Avoid dealings with PhixClothing at all costs
6. January 2009 @ 02:56 |
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I hope I am one of these miracle customers after ordering a pair of boots. My order is still "pending" since 26th of December. I'll give them a week or so - perhaps call them if this gets out of hand.
Suspended permanently
6. January 2009 @ 05:26 |
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Most places have only opened up again after the holidays yesterday.. Do you work? Did you get some holidays? I had some a$$hat shouting at me on the phone because a job they booked in on 24th December had not been done by 27th... seeing as there were two statutory public holidays in between.. and I can guarantee the person doing the shouting had been off work I think that's unreasonable too.. don't you?
Most businesses only started back yesterday in the UK.. give them a couple of days eh? You put your order in on a statutory public holiday..
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. January 2009 @ 05:27
6. January 2009 @ 07:23 |
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That's a fair point, and I have some considered it - just seeing all these stories leaves me wondering and that my money has gone through but still "pending". It's probably just paranoia, and I certainly hope so.
6. January 2009 @ 16:15 |
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well, i also ordered my clothes at about 27th December, still pending also... I spent £63.30 on some jeans, a belt and a nice shirt.
S T I L L pending.
Could i possibly get that email adress that the other members recieved?? i am also feeling extremely paranoid about this..
<(**<) <(**)> (>**)>
8. January 2009 @ 01:11 |
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Hi guys.
Sorry for my bad spelling, but I'm not English so you just have to bare with me. :p
I could not help but to notice this thread by goggling "phixclothing" .
Unfortunately i did not find this thread until after i confirmed and order from phixclothing.com.
I have just recently made my order so I really should not be posting this yet, but the thing that worries me is the fact that my order is considerably expensive.
The total amount that I will be spending is about 300£.
I will keep you guys posted on how it goes. I will keep an open mind for this and hope for the best.
This far it seems to be a good site and nice clothes.
Can their be good without evil?
8. January 2009 @ 10:25 |
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dont worry dude got my clothes today, the skinny black jeans are great, although the belt was obviously used and the wrong size :P
although ill just ask for a replacement :P
<(**<) <(**)> (>**)>
14. January 2009 @ 14:55 |
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Iv used vintageunit.co.uk before which sell some of the same stuff for cheaper, I think they are on ebay also but im not sure
3. February 2009 @ 09:01 |
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Made an order on Phixclothing on friday,then I came across this thread.Someone leave a reply if possible,please.I've read the whole 17 pages.Is there nobody satisfied with them?Anyone recieved any order from them recently?Do they even exist,or is there just some guy who copies pictures of clothes from other sites and arranges them nicely onto this hoax website and people just get lured into this trap time after time?
I have made a little digging and it seems that Paypal has even opened a case on them,it just needs testimonies from actual customers that have never recieved the goods.I surely will apply.
3. February 2009 @ 17:50 |
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Originally posted by Eeeoux: Made an order on Phixclothing on friday,then I came across this thread.Someone leave a reply if possible,please.I've read the whole 17 pages.Is there nobody satisfied with them?Anyone recieved any order from them recently?Do they even exist,or is there just some guy who copies pictures of clothes from other sites and arranges them nicely onto this hoax website and people just get lured into this trap time after time?
I have made a little digging and it seems that Paypal has even opened a case on them,it just needs testimonies from actual customers that have never recieved the goods.I surely will apply.
Hi again.
I'm a bit embaressed because I forgot about this thread. Sorry.
I made a pretty big order from phixclothing, and I must say that I was pretty suprised by how fast the clothes where in my hands.
I have to say that I was impressed by their service and patience (I had to wait 5 days for a paypal password in order to pay for the clothes, but still they put my order to side and saved it for me, until I paid. Not something I am used to :p)
So I have to say that you should not worry about buying from them. I don't think that it is more risky than any other online store. Sure there are those who are unlucky and end up being totaly screwed but I don't think that phixclothing.com "screws" with people on purpose.
Besides this page is far to advanced to be a hoax. I think that if someone would put so much time and effort in to setting up a hoax page like this, should realy be spending that time working a real job.. :p they would get a lot of overtime... :p
So I would not recomend avoiding them. And for those of you who have had a bad experiance with this store... I totaly understand you, I myself have been screwed once by another onlinestore.
I for one will buy more clothes from phixclothing.com soon. :)
PS: Sorry for bad spelling and grammer... I'm not english :p
Can their be good without evil?
3. February 2009 @ 18:53 |
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I received my boots yesterday and I loved them, once I was able to contact them they were very helpful via e-mail.
AfterDawn Addict
3. February 2009 @ 18:57 |
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For some reason, I would bet that the folks having problems with that bogus outfit, will think that the two posters, above my response here, are Phixclothing plants. LOL!
Life is good!
GrandpaBruce - Vietnam Vet - 1970 - 1971
Computer: Intel Core i7-920 Nehalim;Asus P6T Deluxe V2
3. February 2009 @ 20:50 |
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More than likely, I can take a picture of the boots - if they would like some proof.
4. February 2009 @ 07:21 |
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to Aurelien7
Sure thig Aurelien,but am I mistaking or have you waited no less then 3 months for them to arrive.So,you would call that good service now?
4. February 2009 @ 09:13 |
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I would say they are average, however my main concern was being scammed. They arrived here, apparently these boots had to be hand made so that caused a delay. And it would be around 1 month, not 3.

4. February 2009 @ 09:23 |
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to Aurelien7
I see...well sorry about my scepticism then.I am really glad for you.Thanks for all the effort,taking the picture and posting it.(You have Morrissey's handwriting)But still that gets me no further on my way to solving the problem with them....Did they answer your e-mails?They aren't answering myne...
Well anyway,thanks again and best regards...
4. February 2009 @ 10:15 |
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Try this e-mail ebay@phixclothing.com , best of luck.
11. April 2009 @ 08:50 |
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Hi guys,
Didn't want to open a new thread because I found this one. I bought some stuff off phix on Thursday and then found this thread. My order status is still pending today and the money has been confirmed into their bank account (what a coincidence!) so I'm assuming they haven't changed their ways. I've sent them about 3 or 4 emails now asking them to cancel my order and refund my money to no reply. Anyone got any ideas on what to do?
24. April 2009 @ 08:04 |
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thank goodness I found this page before ordering from phix!I wanted a criminal damage shirt but won't be ordering from them now. I decided to go straight to criminal damage's shop in Camden and found really friendly staff and a good selection of shirts much cheaper than phix.highly recommended!I realize this doesn't help international buyers..unless you're planning a london trip..but for uk buyers..go to camden! deejayb17
deejay b17
24. April 2009 @ 15:49 |
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does criminal damage have a web site & if so then can you post it here?
25. April 2009 @ 06:03 |
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yes...criminal damage have everything online..tho it's a little more expensive than buying in person!find them at www.criminaldamage.co.uk I've not dealt with them online but if they are as helpfull as their shop staff I'm sure it'll be great.deejay
deejay b17
Suspended permanently
25. April 2009 @ 18:26 |
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It strikes me that phix only seem to get major problems when there are holidays .. maybe they use temp or part time staff to cover those times and things go wrong when the boss isn't around.
Whatever it is they do seem to have improved their service somewhat.. still a ways to go though I think XD
Account closed as per user's own request
28. April 2009 @ 08:39 |
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Oh God, why didn't I read this before I ordered? I have ordered a jacket and it hasn't showed up yet and I'm so frustrated. What's wrong with those people? Could you please give me Carolines e-mail address? That would be very helpful:)
Suspended permanently
28. April 2009 @ 11:04 |
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It must have been posted at least 20 times in this thread.. along with lots of other contact details.
Why are you panicking??.. just because a few people have had a problem I don't think that it in any way reflects phix and their service as a whole... fair enough some things go astray, but if you know the uk and worldwide mail service you really would not be so surprised... my record of successful mail deliveries to Australia so far is 50%
some more details.. like how late your order is.. you can stop all online payments too.. easily.
Suspended permanently
28. April 2009 @ 21:34 |
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Originally posted by varnull: ...... but if you know the uk and worldwide mail service you really would not be so surprised... my record of successful mail deliveries to Australia so far is 50%
Wonder what the heck happened there? Should we blame Australia post (bless their inefficient little hearts) yet again, or perhaps there was another reason? An intercepting wombat?.. you know...thick as a brick, and cant see for shite.
Ooopps...I just described an Aus post employee! *slaps wrist*... hahahahaha
Senior Member
28. April 2009 @ 22:19 |
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take more than a shitty postal service to justify these jokers track record.ive been following this thread since the beginning and if it aint changed by now chances are it aint gonna change.