Experiencing Difficulty Using DVD RB and CCE? If So, Then Ask Your Questions Here.
Junior Member
8. August 2005 @ 07:34 |
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New Error in Nero - "DVD_Video files reallocation failed."
Sorry if this is an old problem, but I ran into this for the first time with Nero. I checked a few threads and they all have different ways of fixing this problem, primarily using IFOEdit, which I am not familiar with at all. Anyone have suggestions? The playback is fine and the sizing seems correct. What's up with Nero?
Senior Member
8. August 2005 @ 08:23 |
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Nero does a lot of checks that aren't (at least in my opinion) actually necessary in order to remain standards compliant. The "zero length file" check is a good example. Not sure about this one, though. Are you burning an ISO or a VIDEO_TS directory?
Junior Member
8. August 2005 @ 08:41 |
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VIDEO_TS directory, pretty standard stuff. This is the first time I have seen that error. Some people report that the media will not play back after the burn, and then others say just ignor the error altogether. This would be a good time for some RW media to experiment with in the player, but I dont have any.
Senior Member
8. August 2005 @ 09:38 |
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Have you modified any of the files in VIDEO_TS after DVD-RB created it? Ran any utilities against it, etc? Usually you can ignore the Nero messages -- but I'm not sure I've heard this one mentioned.
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8. August 2005 @ 15:18 |
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It's been a while and I don't remember the exact Nero message. However, it was to the effect that there might be a problem with the burn. I went ahead and the output played well. The problem was caused by structural encryption on the DVD. Nero was questioning the structure of the encoded source.
Running the files through Shrink at no compression will often straighten up the structure. Some say that leads to a slight softening of the contrast of the video output. Usually, still a decent video. Might be simpler than IFOEdit if you're not familiar with it. I usually try the burn first. If I'm really suspicious, I'll use an RW.
It pays to keep a couple of the RW around. I've still got the one that came with the drive. It's a Memorex made by Philips and it just keeps recording with good results. I'm just wondering how long it will last. As noted, they can save some wasted media if the burn is problematic.
Junior Member
8. August 2005 @ 18:34 |
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@jdobbs Quote: Have you modified any of the files in VIDEO_TS after DVD-RB created it? Ran any utilities against it, etc? Usually you can ignore the Nero messages -- but I'm not sure I've heard this one mentioned.
Nope. All files are as output from DVDRB, Movie Only, CCE encoded. I usually only post questions now if the standard process gives me something abnormal. In this case, it was this Nero error I had not come across before.
@brobear Quote: Running the files through Shrink at no compression will often straighten up the structure. Some say that leads to a slight softening of the contrast of the video output. Usually, still a decent video.
It was actually here in this forum that I first learned that 'No Compression' in Shrink actually affects the final product. It was turning out to be my favorite editing tool. Then I got that sick feeling in my stomach when I found it, had quite a number of backups burned already. I am a purist. I don't have the large screen yet (but I will soon) so I did not really "see" what the output of Shrink looked like when blown up bigtime.
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Senior Member
8. August 2005 @ 19:31 |
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I'd like to know what Nero finds. If there is a problem I can fix it... but I'm not confident there is a problem. I've burned several hundred discs and have never gotten a complaint from B's Recorder Gold...
I'd also like to know if IFOEdit finds anything -- but I've also seen instances where IFOEdit isn't correct. In fact I've even seen IFOEdit make corrections to IFOs that it created itself in a previous correction!
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8. August 2005 @ 20:10 |
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Splurge and gamble a few cents. Go ahead and burn the DVD output in question to see if it will play or not. My past experiences have been good, though limited in number. Afterall, the cost of one DVD isn't that much. Nero actually asked questions and did a burn that wouldn't go through VSO's CopyToDVD. The burned video played great, no problems. I think jdobbs may be correct, there may be no problem. You may just be seeing a manifestation of the structural changes done by the studios to try to prevent copying.
You need to get some of the RW media for situatiions such as this one. However, it may not tell you a lot unless your standalone also plays RW.
Junior Member
8. August 2005 @ 20:25 |
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Risk a coaster? Treason! That's like sending my child to walk the plank...
OK ok gee-wiz, I'll try it, but only because I like you guys (gals?). I assumed one of yous would have come up with a smarter answer instead. If it does not work, and jdobbs has a fix, I want to be honored in the next News release. Here goes $0.35 for nothin' :)
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8. August 2005 @ 20:51 |
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I have been getting these errors with Nero also.DVD_Video files reallocation failed.It has happened 3 times with my backups.1st with harry potter 1st one and then with the 3rd harry potter movie.It happened tonight while backing up hostage.I burned the files on all three and they all play great.
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8. August 2005 @ 21:11 |
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Thanks mace. Seems Calibum wants a technical solution when the R&D at VSO and Nero are still scratching their heads. As I said, I've noticed it usually involves DVDs with structural encryption. The software is merely seeing structure it's not familiar with and therein lies the reason for the burner analyzing and keying on the output. If anyone is interested, they could run an experiment using the decrypted source before encoding to DVD5 and see if it will burn to DVD9. That should show if it's the source or just the encoded files for the DVD5. They wouldn't have to push the final button to burn, just see if it would set up to burn. Personally, I suspect the source files. I'm not buying DL media until the prices come down; so, I won't be doing the experiment.
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Senior Member
9. August 2005 @ 03:44 |
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The point that was being made was there is likely no problem to fix.
That is why Nero allows you to burn a disc. I have seen the error you mention many times over the last year. Not as much anymore. It has never been a problem. Just a curiosity in the way Nero works.
Since I use ISOs to burn I rarely get to see this now.
Senior Member
9. August 2005 @ 03:54 |
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I personally think you are better off just letting DVD-RB create an ISO and burning it with DVD Decrypter.
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9. August 2005 @ 09:05 |
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I personally think you are better off just letting DVD-RB create an ISO and burning it with DVD Decrypter.
I agree! I have had no problem burning the ISO's created with DVD-RB using Decrypter.
9. August 2005 @ 10:34 |
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Thanks for providing this wonderful utility. I used the dvdrebuilder first time today. I am having some problems. I used DVD-RB v093a with CCE sp 2.67(retail) and the output video has black (no video?) and the size is only 2.7 gb. original disk is about 7 gb. I exactly followed the guide for setting all values for one click.
Junior Member
9. August 2005 @ 11:03 |
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9. August 2005 @ 11:20 |
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Hi @rockas,
Thanks for your reply. I didnt use the installer. That might be the problem. I will use the installer and see if it works.
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9. August 2005 @ 18:05 |
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The black screen could indicate a problem with the AviSynth setup. Be sure to install a version 2.5.5 or below. Newer versions don't work with RB. At least they didn't the last time I tried it. The latest versions I found to work are AviSynth 2.56 beta 1 and DGDecode 1.2.0. AviSynth 2.56 beta 2 and DGDecode 1.2.1 would not work with Rebuilder. I don't believe betas are tested with RB so just use the 2.5.5. Just be sure to use the the right version of AviSynth and have it installed and the Rockas installer will take care of the rest for you. Noticed you said you were going to use it, it saves a bunch of time trying to figure where things went wrong in a manual installation.
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Junior Member
10. August 2005 @ 06:43 |
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jdobbs, What ever you did in the RC4.1, fixed on those problems I was seeing on those two interleaving projects. Thanks.
10. August 2005 @ 07:44 |
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I was able to make dvd using demo version of rb and CCE sp2.67. It took me 3.5 hrs (P4-2.88 , 768mb, and 40gig free disk space). I used only 2 passes. The quality of the output was ok (not better than shrink with max sharpeness) and the movie freezes 30-40 min. before the ending. What are the settings i messed it up? Do i have to use rb pro version or CCE basic? I am a new bee. Thanks in advace.
Senior Member
10. August 2005 @ 08:17 |
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Quote: jdobbs, What ever you did in the RC4.1, fixed on those problems I was seeing on those two interleaving projects. Thanks
Every now and then I get one right...
Quote: not better than shrink with max sharpeness
All I can assume, then, is that the source you had must be incredibly easy to compress...
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10. August 2005 @ 08:22 |
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it was horry potter and the chamber of secrets
Senior Member
10. August 2005 @ 08:59 |
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Make sure you use the Rockas Installer (downloadable at www.dvd-rb.com). Also, many unpredictable things can happen when you use "variants" of the CCE SP Trial version. I'd suggest you do your first encode using the HC encoder.
As for the speed... quality encoding simply takes longer than transcoding. It's a trade-off that can't be avoided. I must say, though, that's pretty slow for your machine. I'd have predicted more like 2-3 hours. My guess would be that your drive is fragmented... but as I say, that's just a guess.
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Suspended permanently
10. August 2005 @ 12:01 |
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Since I've done encodes with a similar system, I can add that jdobbs is right, the times are excessive for a sytem with those resources. Defrag the drive and clear the memory. Use the System cleanup in accessories if your OS has it. Reboot the system, as you may have noticed, a PC that has been on for a long time starts running slower. Sometimes spyware and adware gets on a PC from surfing the net. AdAware and Spybot are a couple of good freebies for cleaning up a system. On occasion it's advisable to run a Reg cleaner. You can find them at http://www.download.com or google for their websites. I can add from personal experience that I've noticed the SP 2.67 trial is slower than the CCE Basic Retail for some reason (encoding the same files and set to 2 passes on SP to match Basic, with same configuration settings and only difference the encoder).
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Junior Member
10. August 2005 @ 22:53 |
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FYI (Probably the wrong place for this post...).
I normally run Nero CD-DVD Disc Quality check on every burn to verify the final read results. Tonight, I just switched to Verbatim 8x from Ritek 16x media. My write speed is always set at 4x, but I noticed a large drop in the Avg PI Errors using the Verbatim. It went from Avg PI error of ~30 to ~1.5. Assuming it makes a difference in quality, take note.