Experiencing Difficulty Using DVD RB and CCE? If So, Then Ask Your Questions Here.
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24. June 2005 @ 16:30 |
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Quote: And when I do DVD Shrink it takes about 12 minutes.
Now that is fast, even for a DVD5.
Did you ever take my advice and delete everything associated with RB/CCE and do a clean install with the Rockas installer? It doesn't take that long. Use fresh, clean downloads of the components including the latest download of the CCE SP. Seems to be some sort of paradox here, most everyone having success and you with these inexplicable problems.
24. June 2005 @ 17:36 |
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@ Bro Bear,
Tried reinstalling it all, I have the pro DVDrebuilder 0.93 andmy same CCE SP, I dont want to download the new SP as I will have to buy it wont I?
Suspended permanently
24. June 2005 @ 20:19 |
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Not sure about the CCE SP you have. I was under the impression that the program was upgradable. What version of the dongle are you using? They upgrade their Basic. If I was an owner of SP and they wouldn't, I believe I would be irate. Irregardless, you can download and use the SP trial for purposes of testing. It works the same way, you just have a logo on the video output. As far as the Rebuilder, you can use your email link to get another copy, just in case something happened to the files in your previous download. Don't forget to go into Setup and check the box for "Run Encoder(s) Minimized". It's getting to the point it looks like a serious problem with the RB setup or your PC. The setup of RB is easy to check out as I've mentioned, just reinstall it with the Rockas installer. If a clean install doesn't fix it, then you should think about letting a professional tech take a look at your system.
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Senior Member
26. June 2005 @ 06:16 |
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You still need to know where the processor power is going.
Open the task manger and go to the performance tab.
Check processor usage when in the encode phase and CCE windows pop up.
The processor needs to be at or near 100% usage. If it is not then something is restricting data and starving the proc.
If the proc usage is high then move to the processes tab in the task manager. CCE should be most of the usage. If the % of proc usage is going to a different process then you have a software problem.
McAfee can cause problems if not configured right. Turning off McAfee doesn't actually stop the background file checks. You must set the options not to check ALL files in background testing. Or completely uninstall McAfee(not recommended).
Once you know where the power is being used it will be possible to diagnose.
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26. June 2005 @ 13:18 |
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I've decided to go ahead and make a backup but this time with menus as opposed to movie only of the Incredibles DVD (R1). I noticed in DVD-RB 93.2b it won't blank the stills resulting in 3 stills before jumping to the menu. Now I am asking has this been worked on for the soon to be released 1.0 version of DVD-RB? I'm pretty sure you have some big updates planned but I'm wondering if I should just keep this DVD backup on my HD for later use with v1.0?
27. June 2005 @ 12:23 |
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I have a question. In DVD-RB, AVS options, Advanced options there is MPEG2Source("source",idct=7) and mine is always checked! Is this wrong? Will this affect the quality???? Should the idct=7 be unchecked????
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AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
30. June 2005 @ 18:27 |
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Check it.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
4. July 2005 @ 12:06 |
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I tried registering at the doom9 forums being that you are a frequent visitor there but had no luck so I thought I'd post the issue I'm having with v1.0RC. I'd thought I would tackle the Incredibles DVD, but it seems on 0:31:10 the film comes to a complete hault. Now on some DVD players such as Sony models it will read "the disc is dirty". Mind you that this a brand new disc and is from a trusted co. Ritek. Okay so I thought I'd double check and see if it could be the media because on certain occassions a few bad apples make there way in. I checked the recently encoded DVD files from the HD in the Video_Ts folder and when played back on PowerDVD, the time frame from 0:31:0 and so on is jittery and heavily pixelated. What I noticed which was very interesting was when the movie stopped completely on 0:31:10 on the DVD on my PC, I rewinded. I noticed the image shown on the player remained the same image from where it stopped at 0:31:10 yet the track time rewinded. I found that very strange, I tested the disc on several DVD players even on a high priced model such as the Sony 975v. That player plays just about anything that is fed to it but it stopped at 0:31:10. I'm not completely sure but I think that scene is right before a ILV comes to play. That previous ILV where Mr.Incredible was reading the paper (English, Spanish & French) played fine. No pre-processing of any kind on this disc at all, mode selected was menu & movie only (blank extras). Below is where it comes to a complete stop, from here if it rewinds the image reappears but the track time rewinds.
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AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
4. July 2005 @ 12:17 |
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I had problems registering at Doom too but in the end it turned out to be my fault. I can't remember what it was but after you get the email to confirm there's also a code or something that you have to type in or that you have to agree to. I backed up the incredibles using an earlier version of RB but alas I can't remember how I did that either. LOL
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
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Senior Member
4. July 2005 @ 14:08 |
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Was it the main movie disc or the extras disc? I remember there being ILVU on the extras disc -- but I didn't think the feature disc was... I could be wrong though...
I usually check here too. But I'm a mod at Doom9, so I try to keep up with everything there.
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4. July 2005 @ 15:33 |
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I didn't receive an e-mail at all when registering at the doom9 forums, this is the 2nd time I tried in the past 2 months. 2 e-mail addys banned. ;-(
This is disc one the feature disc, it has about 5-6 ILV sections altogether on the DVD I believe. I was browsing it with Vob Blanker, hoping I can actually edit out the different angles and make it easier on DVD-RB. The dvd structure is much more complicated than I had realized, been doing lots of reading on pgc edit, vob blanker and ifo editor. I'm hoping it has something to do with this as I'll be examing the encoded DVD itself to see if any of what is described below shows up. This bit of info taken from Pgcedit website.
"There can be gaps on a DVD. The most notable ones are those used to ensure that no ECC block contains any portion of an IFO file and its associated BUP file. Since ECC blocks are 16 sectors long (32K), the easiest way to accomplish this is to ensure that there are 16 sectors between the end of the IFO and the start of the BUP. With VIDEO_TS.VOB or VTS_xx_0.VOB files less that 32K (or absent) this means using a gap.
Burning programs handle this in one of three ways, two of which are correct.
· They can honour the authoring program's layout and place the data on the disk according to the pointers in the IFO files.
· They can make their own layout decisions and alter the pointers accordingly.
· They (notably Nero, at least in several past versions) pack the data as closely as possible and ignore the pointers."
I'm beginning to wonder if my burner is also at fault, it seems there is another problem on the DVD which is a freeze on 1:36:00. The freeze has also happened on movie only mode with DVD-RB 93.2, which shouldn't be happening at all because movie only mode is probably your safest bet on a secure backup. This also occured in full disc mode only blanking out the extras. My best guess is that during 1:32-1:36 it switches layers and my burner is handling it wrong. -_- There have been a few minor problems with my DVDs lately anywho I'll post my DVD info provided by DVD Identifier. Last time I purchase a 100-stack of DVD+Rs.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. July 2005 @ 15:35
4. July 2005 @ 15:36 |
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I have a question. I have CCE SP 2.67, EclCCE, and RBv0.93. I set RB at 2 pass but for some reason during encoding, it is only doing 1 pass. What could be the problem?
-Peace and happy burning.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
4. July 2005 @ 15:47 |
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That's normal it always does that, you're two passes are working.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
Senior Member
4. July 2005 @ 16:11 |
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"There can be gaps on a DVD. The most notable ones are those used to ensure that no ECC block contains any portion of an IFO file and its associated BUP file. Since ECC blocks are 16 sectors long (32K), the easiest way to accomplish this is to ensure that there are 16 sectors between the end of the IFO and the start of the BUP. With VIDEO_TS.VOB or VTS_xx_0.VOB files less that 32K (or absent) this means using a gap."
The only time this ever happens is when there is a disc that has no spacing between the IFO and the BUP -- and that is very rare. The VOBs for any VTS are placed between those files.
The reason it becomes important in DVD-R burning is that people now generate movie-only DVDs and leave no spacing between the VIDEO_TS.IFO and VIDEO_TS.BUP. DVD-RB does the padding as necessary when it outputs to an ISO image (many packages don't!! I won't mention one very popular one). It is done so that a single scratch that affects one ECC doesn't cause both the IFO and it's backup (BUP) to become bad.
ILVU can get very complex indeed if you try to navigate it at the binary level... you will get a few sectors of one cell, followed by a few sectors of another, maybe a third, and then another piece of the first one.
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5. July 2005 @ 07:27 |
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I thought RB is supposed to shrink a DVD 9 to a DVD 5? After using RB for "Dawn of the Dead", Decrypter states the files are too large for a DVD 5 (almost 8 GB). What could be the problem?
-Peace and happy burning.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. July 2005 @ 07:35
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
5. July 2005 @ 09:51 |
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After the encode is completed there are unneeded files still left in the folder. Go to the folder where your movie is and open it and you should see 3 folders inside of it(D2VAVS, Audio_TS, and Video_TS). Delete the D2VAVS folder and keep the Audio_TS folder (which is empty) and the Video_TS folder which contains your completed movie.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
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5. July 2005 @ 21:37 |
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"ILVU can get very complex indeed if you try to navigate it at the binary level... you will get a few sectors of one cell, followed by a few sectors of another, maybe a third, and then another piece of the first one."
Yes that is what happened, I knew it wouldn't be that easy so I have resorted to another method. What I'll be doing is ripping the Decrypted Backup with DVD Shrink using movie mode only. Then I'll replace the main movie VTS with the movie only in VOB Blanker and have it process it for me. Hopefully this will work as I am seeing 3 versions of the film in Shrink labeled as Angle 1, Angle 2 & Angle 3. Once that is done I'll just run it through DVD-RB with no extra modes enabled (movie only, movie & menu etc.) and will see if it was successful. I'll be sure to playback the DVD entirely before actually burning it this time. By the way you say when DVD-RB outputs it to ISO it does all the necessary padding on its own so does this mean that there can still be a few errors (on a edited DVD meaning with blanks & stills) if its output as files?
5. July 2005 @ 21:46 |
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I want to encode a DVD in DVD-Rebuilder Pro 0.93.2b, but I'm very unsure about some of the settings. I'm using the Mode called "Movie and Menus Only (Blank Extras)" I'm using CCE SP and encoding at VBR_Passes 6. I'm only encoding PAL movies. I've tried to read a lot of posts and tutorials but I have problems finding some very short and specified answers. Hope you can help me.
If I want to create a fixed DVD-size should I then add "CCETargetSectors" or just "TargetSectors" to the .ini file?
If I want a target DVD-size of 4,36 GB what should the "CCETargetSectors/TargetSectors" size be?
Should AudioDub(BlankClip()) be turned ON or OFF?
Should I use Disable "Interlaced" -> Apply To All?
The default settings for VBR_Bias is 25 and Quality Prec is 16. Are these settings good or should I change them to something else?
Are there any other settings that I should apply or change?
Thanks alot for your help. :o)
P.S. YES I have read these tutorials aswell:
High Quality DVD-9 Backups With DVD Rebuilder & CCE Basic
DVD Rebuilder Advanced Techniques
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. July 2005 @ 21:49
Senior Member
6. July 2005 @ 03:55 |
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Addressing your questions:
1. TargetSectors applies to all encoders. CCETargetSectors will change the target for CCE but not affect any other encoders.
2. I would recommend you leave the TargetSize at the default. Encoders can be inaccurate and the default size will give you 4.32-4.33GB... but if you hit a movie that is high-action and many small segments (which can make hitting the target more difficult for the encoder) it will still stay under 4.37GB. You don't want to go over -- as it will force you to reencode completely. In addition, using the default keeps you out of trouble on the less-than-reliable outer surfaces sometimes seen on low-cost discs.
3. AudioDub(BlankClip()) actually makes no difference one way or another on most systems. It is there specifically to counter an bug in some early versions of CCE that would cause it to bomb out with AMD processors on video that had no audio.
4. No. Definitely not. There are a small number (very small) of poorly authored PAL discs that are flagged as interlaced but are actually Progressive. That is meant to be used to force those discs back to Progressive.
5. Those settings are best for almost all encodes. People who use CCE a lot, however, can sometimes squeeze a little better quality out of very long hard-to-encode movies by adjust these a little.
6. I've tried to balance DVD-RB so that it can be used by everyone -- but allow access to the settings that experts like to tweak. For most users the default settings will give you great results every time.
AfterDawn Addict
6 product reviews
6. July 2005 @ 08:53 |
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Hi all,
This question may have already been addressed and if so I apoligize. I am trying to open my personalized copy of DVD-RB Pro v1.00 RC1 and when I try to open it it says failed startup, REBUILDER.RBK is not present in the DVD-RB directory. I did copy my registration entries into this folder but that made no difference. Thanks for any help or suggestions.
Rig #1 Asus Rampage Formula Mobo, Intel Core2Quad Q9450 CPU @ 3.55ghz, 2gb Corsair DDR2 1066 Dominator Ram @ 5-5-5-15, TR Ultra 120 Extreme w/ Scythe 9 blade 110 cfm 120mm Fan HSF, HIS Radeon 512mb HD3850 IceQ TurboX GPU, Corsair 620HX P/S, CM Stacker 830 Evo Case, Rig #2 Asus P5W DH Deluxe Mobo, Intel C2D E6600 CPU @ 3.6ghz, 2gb Corsair XMS2 DDR2 800 Ram @ 4-4-4-12-2t, Zalman CNPS9500LED HSF, Sapphire Radeon X850XT PE GPU, Corsair 620HX P/S, Cooler Master Mystique Case, Viewsonic 20.1" Widescreen Digital LCD Monitor, Klipsch Promedia Ultra 5.1 THX Desktop Speakers, http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id=348351 http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id=236435
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
6. July 2005 @ 09:29 |
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I had a similar problem and so I downloaded the registry file again, placed in the folder and then for good measure rebooted and it worked.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
Senior Member
6. July 2005 @ 09:42 |
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The only way you can get that message is if the file "REBUILDER.RBK" is not in the same directory with REBUILDER.EXE. Any other scenario (like the wrong e-mail address, or the wrong RBK file) will give a different message.
AfterDawn Addict
6 product reviews
6. July 2005 @ 10:25 |
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Sorry for the silly question but where do I go to redownload the registry file? I had been copying it from old versions to newer versions previously without any problems. I double checked and the registry shows to be in the same directory. I'll try a reboot in the meantime. Thanks guys.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
6. July 2005 @ 10:27 |
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It was included at the bottom of the email that jdobbs sent you, if you deleted the email check in trash to see if it's still there.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
AfterDawn Addict
6 product reviews
6. July 2005 @ 10:58 |
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Got it. Thanks Sophocles and jdobbs. Looks quite a bit different. I'll give it a go later and probably have some more questions. Thanks again gents.