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Which Transcoding Tools Produce The Best Picture Quality.
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AfterDawn Addict

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21. August 2004 @ 10:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

You're so right about being tired of it all. You forgot Dimad in your lists of those we've lured. I know this might sound silly but we've made AD history. My only regret is that the powers that be here didn't see fit to make you all at least seniors, because you all deserve it.

I said as much here and it always amazes me as to how we are all on the same page.

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21. August 2004 @ 10:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I think that one senior amongst this group is well adequate for the time being. We've needed someone like you to bring a bit of order, at times, to the thread.

Yes I forgot about Dimad. Along with Jdobbs, these 2 have revolutionised my method of DVD backup to levels, I would have thought unobtainable only a few months ago. My hat goes off to the pair of them!!

It is just so easy these days to do a good "backing up" job. Unlike when I first started yonks ago. How times change for the better eh?. It must be extremely daunting for a newbie to this technology as to which way to turn, although it is now pretty safe to say "If you dont wanna spend use Shrink 3.2, If youve got money to spare use DVD remake/DVDRB/CCE" Simple eh?. Forget DVD2One, Recode, DVDcloner, Pinnacle IC, IFOEdit, Vobedit, DVD stripper, Vobblanker. the list continues. Damn it even the blank media, these days, Is of such high quality and priced so cheaply!

As one former uk prime minister said, and I quote "You've never had it so good".

Looking for my old AD
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21. August 2004 @ 10:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Sophocles ... concerning the senior member status changes, flip218 is the last one I noticed. There have been a number of juniors that got upgraded to member status after this, as well as newbies that are now juniors. I think the best thing to happen, though, was to get the newbie off jdobbs name.

Brian100 ... yeah, we'ver never had it so good. About the testing, once I got my own results, nothing came close to RB-CCE. I did the newer films, and really put it to the test with the old epic classics. Still, highly superior results. It was really at this point that further testing became meaningless. And when Soph helped me figure out Batch, this removed even the question of using other transcoders for lower compression requirements.
AfterDawn Addict

1 product review
21. August 2004 @ 10:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks brian, I think you're bringing tears to my eyes (almost), but don't forget Vurbal he was the Senior's senior. He provided us with a way to define what we didn't understand.

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21. August 2004 @ 10:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Vurbals guides will prove invaluable during the coming months. I feel there will be a wave of people turning to DVDRB/CCE, prepare for the avalanch!!

You know the only thing that really bugs me about this whole discussion? "INTERVIDEO **$$!! DVD COPY!!" I could never get that app to work!!. I am sitting here..wondering..and I dare try the trial version on my new rig???.. Or do i settle in front of the fire with my furry slippers smoking my pipe?.

Looking for my old AD
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21. August 2004 @ 10:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

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21. August 2004 @ 10:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Brian100 ... don't settle in too quickly. There's still the advanced guide. I'd like to try some of the filters in the near future.
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21. August 2004 @ 11:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I havent tried any filters with CCE/RB yet, and will probably not. The filters, in my opinion, would change the original appearance of the original movie. This is Something I dont think I could live with. Some may disagree, but in all honest..good luck to em.

Looking for my old AD
AfterDawn Addict

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21. August 2004 @ 11:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Doc's right it's not over yet, there's still so much to be learned. We've all contributed so much to this forum and I'll be happy when the rest of you get the recognition you've earned, deserve.

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21. August 2004 @ 11:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
A good while ago I experimented "converting" 4:3 (full screen) widescreen movies (IE The Thing, Donnie Brasco) to anamorphic using DVDRB/CCE. Have any of you guys tried it yet?. Because if you have not it is definitely worth a go. I tell you the first time i watched "The Thing" after conversion it darn near blew my mind away.


Looking for my old AD

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21. August 2004 @ 11:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm still saving my shekels for a widescreen, but you bring up a good point in a 'round about way. Some of my DVD's are 4:3, and since a widescreeen is in the future, I'll consider doing widescreen on my backups from now on.

Concerning filters, I can understand not wanting to change how a "Hollywood" movie looks. I do have some old videotape that I want to get onto disc, and I think these filters may help me with that. It's going to be a journey, but I have a Canopus ADVC100 that will digitize the analog stream, and so I will need to figure out where to go from there. If I can find a way into CCE, I think the filters will come in handy.

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Senior Member
21. August 2004 @ 13:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Is the challenge over yet.
My test DVDs have eliminated any doubt in my mind.
CCE still is on top. Not that that was ever a real question.

Even the test clips from ddlooping showed dvd2dvdr a closer match to the original. I think he just likes the smoothing effects.


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AfterDawn Addict

1 product review
21. August 2004 @ 13:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think he just likes the smoothing effects
Good analysis, Double "D" does after all come from the land of Monet and Impressionism.

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21. August 2004 @ 15:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It's been a hectic week and the SHRINK IS BETTER stuff has been an added hassle. The please test my moniter post was so see through and I new my week just got longer.
Switching to CCE has been a saving grace for me because I can backup everything the same way and not worry about size/quality issues.
I hope all the pretense about new,new,new and improved shrink doesn't discourage people from moving up to CCE/Rebuilder.
Top of the line-DVDrebuilder
Seems simple doesn't it.{:)

AfterDawn Addict
21. August 2004 @ 15:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey all, looks like you guys been busy! Soph, dd, haven't done any testing yet, unfortunately had a stroke in the family and things have been hectic. I pretty much figured the outcome, however I will try to check it out in the upcoming week.

Hey soph, you are our senior, buddy. Keep up the good work! I'll try to catch ya later, I'm just popping in to say hi and answer a few threads real quick. Hopefully things will calm down in the next couple of days.

brian, haven't tried the 4:3 to 16:9 conversion, but have often been tempted since I try to do all my backups in the widescreen format. This is a very good thing to know it works well. Did it increase time on the project? Now that RB/CCE is your app now, I seem to remember someone telling me IC 8 was the way to go, heh heh.(I still use IC 8 with compressions between 20%-35% using remake for editing, works very well) BTW, so ya like your new setup, huh, it looks good.

Doc(and brian), I certainly can understand the "what's the point" on any more shrink vs. anything(especially RB/CCE), but I am curious to know the quality difference with the smooth setting since in all my tests I used the default setting of sharp. From what soph and 6402 say, it's not much but I'd like to see for

terrytj-glad to know you had a successful backup, very good! Altho I can promise you sooner or later you will make a coaster, lol, speaking from experience. You did very well to have researched, then asked questions, then tried the backup process. congrats!

Senior Member
21. August 2004 @ 16:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi bigorange. :)

Sorry to hear about the stroke in your family. :(
I hope he/she is gonna be ok.

The Shrink/CCE comparison tests have been dropped.
I think we have all agreed to disagree. ;)

I made another suggestion/request though.
Comparison tests of DVD Shrink AEC options could be quite useful for its users.
So feel free to participate if you have the time. :)

"The please test my moniter post was so see through...

Thanks, 64026402, this kind of remarks are always appreciated.

P.S: converting 4:3 widescreen movies to anamorphic using DVDRB/CCE is definately something I'm gonna try.

For DVD Shrink and related softwares guides and information, please visit

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21. August 2004 @ 17:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry DD,
I'm just a little under the weather. I get snippy.

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21. August 2004 @ 17:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It happens. ;)

For DVD Shrink and related softwares guides and information, please visit
Junior Member
21. August 2004 @ 18:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
big orange...Thanks. Yeah, I know I'll make a coaster sooner or later but I'm happy with dvdcopy2/anydvd and my wife thinks I'm a 'wonder'...and I can live with that.

A friend popped in to back up one of his movies to dvd and I did it over a cup of coffee; he went home with his copy...rapt! But, I KNOW I'll later be moving over to (or is that up to <g>) CCE if only because of the sheer weight of [informed] discussion betwen you guys here.

I'm shortly going to have a little play with DVD Shrink so I can learn about its particular strengths.

If I get DVD X Rescue I'll let you know how it performs.

Sorry also to hear of health problems in your family, hope it goes well.
Senior Member
21. August 2004 @ 18:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Enjoy DVDcopy2 for a while before getting too confused.
DVDshrink can help you learn more about backing up DVDs and does a good job.
The use of Rebuilder is rewarding when you want to go to the next level.


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Junior Member
21. August 2004 @ 20:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
64026402...Exactly, the way I'll be going. I'm still at the one-click, default settings stage with dvdcopy2, next have to learn to drive it with the stick-shift <g>).

I can already see a couple of things I'll have to ask about despite reading the help manual (or maybe because of reading it), but that's for another day.
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21. August 2004 @ 22:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey all.

Nice to see someone else likes some of my favorite toys. It's hard to use the stick with DVDCopy2 when there is so much automatic up front. You have the multiple format choices and movie only or full disc backup. The only editing would be if you didn't want everything on the original disc, but wanted to keep just part of the extras. It does happen that way on occasion. In a case like that, the editing function of Copy2 works. It's not just a one button wonder.

BTW, I don't ever remember posting on DVD X Rescue. I have had the program for a long time, but never have had occasion to use it. It came bundled with XCopy Platinum. Unless you just plan on working with some damaged media, I wouldn't worry about purchasing an app of this sort. After all, the reason we backup movies is to prevent that scenario.

Oh yes, the terms movie and video are not technical terms. Also, I like many use them interchangably. It is usually obvious from the context of the usage. On occasion you even have someone say, "record or backup the DVD". In which case you have DVD replacing movie or video. You even hear some say DVD video or DVD movie. They are all saying the same thing if used in context to mean the same. So, instead of keying on a word or phrase; just try to keep track of what is being said overall.

You'll find after a bit, that there is some jargon (used by those involved in DVD recording) that can mean more than one thing. Take Rip for instance. Rip to the hard drive; as in decrypt and copy to. Then there is rip the file, as in decrypt the movie. As I said, sometimes its the context in which a term is used. Just check out the glossary here at AD.


I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -

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21. August 2004 @ 22:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
haven't tried the 4:3 to 16:9 conversion, but have often been tempted since I try to do all my backups in the widescreen format. This is a very good thing to know it works well. Did it increase time on the project?
It didn't appear to effect the time it took to encode.
I seem to remember someone telling me IC 8 was the way to go, heh heh.
True, but that was before Shrink 3.2 hit the market. Considering that Shrink is free and IC costs (a little) I now think Shrink is the clear winner on the transcoding front.

ps Hope the stroke victim in the family makes a steady recovery. I know from personal experience the battles ahead.

Looking for my old AD
22. August 2004 @ 02:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
lol, brian100

I think you have got a point there as I've lost interest in the quality thing now as you are hard pushed now to find differences worth comparing :)

I did do some bitrate comparisions between DVDShrink and Recode yesterday if anyone is interested. Nice pics to look at and I suppose it just shows that Max Smooth in DVDShrink keeps the original bit rate distribution more like the original than the rest

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22. August 2004 @ 02:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

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