PS3 Price announced
15. May 2006 @ 03:30 |
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When can we Preorder i want would like to be one of the first Million?
15. May 2006 @ 04:59 |
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If file sizes don't increase in the near future-
Blu Ray was a total waste of time, money and resources for Sony.
Microsoft will continue releasing games for the 360 as normal.
If file sizes do exceed a DVD in the near future-
Blu Ray was a good investment.
Microsoft will have to use another disc for some games.
Who's taking the bigger risk here?...
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15. May 2006 @ 05:16 |
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lol, i rememeber when they were saying that oblivion was going to be on 4 disks.
15. May 2006 @ 07:11 |
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All the speculation will start up again, and it'll be said GTA4 will be on 10 discs etc. buit that'll be on one disc aswell im sure of it.
15. May 2006 @ 08:28 |
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"they may grow in file size,but it is highly unlikely,exceeding 8.5 gigs,with new compression tools for game developers,WE are looking at this generations games and none thus far have exceeded 6GIGS.
read the link rabbity posted,it makes for interesting reading,but your entitled to your opinion,as the link states,if there is excess amount of space on the disc,this allows for game developers to get sloppy with their graphical work. just believe when your told,not just by me,but by others and the game developers,that a DVD9 is quite sufficent for this generation of consoles,sony are just opting for something that isn't really all that neccassary,in fact in may be sony's undoing in the future."
so we havent exceeded 6 gigs, but we've used at least 5 gigs? Ummm, you do know there is AT LEAST 5 more years of this Console Generation. Already using half of the storage space on a DVD9 seems like really bad news, considering there is 5 more years of it.
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15. May 2006 @ 08:38 |
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but thats the thing over time these games will become more in size, but less in file size as developers will learn new ways of saving space, for example plintercell 2 was smaller than number 1 but there was way more mmpa, better graphics asnd a new online mode on xbox live, so in five years it is most likely that developers wil get more used to the xbox 360.
15. May 2006 @ 12:03 |
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so we havent exceeded 6 gigs, but we've used at least 5 gigs? Ummm, you do know there is AT LEAST 5 more years of this Console Generation. Already using half of the storage space on a DVD9 seems like really bad news, considering there is 5 more years of it.(Quote)
yes we all realise there is another 5 years of the console cycle left ,that is why microsoft opted for staying with the DVD9 formatt,because they devised this compression utility,and most game developers have followed suite.as i stated before,give the developers more room on a disc,will make for sloppy work,when a DVD9 disc is more than sufficient for blockbuster games (if thats what you like to call them)i noticed some mentioning GT4 i think it was,that game was in fact only 5 gigs in size,but not all of it was relly needed for the in play of the game,it was more of a copy protection trial.
15. May 2006 @ 12:13 |
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If file sizes don't increase in the near future-
Blu Ray was a total waste of time, money and resources for Sony.
Microsoft will continue releasing games for the 360 as normal.
If file sizes do exceed a DVD in the near future-
Blu Ray was a good investment.
Microsoft will have to use another disc for some games.
Who's taking the bigger risk here?... (Quote)
i believe Sony is taking the bigger risk...
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15. May 2006 @ 15:04 |
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LOL if you guys do think that a game file sizes not going to grow your crazy.You got PS2 games @ almost 6gigs.Thats a reason 360 games are only @ 720p thats real sad for it to be a next gen console.I think MS is taking the risk.What happen if the games start to grow which they will.MS games will start to be cut down just to fit on a disc.Sony will not have that problem.Sony will have more room and some.
15. May 2006 @ 15:25 |
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LOL if you guys do think that a game file sizes not going to grow your crazy.You got PS2 games @ almost 6gigs.Thats a reason 360 games are only @ 720p thats real sad for it to be a next gen console.I think MS is taking the risk.What happen if the games start to grow which they will.MS games will start to be cut down just to fit on a disc.Sony will not have that problem.Sony will have more room and some(Quote)
you really don't understand it do you?
the biggest game PS2 ever made was GT4 at 5 gigs,and half of that was a trial copy protection system,and the second biggest game from PS2 was god of war,so what probability is there of game developers making twice the size game for the PS3,it isn't going to benefit the PS3,so why Sony adopted to blu-ray is anyones guess,sure microsoft took a punt,but i think they made a right decision in that respect,as game developers can do a lot more with compression.just because you have more space doesn't mean a brass razoo,as stated it leaves the door open for sloppy work,I.E rendering,graphics,video,etc,etc
also if you did your homework,and even owned an xbox 360 you would know the statement that you made of 360 games at 720p your wrong...
i can see sony doing a lot of back pedalling in a year,giving us all the biggest heap of BS you have ever heard
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. May 2006 @ 15:28
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15. May 2006 @ 15:46 |
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when you have experienced developers who know what they are doing they can make a game on a console really small, for example from my link that i posted, doom 3 is nearly half as small as terminator rise of the machines now deamon dash you tell me which game was known for its graphical abbilities, gameplay and other stuff. but then you might say well whenever a new develpoer comes to the xbox 360 he will have problems fitting in the game as he has had no experience, well thats where xna (i think thats it) comes into play, basically its something made my MS to make it extremely easy for devs to make games, it was shown at the gdc show, oh and also on top of that software i just metioned you missed the fact that xbox 360 is much easier to develope on, so when you say "You got PS2 games @ almost 6gigs." well saying that is just stupid b/c everyone knows that sony bashed that thing together, it was extremely hard to develope for, even more than the ps3 will be to develope for, other wise i think it would have had similar graphics as the xbox seeing as it came out a year before. you also said "LOL if you guys do think that a game file sizes not going to grow your crazy." HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THIS, look at my bloody link, it gives you all the facts, and if you really do not understand it then i give up. now let me give you another example whcih is also on the website, The Splinter Cell series went from 3.71 gigs in the first to 3.05 gigs in Pandora's Tomorrow, a reduction of 18% (though it should be noted that Chaos Theory, after switching development houses, ballooned into one of the largest games on the Xbox at 5.62 gigabytes). ok so what does this mean, it shows two things that the second game although better in every way, graphics, larger maps, bigger single player, xbox live enabled, but its smaller than the first, also in the brakkets it says that b/c of the developers of the series changing over, the third installment became much larger, thats what i said before, therefore over time those guys who made chaos theory and made it massive had not much experience in xbox so thats what happened but down the line you might say well if they made another splintercell that it would be even bigger, but they learn from their experiences, the same thing goes for gamesplay ahd graphics over time graphics will improve.
15. May 2006 @ 15:55 |
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@ rabbity...well said,thats the point i was trying to make,but you did it perfectly,now i think it's fair to say, after seeing damondashs posts,he's a Sony Fanboy,and can't admit to other posters solid evidence on these facts and figures for the xbox 360.
15. May 2006 @ 17:32 |
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People, people people.... Every one that wants a PS3 do the line and buy it... its very cheap. I will wait till the price drop and the first batch of defective machine or with bugs come out. I am not interested in buying a machine because of a blu ray drive. When I buy a game console is mostly for playing games. A lot of people here seems that will be buying the PS3 without accesories or games jejeje because the compare thing is only at the cheap $600 jejeje.... PS3 online service free? It sounds to me that the conection to a server will be free to download demos and stuff like that as Live Silver... wait till the debelopers begin to charge for the extra levels and stuff and everyone will see how FREE is the service jejeje... This will be as everyone before the price announcement of the price... Everyone said the machine will be only $400 jejeje
I will keep the $600 for paying two months of the car payment jejeje
Good luck with the P$$hit
15. May 2006 @ 17:55 |
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@ bonbillon *LOL* that has been covered already,but ppl won't accept that statement,iv'e tried to explain,but not to the extent you have.
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15. May 2006 @ 20:01 |
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I'm done with this tread im tired of the Sony haters.Some of you Guys are MS diehard fan boys.I know how big God of War & GT4 is because it took me months to backup both of them games so i know what im talking about.Like i said just about 4 pages ago you guys Bash on Sony but i never hear you say whats so good with the 360.You guys are st8 Haters it dont matter because Sony is the number 1 Game retailer barnone so argue with that.
15. May 2006 @ 20:17 |
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I'm done with this tread im tired of the Sony haters.Some of you Guys are MS diehard fan boys.I know how big God of War & GT4 is because it took me months to backup both of them games so i know what im talking about.Like i said just about 4 pages ago you guys Bash on Sony but i never hear you say whats so good with the 360.You guys are st8 Haters it dont matter because Sony is the number 1 Game retailer barnone so argue with that.(Quote)
well i'm sorry you feel that way,we aren't Sony haters,why,because you will find we HAVE PS2's as well.as for backing up god of war and GT4,you don't know what your talking about,sorry to say,i had them both backed up with in a day...and sony are not #1.....sit back take a few deep breathes and REALLY think about it.
we all have our opinions,majority of us have our facts right,and i damn well know,that if i am ever to be proven wrong,i'll be the first to apoligise.
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15. May 2006 @ 21:48 |
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As of March Sony sold 103 million Ps2 consoles(not to even count PSP)X-box sold 25 million thats both worldwide so ur wrong or you cant handle the truth.
Senior Member
15. May 2006 @ 22:10 |
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15. May 2006 @ 22:34 |
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Great clip the Games are going to be a 360 killer.There is noway any one can say that 360 is on par with this system if you do your blind.
15. May 2006 @ 22:36 |
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As of March Sony sold 103 million Ps2 consoles(not to even count PSP)X-box sold 25 million thats both worldwide so ur wrong or you cant handle the truth(Quote)
i can handle the truth,i didn't even say what you are saying,if thats what the stats say,then thats what they say...simple as that,we are all giving an input here,but you just don't want to accept our input,your just sony,sony,sony,so just admit your one sided,your a sony fan,so what!!,you just don't come into a forum and blast away at people that don't agree with you
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15. May 2006 @ 23:17 |
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"Great clip the Games are going to be a 360 killer.There is noway any one can say that 360 is on par with this system if you do your blind."
well i may be blind, but for someone who can see properly, you sure are stupid. i mean if you go to ign, gamespot, gametrailers, etc. all of these websites will say the same thing that MS had the best looking games at e3, ok so who do i believe someone calling me blind or someone who is totaly unbaised and has played with games on both consoles. ok second thing, xbox 360 is easier to develope for so having that asset means that ps3 may not ever catch up to xbox 360 simply b/c it came out a year before and b/c its harder to develope for. also many developers have said openly that xbox 360 has the slightly better graphics card. so before you come back running at me with, NO SONY'S GRAPHIC CARD IS GUNNA BE WAY BETTER ARE YOU BLIND OR SOMETHING. well find me evidence of someone aprt from you or any other fanboy that ps3 graphics card is better, and i will find you developers interviews saying that xbox 360 card is better.
your just loki9ng at this from a totaly wrong angle, your stil back in e3 2005. i bet you still believe blu ray will help make bigger games and better graphics, hahaha.
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15. May 2006 @ 23:22 |
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"so i know what im talking about"
deamondash you really do not know what you are talking about. when i say somwthing good about the xbox 360 or something bad about the ps3 does not mean i am a xbox 360 fanboy, i mean i will own all three consoles by the end of thid year.
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15. May 2006 @ 23:41 |
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@ Rabbity Please just be quiet because i never seen anyone that has all the answers like you what are you a MS rep??? NO.You alway go some kind of excuse for X-Box. @ Hearldsun : Please go back and read what you wrote because you got shortterm memory.Your the one who put people down i never told anyone in here that they didnt know what they are talking about you did.Plus you said .Sony was not number#1 the numbers i gave you was a fact not a opinion. I would accept your input if it was not so one sided.To switch thing up tell me whats good about the PS3 then since you guys(rabbity & Heraldsun) have nothing but negative views about the PS3?????? .
15. May 2006 @ 23:46 |
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Great clip the Games are going to be a 360 killer.There is noway any one can say that 360 is on par with this system if you do your blind.(Quote)
do you own a xbox 360? have you read the critics reviews?believe it or not,they say the PS3 is on par with the xbox 360,but marginally,(at this stage)i'm neutral,if the PS3 is better,then well done sony.no matter what console it is,it is all marketing ploys,they both can be dodgy in their marketing,but to date microsoft has spoken true to their word,at the moment sony is giving everyone the run around,and i say that in an unbiased way,as i too have a playstation and a PS2,as well as the xbox and xbox 360,among other older consoles.
15. May 2006 @ 23:57 |
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@ Rabbity Please just be quiet because i never seen anyone that has all the answers like you what are you a MS rep??? NO.You alway go some kind of excuse for X-Box. @ Hearldsun : Please go back and read what you wrote because you got shortterm memory.Your the one who put people down i never told anyone in here that they didnt know what they are talking about you did.Plus you said .Sony was not number#1 the numbers i gave you was a fact not a opinion. I would accept your input if it was not so one sided.To switch thing up tell me whats good about the PS3 then since you guys(rabbity & Heraldsun) have nothing but negative views about the PS3?????? . (Quote)
i did not say microsoft was leading,i SAID microsoft was rapidly catching Sony,now didn't i??i have not put any one down,apart from you on one occassion(ahhh damn memory)i think,i just can't be bothered going back.once again i'm not one sided,i also stated that i too will be getting the PS3 for the pure reason of choices that are out there,i'm a consumer,just like you,i just maybe won't be getting it on launch day.
now you want some descent input on the PS3,yes i like the looks of the PS3 but *ahem* it's kinda looking a bit like an xbox 360 with some nice smooth curves,i like the idea of the tilt sensor controller,i like the graphics compared to the now outdated PS2,but it is not quite on par with the xbox 360,BUT,that may well change by launch date,your guess is as good as mine,and like rabbity said,developers HAVE ACTUALLY said that sony's consoles are hard to cater for,but they have managed thus far.anything else?
PS dreamcast sold more than sony's playstation,why they kept going belly up i don't know,but they did,secondly nintendo i think you will find,if resourses were kept up they have surpassed sony,it's the little achievers that have actually out classed the top dogs
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. May 2006 @ 00:01