Experiencing Difficulty Using DVD RB and CCE? If So, Then Ask Your Questions Here.
Junior Member
3. August 2005 @ 07:31 |
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Anyone have this problem before:
[08:07:40] One Click encoding activated...
[08:07:41] Phase I, PREPARATION started.
- CCE SP encoder selected.
- VTS_01: 3,020,362 sectors.
-- Scanning and writing .D2V & .AVS files
-- Processed 210,863 frames.
-- Building .AVS and .ECL files
- Reduction Level for DVD-5: 70.7%
- Overall bitrate : 4,521/3,617Kbs
- Space for Video : 3,882,932KB
- HIGH/LOW/TYPICAL Bitrates: 3,801/600/3,617 Kbs
[08:10:51] Phase I, PREPARATION completed in 3 minutes.
[08:10:51] Phase II ENCODING started
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 0
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 1
-- Encoding resulted in no .M2V, retrying.
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 1
-- Encoding resulted in no .M2V, retrying.
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 1
Senior Member
3. August 2005 @ 07:36 |
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That means the encoder is crashing... this is almost always caused by a system that is not stable (usually overclocked).
Junior Member
3. August 2005 @ 08:50 |
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Nope, stable as a rock. No overclocking. I even encoded a project w/CCE for over 5 hours after this one, so I don't think stability is the problem. I even rebooted the system and ran it again this morning to make sure.
These files were pre-processed with DVDRemake prior to running them through DVD-RB, but I have not had any problems before this one. I just took out the deleted scenes section, which was a separate entry altogether.
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Junior Member
3. August 2005 @ 17:32 |
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Just got home and I am running DVDRB again using the same files in the working path directory. CCE seems to stay up and running now, no error messages. I did not make any changes to any files. Maybe it was temp related? That has got me stumped.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
3. August 2005 @ 17:53 |
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Let us know how it works out, and copy the status log and write down any warning or other info that might help. BTW jdobbs is right over clocking can cause errors and a bad CPU cooling system can result in overheating which can also give over clocking type errors.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
Suspended permanently
4. August 2005 @ 20:48 |
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Glad to see some of your problems clearing up. Hope it stays that way. On a previous post I noticed you didn't get a reply to one of your questions, or I missed it. ;)
Quote: 2. Why is the file sizing structure different than anything I have seen before? For example, the final output for Whitesquall using RC4 is:
VTS_01_1.VOB 1048574 KB
VTS_01_2.VOB 1048574 KB
VTS_01_3.VOB 1048574 KB
VTS_01_4.VOB 567322 KB
VTS_01_5.VOB 847376 KB
3. Why does this problem only present itself on the last VOB file?
I didn't see this one addressed, I'm curious, what is the problem? You have 3 files the same size, the 4th is smallest and the fifth is between. File sizes vary. The question is, does it play well? For comparison sake, try running the same source through an older version of RB and see if the sizing is similar. You'll notice size differences in original videos and the encoded versions are different due to the encoding process itself.
I guess I've been one of the lucky ones. I had a bit of problems getting RB to work on my system, back in the early days when you installed the setup manually. Whatever, the problem, it was resolved with a later version of RB or some changes I made on my PC. Everything was happening about the same time. After that, RB has worked exceptionally well and as long as I feed it a good source, I get good output. (File sizes vary.) I normally do the entire disc and let RB delete languages and additional audio tracks. I let RB work with a clean source, no editing, and go the full disc.
I hear there have been problems with everything from edited sources to cracked encoders. Most often when RB is used the way it is supposed to be, the results are good. Much of what jdobbs is doing is to eliminate problems that affect certain aspects of the program, or problems related to conflicts in certain situations and certain hardware configurations. Overall, the product given to us for testing has been a very usable piece of software all the way down the line. At least the part of the line I was involved with, which has been a while now.
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Junior Member
4. August 2005 @ 21:46 |
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Yeah, a lot of those questions still stand. Rockas mentioned that you can not play a single VOB file using PowerDVD, you need to use the 'Play Folder' option. That is true, it worked better after that, but playing single VOB files before never caused any problems. I still have problems when I jump forward using the progress bar, instead of using the chapter skips. It also is still a mystery why the last VOB file has this single playback problem and why the file size structure is so different than anything else I have come across. And why is the foreign material even still present when I play the last VOB?
There have been a lot of fixes related to interleaving on these recent versions of DVDRB, so it was my assumption that it still had something to do with that problem. But I really don't know much about it at all. Right after I read your post, I tried running the final output of Whitesquall through DVD Shrink for kicks and sure enough it gave me an error.
"DVD Shrink encountered and error and cannot continue. Invalid data in file O:\blah...\blah...\blah...\VTS_01_5.VOB"
and this is all clean output direct from ISO to DVDRB. Hmmm, yet another mystery.
DVDRB is a great product, and I am not venting by any means. I would be happy to try anything to help out, but I did not keep old versions of DVDRB for trial and error.
Suspended permanently
4. August 2005 @ 22:51 |
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First of all, I'm assuming you put the Video_TS folder in Shrink to use the viewer. Good inexpensive way to view, though when you open the Shrink viewer, it doesn't give you the structure the way is looks in a folder. You get Titles instead of the individual files and they're not numbered, or named, the same. I good file would play though.
Playback varies from viewer to viewer. I open the PowerDVD or WinDVD6 to play the DVD on hard drive and then I use the navigation to go to different scenes. Try burning the output to an RW, that way no wasted media. You can view it on the PC and a lot of standalones now support the RW format. Playing the DVD is the test, not trying to view sample segments of it. I've played with viewers and selected files in a folder. I've had a range of results, the entire movie would start to play, I'd get the start menu with no function off the cursor, some flashing text, the list goes on. The point being, trying to play a single file from the video_ts folder with a player isn't a good test of the video playability. Also, if it doesn't work, that doesn't mean a problem. To double check, I just ran the last VOB of a movie and it wouldn't play the movie, and I only got a flash, small file. The video backup on DVD plays excellent. I played the same file in the Shrink viewer and it was a foreign language, title. I played another as I did in PowerDVD and it showed me a menu that wasn't functional. I've noticed RealPlayer will allow you to watch individual files, but without audio. Without having access to your files, I can't tell for sure if you have a problem or not. I'm thinking you may not have a problem where this is concerned. I think I'd worry about some of the more serious problems, like the crashing.
Junior Member
5. August 2005 @ 00:05 |
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That Shrink error occurs just as you try to load the whole folder (I am not trying to load just a VOB file in Shrink). It may say I am a Newbie but I have done about 60 of these so far with DVDRB and Shrink as just an analysis tool for prep. I am pretty clear on the playback structure inside Shrink.
I also understand that the software video players are not the best method for checkout. I am just trying to state the difference I've found on these two projects compared to all the rest. When I played the last VOB file, just by chance, not by choice, I see the french credits flipping back and forth with the same english credits. I thought that was pretty strange and my orginal question was, Why is the foreign part of the film even still there?
And still there is the quesion on the file sizes. I am more curious about this interleaving process now.
Senior Member
5. August 2005 @ 04:29 |
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I can assure you that ANY ILVU segment (even on the original disc) will switch back-and-forth between angles when played directly. The IFO file contains the information needed to identify where angles start and end.
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Suspended permanently
5. August 2005 @ 05:31 |
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You misunderstood what I said. The Video_TS folder is the one containing all the files for a DVD video. In other words I was saying you load the movie. Once loaded as you know you can look at individual titles, as you say, do an analysis. I just noted I assumed that was what you were using Shrink for and you said I was correct in the assumption. If you have a segment, file, title or whatever that has different languages jumping in and out, then there may be a flaw that has worked it's way in. In a similar situation I would check the source against the output. But you can't go by file locations and sizes. There's more to it than that. If it were me, I'd start over with a new rip of the original DVD, check that and then encode.
I may have edited a DVD or 2 before using Rebuilder, but I quit doing it. I've never felt the need for doing an analysis prior to an RB job. If I have a good source, then the rip is the next step. If that is successful, the DVD Decrypter log will show if there was a problem. No problems it's on to RB/CCE. If the encode succeeds and the file size is near what it's supposed to be, then it's on to the burn. Then if I have a failure, I'll analyze the files to see if the problem was there. To date, I've been very successful and haven't had to put a lot of time into analysis.
The problem you're describing sounds like corrupted files, I'd suspect a problem with the rip of the original source; more so than the RB output. Did you compare the same part of the video in the ripped source to the segment in the output?
As for interleaving, you should ask sophocles to talk about Daredevil. As jdobbs mentioned, the playability lies in the IFO files. The problem you're having doesn't really sound like anything to do with interleaving. You mentioned different languages conflicting. That would indicate the language option isn't working properly and that means a corrupted video output. But that is assuming this happens when it plays from the video and not just something that happens trying to play individual files. One thing about Shrink, if it says there's a problem with the files being loaded and they won't play, then you have a problem. Good luck with finding it. As I said though, I'd start looking at the source before blaming RB for anything. It does an excellent job of encoding what is fed into it.
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Junior Member
5. August 2005 @ 06:43 |
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Would it be possible to add support for copying JACKET_P folders when re-encoding? It would be nice to use one-click encoding to create the ISO file, rather than having to manually copying the JACKET_P folder and then create the ISO.
Also, why is the 'Create ISO from Project folder" greyed out when the project encoding is completed? I've been using ImageTool to create my ISOs and only recently figured out that closing and re-starting DVD-RB re-enables the menu option.
Senior Member
5. August 2005 @ 07:25 |
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I'll add copying the JACKET_P folder if it exists. I haven't experienced (or at least noticed) the greyed-out option, I'll take a look at it.
Junior Member
6. August 2005 @ 08:21 |
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Quote: I can assure you that ANY ILVU segment (even on the original disc) will switch back-and-forth between angles when played directly. The IFO file contains the information needed to identify where angles start and end.
Thanks for the clarification. That is the kind of thing I was beginnning to assume after reading more about this interleaving. I don't beleve these movies have the standard multi-angle playback like you might find in a concert DVD. They do have certain parts and segments (e.g. End Credits) displayed in foreign languages and such. I was under the assumption that these parts can be stripped out, similiar to Shrink. That is why I was surprised to see it in the output when using DVDRB.
Junior Member
6. August 2005 @ 09:34 |
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Quote: I'll add copying the JACKET_P folder if it exists. I haven't experienced (or at least noticed) the greyed-out option, I'll take a look at it.
I just completed two movies since my last post, and the menu option was working OK when both movies completed. I will try to keep track of when it happens it and see if there is something I do (maybe in the other menu settings; I switch one-click-encoding on and off depending on if I need to stop an encode, like to burn a disc or reboot) that causes it to happen.
Junior Member
6. August 2005 @ 11:37 |
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As another experiment I took the Unbreakable ISO and ran it through DVDRB, Movie Only, No Compression mode. The DVDRB ouput seems to play back fine, but when I try to load into Shrink it gives me an error.
"DVD Shrink encountered an error and cannot continue. Invalid DVD navigation structure."
I checked every part of the ISO for errors during playback, and there were no problems. Shrink will also load and process the whole ISO itself with no problems. I will try the No Compression option with Whitesquall and see what I get.
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6. August 2005 @ 11:47 |
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I am curious as to why after succesfully running it through DVD-RB you want to then run it through Shrink??
It should be small enough where Shrink would not do anything other than maybe output to ISO format if you didn't have DVD-RB do it to begin with??
I don't understand doing this if DVD-RB was Succesful??
Junior Member
6. August 2005 @ 11:50 |
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No reason. Just a cross check on the files because I was seeing strange results on the DVDRB output. The file output sizing was abnormal and the final VOB interleaved file (that only included credits) was pretty large.
Senior Member
6. August 2005 @ 12:01 |
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Quote: As another experiment I took the Unbreakable ISO and ran it through DVDRB, Movie Only, No Compression mode. The DVDRB ouput seems to play back fine, but when I try to load into Shrink it gives me an error.
"DVD Shrink encountered an error and cannot continue. Invalid DVD navigation structure."
I checked every part of the ISO for errors during playback, and there were no problems. Shrink will also load and process the whole ISO itself with no problems. I will try the No Compression option with Whitesquall and see what I get.
I've fixed that, and it will be out in an interim version soon. Just so you know, it's not a big deal -- the disc should still work fine... there was an off-by-one sector pointer error that is confusing Shrink.
Senior Member
6. August 2005 @ 12:06 |
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Quote: No reason. Just a cross check on the files because I was seeing strange results on the DVDRB output. The file output sizing was abnormal and the final VOB interleaved file (that only included credits) was pretty large.
If you are using RC4 you should remove any "ILVU_PREVENT_VTS_CROSSING" settings in the INI if you want the VTS file sizes to be consistent.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
6. August 2005 @ 12:16 |
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I've got to try and keep up with what's going on in this thread. I've been spending my time building dvdhounds.com and I have definitely fallen behind. I haven't been experiencing any problems with RB so I've been trying to follow those of others.
Do you recommend the "ILVU_PREVENT_VTS_CROSSING" setting?
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
Senior Member
6. August 2005 @ 12:35 |
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I'd recommend leaving it out if you have Version RC4 or greater. If you leave it on it won't hurt anything, but based upon research I've done recently, I think it is unnecessary.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
6. August 2005 @ 12:44 |
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Then I'll leave it out.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
Junior Member
6. August 2005 @ 13:11 |
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jdobbs, Thanks for your feedback. I will leave it out also.
Suspended permanently
6. August 2005 @ 13:43 |
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I've done it with and without using RC4 and noticed no difference. Just so I won't run into a problem, I'll leave it off since it's no longer needed.