DVD2One vs. DVDShrink
25. July 2004 @ 21:27 |
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DVD Shrink:
Latest version of Shrink is out and can be downloaded from Afterdawn.
This is for all of you who might not have noticed.
HP 7975 Pentium 4W/2.0 XP Home
Maxtor 80 GB and WD 80 GB (used for movies only)
Pioneer 116 DVD ROM,and BenQ 1640 Combo
28. July 2004 @ 11:17 |
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Hello all. Sorry if this has been gone over in a similar post, but I gotta ask for curiosity's sake. I'm also new to the DVD arena.
I've tested DVDShrink, CloneDVD2, and DVD2One. Although more time-consuming, AnyDVD is so convenient! :P
Anyway, ignoring DVDDecrypter in this post, I've gotten more or less comfortable with the 3 packages above. Just wondering though: Which do y'all (or whoever is reading this) think is good for good-quality copies of DVDs? I'm not crazy about extras or menus (although extras are fun for CGI-crazy things; ie: How it was made documentaries). I just want to backup the _main movie title_ (which is ws with dual-ar discs).
Situations for top quality:
First situation: DVD9 to DVD5. Which software title do you think would be best?
Second situation: DVD5 to DVD5. Same question.
Possible third situation: >=120 min title to <120 min dvdr. Same question.
If you don't mind, for convenience sake, msg me a response at asiaminor2k(AT)yahoo(DOT)ca. Or since email notification is turned on, don't bother. :P That would be appreciated, as I'm trying to figure out what I should more or less stick with (consistency if able).
Thanks for any responses.
Suspended permanently
28. July 2004 @ 12:10 |
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Since DVD Shrink 3.2 is readily available here at AD, seems Shrink has chosen everyone as 'special people'. Of the 3 programs noted, for high compression the 3.2 Shrink is probably the winner with the quality options on. Note that makes it more time consuming. Without the quality options and a new editing feature under compression settings, you're basically looking at the same Shrink (still easy to use). 3 good programs and they all have some good attributes. Keep all three and use them for how they work best for you. One of those use it and see how you like it situations.
That solved DVD-9 to 5. The other 2 questions are the same. A normal DVD-5 is 120 min. Any prog you're comfortable with as all you're using is a burner program. No compression, so no encoding engines kick in.
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28. July 2004 @ 13:02 |
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Nice, that settles DVD-9. All the programs I mentioned can transcode and 'shrink' the DVD material (that much I know), but I guess DVDShrink settles it.
If you don't mind, please elaborate on the quality settings/options and compression settings, unless the options/settings are _right there_ that I won't miss them.
That's the problem: All of them are fine with me. Don't like the use-it-and-see-which-works-best-for-you and whatever-you-like-best situations :P
Senior Member
28. July 2004 @ 13:35 |
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Shrink 3.2 was just released. There really isn't enough info from users yet about what the best settings are. Perhaps you could get a few RW discs, do some tests, and post your results for the rest of us?
Also, I upgraded my DVD2One to v1.5. When it comes to high compression situations, I like DVD2One a lot better than the new Shrink. DVD2One also has the "join" feature for 2-disc sets that makes it a very handy piece of s/w to keep around.
I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it. (Pablo Picasso)
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28. July 2004 @ 20:23 |
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You're definitely right on DVD2One being a keeper. I got it pretty much for its ability to join the flippers. Then found it was a pretty good program to use.
It would be nice if someone else could do all the learning for us. Sad to say though, a lot of the learning process is hands on. Setting around and asking questions of what if never gets the job done. There are a lot of good software programs and often it boils down to a matter of personal preference.
Now that Shrink has its own whopping big section there is a wealth of info in one place. Just run a search on quality settings, compression and the like with DVD Shrink and you will find a ton of info already posted. In fact some of it will be mine.
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Senior Member
28. July 2004 @ 20:31 |
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Now that Shrink has its own whopping big section...
brobear ... this really got a loud laugh outta me. I'm still goin' on it.
I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it. (Pablo Picasso)
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29. July 2004 @ 02:26 |
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They are so proud of it, I had to use a superlative. Whopper came easily to mind.
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14. August 2004 @ 13:52 |
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Can you tell me a configuration(setting) of DVDShrink
to get the best quality?
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
14. August 2004 @ 14:09 |
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That depends on the movie's file size, less than 20% use deep analysis and high quality settings (sharper). Over 20% still use deep analysis but under high quality now use the softer settings.
I use DVD Shrink to rip, analyze, and even to compress parts of its extras and menu?s but never as a transcoder. For the final result I use DVDRB/CCE and that's my high quality settings.
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28. September 2004 @ 10:26 |
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even though I don't use it, I tested DVDShrink@47% on Titanic with AEC and Max Smooth setting and I must say I was impressed
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
28. September 2004 @ 10:33 |
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DVD Shrink is truly a commercial grade software. If it wasn't for the fact that it's free, bigo would have bought it.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
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28. September 2004 @ 10:44 |
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28. September 2004 @ 14:29 |
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Uh Oh ... I fear DD heard that. ;) I must admit that Shrink did a good upgrade on this version. DD, is this still supposed to be the last?
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Senior Member
28. September 2004 @ 15:53 |
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Yes, brobear, it is supposed to be the last. :/
But with dvdshrink you never know. ;)
If a new version was ever to be released, I doubt it'd be before next year though.
12. October 2004 @ 09:47 |
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What's up all.. My solution to this is:
1) Open DVD Decrypter
2) select Mode > ISO > Read
3) Select the filename and location you wish to use.
5) open Alcohol or Daemon Tools and mount the ISO you created in step 3
6) open DVDShrink and select your virtual drive (the Drive Letter that you mounted your movie on)
7) remove all extra languages/sub pictures
8) compress the menus with maximum compression
9) compress the extras with maximum compression and remove any extras you do not wish with a still pictures
10) Main Movie should now be 100% compression (BEST QUALITY)
12) depending how you have it set up, I burn with DVD Decrypter on Ritek G04 Discs using Lite-on SOHW-812S.
When playing the movie, the menu's aren't that great in apprearance but the movie looks like it's original.
Hope This Helps..
AMD XP 2500+ (oc'd to 3200)
2 Gig Ram
(2) 250 Gig Maxtor Hard Drives
Lite-on SOHW-812S DVD Burner (12X Firmware Hack)
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14. October 2004 @ 20:15 |
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Appreciate your desire to be helpful, but a guide was not requested. A number of people here are very familiar with the 3.2 version. The use of the emulator is not needed unless one just wants to take that route. Shrink can use ISO files without an emulator. Also, there are better methods of dealing with unwanted files. In Full Disc a person can now create a movie only with menu function, which wasn't possible previously. AD now has a Shrink section in which you can research the program more fully. 3.2 has enough differences that one needs to learn them to properly use the app, even if familiar with the older versions. 3.2 DVD Shrink was a major improvement to Shrink. Much more in the line of differences and it would have been another program.
AfterDawn Addict
15. October 2004 @ 10:08 |
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HEy, hey brobear -
It made me tired just reading it - we can do it without all that work 90% of the time. Just by using our normal editing we wind up with our work at about 100%.
Go figure, huh ?
(Edited because brain wasn't in gear :p)
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Suspended permanently
17. October 2004 @ 07:17 |
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Know what you're saying Pete, using Decrypter to rip for Shrink in any manner is most often a waste of time. They say to use Decrypter when Shrink isn't able to do the rip, however I've yet to need it for that. Creating ISO files and using emulators is sometimes useful; just not in the case of DVDShrink. It's sometimes a study in where best not to use a program.
AfterDawn Addict
17. October 2004 @ 18:53 |
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(Huuummm, wasn't thinking that -)
Quote: They say to use Decrypter when Shrink isn't able to do the rip, however I've yet to need it for that. Creating ISO files and using emulators is sometimes useful; just not in the case of DVDShrink
Actually, I've had to use it upon a few occasions BUT when I do, I rip it in an ISO image mode, forget about the emulators and pick it up with DVD Shrink straight away -
NOTE: The times it truly comes in handy is when DVD Shrink gives me a bit "O" trouble with episodel type DVD's. Ripping in the ISO mode assures that I get everything in its proper order. I've had times when using just DVD Shrink to rip and encode has resulted in just a single episode being burned to disc instead of 4.
But as you say, those times are rare and for the most part, our "hero" DVD Shrink can do it all - a good proggy that no one can argue -
Cheers Buddy,
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18. October 2004 @ 05:47 |
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I find that in most cases when DVD Shrink can't handle a DVD there really is something wrong with the DVD and DECRYPTER will find the problem sometime during the ripping process.
AfterDawn Addict
18. October 2004 @ 12:57 |
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That's so true. It may be only a single file BUT it can be found and eliminated. Some pple are just super lucky and never have a DVD with a problem, God bless, and those pple don't ever have to use Decrypter to rip with. Me, with not a bird in sight, if I think of washing my car, some time within the first 20 minutes I'll have "Bird crap" somewhere on my car, Go Figure ?
When a day like that happens, I DO NOT go to the gambling casinos.
I'm not lucky BUT I'm not stupid either (Lol).
19. October 2004 @ 11:17 |
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Hi everyone;
Cool to at last find a community of people burning dvds on mac.
It took me a while to find a winning combination to be able to copy dvd.
But somehow I feel i might not have the best recipe as yet.
I use Mac the ripper + DVD2One + toast 6.
This "recipe" doesn't allow me to choose from the DVD menu which ingredient i want to get ride of (to minimize to 4,7Go).
Any better recipe ?
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24. October 2004 @ 13:46 |
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Ok I have been Backing up DVD's For Over just over 2 years now. I started on the DVD Decrypter, IFOEdit & VOBedit, & Nero Scene, and have moved onto DVD Decrypter, DVD2One, & Nero 6 Technique. I have used LOTS of media types and get about a 95% perfect Copy (Even on Ritek G04 Media). However some of my movies they skip, stop, pixelate ect. When I was using the old IFOEdit Technique This NEVER happend even with cheap media. I have not changed any hardware so I feel it must be due to DVD2One... I love DVD2One, Picture quality has never been an issue for me just overall disk quality, going back to the old technique is not an option... Any Thoughts?
AMD Athlon 3200 Barton Core
1 Gig Pc333 DDR
Dual Western Digital 120-GIG HD's WD1200JB
Asus DVD-E616P <-Ripper
Asus DVD-RW DRW-0402P <-Burner
P.S. After Dawn Kicks Ass! Everything I know About DVD's I learned here.
AfterDawn Addict
24. October 2004 @ 16:17 |
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Hi projecTOE, Welcome to aD,
Quote: However some of my movies they skip, stop, pixelate ect
What you're describing sounds like a media issue. What brand of media are you using ?
BTW, I'm using DVD2One and agree, it's a super proggy However to date, I haven't experienced any problems with it, much less the problems you are having. :(