I was able to get a movie with AVC(h.264) video and TrueHD audio to work by converting the audio to pcm and muxing a m2ts file. Now my next task seems to be getting a movie with VC1 video and converted pcm audio to work. I tried this method on my movie and made a m2ts file which i copied to the ps3 over the network. When i try to play it, it tells me their is corrupted data. Is there any easy work around to playing vc1 without re-encoding the whole movie? Thanks for any help.
Unfortunately VC-1 doesn't work in m2ts, it must be in Blu-ray format, or re-encode to h264.

30. November 2008 @ 21:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for the help, maybe I should just invest in a bluray burner. I have seen 25gb single write discs as cheap as $4-5 per, and rewritable 50gb at $20 per. Does anyone know a good deal on bluray burners, or a good place to watch out for them? I notice that newegg has a LG one on for 225 USD(~275 CAD),and they occasionally drop them down to $199 USD.
Senior Member
30. November 2008 @ 21:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ggpr:
Thanks for the help, maybe I should just invest in a bluray burner. I have seen 25gb single write discs as cheap as $4-5 per, and rewritable 50gb at $20 per. Does anyone know a good deal on bluray burners, or a good place to watch out for them? I notice that newegg has a LG one on for 225 USD(~275 CAD),and they occasionally drop them down to $199 USD.
I have an LG and it works great, I purchased my BD burner for $250 CDN on sale and with a $50 off coupon almost a year ago. One thing you should try to get is a BD burner that reads HD DVD too... yo unever know when you'll need to convert one to BD... it's very easy too.

Where did you see a D/L 50GB BD-RE for $20. That's an amazing price, could you provide a link if possible.

30. November 2008 @ 22:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Senior Member
30. November 2008 @ 23:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
HOLY CRAP :0, sweet find. I'mma hafta order me some, thanks man.

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